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The Pilgrimage/Script

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Fire Emblem Gaiden

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The following text is an unofficial translation by fans. There may be stylistic differences with official sources and other unofficial translations.


Celica: Well, Bishop Nomah, I'll be off.
Nomah: Celica... Must you go? The road to Mila's Temple is long. Between Geyse's pirates and the evil fiends rising, you'll surely be attacked. It's too risky...
Celica: But Father, it's been three years since we last grew crops. What in the world befell the Earth Goddess Mila? I want to find out for myself.
Nomah: I see... If you insist, then I shall not stop you, Celica. You know why Sir Mycen placed you in my care, right? You are the last of the Zofian royal family. Zofia's people depend on you. Don't try to do the impossible.

Nomah: May the blessings of Mila be with you...

Mae: That Boey's just a kid who only knows Fire magic. I can also use Thunder, so please rely on me, 'kay?
(Mae joins)

Boey: You must feel uneasy with just the girls, right? I'll come along too, so please relax.
(Boey joins)

Genny: If Lady Celica is going, then I shall go too. If you get hurt, I can heal you with my Recover spell.
(Genny joins)

Novis Greatport

Various unnamed NPCs:

  • It's said a powerful sword is hidden at the Seabound Shrine.
  • Don't go near the Seabound Shrine, 'kay? A scary Necrodragon lives on that island and eats all trespassers.
  • If you want to sail to Valentia, take that docked ship. However, lots of pirates trawl the waters. Their boss, Barth, has killed many people.
  • Earlier, some men left to avenge their families. They probably won't return alive.

Saber: Oh, shaddaaap! Dun interrupt my drinkin'! Don't gooo... Y'all can't cross the sea by yerselves, can ya?
Celica: Aren't you a mercenary? Could you protect us?
Saber: What? You wanna hire me? Hmm... Alright, it might be interestin'.
(Saber joins)

Assault on the Pirate Throne

Valbar: Kamui, Leon, don't slip up! If Barth is defeated, his goons should flee. Bring down Barth!

Barth initiates a battle

Barth: You've got nerve attackin' me, the pirate lord Barth! I'll dice ya!

Barth dies on Enemy Phase

Unnamed enemy: Boss died! Run!
(Any remaining enemies retreat)

The Pirate Throne

Valbar: You helped us out there. I owe ya one! Wherever ya go, I'll follow!
(Valbar joins)

Kamui: Me? Well, I can join y'all if you like. ...Unless you're gonna fight the Necrodragon. There's no way to defeat that thing without Angel magic.
(Kamui joins)

Leon: If my bro Valbar's going, then I am too. I'll show you my marksmanship!
(Leon joins)

Zofia Harbor

Palla: We came from Archanea, a continent to the east.

Catria: Our little sister was taken by pirates. We gave chase, but lost them around here.

Zofia Castle

Various unnamed NPCs:

  • A hero has arrived in Zofia! We're saved!
  • You'd better not go to Mila's Temple. That area's crawling with Geyse's bandits.
  • Hurrah! Zofia Castle is liberated! Desaix fled to his own lands!
  • Sure, I'm happy... But I'm a bit worried that the Kingdom of Rigel might invade...
  • Desaix's gone, but crops are wilting and weird demons emerged... What's happened to the Earth Goddess Mila?
  • Desaix escaped with the valuable 'Royal Sword'. It was a gift of friendship from the Kingdom of Rigel long ago. No normal person can use it. Note: Same as the dialogue from Act 1

Mycen: Celica, it's been a while, eh?
Celica: ...? Grandfather! Why are you here?!
Mycen: Well, for many reasons... I see you've arrived safely.
Celica: Yes, thanks to my allies. We're all going to Mila's Temple.
Mycen: I see... Well, you might want to head upstairs first. You should find someone you've been wishing to meet.
Celica: can't be! ...Alm? Zofia's liberator couldn't be Alm... could it?
Mycen: Well, why don't you go see?

Mycen: Well, why don't you go see?

After talking to Mycen

Alm: ...? You are... Ce...Celica!
Celica: Alm... So it really was you. I haven't seen you since I left the village...
Alm: Yeah. We always used to play together. I held a serious grudge against Gramps the day you were sent away.
Celica: I was sad too, but Grandfather told me why he did it: 'If you stay in Ram, Desaix will come to kill you.'
Alm: But why? Why would Desaix want to kill you, Celica?
Celica: That... I'm sorry. I'd rather not say right now. In any case, Alm, I have a request. Can war be avoided with the Kingdom of Rigel?
Alm: That's impossible. King Rudolf of Rigel decided to attack while Zofia is weak. At this rate, Zofia will be destroyed.
Celica: But aren't we all the same? We should be able to coexist.
Alm: There's no way. Zofians won't tolerate Rigel's barbaric rule. We must retaliate!
Celica: How sad... I'm sure if we talked, we could come to an understanding... Unless, Alm, now that the Zofians call you their hero, you want to become their king as well?
Alm: What! That's mean, Celica. I just want to protect the people of Zofia, that's all. Besides, Zofia's only remaining princess is still alive. I'm planning to search for her. After I find her, I'm returning to Ram.
Celica: That's not true! Zofia's royal family is gone! But I get it, Alm. You go ahead to Rigel. My companions and I are going to Mila's Temple.
Alm: Celica!?
Celica: Goodbye, Alm...

Note: Any characters not recruited in Act 1 can be recruited by Celica before talking to Alm; they all have the exact same dialog as in Act 1 when recruited.

Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia

(Celica is having a dream at the Novis Priory, of Alm and Rudolf fighting to the death)
Alm: Rudolf! DIEEE!
Celica: Alm!
Alm: You took... everything! Everything that I ever loved! You took Zofia! You took my friends! And now... Celica too!
Celica: Please, stop! What's going on? Can't you see me?! Stop this! I'm begging you, please!
(Alm is about to receive a lethal blow)
(Celica wakes up)
Celica: Alm...

Novis Priory

(The sounds of a bell are heard)
Boey: Hey, why are they clanging that infernal bell?
Mae: Apparently, the king's passed away... That's what Nomah said, at least.
Boey: The king? But isn't that... He was Celica's...
Genny: Oh dear. I hope she's dealing with this okay...

Nomah: You're certain I can't dissuade you from going, little one?
Celica: I must, Nomah. It's been years since crops last grew on Zofian soil. Our barren fields have fallen victim to Terrors, the Rigelians have invaded... I fear some ill must have befallen the Earth Mother, Mila. I can't help but feel this is all related. I know it.
Nomah: Hmm... Perhaps it is, at that. I'll not deny that the kingdom of Zofia faces her darkest hour in some time. More sick and hungry come to the priory's door each day seeking aid...
Celica: The key to everything lies with Mila. I shall travel to her temple and learn what's become of her.
Nomah: Yes, but little one... You know well the reason Mycen placed you in my care. With the king's passing, you are the last living member of the Zofian royal line. There are many who would seek to use you. Or even end you. That threat is greater now than ever. Yet you would still leave, knowing that?
Celica: I must. Even if my decision betrays the care you and Mycen have shown me. You've done so much to keep me safe, and it breaks my heart to pain you. But what calls me to do this goes beyond my heart. I can only ask your forgiveness, Nomah.
Nomah: Keep your cries of forgiveness, little one. I'll not give what isn't required. If this is your mind, I won't object. Follow the path before you. Trust in it as I in you.
Celica: Thank you, Nomah.
Nomah: Heh. Of course. But you must take care—the blight in Zofia is worse even than you know. You've uncommon talent as a warrior priestess, but carelessness is fatal. Ah, and you mustn't forget Mila's Turnwheel.
Celica: I wear it always. You know that.
Nomah: See that you do. I'm certain it will prove helpful on your journey.
Celica: Thank you, Nomah. For everything. Well then, I think I'll be on my way.
Nomah: Mm? You're leaving this very instant? Surely you can stay until the bell's last peal? It rings to mourn your father's passing, as you know.
Celica: I'll never think of that man as my father. Now if you'll excuse me...
(Celica leaves)
Nomah: Little one...

