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< Brady
Revision as of 02:54, 24 March 2024 by Mr. Kite (talk | contribs) (→‎B Support: it should say "do" not "so")

This page contains all data pertaining to Brady's supports in Fire Emblem Awakening.

Robin (M)

Small portrait brady fe13.png
Support information: Small portrait robin m fe13.png
Robin (M)
3 pts.
8 pts.
15 pts.

C Support

Robin: Ah, there you are.
Brady: Lookin' for me, Robin?
Robin: We haven't had much chance to chat. I thought I'd rectify that.
Brady: Afraid I ain't much of a conversationalist. I'd probably bore ya stiff.
Robin: I'm sure that's not true.
Brady: Plus, I got no place talkin' to an overachiever like you to begin with. We two just ain't a good fit, see?
Robin: Well, what sort of person WOULD be a good fit?
Brady: Oh, I dunno. Maybe somebody like that ... one fella. The one with the axe. ...Wait a sec, who do I usually talk to? Gotta be SOMEONE, right? Hells bells ... Do I not have any friends?
Robin: Wow, I, uh ... I'm sorry I asked?
Brady: Augh, it's embarrassing enough without you pitying me! I guess I don't really have much in the way of buddies ... But what I need is a mentor! Someone who know how a real organization works and does it all by the book. Yessir, it's ironclad hierarchy for me!
Robin: You want an ironclad hierarchy?
Brady: Course! The sort of outfit I wanna be a part of is run by the boys up top. When the saps down below screw up, they get smacked back in line!
Robin: Sounds like you'd make for a pretty stern boss.
Brady: Eventually, maybe. But I ain't planning to be the big cheese anytime soon. I'm the new kid. I want somebody who's gonna show me what's what. A guy with gravitas, yeah? Manly and tough, but dedicated. Little fire in his belly! The sort of fella what I can admire.
Robin: Sounds pretty stoic.
Brady: Yeah, exactly! Stoic! Respect for authority mixed with a liberal dose of old-fashioned male bonding! The boss makes his boys into men, and the men defend the boss with their lives!
Robin: Heh, well I guess the trick is finding the right boss, then.
Brady: I'm hoping to find somebody up for the job right in this here army.
Robin: I can keep my eye out for likely candidates if you want.
Brady: Naw, forget it! This ain't the sort of thing what you can find lookin' for it. It's fate as much as anything else. I'll see who the stars lead me to.
Robin: If you're sure ...

B Support

Brady: Hmm ... Everybody like him ... They trust him as a tactician ... His orders are so darn precise ... He keeps the eye on the whole field ... I know I wouldn't be scrappin' half as well if he wasn't telling me what to do. Plus the guy's a beast in combat, always defending the rest of us ...
Robin: Hmm? Who's that over there ...?
Brady: I think I've found my man!
Robin: Oh, hello, Brady? What'd you find?
Brady: Wha--?! Robin! ...N-no, nothin'.
Robin: You sure? If there's something on your mind, I'm always happy to listen.
Brady: ...Okay, well ... When you make a plan, what's the most important thing?
Robin: Huh? Where's this coming from?
Brady: Don't clam up now, just answer the question.
Robin: Hmm ... I suppose it's finding a clear path.
Brady: A path's an awfully literal answer. I was expecting something ... I dunno. Fluffier. "Faith in one another" or "ties that bind." That sorta malarkey. Or at least some kinda wacky concept like "efficiency" or "finesse."
Robin: I think everything you just mentioned is important. But I view my job as charting a path from wherever we are to victory. That way, when I give out the directions, there's a context. A logical continuity. I'd say that's first and foremost for me.
Brady: So you DO mean it as more of an abstract thing!
Robin: Well, literal roads are important too, but yes. I'm navigating our way through this war, but everyone else is on the ship. We all share in the journey, so I need to be sure we agree on the course.
Brady: So it's important it has a "logical continuity" ... Huh.
Robin: Does that answer your question?
Brady: I dunno. Gimme some time to mull it over. ...Alone.
Robin: I wonder what that was all about?

