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User:Moydow/Felicia (Discord bot)

From Fire Emblem Wiki, your source on Fire Emblem information. By fans, for fans.

Felicia is one of the very best maids in the Kingdom of... no, wait, that's not it. Sorry.

Felicia is a Discord bot that helps out in the Fire Emblem Wiki's Discord server. She can carry out lots of Fire Emblem-related tasks: look up characters' data, calculate true hit percentages, do a mock Heroes summon, and more! She can do a few other common bot functions as well, like flip a coin, or search Google for you.

She's still quite clumsy, though, and prone to flubbing jobs, so please don't get too mad at her! If you spot her messing up her tasks, please report it on this page, or send a message using the "feedback" command.

If you want Felicia to join your server, use this link. Once Felicia has joined your server, you can optionally enable logging services, by using the command f!config logchannel <log type> in whichever channel you want the logs to be stored in. See the server configuration section for details.

Occasionally, Felicia may message your server to inform you of events such as potential downtime, new features, and so on. By default, these announcement messages will be sent to your server's system channel (the channel where Discord posts automated "new member" messages). If your server doesn't have a system channel, or if Felicia can't post there, Felicia will instead post to the first channel in the server where @everyone can both read and send messages; if such a channel doesn't exist, your server won't receive announcement messages.


Note that all of Felicia's commands are prefaced with f! (this can be changed), or by mentioning her: @Felicia. She won't respond to you if you don't call her into action. Commands are case-sensitive.

Required parameters are in bold, optional parameters are (bracketed).

Basic commands

Command Parameters Purpose Example
help None or (Command) Posts a link to this page.
If given the name of a command, outputs information on it.
info None Posts information about the bot and the current server. f!info
feedback Feedback message Send a feedback message to the bot developer. f!feedback Make Felicia less clumsy
dice (Times to roll), (sides)
(uses dice notation: <times>d<sides>)
Rolls a dice.
Defaults to 1d6 if no parameters are given.
f!dice 5
f!dice 7d20
avatar User's name Posts the URL to a given member's avatar. The username is case-sensitive.
The given username can be either a @mention, Discord tag (e.g. Felicia#8377), or a username/display name. Mentions and tags will return the most accurate result, while just giving a name will return the first person in the server Felicia finds with that name.
f!avatar @Felicia
f!avatar Felicia#8377
f!avatar Felicia
choose Comma-separated list of items Picks one random item from the given list. Items in the list must be separated by commas. f!choose Marth, Roy, Ike, Lucina, Robin, Corrin
coin (Times to flip) Flips a coin a given number of times. If no parameters are given, flips it once. f!coin
f!coin 5
color (Colour hex code) Posts a sample image of a given colour. If no colour is entered, produces a random colour. f!colour #e6c8b4
friendcard Username Displays a friend card for a given user, which may list their Nintendo Network ID, 3DS/Switch friend codes, Heroes ID, or Fates castle ID. Will only work if the given user has registered their details first using "friendcard set". f!friendcard @Felicia
friendcard set Service, friend code/ID Set an ID/friend code for the specified service. Services include 3DS, Switch, FEH (Fire Emblem Heroes), Fates (Fates My Castle), and NNID (Nintendo Network ID).
For Fates, you must also specify your game's region: PAL, NA, JPN, KOR.
You can also specify what colour will appear on your friend card, by entering "colour" as the service, and a valid hex code.
f!friendcard set 3ds 1234-5678-9012
f!friendcard set switch SW-1234-5678-9012
f!friendcard set feh 1234567890
f!friendcard set fates 12345-67890-12345-67890 pal
f!friendcard set nnid ClumsyMaid
f!friendcard set colour #9b59b6
friendcard remove Service Remove the specified detail from your friend card. Services include 3DS, Switch, FEH (Fire Emblem Heroes), Fates (Fates My Castle), and NNID (Nintendo Network ID). f!friendcard remove 3ds
f!friendcard remove switch
f!friendcard remove feh
f!friendcard remove fates
f!friendcard remove nnid
f!friendcard remove colour