(Celica examines the area)
Celica: This place is always so full of peace. Such calm! There can be no doubt of the Mother's blessing at work.
(Celica examines the Mila Idol)
Celica: Icons of the goddess Mila are worshiped all across this land. ...What could have happened to Mila?

Sage: When Rigel broke the Divine Accord, this plague of Terrors fell upon us. But surely their own lands must be suffering the same fate. What could have driven them to invade Zofia at such a price? I would dearly love to know what's going through Emperor Rudolf's mind...

Cleric: Lately, Novis sees boat after boat filled stern to bow with hungry refugees. But alas for them, this island's no better off than anywhere else. We're even poorer than most, what with pirates seizing inbound supply ships... We'll soon have naught to eat but what fish the waves see fit to provide. These are dark times we face...

Nomah: May you walk always in the light of Mila's blessing, little one.

(Celica moves to the Novis Priory's entrance)

Mae: Celica! I heard the news! You're going to the Temple of Mila, right? If so, then I'm going too. You can't say no!
Celica: Heh. Thanks, Mae. To be honest, I'd welcome the help.
Boey: Good, because I'm coming too. I'm not letting the two of you off on your own.
Mae: "Letting" us? Heh, you say that like you think you can keep us safe.
Boey: I do! And I can! I'll be more help than you, at least.
Mae: Uh, rude? AND wrong! I can conjure lightning, Boey. Big, hurty lightning. What've you got, fire? Maybe I'll call you if I want to roast marshmallows.
Celica: Let's just say you'd both be a great help and leave it at that, shall we? I know I'll be counting on you both. This isn't going to be an easy journey. Still, I'm glad I'll have such good company.
(Boey and Mae join the army)

(Celica examines the area)
Celica: This is the priory entrance.
(Celica examines Mila's Sigil)
Celica: That's Mila's mark. I know it well.
(Celica examines the supplies)
Celica: Emergency food stores... All of it well preserved.
(Celica examines the doors)
Celica: The chapel awaits beyond these doors.

(Celica talks to Genny)
Genny: Celica? Can I... go with you?
(Genny joins the army)

(If Celica refuses Genny)
Genny: What? No? Awww... I was really hoping I could help you out...

(If Celica talks to Genny after refusing her)
Genny: Did you need something? Wait, can I go with you now?!

(Celica heads outside)
Celica: Ships leaving the port will get us to the mainland. We should head there now. Though that DOES mean we'll have to pass through the cemetery on our way. Rumor has it there have been Terrors appearing there as of late. Let's be ready for anything.

Novis Cemetery

Boey: Milady, this graveyard we're passing through... Er, why are we, again?
Celica: Because it's the only way to port.
Boey: Yes, but there's been talk of Terrors around here as of late...
Celica: So there has. Best keep our wits about us then, hmm?
Boey: But milady, I... I'll face down thieves or rogues any day, but Terrors? Terrors are... different.
Mae: Oh, Boey. How can you be so scared of spooks and spirits at your age?
Boey: Shove off, would you? A man can't help what gives him fright!
Celica: Ha ha.
Boey: Oh, not you too, milady? You wound me...
Celica: I'm sorry, Boey. I was just remembering my brother.
Boey: Brother? I didn't realize you had one.
Celica: Yes, though by different mothers. He was a sweet thing, but meek. Frightened to death of ghosts. Then he became one, alas. And much too young... Were he alive, you two would have been quite alike, I'm sure.
Boey: Milady, I...
Mae: Way to go, Boey. Your whining's gone and dredged up a bunch of sad memories for Celica.
Boey: What? Why is this MY fault?!
Mae: Uhh, because it's ALWAYS your fault! Now suck it up and get ready to fry some foes—Terrors or otherwise!

(The battle begins)
Celica: Terrain bears no influence on magic. I remember Sir Mycen saying so. Listen close, friends: do not be shy about when and where you attack! Even if our foes cower in the woods, our spells will find their mark!

Novis Greatport

(Celica examines the entrance area)
Celica: It's small, but this is Novis's only port town. It's very quiet here. The fault of those terrible pirates, perhaps.
(Celica examines the fish stall)
Celica: All this fresh fish for sale looks quite delicious.
(Celica examines the left supplies)
Celica: I wonder if this cargo is bound for the port of Zofia.
(Celica examines the right supplies)
Celica: Freight for the ships, I assume? There's certainly a lot of it.
(Celica examines the cat)
Celica: My, but aren't you a fat one! Someone's been feeding you fish...

Man: Good day, milady. Are you thinking of leaving for Zofia, perchance? If so, I fear you may be in for some disappointment. Ships aren't sailing, or so I'm told. Too many pirates about. Still, probably best you went to the docks and asked the captain yourself.

Woman: He may smell like a tavern floor, but that Saber's a skilled sellsword. If you ever find yourself in need of steel, you could do far worse than him. Though if that steel needs a history fit for retelling in polite company, well... He's strong, though, I'll give him that. And I suppose... passably handsome.

(Celica goes to the wharf)

(Celica examines the area)
Celica: Here's the pier. My, but the sea is so beautiful and blue today. Look at all the seabirds flying... That must feel so good.
(Celica examines the small boat)
Celica: We'll need something significantly bigger if we're to cross the sea.
(Celica examines the fish haul)
Celica: Quite the haul of fish. No doubt they'll soon line the market stalls.
(Celica examines the large ship)
Celica: A ship of this size could easily see us to Zofia.
(Celica examines the left cat)
Celica: Pssst! Hey, kitty! You want to come home with me?
(Celica examines the right cat)
Celica: If the fishermen aren't careful, someone's going to steal their catch.

Man: Chancellor Desaix has taken up the throne at Zofia Castle. The villain thinks slaying a king makes you next in line... He's a right tyrant! Sir Clive of the Order of Zofian Knights has gathered an army to run him off, but from what we hear in these parts, fighting's been hard and progress slow.

Young Man: Heading out to sea, milady? Be careful out there amongst the waves. A vile man named Barth has named himself pirate king of these waters. He sits in his island hold to the east and commits what barbary he pleases. Just the other day, a man who'd had his whole family slain set out for revenge. Like as not, he'll meet the same fate. At least he'll be reunited with his kin...