A Support

Brady: Hey, Robin! I want to be yer boy, and I want you to make me a man!
Robin: ...I'm sure I must be misunderstanding you.
Brady: I want you to be the boss what keeps me in line! Remember? We talked about this! I've been looking for someone I could lay my life down for in this here army. A mentor! A big cheese who shows me the ropes!
Robin: Riiight. I remember that much.
Brady: Well, I decided YOU'RE gonna be that someone! Sure, you're not exactly the gruff, manly type, and "gravitas" ain't a word I'd use ... But what you said before, about seeing a clear path? It kinda got me right here.
Robin: Er, I'm flattered, but I don't know if I'm the sort of superhuman you're looking for.
Brady: Whoa, whoa. Hold it right there. A boss has gotta ACT like a boss, you know? Have some bravado. Some swagger! Never play modest, especially in front of the boys! Now, let's try this again. Lay some orders on me, boss! Lemme have it!
Robin: I'm still not really sure what you're looking for me to do here ...
Brady: Put me to work! Send me on errands! Whatever ya needs! If anyone in the camp's givin' you lip, lemme smack 'em around. Fellas? Dames? Old ladies? Don't matter none to ol' Brady!
Robin: I don't want anybody smacked around!
Brady: When you walk around camp, I'll be one step ahead, clearin' your path. When you go to eat, I'll shoo people away from your special table!
Robin: It's starting to sound like you want a gang kingpin, not a mentor.
Brady: Exactly! You'd be the boss, which would make me your second! All I ask is that ya work me ragged. If I can draw my last breath after taking an arrow for ya, I'll be happy!
Robin: What?! I don't want you dying, for me or otherwise!
Brady: ...What, I don't make the cut? Not good enough to be one of your boys?
Robin: Ugh, Brady ...
Brady: Yeah, boss?! Whaddya need? Just name it!
Robin: I'll do my best to mentor you, but not in the way you're thinking. I'm not looking for "boys," and I don't want to be anyone's "boss." I want everyone here to support each other as equals. Not as pawns and kingpins.
Brady: ...Sure I can't change your mind? We could get a gang together ...
Robin: We have a gang together, Brady! Our army, a field of equals. I consider all of you brothers and sisters--peers--as should you. We're already bound together, and that's not going to change.
Brady: Fair enough, boss. Er, Robin. After all, I wouldn't have chose to serve ya if ya didn't have a magnanimous streak.
Robin: Brady, I just said ...
Brady: Oh, I heard ya. And don't worry. In my heart of hearts, you're still the boss, even if ya wanna just be small potatoes.
Robin: Thanks, Brady. Not exactly what I was hoping for, but I'll take it. I'm proud to consider you a friend, as well as an ally.
Brady: Heh, I guess if I can't have a boss, I'll settle for a partner.
Robin: Welcome to the gang, Brady.

Robin (M) (as parent and child)

Small portrait brady fe13.png
Support information: Small portrait robin m fe13.png
Robin (M)
0 pts.
? pts.
? pts.
This support is only available if Robin (M) is Brady's father.

C Support

Brady: Tea's ready. It's the, uh ... The whatsit kind. From that place. You know, the expensive junk.
Robin: Um ...
Brady: Well ...? Whaddya waitin' for? A royal invitation? It's all set and ready to go- just the way ya like it.
Robin: Uh, Brady?
Brady: Let's step it up, old-timer! Tea ain't gettin' any hotter!
Robin: Oh, right. S-sorry ... *sip* ...But, Brady?
Brady: Yeah?
Robin: What did you mean, "just the way I like it"? I hardly ever drink tea.
Brady: Whaddya mean? You drink it every day. You never miss teatime.
Robin: I've had the odd cup here or there, but I don't recall ever having "teatime."
Brady: ...WHAT?! Ma told me to join ya in your daily tea ritual! Even gave detailed instructions! Wait ... Did she make it all up?
Robin: Considering I don't even know what a "tea ritual" is, I'm guessing she did.
Brady: That dirty ... I bet she's laughing her head off right about now!
Robin: Er, what exactly did she tell you?
Brady: Oh, don't you worry. I'm gonna have me a nice, long chat with dear ol' Ma! You just sit there and drink your damn tea. So long, old-timer!
Brady: ...Oh, and set this on top of the pot. It keeps the tea warm.
Robin: ...When did my life get so weird?

