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This page contains all data pertaining to Bunet's supports in Fire Emblem Engage.


Small portrait bunet fe17.png
Support information: Small portrait alear m fe17.png
5 support points
20 support points
35 support points
Pact Ring:
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Small portrait bunet fe17.png
Support information: Small portrait alfred fe17.png
5 support points
10 support points
20 support points
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Small portrait bunet fe17.png
Support information: Small portrait jade fe17.png
5 support points
10 support points
20 support points
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C support

Bunet: Jade? WHat are you doing?
Jade: Practicing mindfulness.
Bunet: Ah… I heard a rumor that you deal with stress by meditating in your armor. Seems it was true.
Jade: Did you need help with something?
Bunet: It's just that you look so appetizing.
Jade: Excuse me?
Bunet: Your armor-clad stillness—it calls to mind one of my favorite dishes. You take a crabshell, stuff it with vegetables, meats, and rice, and stew it for three days. Oh… I'm getting hungry.
Jade: You're making it difficult to meditate, Bunet.
Bunet: Aw, I can almost taste them… Those hearty bites of sumptuous stuffed crab…
Jade: Please go away, Bunet.
Bunet: Oh, I was bothering you? Farewell, then.
Jade: … Now I'm getting hungry.

B support

Bunet: Good news, Jade. I am going to treat you to that stuffed crab stew we discussed.
Jade: I don't recall any such discussion.
Bunet: "Jade's Repose." That would be a good name for it, don't you think?
Jade: Oh. Right. I remember now. You kept talking at me while I meditated inside my armor. Then you compared me to seafood. It involved something like…cramming different ingredients into crab shells.
Bunet: Yes, yes. Anyway, that armor of yours… May I have a lick?
Jade: This conversation is over.
Bunet: Your armor may prove to be an interesting substitute for a crab shell. So much room… At what heat does one stew metal, I wonder?
Jade: You're not getting anywhere near my armor. You're also…very obviously not listening to me.
Bunet: Come again? Oh, yes. Sorry.
Jade: I will admit, this chat is making me very hungry. Are you going to cook that stew or not?
Bunet: Yes, of course. Nothing is finer than sharing a meal with a friend.
Jade: Yes, as long as that's all this arrangement is—a friend sampling the cooking of another friend.
Bunet: Good. Then I will get cooking. Be first, just a quick taste of that armor…
Jade: No!

A support

Jade: Bunet, do you have a spare moment?
Bunet: Ah, Jade. I do. Is that a flower I smell?
Jade: I wanted to thank you for cooking that delicious meal the other day. This flower is for you.
Bunet: For me? I'm touched. Would you be offended if I took a little nibble from one of the petals?
Jade: You want to know what flowers from a friend taste like, right?
Bunet: I didn't realize you had taken up mind reading.
Jade: I've experienced enough of your habits to detect a pattern.
Bunet: I see. Well, understanding cuts both ways. Here. Look.
Jade: Wow. This food looks amazing. Why did you prepare all of this?
Bunet: I anticipated that you might come thank me. In preparation, I went ahead and made this modest feast for you.
Jade: Thank you, Bunet. Is this our dynamic now? Thanking each other back and forth through polite gestures?
Bunet: Strong friendships have been built on less.
Jade: I suppose it does offer a reliable framework…with defined boundaries.
Bunet: Agreed. Now that that's settled, I'll just…
Jade: Touch my armor and you're a dead man.
Bunet: Heh. Fair enough.</onlyinlcude>


Small portrait jade fe17.png
Support information: Small portrait jean fe17.png
5 support points
10 support points
25 support points
Pact Ring:
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C support