(Celica talks to the Old Timer)
Celica: Um, excuse me, but—
Old Timer: Ah, lady priestess! Welcome. Something I can help you with today?
Celica: I need to book passage to Zofia Harbor.
Old Timer: Hrm... I'm afraid that's a difficult wish to grant, even for you, priestess. This patch of sea is teeming with pirates of late. It's just too dangerous.
Celica: Oh, that's no good...
Old Timer: That being said... if milady were to do something about those pirates... well, that'd be a different matter altogether now, wouldn't it?
Celica: You want me to... fight pirates?
Old Timer: They've grown bolder by the day, so they have. And yet, His Highness hasn't seen fit to send so much as a single man... This sea's our love and livelihood. We can't live cut off from her. Ah, what's happened to Zofia?
Celica: Hmm...
Old Timer: Forgive me, milady, but I can't get you across the sea so long as pirates sail it. I know I ask much of you, priestess, but if you would lend us your strength...

Boey: Hmm... What are we supposed to do now?
Mae: I can't believe that old timer tossed his pirate problem right at our feet! Do we LOOK like the type to fight pirates? We're delicate little blossoms!
Boey: Speak for yourself!
Celica: Regardless, the man is right. We'll not get anywhere until ships are free to sail again.
Boey: What do you propose, milady?
Celica: Let's gather what help we can find. The sea is only the start. Zofia is at war, and ravaged by Terrors besides. We'll not make it very far traveling alone. We need allies. Strong ones.
Boey: Yes, and mad enough to set sail into pirate-infested waters with us... I'm sure they'll just be lining up to take the job.

(Celica talks to the Old Timer again)
Old Timer: No ships can sail so long as pirates stalk these waters. If you feel the danger's too great alone, perhaps you might court additional aid?

(Celica goes to the tavern)

(Celica examines the area)
Celica: A tavern. I wouldn't usually have any business at such an establishment. The air is ripe with food, wine, and perfume... It's a bit hard to breathe.
(Celica examines the cat)
Celica: I wonder if this cat lives here. It seems to be getting plenty of love.
(Celica examines the barrels)
Celica: Quite the impressive stack of ale casks.

(Celica talks to the Young Woman)
Young Woman: There's a shrine on a small island up ahead, you know. Its vault holds an otherworldly sword, or so the stories go. Many have died for such stories, though, so consider this fair warning. See, turns out that islet is home to a terrible necrodragon. Eat you in a single bite, it will! What if the fear don't kill you first. Augh, just the thought of it is enough to turn my hair to white!

(Celica talks to Saber)
Celica: You're Saber, yes?
Saber: Yep. Who're you, girl?
Celica: My name is Celica. The people here speak quite highly of your skill with a blade. I'd like to enlist your services as a protector...
Saber: Guard duty, eh? You headed somewhere, or is this a local deal?
Celica: We seek the Temple of Mila.
Saber: That's awfully far... And I suppose you've already heard about our little pirate problem?
Celica: It's the reason I seek your aid, in fact. Unless you think a few mere pirates are too much for you to handle?
Saber: Oh, that's real cute. Believe me, lass, I ain't worried about a couple sea rats. All I'm worried about is if you can pay. I don't work charity cases. Especially when I'm risking my own neck.
Celica: I'm afraid I haven't much money, but I do have this.
Saber: A dagger? *whistle* Well, aren't you fancy?
Celica: Will this be sufficient for your services?
Saber: You mean will I risk life and limb for a simple dagger? Ordinarily, no. BUT... since I like your moxie, I'm gonna go ahead and give you a break. You got a deal. I'll get you to your temple.
Celica: Wonderful! You have my thanks, Saber. Mae! Boey! Did you hear that? He's going to come with us!
Saber: Heh. This job's got easy money written all over it. What kind of fool hands over treasure like this without batting an eye? She really must be daddy's spoiled little lass...
(Saber joins the army and receives the Golden Dagger from Celica)

(Celica heads back to the wharf)

(Celica talks to the Old Timer)
Old Timer: Ah, lady priestess. You've returned.
Celica: I have! And this gentleman, Saber, has agreed to aid us. Now may we ask you to set sail?
Old Timer: Well, then, I'd be honored to do my part, milady. Come aboard. We'll depart as soon as you're ready.

(On the ship's deck)
Celica: ......
Mae: What's wrong, Celica? Feelin' blue?
Celica: Oh, it's nothing. It's just that the last time I was on a ship was when I came to the island.
Mae: Hey, that's right! Boey and I used to take little trips every now and again, but never with you. Shame we never got to travel as a group. Woulda been way more fun!
Boey: Are you completely daft, Mae? Celica came here in hiding, remember? She can't just announce herself by hopping aboard a pleasure cruise.
Mae: Uh, I know that much, Boey! Of course I do! I'm just saying I'm happy we're getting the chance NOW. Isn't that right, Celica?
Boey: Please stop talking before you dig a grave so deep we all go tumbling in...
Celica: Ha ha. It's fine, Boey. Really. And I'm happy to be traveling with you as well, Mae. Though I'm also anxious... What could have happened to Mila? Will we even make it to the temple to find out? And...
Mae: Aaaaand?
Celica: I'm sorry. Best I keep this one to myself.
Mae: Whaaat?! Oh, that's just mean!

Celica: Alm... Where are you right now? And what are you doing? Are you still living in that village with grandpapa? ...No. I can tell. You've left your home behind, haven't you? I want to see you so badly. There's so much I need to ask. Perhaps Mila will cause our paths to cross on this journey...

(Meanwhile, in Rigel)
Jedah: Are you in pain, my lord Duma? The sight tears at my heart... But you needn't endure it much longer. I've had report that the girl has left the island. I will deliver her to you without fail. She of the fated children... Bearer of the Brand...

First Pirate Raid

Pirate: Yar! Not a step further, ye scurvy dogs!
Old Timer: Eagh! P-p-pirates!
Pirates: These waters belong to Barth the Pirate King, as yer surely aware! That means ye needs to pay a toll... All yer goods and women'll do nicely!
Celica: An interesting offer... but I fear we must nevertheless decline. The sea belongs to no one man—she's a gift to every citizen of Zofia.
Pirate: Yar, who be the mouthy wench?!
Saber: Enough with the chit-chat. Reason and logic are wasted on sea dogs like him. Let's just get to business already. That's what you hired me for, isn't it?
Celica: Fair enough. Let's go, everyone!

Second Pirate Raid

(After the battle ends)
Old Timer: Look there. Do you see that small island to the east? That's where Barth's keep stands. He's the pirate king of these waters. Unfortunately this current means we'll have to sail right past it. It'll be trouble if we're seen, so let's unfurl the sails and be quick about it.
Celica: Hold a moment. If we were to deal with this Barth, would this stretch of ocean be safer?
Old Timer: Well, yes, undoubtedly—but no sane person picks a fight with a pirate king!
Saber: Whoa there, lass. I signed up for a nice, easy escort job, not to storm some pirate hold.
Celica: Mmm... I see. ...Very well then. I shall lead the charge myself. You need only worry about keeping me safe.
Saber: Now just a—
Celica: The people of that island are suffering under the tyranny of those pirates. I can't stand by knowing starving innocents are being routinely plundered.
Saber: Oh, for the love of... Look, I ain't sure why I have to remind you of this, but you're on a mission. And you can't finish it if you keep pokin' your nose where it don't belong.
Celica: I have no intention of wasting time on idle philanthropy, Saber. But there are no guarantees I'll ever return from this journey. I would at least like to ensure peace to those who have been so kind to me. Is that so unreasonable?
Saber: Hrm... Fine. It's your neck—go ahead and risk it on whatever fool thing ya like.
Celica: Thank you, Saber.

