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< Panette
Revision as of 01:18, 6 April 2024 by Xamad (talk | contribs) (→‎Pandreo: Formatting)

{stub}} This page contains all data pertaining to Panette's supports in Fire Emblem Engage.


Small portrait panette fe17.png
Support information: Small portrait alear m fe17.png
5 support points
20 support points
35 support points
Pact Ring:
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Small portrait panette fe17.png
Support information: Small portrait etie fe17.png
5 support points
10 support points
20 support points
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Small portrait panette fe17.png
Support information: Small portrait boucheron fe17.png
5 support points
10 support points
20 support points
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Small portrait panette fe17.png
Support information: Small portrait boucheron fe17.png
5 support points
10 support points
25 support points
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Small portrait panette fe17.png
Support information: Small portrait amber fe17.png
5 support points
10 support points
20 support points
Pact Ring:
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C support

Amber: Ugh, I have to check that place out, but it's too dangerous to go by myself...
Panette: Pardon me, but I couldn't help overhearing... Are you planning a trip somewhere?
Amber: Listen to this, Panette. There are rumors about a nearby forest that hides an old mansion...
Panette: Oh? I have never heard of this place.
Amber: Me neither! I just learned about it. According to local legends, a famous knight lived there. He was a brave and noble warrior who fought as if he would never die...right up until he died. The very next day, people say the knight's spirit could be seen wandering inside the mansion...
Panette: How extraordinary!
Amber: Poor guy doesn't know he died! Now he roams his own halls as a shadow of his former self.
Panette: Would that not make him...a ghost?
Amber: Oh, huh... Well, if you want to get all technical about it, then sure.
Panette: Why, I should like to see this place for myself! I adore ghosts.
Amber: You do?! Great! Let's check it out together. That'll be way, way easier than checking it out all by myself. Even Prince Diamant turned me down─and he's not afraid of anything!
Panette: Then pray bring me along. I can think of nothing that would make me happier.
Amber: Yes! That settles it. Just don't blame me if you get scared out of your big, pointy boots!

B support

Amber: We made it! We've arrived at the mansion. Ah...I'm trembling. My heart is pounding. I've got goosebumps!
Panette: Hmm... Nary a ghost in sight... Let us keep going and explore further.
Amber: Whoa, whoa! Slow down. You don't want to rush this. The ghost could be hiding anywhere...
Panette: Oh, really? Like where?
Amber: Mwa ha haaa... Why, the ghost could even be...right HEEERE!
Panette: Hm? Are you certain? I see nothing.
Amber: Uh... Oh, never mind. I was just trying to play a little trick on you, Panette. You didn't even flinch! You must have nerves of pure steel. Anyway, maybe this place isn't haunted after all.
Panette: Hmm?
Amber: I'm happy the mansion part of the rumors held up, but...a wandering ghost? I just don't see it.
Panette: It is here...
Amber: Aw, Panette! That's the spirit. Normally I'd be holding out hope too, but...
Panette: No, Amber. It is here.
Amber: Oh! I get you. I guess every house does have its own ghost, in a poetic way. That's really─
Panette: That is not what I meant. It is HERE! As in...THERE! Look!
Amber: Do what now? Whoa... Whoa. WHOA!

A support

Amber: Hey, Panette. I won't tell anyone about that "haunted mansion" incident if you don't... The rumors didn't say anything about a second, perfectly normal mansion being out there!
Panette: Yes...and they were not exactly pleased to have company. How mortifying.
Amber: I wish that was all. I thought that stuffy guy was the legendary knight! I shook his hand... I already told Prince Diamant. He laughed until he cried. Called me "the legendary knucklehead."
Panette: The legendary knucklehead, you say... Hahaha! That's not bad!
Amber: Oh, fine. Laugh it up. I should really learn to keep my big mouth shut... I'm really sorry I dragged you into that mess.
Panette: Think nothing of it. I had a rather good time.
Amber: You did? Even though we didn't see a ghost?
Panette: Yes, well, that was unfortunate. I have a number of interests that other people find strange. Ghosts, for example. You are much the same in that respect. Some might consider you an odd duck, but... I like odd ducks!
Amber: Huh. That doesn't FEEL like a compliment...
Panette: Why, of course it is!
Amber: Oh! Well, great! I was worried you regretted it, because...I was really glad you went with me, Panette. I don't know many people who enjoy chasing rumors and legends and stuff. If you ever need an adventure buddy to check out a legend of your own, just say the word.
Panette: I know a legendary spot we can go to.
Amber: You do? Where?!
Panette: A restaurant with very, very spicy food.
Amber: Uh, is the food enchanted? Or was it built on an ancient burial ground? Or...
Panette: They have a dish called the Tongue Melter... It's so hot, no one has ever finished an entire bowl!
Amber: Ooh, it's that kind of legend. Well, a legend is a legend. Count me in─and I'll foot the bill! Least I can do.
Panette: Huzzah!