Jade: Hello, Jean.
Jean: Ah! Jade?!
Jade: Sorry, did I startle you? You look so scared…
Jean: Not at all! My heart is beating the normal amount.
Jade: Hmm…
Jean: So, if you don't need me for anything, I'll just be going now.
Jade: You are scared. Is it me?Am I frightening you somehow? I'm not trying to be scary…
Jean: …I'm not scared. Really. I just…have a hard time around you.
Jade: Around…me?
Jean: Um, yes. Monsters I can deal with. Cramped spaces, the dark, bugs, wild animals─ none of that stuff is scary to me. You…on the other hand…
Jade: What are you getting at, Jean?
Jean: People like you… It's hard for me to… I'm sorry!
Jade: There he goes. I wonder what he meant by "people like you"…

B support

Jean: Jade…I'm really sorry about before.
Jade: For saying that it's hard to be near me? Don't worry, Jean. No apology necessary, but I would like an explanation. Why do you have a hard time around "people like me"? What does that mean?
Jean: Well…People say that…you're cold─almost inhuman─ on the battlefield.
Jade: I suppose that's not…always untrue.
Jean: Then is it true that you never hesitate to rush right into battle?
Jade: Ah. Guilty as charged. Thank you. That's all I needed to hear. I understand now.
Jean: You do?
Jade: You were living a relatively peaceful life until you joined our ranks, right? I can see why soldiers with bloody pasts and bloodier weapons might make you anxious.
Jean: U-um, wait, no. That's─ That's not what I…
Jade: It's OK, Jean. I'm not judging you.
Jade: I really do understand. I'll give you some space… Sorry again for causing discomfort.
Jean: Jade, wait!

A support

Jean: Jade!
Jade: Yes, Jean?
Jean: You had it all wrong! I'm not scared of you!
Jade: But you said it was hard to be around me…
Jean: I did, but I wasn't finished…I know that the reason you rush into battle isn't because you're bloodthirsty. It's to protect us. But either way, it always puts you on the front lines. So when it's over, you come home hurt worse than anyone else. Am I right?
Jade: Oh…
Jean: I worry about you. I get so worried sometimes I can hardly stand it.
Jade: Oh, Jean…
Jean: People who throw themselves into combat like you don't tend to live very long. That's what makes you hard to be around─the idea that one day you might not be there…
Jean: But…I think I've gotten over that. However injured you get, I can always heal you. You fight so hard to protect me, so I should do my part to keep you alive too.
Jade: That's very noble of you.
Jean: I'm really sorry for the way I acted before. From now on…
Jade: From now on, we'll fight side by side…as allies and friends.
Jean: Yes. That's exactly right, Jade.
Jean: I'm really glad we've got that straightened out.


Small portrait bunet fe17.png
Support information: Small portrait kagetsu fe17.png
5 support points
10 support points
20 support points
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Small portrait bunet fe17.png
Support information: Small portrait fogado fe17.png
5 support points
10 support points
20 support points
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Small portrait bunet fe17.png
Support information: Small portrait pandreo fe17.png
5 support points
10 support points
20 support points
Pact Ring:
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C support

Bunet: Ah, what a delicious aroma. It smells so fresh and
Pandreo: Yeah, I love the smell of fresh-cut grass! Phew! Looks like that's the last of the weeds in the Somniel. Which means we're done with our Sentinel duties for the day.
Bunet: Does weeding really count as Sentinel duty?
Pandreo: Sure, why not? If we do it, that's what it is! Bandits may not come around here, but the Somniel still needs protecting.
Bunet: Hm, yes. We have to defend it from the merciless onslaught of...weeds.
Pandreo: Oh, Bunet, old pal. Don't forget I'm counting on you to make food for the party.
Bunet: Leave it to me. As always, I will prepare a flawless banquet.
Pandreo: That’s what I like to hear. You're a man among men, you know that?
Bunet: Think nothing of it. I am glad for any chance to hone my culinary skills.
Pandreo: Oh, that reminds me. I heard there's gonna be a famous food critic there.
Bunet: Really?!
Pandreo: Yeah! It might be a good chance to show her what you can do.
Bunet: Interesting... In that case, I will prepare an innovative new dish for the occasion. Something that is sure to set the food critic's eyes alight. Be sure to watch for her reaction.
Pandreo: Why don't you come see it for yourself?
Bunet: I dislike parties. Too noisy, I find. Like a dish with many strong flavors all at once.
Pandreo: Ah, too bad. I guess that's the price you pay for those acute senses of yours.
Bunet: Just report back to me afterwards. That is all I ask.
Pandreo: You got it, good buddy! Can't wait to taste what grub you whip up!