Assault on the Pirate Throne

Barth: By the mighty parrot of Shanty Pete! What be that racket? Yar har ho! Looks like more little mice be squeakin' into me keep!
Celica: Are you the one they call Barth? I order you to halt your piracy and leave these waters at once!
Barth: Gar har har! I'll do no such thing, ye shrill woman! No one enters the lair of the Pirate King and starts squawkin' orders but me!
Saber: You see, lass? What'd I tell you about trying to reason with sea dogs?
Barth: Yar, bold words from a fool man. Well, I'll put yer steel to the test! Have at 'em, boys! Take the man's guts for garters, but leave the wench alive. I'll not have a single scratch on her... Ruins the sale price, it do! Yar har ho!
Saber: See what I mean?
Celica: Redemption is a lost cause for a man like you, Barth. Your reign as pirate king ends here!

Valbar: Hmm...? What's with the sudden shift in position?
Leon: Well, I'll be. Looks like another band has joined the fray.
Valbar: Heh. Must be our lucky day. Splitting their forces in two should make Barth that much easier to defeat.
Kamui: You know why I like you, Valbar? Because you're such an optimist. From where I'm standing, our odds look somewhere between grim and dire.
Leon: What, you mean because we're horribly outnumbered?
Valbar: You two better stop gabbing like hens and start fighting like you want to live. Now, if we can take Barth out of the picture, his goons should scatter... So you know what to do, right, boys? Ignore the runts and take aim for Barth!

Celica: I heard talk in port about a man seeking revenge on Barth for killing his family... Perhaps this is his crew? Let's advance with caution and try to aid their cause.

(The battle begins)

Barth enters combat

Barth: Yar, I've keelhauled bigger mice'n you in me spit!

Barth is defeated

Barth: Yar? Yaaaaaar... I was supposed to be... the king o' the seas...

(If Kamui, Leon, and Valbar all survived)
Celica: Whew... It looks like those men are all okay.

(If Kamui, Leon, and Valbar all died)
Celica: We couldn't protect those men... Please, forgive us...

Pirate Throne Interior

(Celica examines the area)
Celica: This hold was built ages ago by Zofian royal order. Now it's home to pirates. I don't suppose anyone bothered to tidy the place up recently.

(Celica examines the anchor)
Celica: It's a ship's anchor. And well used, from the look of it.
(Celica examines the pirate flag)
Celica: They've hung their flag—as if that made their claim here legitimate!
(Celica examines the baskets of fish)
Celica: A pirate's diet must get very dull.
(Celica examines the shark)
Celica: ...Were they really eating sharks? That's actually kind of impressive.

Valbar: Oh ho! Look who the cat dragged in! I'm Valbar, by the way. You really saved my bacon back there. And since that dastard Barth is dead, my family can finally rest... *sniffle* ...Er, right. Sorry. Got a little emotional there for a second. So hey, is there anything I can do to thank you? I'll be honest—I'm not good at much besides crackin' skulls. But if you NEED skulls cracked, I'm your man! What do you say?
(Valbar joins the army)

(If Celica refuses Valbar)
Valbar: Well, that's no fun. But hey, come see me if you change your mind.

(If Celica talks to Valbar again after refusing him)
Valbar: Hey, you're back! Decide you have room for me after all? Find a skull or three that needs bustin'?

(If Celica talks to Leon before recruiting Valbar)
Leon: I'm sorry, what did you need? ...Ah yes. Apologies, but I'm not going anywhere without my dear Valbar. Go talk to him if you're looking for recruits.

(If Celica talks to Leon after recruiting Valbar)
Leon: You're going off with them, old friend? Well, they'd better make room, because I go where you go! No complaints about that, right? Everybody on the same page? ...Great.
(Leon joins the army)

(If Celica refuses Leon)
Leon: Ugh! Now you're just being petty. Your beauty is going to make you a tyrant someday if you aren't careful. Honestly, I don't even have the words.

(If Celica talks to Leon again after refusing him)
Leon: Oh. It's you again. Decided you need me after all?

(If Celica talks to Leon with Valbar dead)
Leon: *sob* Valbar... How could you go and leave me all alone like this? How do I go on without you? This is on your heads! All of you! And I'm coming with you to make sure he didn't die in vain.
(Leon joins the army)

(If Celica refuses Leon with Valbar dead)
Leon: Selfish dastards! Try thinking of someone else for once! Enough. Just go. ...GO already!

(If Celica talks to Kamui before recruiting Valbar)
Kamui: Sorry, but I've got a contract with Valbar. If you want to negotiate with me, you need to go through him first.

(If Celica talks to Kamui after recruiting Valbar)
Kamui: You joining up with this lot, Valbar? Interesting... Well, it's your call—I don't have a preference either way. Oh, but let me ask you one question: Do you have Seraphim magic? If not, then you'd best stay clear of the Seabound Shrine. Necrodragons are the one thing I absolutely refuse to tangle with.
(Kamui joins the army)

(If Celica refuses Kamui)
Kamui: Yeah? All right. I guess we part ways here, then. Good luck.

(If Celica talks to Kamui again after refusing him)
Kamui: Hmm? What is it? Now you want me to come with you?

(If Celica talks to Kamui with Valbar dead)
Kamui: I can't believe that damn fool Valbar is dead. What happens now? Not to be crass, but we had a contract, and now there's no way to collect... ...Say, any chance you lot want to hire me on?
(Kamui joins the army)

(If Celica refuses Kamui with Valbar dead)
Kamui: Yeah, I figured it was a stretch. I guess this is goodbye, then. Best of luck.

(Once all of Valbar, Leon, and Kamui are recruited)
Valbar: Wait, you two are comin'?
Leon: Well, obviously. I go where you go—that's the deal. And I don't care who doesn't like it.
Kamui: And I just go wherever the money flows like wine!
Valbar: You jokers are a couple of real class acts. You ever stop to think that maybe you're being rude to the priestess?! She's on a holy mission to... Er, a mission of... It's important, okay?!
Celica: It's all right, Valbar—they're welcome to come along if they like. It's an honor and a pleasure to have such capable company. They've both proven their skill, and can be rather amusing to boot. So I thank you one and all for brightening our journey.
Valbar: Aw shucks, milady... We should be the ones thanking YOU!
Leon: My my, that was some praise... I thought I'd give at least 50 percent... but now you get all of it!
Kamui: You know me. I'll give you as much as you pay me for.
Valbar: Did you jokers hear ANYTHING I just said?
Celica: Hee hee!

(Celica goes to the treasure vault)

(Celica examines the area)
Celica: My my. Look at all this pirate booty. ...Heh. Each bit of treasure tells the story of another innocent ship plundered.
(Celica examines the left gold coins)
Celica: I wonder if there's any way to return all this to its rightful owners.
(Celica examines the right gold coins)
Celica: I'm tempted to fill my pockets, but that would make me no better than a pirate.
(Celica examines the second right gold coins)
Celica: I've never seen some of these coins before. How interesting...

Man: You're going to the Seabound Shrine, eh, priestess? Oh, I've heard tale of a wondrous treasure that sleeps there... but while I like a bit of coin as much as the next, I'd urge you to reconsider. For a necrodragon filled with deadly purpose is said to haunt that place! Steel won't even tickle its hide. They say it scoffs at all but Seraphim magic.