B Support

Brady: Sorry about last time, old timer.
Robin: What, the tea? Hardly something to apologize for. I was happy for the chance to chat.
Brady: Well, good. But I still feel bad you wound up drinking alone. Anyway, I brought my violin by way of apologizin'.
Robin: ...Sorry?
Brady: Yeah, exactly. I wanna say I'm sorry, and I heard that requires a violin performance.
Robin: It ... does?
Brady: What, were ya born in a barn? Course it does! I gotta tickle the catgut for three songs, then do a backflip. That's when you stand up and start clappin' and cheerin' and throwin' roses. ...Er, at least, that's what Ma said.
Robin: Brady, listen to me. No one has ever apologized to me that way before. ...EVER. Your mother's having fun with you again.
Brady: What, AGAIN?! Oh, that tears it! I'm gonna-
Robin: Brady, wait.
Brady: What?!
Robin: As long as you're here, let's enjoy a nice chat and forget about Maribelle.I'm almost thankful, really. If not for her japes, you'd probably never have come by.
Brady: Forget Ma? But she's been playing me like a dancin'-monkey organ guy! Aw, heck. Fine. I guess I can put up with her horseplay a bit longer ... It'd be nice to just sit back and chew the fat a bit.
Robin: It's settled then! Pull up a seat ...

A Support

Brady: And then Ma pulls out that li'l umbrella of hers, and she says-
Robin: Heh heh ...
Brady: ...What are ya laughing for? I ain't even at the punchline yet.
Robin: I'm just glad we're able to talk like this, Brady. I'll admit, I was a little shocked when I first saw you. You seemed a bit ... scary.
Brady: Yeah, well. Sorry I'm all scary. I guess if you don't like it, do a better job raising the real deal.
Robin: What, you mean the Brady from this era?
Brady: Yeah. I ain't your real son, anyway. I mean, not exaclty.
Robin: ... ... Brady, I ...
Brady: Aw, what? What's with that face? I don't need no pity. Unlike some of the other kids, I ain't jealous of the Brady from this timeline. We're two different cats, yeah? No hard feelings. Once the real one's born, you can forget about me. I'll bow out all graceful-like.
Robin: Brady, how can you say that after we've gotten so close? You think I'd just cast you aside once my son is born? I would never do that. You're my friend, Brady. ...And my son.
Brady: Pop, I ... *sniff* Aw, damn. I'd decided not to cry, and then ya go and say crap like that ... *sniffle* I was lyin' about what I said before, Pop! It does matter to me! Please don't forget me! Just ... remember that we were good pals once, yeah? Real chums.
Robin: I could never forget you, Son. I'll remember you till the day I die and love you as my future self would.
Brady: Okay, no more talk of dyin'. If you go boots up before me, I'll douse your grave in more tea than ya can stand. I'll play my violin and do a backflip if I have to. Don't try me, old-timer!
Robin: Well then, it's settled. Guess your pop can't very well die now, can he?

Robin (F)

Small portrait brady fe13.png
Support information: Small portrait robin f fe13.png
Robin (F)
4 pts.
8 pts.
13 pts.
18 pts.