B support

Bunet: Pandreo, how was the party? Did the critic appreciate my cooking?
Pandreo: Oh, uh, yeah. She was very impressed, but...
Bunet: But?
Pandreo: Well, to be honest, it wasn't that popular with anyone else.
Bunet: What? But I sampled it myself. The flavor was heavenly.
Pandreo: Oh, don't get me wrong. It tasted great. It was just a little too...gourmet. Party food's gotta be easy to pick up and walk around with.
Bunet: What?! Why?!
Pandreo: You know, people like to mingle while the eat. This felt like a stuffy dinner at the royal court. I should have said something. I-I know you haven't been to many parties, after all.
Bunet: ...
Pandreo: Don’t beat yourself up, though. It's not like people eat it.
Bunet: A chef's sacred duty is to make the right food for the occasion...and I failed. I made something far worse than a bad dish. I made...the wrong dish.
Pandreo: Bunet, it's not like that.
Bunet: I am your friend and I let you down. A mere apology will not suffice. Please, strike me.
Pandreo: What?! No! You went to so much trouble making that food. I'm not gonna hit you!
Bunet: I ruined your party, and still you find it in your heart to forgive me... You are a true friend. Pandreo, when is your next get-together?
Pandreo: Looking to redeem yourself, huh?
Bunet: No. At least, not yet. Before redeeming myself, there is something I must do. I must attend...a party.
Pandreo: Whaaat?!

A support

Pandreo: Hey, Bunet! What did you think of the party? Pretty fun, right?
Bunet: Ugh...
Pandreo: Oof. That bad, huh?
Bunet: Forgive me... The noise was overwhelming. My head is still spinning.
Pandreo: Oh, I see. That’s probably my fault.
Bunet: I will say, everyone was in high spirits. Even in times like these, good cheer abounded.
Pandreo: That's the magic of a good shindig! But how about you! Learn anything?
Bunet: Certainly. I came away with many insights. I noticed that you spent most of the time simply listening to people share their troubles.
Pandreo: Well, sure! My parties aren't all about me. I want to help people feel better, you know? After all, though I may look like a run-of-the-mill scoundrel, I am a man of the cloth!
Bunet: Yes... Now I see the error I made. I wanted my cooking to steal the show. But good party food let's the conversation take center stage. Headache aside, I'm glad I went. Next time I will cook the perfect dish for you and your guests.
Pandreo: That would be great! Thanks, Bunet. And hey, let me know if there's anything I can do to help. Anything at all.
Bunet: Well, there is one thing you can do. Let me give you one little lick.
Pandreo: One little WHAT?! Um. Uh, you're kidding, right?
Bunet: No. I'm quite serious. I must understand your festive spirit in order to capture it in my cooking. Now, roll up your sleeve. It'll be quick. No need to be nervous.
Pandreo: Uh... Hehe...
Bunet: Pandreo? Is something the matter?
Pandreo: I've been to some wild parties in my day, but... That's a bit too far, even for me!


Small portrait bunet fe17.png
Support information: Small portrait merrin fe17.png
5 support points
10 support points
20 support points
Pact Ring:
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Small portrait bunet fe17.png
Support information: Small portrait mauvier fe17.png
3 support points
6 support points
12 support points
Pact Ring:
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Small portrait bunet fe17.png
Support information: Small portrait mauvier fe17.png
5 support points
10 support points
20 support points
Pact Ring:
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Small portrait bunet fe17.png
Support information: Small portrait jean fe17.png
5 support points
10 support points
20 support points
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Small portrait bunet fe17.png
Support information: Small portrait anna fe17.png
5 support points
10 support points
20 support points
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