Young Man: We're sailors from Rigel, we is. We owes you our freedom! Zofian pirate scum ride the sea like they owns it, but what's our emperor do? Not a damn thing! Guess his precious war's all he cares about. Just what kinda man's he become, anyway?

Old Timer: As a boy, Rigel's Emperor Rudolf was as fine a crown prince as you could desire. But since ascending to the throne... Well, something has certainly changed. Still, I continue to place my faith in him, as must we all.

Third Pirate Raid

Celica: There's only... one of them? What's going on here?
Cantor: So you're the girl, eh? Serving you up on a platter will earn me a swift promotion within the faith. Now that I've washed this place clean of pirate vermin, you will come with me.
Boey: Are you out of your mind, old man? We're in a hurry here, and you're in our way. So would you kindly get out of it?
Cantor: Impudent child... Such a glib tongue will earn you nothing but pain.
Boey: Heh. Do you honestly plan to take us on all by yourself?
Celica: Wait a second—is he? Oh no... Watch out, everyone! He's a cantor! He means to summon Terrors to fight for him!
Boey: He means to summon... Wait, WHAT?!

(After the battle ends)
Boey: *sigh* It's over... Thank the Mother. Milady, what was that all about? That creep was talking about... serving you up or some such...?
Celica: I don't know, Boey. But he was different from the others who have come after me. And I fear he won't be the last... so we'd best be extra careful moving forward.

Beast Hunt

(If Kamui was recruited and is alive)
Kamui: Whoa, whoa, whoa—hey, Priestess! Did you forget our little chat about staying clear of the Seabound Shrine? Because this is not staying clear! This is the exact OPPOSITE of staying clear!
Celica: I'm sorry, did we discuss that? I must've been preoccupied... What if there's something of use here? Surely you would want to— Ooooh, I remember now. You're scared of necrodragons, aren't you, Kamui? How careless of me. It completely slipped my mind!
Kamui: Slipped your mind... That's it. I'm waiting on the boat.
Celica: Er, actually...
(The ground shakes)
Kamui: GyaaaeeeeeeeEEEEEEEK! It's HERE!

(If Kamui was not recruited or he is dead)
Boey: Really? Here? We have to come HERE, milady? Have you not heard of the unspeakable beast that haunts this place?
Celica: We may find something of use here, Boey. Besides, the whole of Novis was terrified. We can't very well do nothing.
Saber: Oh, I'm pretty sure we can. I've told you before, lass—you need to stop dumping extra work on my— ...Hmm?
Boey: NuuuoooooaaAAAAAAAAAGH! It's HERE!

(If Celica has learned the Seraphim spell)
Celica: Goodness. What a horrifying creature. But I have the Seraphim spell in my quiver now. May its light guide your lost soul on to slumber eternal!

Seabound Shrine Interior

Celica: The damp, chilly air of the cave bears the scent of the ocean. There's no sign of anyone coming through here; scared off by the Necrodragon, I imagine.

(Celica examines the area around the Mila Statue)
Celica: I feel the Mother's power at work here.
(Celica examines the Mila Statue)
Celica: May we walk always in the light of your blessing, dear Mother.

Zofia Harbor

Celica: Phew. We've finally arrived. Zofia Harbor, at last. That was quite a journey!
Man: Ah! You've come! You've truly come!
Celica: Hmm?
Man: Welcome, m'lady priestess! I hear it was you what rid us of Barth and his band of pirates. A real blessing, that was! Can't thank you enough.
Celica: O-oh, it was nothing so grand. In fact, it was the least a person could do; to be honest, it was as much for my own sake as it was yours.
Man: Crivens, but that's a thing to say! Your strength and generosity are matched only by your modesty, m'lady. We were at our wits' end dealing with those seaborne thugs, and no mistake. So whatever your reasons, you've done us a fine service. Do let me thank you.
Celica: Oh, I couldn't possibly—
Saber: Maybe she couldn't, but I sure could. Where's the pub around here, friend?
Man: Just this way, sir, just this way! First round's on me, it is!
(Saber heads off with the man)
Celica: Now hold on just a— Saber! Get back here!
Young Woman: Er, miss priestess? Ma'am? I also wanted to thank you. I can send my husband to sea now without sleepless nights of worry.
Celica: Oh, well, I... I see. That's... I'm very glad to hear it.
Young Woman: Yes, well, thank you again, ma'am. May the Mother's blessings guide you!
Celica: ......
(The woman leaves)
Mae: Heh, this is some reception we're getting, huh, Celica? I've been getting thanked left and right, too! Kinda makes the fighting worth it.
Boey: Pfft, your tune changes more easily than a traveling minstrel's! Back on the ship, it was all bellyaching. ...Mostly about your aching belly.
Mae: Hey, I was seasick! It's a medical thing! ...And you're hardly one to talk, Boey! You were drooling all over yourself after that buxom maid offered her "thanks."
Boey: I did no such thing!
Celica: Ha ha ha!
Mae: Now look what you've done, you boob! You've got Celica laughing at us again.
Celica: Not at all. I'm proud of you both for all your hard work. I never truly realized how rewarding it was to help others like this. It's a wonderful feeling, and we're blessed to be able to experience it.

(Celica examines the area)
Celica: We've found the docks. My, but the gulls are noisy here. I suppose one gets used to it...
(Celica examines the left fish)
Celica: The life of a fisherman is hard, though I imagine it carries its own reward.
(Celica examines the left cat)
Celica: They look alike—perhaps they all come from one big cat family?
(Celica examines the right cat)
Celica: So many cats! It must be an easy life for them here.
(Celica examines the right fish)
Celica: I've not seen most of these fish. The boats must come in from all over.

(Celica heads to the tavern)

(Celica examines the area)
Celica: Taverns are always such lively places. I'm not much for spirits myself, but these are fine places to gather info.
(Celica examines the chandelier)
Celica: The chandelier is rather old, but still quite impressive.
(Celica examines the casks)
Celica: How long would it take to drink all this? ...Probably not as long as I imagine.

Woman: Didja hear some pirate dogs made for Grieth's Citadel with a girl in tow? S'truth! A brave sellsword staying at the pub even took after the poor dear. But Grieth ain't the sort you cross and live to speak of. Nasty fellow, he is...

Young Man: From cutpurse to corsair, every thief in Zofia answers to a man called Grieth. Even the pirate king Barth was but one of his henchmen. Grieth's citadel stands tall in the desert. Colossal thing, it is! That's where they hold all the captives his men bring as tribute.