Fire Emblem

Command Parameters Purpose Example
heroes None Outputs current real-time info about current events in Heroes, including current banners, Arena season info, and Hero Battles.
Use heroes calendar to view the most recent event calendar.
f!heroes calendar
summon (Banner name)
Uses the most recent banner if no parameter is entered
Simulates a Heroes summoning. Doesn't cost orbs! But you don't get to keep the characters you summon. To summon a specific colour ("colour sniping"), enter that colour before the banner name (currently only supports one colour).
After all heroes in a session have been summoned, you can choose to continue the current summoning session by responding "yes" or "no" when prompted. If you continue, your current total orbs spent and appearance rates will carry over; they don't carry over if you enter the command again.
Prints out the list of available banners and focus heroes.
f!summon World of Radiance
f!summon colourless Celica's Army
f!summon banners
herostats Hero name Outputs initial and level 40 stats, at all available rarities, for a playable Hero in Fire Emblem Heroes.
If you can't find the Hero you're looking for, try entering their name and title, e.g. "Felicia: Maid Mayhem".
To specify a specific boon and bane, use the format +boon -bane. To specify a number of merges, include them with a + symbol, e.g. +7.
f!herostats Azama
f!herostats Tiki (Adult)
f!herostats Azura (Performing Arts)
f!herostats Morgan: Lass from Afar
f!herostats Leon +5 +atk -res
herostats compare Comma-separated list of heroes Compare Fire Emblem Heroes character stats, up to five characters at a time. f!herostats compare Marth, Seliph, Chrom: Exalted Prince, Lucina (Brave Heroes), Sigurd
heroskill Skill name, (tier) Outputs data for a skill in Fire Emblem Heroes, including required SP and heroes with the skill. f!heroskill Tyrfing
f!heroskill Close Defense
f!heroskill Phantom Spd 2
truehit Hit rate, as shown in game (For FE6-13 only) Calculates the true hit rate of a given displayed hit rate. f!truehit 56%
truehit14 Hit rate, as shown in game (For FE14 only) Calculates the true hit rate of a given displayed hit rate.
Note that for hit rates below 50%, the game only uses one RN; thus, the displayed hit rate is the true hit rate. So you don't need to use this tool for those.
f!truehit14 82%
rng (Number of times to roll), (range)
(uses dice notation, like f!dice)
Rolls the RNG a specified number of times, and prints the results.
Rolls 1d100 if no parameters are given.
f!rng 8
f!rng 9d200
affinity Game (abbreviated), Affinity 1, Affinity 2 Calculates the support bonuses gained from a specific pair of affinities. The game parameter accepts abbreviations only: "gba" for the three GBA games, or "feX" (replace X with the game's number). f!affinity FE9 Earth Heaven
warriors Character name, (level), (promoted?) Outputs stats for a character in Fire Emblem Warriors, at a given level.
For promoted state, enter "true", "yes", "promoted", to include promoted stats, or "false", "no", "unpromoted" to calculate stats for their base class.
If no level is entered, it assumes level 130 (the current level cap). If no promotion status is entered, assumes the character is promoted.
f!warriors Marth
f!warriors Chrom 75
f!warriors Caeda 82 no

Fire Emblem Wiki

Command Parameters Purpose Example
randompage None Posts a random page from the wiki. f!randompage
randomimage None Posts a random image from the wiki. f!randomimage
recentchanges (Number of changes to post; defaults to 5) Posts the wiki's recent changes (up to 20). f!recentchanges 15


Command Parameters Purpose Example
search Site, search terms Returns a search link for the given site and search terms. Valid sites are all those listed below. f!search google Marth
google Search terms Returns a link to a Google search for the given search terms. f!google fire emblem
• fewiki
• fireemblem
Search terms Returns a link to a Fire Emblem Wiki search for the given search terms. f!fewiki Ragnell
wikipedia Search terms Returns a link to a Wikipedia search for the given search terms. f!wikipedia fire
<NIWA Wikis> Search terms Returns a link to a search for the given search terms on the chosen site.
Command(s) Wiki
• armswiki
• armsinstitute
ARMS Institute
bulbapedia Bulbapedia
• dkwiki
• donkeykong
Donkey Kong Wiki
• dqwiki
• dragonquest
Dragon Quest Wiki
fzerowiki F-Zero Wiki
• goldensun
• goldensunwiki
Golden Sun Universe
• harddrop
• tetriswiki
Hard Drop Tetris Wiki
• icaruspedia
• kidicaruswiki
• inkipedia
• splatoonwiki
• lylatwiki
• starfoxwiki
Lylat Wiki
Command(s) Wiki
mariowiki Super Mario Wiki
metroidwiki Metroid Wiki
• nwiki
• nintendowiki
nookipedia Nookipedia
• pikipedia
• pikminwiki
pikminfanon Pikmin Fanon Wiki
• smashwiki
• ssbwiki
starfywiki Starfy Wiki
strategywiki StrategyWiki
warswiki Wars Wiki
wikibound WikiBound
wikirby WiKirby
zeldawiki Zelda Wiki
f!bulbapedia Mawile
translate (source>destination), Text to translate Translates the given text using Google Translate.
To specify a source and/or destination language, you must enter the codes for the language in the form source>destination (must include the character ">", and no space between the codes - see the given examples). To view a list of valid codes and supported languages, enter the command f!translate languages, or see this page.
If source and destination languages are not entered, it will try to guess the source language, and translate to English.

Limited to one use per user every 90 seconds.
f!translate en>ja Marth
f!translate ja> シグルド*
f!translate >ja Felicia*
f!translate ファイアーエムブレム*


These trigger automatically when the command appears anywhere within a message, and don't need the command prefix.

Command Parameters Purpose Example
[[Wikilink]] Page title Returns a link to the specified article on Fire Emblem Wiki.
This is disabled on most servers by default, and can optionally be enabled on request.

Server moderation

In order to give warnings, or retrieve a list of current warnings, you must be in a role which has been approved to give warnings (see the "warn role" command).