C Support

Brady: *Pant, pant, wheeze* Need ...air ... HAAA ...ngh ... *sputter, pant* D-dammit ...
Robin: Brady, what's the matter?
Brady: Ain't *pant* n-nothin' *pant* matter *wheeze* ...
Robin: I thought you were out training with the rest of the troops?
Brady: Well duh, that's EXACTLY *cough* what I was doin'. So get off my back!
Robin: You overdid it, didn't you?
Brady: Sh-shut yer yapper!
Robin: Do you need a glass of water? Or maybe a damp towel would help?
Brady: N-no ... I'm perfectly ... *cough* fine. Dammit ... gotta get back there ... rest of 'em ... learnin' stuff ... gettin' ahead'a me ... Gotta ... train ... more ... *sniff* ...
Robin: Er, Brady. Are you crying?
Brady: I SAID shut yer *sniff* yapper. I NEVER cry, yeah?!
Robin: I think you're being much too hard on yourself here, Brady. You have to understand, you're already an important part of this army. Look, here's a handkerchief. Why don't you blow your nose?
Brady: That isn't snot, it's tears! I don't need ya wipin' my nose like a sap, see?
Robin: But you never cry, yeah?
Brady: You ain't nearly as nice as everyone says you is.
Robin: I'm sorry. I know I shouldn't tease. But seriously, Brady. Are you really so desperate to get stronger?
Brady: Well, yeah. Of course I am. It's pretty much all I care about.
Robin: Then let me help you.
Brady: What, I'm supposed to just have you drill me? Teach me to fight better? You?
Robin: Basically, yes.
Brady: Yeah, well ... I suppose that's ... fine. Do what ya gotta do.
Robin: Then it's settled! Excellent ...

B Support

Robin: Well, Brady. Ready to begin training? It's time we toughened you up.
Brady: Yeah, I guess. Where do we start?
Robin: First thing we need to do is work on your habits off the battlefield.
Brady: Huh? What's that got to do with fightin' and gettin' strong?
Robin: It has everything to do with it, actually. Your problem is a lack of stamina. We need to make sure the basics are covered before we get into combat.
Brady: Sounds like a buncha malarkey if ya ask me, but whatever.
Robin: Now, folks tell me that you're rather picky when it comes to food ...
Brady: Yeah, I guess. Ain't everyone?
Robin: If you want to get stronger, you can't just eat the things you like. You need a balanced diet, with a full spectrum of nutrients and vitamins.
Brady: What, ya mean like equal parts beef AND pork ...?
Robin: No, I mean meat, grains, fruits and veggies, and dairy. Oh, and no more late nights. A dissolute lifestyle leads to all kinds of health problems.
Brady: Fine, fine. So if I eat right and go to bed early, that'll make me strong?
Robin: It won't happen overnight, but little by little, you'll find your stamina improving.
Brady: Gettin' good at fightin' sure has a lot less fightin' than I thought. A bit borin', ain't it?
Robin: If you don't want to hear my advice, I so have other things I could be doing ...
Brady: Oh, no, no! I ain't complainin'! I'll stick to yer program like glue.

A Support

Robin: Good, you're here. Let's get started, shall we? First, I have something for you.
Brady: What is it? A weight machine? A new practice sword? A fencin' dummy?
Robin: It's a bowl of my secret soup!
Brady: What the hey does soup have to do with buildin' my cannons?
Robin: It's a key part of the program. Now eat the whole bowl, please.
Brady: Soup ain't gonna do nothin' for nobody! ...Unless you put secret stuff in here, yeah?
Robin: Only if you consider carrots, turnips, leeks, and pig trotters "secret stuff."
Brady: Just regular soup, huh? All right. Down the hatch, I guess ... *slurp* EEEEEEEEW! What in blazes?! This tastes horrible!
Robin: Oh, it's not that bad. ...There must be some reason you're still eating it, right?
Brady: *Slurp* It's kinda ... addictive ... even though ... *slurp* ain't tastin' better.
Robin: You know why? Because it's full of nutrients that your body's been craving.
Brady: *Slurp* Yeah?
Robin: That's right. I analyzed your likes and dislikes to customize the recipe for you. It wasn't easy, either. I was up half the night working on it.
Brady: Well, ain't you a peach? *sluuuuuurp*
Robin: My pleasure. If you want results, sometimes you just have to work hard. All I ask in return is that you finish all of it ... and there we are. All done!
Brady: Oh, yeah. I couldn't stop eating it ...
Robin: Well, Brady, I'm impressed. I'll make another batch right away. We'll fix your nutritional problems yet!
Brady: Heck, if eatin' that stuff will make me strong, I'll take a whole barrel!