(Celica goes to the entrance of Zofia Harbor)
Young Man: It's... it's like a dream. The pirates scuttled? Zofia Castle free? I keep asking people to pinch-
Celica: The castle is freed? How do you mean?
Young Man: Didn't you hear? The Deliverance have run Desaix out of the castle! Word is, they have a new leader who led the attack himself. He's a young lad—claims to be the grandson of General Mycen. Whoever he is, the boy brought the entire army back from the brink.
Celica: General Mycen... Grandpapa?! Are you certain of this?
Young Man: 'Course I am! Wouldn't do a man to repeat baseless rumor, now would it? The boy's the talk of the kingdom. A hero's grandson turned hero himself!
Celica: Oh, gods... Then the person leading the Deliverance is...
Young Man: It's like the dawn of a new day for us. To think, we've got a hero on our side! The Deliverance forces are holding in Zofia Castle for now. But there's talk of them taking up the march again a'fore long. They won't stop till there's nary a Rigelian dog left on Zofian soil!
(The man leaves)
Celica: Then they mean to march on the Rigelian Army...? Oh, Alm... How can you be so reckless?!
Mae: Er, Celica? Is everything all right? You look pale as a shade. Did Boey tell you some stupid ghost story again?
Celica: No, I'm... I'm fine, thank you. But... might we travel to Zofia Castle before setting out for the temple? There's something I need to see for myself there.
Boey: At the castle? You know we would follow you anywhere, milady, but... is that wise?
Celica: It's been years, Boey. No one there would recognize me as I am now.
Saber: Hm? What's this, now?
Boey: Uh... n-nothing! Nothing at all. Just talking about... about... that maid! You know? The lovely one who was asking after you over at the pub? Said something about wanting to give whoever sank those pirates her "thanks."
Saber: Did she now? Well, a hero mustn't spurn a lady's wishes.
(Boey and Saber leave)
Celica: Alm... I've dreamt of you for so long. Dreamt I might see you again. But please... not like this. The leader of the Deliverance? I pray this is some horrible mistake. Still, I'll only know for sure once I see for myself.

(Celica examines the area)
Celica: This is Zofia's greatest port. It's so lively here. Everyone seems happy with their lot in life.
(Celica examines the market)
Celica: They're selling fish and fresh fruit. So many different kinds grow here in Zofia.
(Celica examines the cat)
Celica: Hello, Mr. Kitty. You're looking very plump today.

Palla: Oh, my. Are you the priestess Celica? The one who defeated the dread pirates? This entire harbor's awash with talk of it. You must be very strong. I am Palla. I hail from Archanea, to the east. If I might ask, did you happen to see a young girl in the lair of those pirates? ...No? Alas. Then she was taken elsewhere...

Catria: I am Catria. I'm traveling with my sister Palla in search of our younger sister, Est. She was taken by pirates... We followed them this far, but now the trail has gone cold. I'm eager to find her so the three of us can return together to Archanea.

Zofia Castle Encounter

Mae: Sweet jumping jesters! Now THIS is a castle! It's huge! I mean, huuuuuge! And it's GORGEOUS!
Boey: Keep it down, would you, Mae? We're not here to gawk at the sights like a band of slack-jawed wayfarers.
Mae: Whatever, Professor Funslayer. Even YOU have to admit it's great.
Boey: I never said it wasn't impressive. A far cry from the ramshackle fishing huts we grew up in, that's for sure.
Mae: I know, right?! Can you imagine living in a place like this? With servants and meat pies and—
Boey: *A-HEM*
Celica: ......
Mae: ...Oh, riiight. Shoot, Celica, I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to— Actually, you know what? I think we'll just go on ahead!
(Boey and Celica leave)
Celica: *gasp*
Saber: What's goin' on here?
Celica: What do you mean?
Saber: Those two's eyes near fell out when they saw this place, but you ain't impressed.
Celica: What? N-no, I'm very impressed. Speechless, actually. That's all.
Saber: Uh huh. Well, whatever you say, lass. Let's get inside already.
(Saber leaves)
Celica: ...... I never thought I'd set foot in these halls again... But this is to see Alm... And in that case... ...Enough. I need to hurry.

(Arcanists ambush her, and one of them attacks her)
Celica: Aah!
Saber: What's wrong?!
Cantor: Join me, O child of fate. Come to Lord Duma's side...
(Saber is also attacked)
Saber: Nrgh! These must be the remnants of Desaix's blasted army. We're not Deliverance, you idiots! Leave us out of this!
Celica: These aren't Desaix's men, Saber. They're... I think they're here for me.
Saber: Well, they're gonna have ya, at this rate! Damn those two morons for running off and leaving us. Their giddy little sightseeing tour is gonna get us killed!
(Celica is attacked again)
Celica: Aaah!
Saber: Celica!
(The Masked Knight rushes in)
Celica: Ah!
Masked Knight: Begone, you base filth. You are unfit to lay hand or eye upon the young woman.
Cantor: Wh-who are you?!
Masked Knight: My name is a greater boon than you deserve. If you would keep your heads, you must depart this place at once.
Cantor: You dare to... Enough—ignore the newcomer! Take the girl by force!
Celica: Who are you, sir?
Masked Knight: Hm... My name matters not for the nonce. In time, all will be made clear. No more words. Fight, unless you wish to leave this place in chains.
Celica: Right.

(Once the battle ends)
Cantor: Rrrgh... Fall back! Retreat! But know this, girl—nothing will stay us from our purpose!
(They leave)
Celica: The enemy is retreating... We did it. You have my thanks, good sir. But I must ask again, who are— Huh?
Saber: If you're looking for the fop in the mask, he took off already. What was he on about, anyway? Some friend of yours or the like?
Celica: I honestly have no idea.
Saber: Well, ain't that reassuring. Guess we'll chuck that mystery on the pile along with whoever attacked us.
Celica: I suppose we will. Though for what it's worth, I still don't believe they were Desaix's men. They were more like that man who tried to take me prisoner at sea... But who would want to take me captive? And for what purpose?

(In a nearby forest)
Cantor: Damn that masked vermin! Fie and fie again! Now I must explain to Jedah how we failed to secure the girl.
(Slayde appears)
Slayde: ...Beg pardon, friend. You with the Rigelian Army perchance?
Cantor: Grr... Who asks such of me?!
Slayde: Soft, friend, soft! I'm not your enemy. I was working under Desaix, but those damned rebels ran us out of the castle. I was thinking I might defect to Rigel... in exchange for my services, of course.
Cantor: Heh. And you expect me to trust a man who so utterly lacks shame?
Slayde: You sure you can afford not to? You just got your scrawny hides kicked trying to kidnap one little girl. You really want to go back to the boss-man empty-handed?
Cantor: Hrm...
Slayde: See, I know about this little forest northwest of Zofia Castle. And in this forest, there's a village...

Zofia Castle

(Celica examines the area)
Celica: Zofia Castle's entrance hall. It's just as it was then...
(Celica examines the carpet)
Celica: This carpet is so plush, my feet are completely lost in the pile.
(Celica examines the banners)
Celica: Zofian banners are hung proudly.
(Celica examines the chandelier)
Celica: Oooo... So many candles...
(Celica examines the door)
Celica: This door leads to the castle's central hall.

Zofian Soldier: Three huzzahs for Zofia's liberators, and three huzzahs for Alm! Truly, he is the hero Zofia has been waiting for. And he's every bit the champion General Mycen was! Make no mistake, the Rigelian Empire's as fearsome a foe as they come, but with Alm leading our forces, we needn't fear any man!

Zofian Soldier: Everyone's laughing and cheering, but my gut's one big knot. Only a fool'd think the Rigelian Empire would back down without a fight. Emperor Rudolf's order of knights are scary enough... but what about that Duma priest Jedah and his horde of arcanists? How are normal folk s'posed to fight against men who conjure Terrors?