Small portrait panette fe17.png
Support information: Small portrait ivy fe17.png
5 support points
10 support points
20 support points
Pact Ring:
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Small portrait panette fe17.png
Support information: Small portrait pandreo fe17.png
5 support points
10 support points
20 support points
Pact Ring:
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C support

Panette: Hello Pandreo. Have you a moment to spare?
Pandreo: Of course! I always have time for my sister. But first you've gotta tone down the formality.
Panette: Ah, all right. You see, there's something I’ve been meaning to ask you.
Pandreo: Nope, nope. You're still speaking in that highfalutin way.
Panette: You don't really expect me to—
Pandreo: Yes, I do. I know you make an effort to sound fancy, but come on. It's only me here. You can drop the silver spoon act around your own brother.
Panette: ... Fine. Why are you working for the church?
Pandreo: That's what you wanted to know, huh?
Panette: Dad was a drunk. Mom was a corrupt priest who couldn't be bothered to look after her kids. They were lousy parents. So why would you wanna follow in their footsteps—serve their church?
Pandreo: I told you what happened after you left, right? They disappeared.
Panette: Yeah. So?
Pandreo: Well, the church's followers needed someone to guide them. That's why I stepped in.
Panette: Hmph. So that's what it was.
Pandreo: I know it's been a while, but if you'd like to come pray with us, you're always welcome.
Panette: No. I think I'll pass. I'm done with our parents, and I'm done with their church. I'd sooner drop dead than set foot in that place again.
Pandreo: Fair enough.

B support

Panette: How come you've never told me off for running away from home?
Pandreo: Why would I? I was glad you got out when you did.
Panette: Huh, I always imagined you'd hold a grudge against me for flying the coop.
Pandreo: Nah. I just wasn't brave enough to do likewise. Wasn't sure I could make it alone. Meanwhile, look at you. A retainer! You struck out on your own and made a life for yourself. I’ll bet those parents of ours would be glad to see how you're doing.
Panette: I doubt it. They probably don't care about me one way or another.
Pandreo: ... Listen. I probably shouldn't tell you this, but I'm not one to keep secrets. Mom and Dad tried to find you.
Panette: What?! Wolfdung... There’s no way.
Pandreo: I was surprised too. Maybe they were just concerned about...keeping up appearances. Hard to say. At any rate, that's the truth. I figured you she know.
Panette: ... What am I supposed to do with that?

A support

Pandreo: ...
Panette: Hey, brother. You praying?
Pandreo: Yes. I'm glad to see you showing your face here.
Panette: I've got so many bad memories of this place that I really didn't want to. But this isn't our parents' church anymore. It's yours. So I figured it might be all right to stop by—just for a few minutes.
Pandreo: Well, it's great to have you.
Panette: Yeah. So, um... Guess I'll pray real quick. ... I prayed for peace. And while I was at it...I prayed that our parents are OK. Wherever they are.
Pandreo: Good for you, Panette.
Panette: What do you think they're doing right now?
Pandreo: No idea. To be honest, I have a feeling they're dead. But who knows? Maybe we'll find them someday, just like you and I found each other.
Panette: Now that we're adults and we have a little distance from...everything that happened... I'd like to think we could sit down and have an honest-to-goodness conversation.
Pandreo: That would be nice. I think they'd be proud of us. Of you, especially.
Panette: ...
Pandreo: Panette, listen. I need you to survive this war. I... I can't bear to lose any more of my family.
Panette: Duh. I'm not gonna go dying on you. In fact, I'll do you one better. I'll save your priestly hide too.
Pandreo: Haha, glad to hear it. With the fearsome Panette protecting me, I know I'll be all right.
Panette: You know it! You and me, we're gonna survive this thing together.


Small portrait panette fe17.png
Support information: Small portrait timerra fe17.png
5 support points
10 support points
20 support points
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Small portrait panette fe17.png
Support information: Small portrait merrin fe17.png
5 support points
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20 support points
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Small portrait panette fe17.png
Support information: Small portrait goldmary fe17.png
5 support points
10 support points
20 support points
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Small portrait panette fe17.png
Support information: Small portrait saphir fe17.png
3 support points
6 support points
12 support points
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