Command Parameters Purpose Example
warn User name, reason Sends a warning to a user, and logs it on the server.
The given username can be either a @mention, Discord tag (e.g. Felicia#8377), or a username/display name. Mentions and tags will return the most accurate result, while just giving a name will return the first person in the server Felicia finds with that name.
If a username contains a space, it must be enclosed in "quotation marks", else the command will fail.
f!warn @Felicia Being too clumsy
f!warn Felicia#8377 Being too clumsy
f!warn Felicia Being too clumsy
warn list (User name) Returns a list of warnings a given user has received.
The given username can be either a @mention, Discord tag (e.g. Felicia#8377), or a username/display name. Mentions and tags will return the most accurate result, while just giving a name will return the first person in the server Felicia finds with that name.
If no parameters are entered, prints a list of all members on the server with at least one warning.
f!warn list @Felicia
f!warn list Felicia#8377
f!warn list Felicia
warn remove User name, warning ID or all Removes a given warning from a user. The warning ID can be found via "f!warn list". Passing "all" as the warning ID will delete all warnings a user has received.
The given username can be either a @mention, Discord tag (e.g. Felicia#8377), or a username/display name. Mentions and tags will return the most accurate result, while just giving a name will return the first person in the server Felicia finds with that name.
If a username contains a space, it must be enclosed in "quotation marks", else the command will fail.
f!warn remove @Felicia 2
f!warn remove Felicia#8377 all
mute User name, reason Mutes a user (leaving them unable to post or speak in voice channels), and logs it on the server. A mute role must exist and be defined on the server for this to work.
The given username can be either a @mention, Discord tag (e.g. Felicia#8377), or a username/display name. Mentions and tags will return the most accurate result, while just giving a name will return the first person in the server Felicia finds with that name.
If a username contains a space, it must be enclosed in "quotation marks", else the command will fail.
f!mute @Felicia Being too noisy
f!mute Felicia#8377 Being too noisy
f!mute Felicia Being too noisy
mute list None Returns a list of all members of this server who are currently muted. f!mute list
mute remove User name Unmutes a user.
The given username can be either a @mention, Discord tag (e.g. Felicia#8377), or a username/display name. Mentions and tags will return the most accurate result, while just giving a name will return the first person in the server Felicia finds with that name.
f!mute remove Felicia#8377

Server administration

Command Parameters Purpose Example
listroles None Lists all roles on the server, alongside their unique IDs.
Requires the Manage Roles permission.
warn role (Role name/ID/mention) Adds or removes the ability to give warnings to a given role. If the given role currently has the ability to give warnings, it will be removed; otherwise, it will be added. If no parameter is given, outputs the list of roles that can currently give warnings.
The given role can be either a @mention, its unique ID (which may be found by running f!listroles), or its name. Mentions and IDs will return the most accurate result, while just giving a name will return the first role in the server Felicia finds with that name.
Requires the Manage Roles permission. To add/remove a role's ability to give warnings, it must be below your highest role in the role hierarchy.
f!warn role
f!warn role maids
mute role (Role name/ID/mention) Defines the given role as the server's "muted" role. Users in this role will be unable to post in text channels, or to speak in voice channels. If no parameter is given, outputs the ID of the current "muted" role.
The given role can be either a @mention, its unique ID (which may be found by running f!listroles), or its name. Mentions and IDs will return the most accurate result, while just giving a name will return the first role in the server Felicia finds with that name.
Requires the Manage Roles permission. To set a role as the muted role, it must be below your highest role in the role hierarchy.
f!mute role
f!mute role @ninja

Server configuration

These commands require the Manage Server permission.

Command Parameters Purpose Example
config (Setting name) Change a given setting on this server (the setting names are those listed below). If no parameter is given, prints the current server configuration.
Requires the Manage Server permission.
logchannel Log type Sets the channel where this is posted as the channel to which Felicia will post logs, such as edited/deleted messages, and members who have joined or left the server.
The log types are:
  • user: Logs details of members joining or leaving the server.
  • msg: Logs edited and deleted messages.
  • admin: Logs administrative information, such as issuing of warnings.
f!config logchannel user
f!config logchannel msg
f!config logchannel admin
prefix (New command prefix) Changes the command prefix in use on this server. If no parameter is given, outputs the current command prefix instead.
The following conditions apply to command prefixes:
  • Prefixes may not contain these characters: * _ ` ' \ ~ - [ ] /
  • Prefixes must contain at least one of these characters: ! £ $ € % ^ & = + : ; @ , . < > ? #
  • Prefixes may not be more than five characters long.
f!config prefix f!
disable (Command to disable) Disables a given command on this server. If no parameter is given, outputs the current list of disabled commands. f!config disable ping
enable (Command to enable) Re-enables a previously disabled command on this server. If no parameter is given, outputs the current list of disabled commands. f!config enable ping
gauntletchannel Channel name Set the given channel as the channel to which Felicia can post hourly updates on an ongoing Voting Gauntlet event. Enter "off" as the channel name to disable this.
Requires the Manage Channels permission.
f!config gauntletchannel #gauntlet