(Celica goes to the treasure vault)

(Celica examines the area)
Celica: This is the treasure vault. Long since picked clean, as one would imagine. We used to hide here when we played as children.
(Celica examines the left supplies)
Celica: I don't think there's anything here we can use.
(Celica examines the right supplies)
Celica: I remember this place being much more... tidy.
(Celica examines the left treasure chest)
Celica: Ah! There's a single gold mark in here! ...Wait, no. It's a piece of candy.
(Celica examines the right treasure chest)
Celica: This held a sword belonging to the royal family at one point, if I recall correctly.
(Celica examines the sunset)
Celica: The sunset is breathtaking...

(Celica moves to the central hall)

(Celica examines the area)
Celica: This hall connects to much of the castle. This was a common meeting place for people.
(Celica examines the armor)
Celica: I wonder what it would be like to clunk around in armor like that?
(Celica examines the doors)
Celica: Those doors open into the audience chamber.

Woman: Are you headed for the Temple of Mila, lady priestess? Oh, I do wish you'd reconsider. That whole area's crawling with thieves working in the employ of Grieth. The very ground itself is rotten! Hunks of cliffside slough off near every day. You might easily find yourself with no way back... so be careful, okay?

Young Woman: Sure, Desaix and those Rigelian thugs turned tail and ran, but our crops still aren't growing and we've no shortage of Terrors... What do you suppose could've happened to Mila? Some men have gone to the temple to investigate, but none have returned. I say we've bigger problems than fighting a war, but no one asks me...

(Celica goes to the throne room)

(Celica examines the area)
Celica: This audience chamber is where the king went about the business of governing. ...I have few fond memories of this place.
(Celica examines a wall relief)
Celica: That relief depicts the battle between Mila and Duma. I heard that was modeled after a mural in the Temple of Mila.
(Celica examines another wall relief)
Celica: Ah! It's a history of the clash between Mila and Duma... That's based on a mural from the Temple of Mila, if I remember correctly.
(Celica examines the throne)
Celica: You couldn't craft a more decadent throne. ...It's almost gaudy.

(Celica goes to the staircase)
Celica: ...Grandpapa?! What are you doing here?
Mycen: It's been so very long, Celica.
Celica: Oh, Grandpapa! I'd half resigned myself to never seeing you again.
Mycen: As had I. And yet here you are, grown into a beautiful young woman. Though I fear we lack the time for a leisurely reunion. Surely you left the island with some purpose in mind, yes?
Celica: I did. I'm going to the Temple of Mila. All that's transpiring in Zofia now is tied to the Earth Mother— I can feel it in my very marrow. There's more to be done than simply fighting the foes laid before us. I must learn Mila's will in all of this. I also intend to pray that she intercedes on behalf of her people. That she might save us all.
Mycen: I see. Just as Alm has chosen his path, it would seem you have chosen yours.
Celica: Alm?! I'd suspected as much, but your being here confirms it... He's leading the Deliverance, isn't he?
Mycen: Why don't you go upstairs and see for yourself? I expect that's where you'll find what you've been searching for.

(Celica sees Alm on the balcony)
Alm: Hmm?
Celica: It’s really you!
(She rushes toward him and hugs him)
Alm: Wha—?!
(Alm falls over and soon recognizes he is being hugged by Celica)
Alm: Wait a sec... Celica? Is that really you? Celica?!
Celica: Alm... I'm so glad to see you... I have dreamt about this day for seven years— at last... I've finally found you!
Alm: You have. I've missed you too... so much.

Alm: ...Wow. That's quite the story. I'm trying to picture you swashbuckling pirates, and... Yeah. Just... wow.
Celica: I didn't mean to swashbuckle anyone. It just sort of... happened. But forget all that for the moment. Alm, you aren't REALLY planning to fight the Rigelian Empire, are you?
Alm: Listen, it's not... It's not something I chose. They were the ones who attacked us.
Celica: But there must be a way to resolve things other than bloodshed, no?
Alm: That's a pretty thought, Celica, but I'm not sure it's true. If it were, no one would be risking life and limb on the battlefield.
Celica: Is it really so naive? Zofians and Rigelians are both people of Valentia, are we not? I know we can reach some kind of accord if we just try! Besides that, I... I just can't imagine Emperor Rudolf is the monster some claim him to be.
Alm: It doesn't matter what sort of man he is. The Rigelian Empire chose to cross Zofia's border—that's a fact. We aim to drive back the invaders. Nothing more.
Celica: But why do YOU have to lead this rebellion? Mycen's grandson or no, you're neither knight nor noble. So why make yourself a target like this?!
Alm: Nrgh... If I didn't know any better, I'd swear I was speaking to a blue blood. My station doesn't matter, Celica. I'm here because I was called. I have a duty to perform, and I'll perform it. No more, and no less.
Celica: Oh, Alm...
Alm: Do you think I WANTED this fight? This all started because Lima IV went and angered the empire. If you wish to point fingers, point them at the ruler who failed his people. It's his fault we're in this mess.
Celica: That's not... Well, so what if it is? Maybe you should go become king if it's such a damnably easy job!
Alm: What? Celica, that's not—
Celica: You're awfully free with accusations for a boy with no idea what royalty entails! And now that you're a "hero," I imagine the throne is next on the list, is that it?
Alm: No, it's not like that at all, Celica! I just want to keep Zofia SAFE! Besides, there's an heir. A princess of the royal family may have survived. If she turned up and fixed all this, I'd happily return to Ram. You could... come with me, you know? It'd be like old times.
Celica: Come on! There's no secret princess! The Zofian royal family is dead!
Alm: But how can you be—
Celica: Enough! Just... enough. Go fight your war if it makes you happy. I'm going to the Temple of Mila. ...Good-bye, Alm. You... you stubborn JERK!
(Celica leaves)
Alm: Celica... You're one to talk about stubbornness, geez... Ah, damn it all. I didn't even get the chance to ask her about the village... About why she had to leave. Oh, Celica... I had so much I wanted to say to you. How did it end up like this?

Alm and Celica's heartfelt reunion was dashed by heated words, and once again, the two were parted. One chose the battlefield... the other, the Mother's succor. And while they both sought to attain peace in their own way, their chances of finding it together seemed to grow increasingly slim.

Quest dialogue

Novis Priory

Cleric: Er, pardon me. ...Excuse me? Might I trouble you to show me Mila's Turnwheel for a moment?

(If Celica shows the Turnwheel)
Cleric: Ah! Of course! It is just as I thought. Ancient as it is, it's little wonder some of the cogs are missing. While it appears to still function, it has lost some of its true capability. I suspect the counterpart to your Turnwheel is in the same condition. I can't imagine its bearer is more gentle with it than you, Celica. If you were able to find the missing cogs, I could attempt a repair. A restored Turnwheel would be able to turn back even more time. You're curious where the cogs might be, yes? Yes, of course. Sadly, I couldn't say. That's the trouble with ancient artifacts! They're always scattering their bits at various locations around the world.

(If Celica refuses to show the Turnwheel)
Cleric: Ah, of course. Forgive me for presuming.

(If Celica talks to the Cleric again before finding all 9 Cogs)
Cleric: Mila's Turnwheel is incomplete in its current state, its power diminished. If you could recover all of the missing cogs, it could be restored. Surely the ability to turn back more time in battle would be most welcome!

Cleric: My word! My stars and garters! It seems all the cogs have been restored to Mila's Turnwheel! You should now be able to use it to its fullest, most potential-y potential. What's more, I can rest easy knowing that the artifact is now whole. Thank you for repairing this treasure. Allow me to give you this in recognition of your fine efforts.
(Ambrosia + 300 Renown)

Cleric: Thank you for restoring Mila’s Turnwheel to its former glory.

Languid Hermit: Such poor, damnable souls... ...Me? Why, I speak of the revenants that haunt Novis Cemetery, of course. They were once good people of the island, all buried with love and care. But now the world's rotting, and they've risen as Terrors to prey on the living. If you've a beating heart inside you, give them the rest they deserve. Last I looked, at least twenty of the poor souls stalked the area.

Languid Hermit: Please grant peace to the revenants. They've suffered enough. If you could free just twenty from their curse, it would be a mercy.

Languid Hermit: Ah, I can see you've laid twenty revenants to rest. It is a kindness. You have my thanks. And you've set my own mind to peace as well. I've not much, but you deserve a reward for your service.
(Holey Cheese + 100 Renown)

Novis Greatport

Tavernkeep: For a while there, I was obsessed with making my own tinctures. I'd take any herbs and botanicals I could find and mash 'em up. Of all my creations, the best was something I called "medicinal syrup." If you had three mana herbs on you, I could whip up a batch right now.

Tavernkeep: If you had three mana herbs, I could whip you up some medicinal syrup.

(If Celica does not have enough)
Tavernkeep: Hey, c'mon! You don't even HAVE three mana herbs! Track down three of those bad boys and then come talk to me.
(If Celica refuses to hand them over)
Tavernkeep: Well, I'll be here if the craving strikes. You just let me know.

(Once Celica gives him three Mana Herbs)
Tavernkeep: Ah, I see you're well stocked. I'll have your syrup ready to go in no time flat.
(Medicinal Syrup)

Seabound Shrine

Feeble Man: I-is that... Yes! You there! Please! F-food… Anything... I beg of ya!

(If Celica refuses to give him anything)
Feeble Man: ...What? Really? I've real questions... about yer... moral compass... friend...

(If Celica gives him food that is not meat-based)
Feeble Man: Sorry, but I was thinkin' something... a bit more... Ya know... Meaty. A bit meatier. More... meat-like. ...Look, ya gots any meat?

(Once Celica gives him meat-based food)
Skilled Angler: ...Ahhhh! Many thanks. Now I'm finally startin' to feel human again. I'm a fisherman. All of Zofia Harbor knows of me, so they do. But ten days ago, I ran into a fearsome storm that washed me ashore here. "Thank Mila, I'm saved!" I thought. ...Then the necrodragon showed up. I ran in here and hid, but m'food stores ran out and... Well, you see. ...Eh? The necrodragon is dead? And by yer hand?! Well, that's marvelous news! I can go home now! Here, lemme see if... This is all I have, but please take it.
(10 Silver Marks + 100 Renown)

(Once Celica talks to him after giving him meat-based food)
Skilled Angler: Oh, didja know about this place? They say this shrine's also the tomb of a priestess what protected this region. Tales say she was given a grand burial along with her trusty blade. Can't say I saw anything like that here, though, and I walked around a fair bit. Did feel a breeze coming through by the well in the back, though. If you were thinkin' to explore, I'd tell ya to start there. Well, I'm off to patch m'boat and sail her back to Zofia. Safe travels, one'n all!
(The angler leaves)

Zofia Harbor

Tavernkeep Wife: With all that's gone on in the world lately, my children are afraid. I'd love to bake them something sweet to put a bit of joy in their lives, but with the war on, ingredients are dear, so they are. What I need is some flour, honey, and butter. I know you've your own mouths to feed, but do you have any to spare?
(If Celica refuses)
Tavernkeep Wife: I figured. Belts are tight for us all in these times, so they are.
(If Celica lacks enough ingredients)
Tavernkeep Wife: Hmm, that's not quite enough. Can't bake much of anything without flour, honey, and butter.

Tavernkeep Wife: Hmm, I wonder where I could get the ingredients to bake some cookies...

(Once Celica hands over the ingredients)
Tavernkeep Wife: Oh, you're a dear. Many thanks! Now I can make a batch of cookies to put smiles on my kids' faces. ...There! Baked to perfection. That made more than I counted on. Help yourself to one, if you'd like.
(Sweet Cookie)

Alessio: So much for that deal... Alas! Oh, my tale is woeful indeed...
(If Celica hears him out)
Alessio: I have a buyer lined up for a shipment of coral fragments. Fine price, too! I came here to Zofia Harbor to source the goods, but it seems the local fishing trade's dried up on account of pirates! I've wrung a few fragments out of seller contacts here, but I'm still five short. My client's not a patient man. If I don't deliver before Pegastym's end... Please! You must help me! For the sake of my poor kneecaps! If anyone can find coral fragments, I'll pay twice the going rate.

Alessio: I'm still short on coral fragments. If you come across more, I'll buy them.

(If Celica has a Coral Fragment and gives it to him)
Alessio: You've coral to sell? Fantastic! My knees might yet see another day! Here, I'll throw in a few extra coins as thanks.
(If Celica has a Coral Fragment, but refuses to give it to him)
Alessio: Do you torture me for fun? Such cruelty!
(If Celica approaches Alessio with no Coral Fragments)
Alessio: ...What? You don't have any! This is serious business, friend!

(Once Celica hands over the fifth Coral Fragment)
Alessio: Ah! That's the five coral fragments I need to complete the shipment. You're a saint, friend. I'll raise a glass to you when I celebrate this deal. For now, I've a rush delivery to make!

(Each Coral Fragment handed over gives 10 Silver Marks, and handing over all five gives 200 Renown)

Zofia Castle

Cheese Lover: I consider cheese the greatest gift to man, and dedicate my life to eating it. Scour the world for new cheesy treats, and I'll see you rewarded accordingly.

(Handing over Holey Cheese)
Cheese Lover: Is that... It is! By the gods! Holey cheese is a rarity indeed here in Zofia Castle. I must try it at once. *nibble* ...Hmm. How positively meager. Needlessly hard, yet lacking in body. Flavor like damp leather on the tongue. Yet its unassuming character makes it fit for any meal. A democratic cheese! I thank you for the sample. Please take this for your troubles.

(Handing over Blue Cheese)
Cheese Lover: Ah ha! Ah ha ha haaaaa! Blue cheese is never far from the palates of cheese-loving bluebloods! Salty as a sailor. A nose that kicks like a mule—but a mule you love! Learning to eat it—to ADORE it—is a rite of passage for any cheese fan. Truly, a fine meal, if a bit pungent. Please take this for your efforts.
(Medicinal Syrup)

(Handing over Pegasus Cheese)
Cheese Lover: Is this... Can it truly be?! From the southern edge of Macedon, a vast ocean away... A cheese crafted from milk suckled from the sweet, flappy teat of a pegasus! I never dared dream I might one day gaze upon it with my own two eyes! Look at it... LOOK AT IT! The brilliant golden gleam! The nose-tickling aroma! *nibble* Ahhhhhh, and this taste... Perfection on the tongue! A finer meal I've never had. This is rightfully yours in thanks.
(Exotic Spice + 300 Renown)