S Support

Robin: I brought you more of my special soup, Brady.
Brady: Oh. Er, sure. All right.
Robin: What's the matter? You seem a bit Are you finally growing tired of the soup?
Brady: Naw, it ain't like that. I'm stronger than ever thanks to your daily doses of veggie goodness. ...I just got somethin' what needs sayin' to you, yeah?
Robin: Sounds serious.
Brady: It is. Life-'n'-death serious. See, I've come a long way this last little while, yeah? And it's all 'cause you been workin' so hard on my behalf.
Robin: Whatever you've accomplished is due to your own hard work, Brady. And what's more, you haven't been making a big show of how much you've learned. You just put your nose to the grindstone and got on with it. I've been very impressed, to be honest.
Brady: Aw, Robin ...
Robin: So what's wrong, Brady? What is this life-and-death matter you want to discuss?
Brady: Guess I should just stop beating 'round the bush and just let fly, yeah? I wanna drink yer soup every day for the rest of my life!
Robin: I ...I'm not sure I understand ... Do you want the recipe?
Brady: It kinda struck me a few days ago, but I figured ya didn't feel the same. So I decided to just bite my tongue and play the cool cat, yeah? But when ya stand there and praise me like that, it kinda gives me hope again. I loves ya, Robin! I'm crazy about ya!
Robin: Oh, Brady ...
Brady: I want us to be together all the time, from now until we're old and busted!
Robin: Well this is a surprise ... But such a happy one! It would be my great honor, Brady. I'll always be here to support you.
Brady: Aw, that's swell! But ya won't have to help me forever, ya know? One day, I'm gonna get so strong that I'll be lookin' after YOU!
Robin: Well, in the meantime, soup's on!
Brady: Now that's what I like to hear!

Brady (Confession): You make me wanna be stronger! Better! I swear to become a guy worthy of your love!


Small portrait brady fe13.png
Support information: Small portrait chrom l fe13.png
0 pts.
? pts.
? pts.
This support is only available if Chrom is Brady's father.

C Support

Brady: Tea's ready. It's the, uh ... The whatsit kind. From that place. You know, the expensive junk.
Chrom: Um ...
Brady: Well ...? Whaddya waitin' for? A royal invitation? It's all set and ready to go-just the way you like it.
Chrom: Uh, Brady?
Brady: Let's step it up, old-timer! Tea ain't gettin' any hotter!
Chrom: Oh, right. S-sorry ... *sip* ...But, Brady?
Brady: Yeah?
Chrom: What did you mean, "just the way I like it"? I hardly ever drink tea.
Brady: Whaddya mean? You drink it every day. You never miss teatime.
Chrom: I've had the odd cup here or there, but I've never had a "teatime" in my life.
Brady: ...WHAT?! Ma told me to join ya in your daily tea ritual! Even gave detailed instructions! Wait ... Did she make it all up?
Chrom: Considering I don't even know what a "tea ritual" is, I'm guessing she did.
Brady: That dirty ... I bet she's laughing her head off right now!
Chrom: Er, what exactly did she tell you?
Brady: Oh, don't you worry. I'm gonna have me a nice, long chat with dear ol' Ma! You just sit there and drink your damn tea. So long, old-timer! ...Oh, and set this on top of the pot. It keeps the tea warm.
Chrom: ...When did my life get so weird?

B Support

Brady: Sorry about last time, old timer.
Chrom: What, the tea? Hardly something to apologize for. I was happy for the chance to chat.
Brady: Well, good. But I still feel bad you wound up drinking alone. Anyway, I brought my violin by way of apologizin'.
Chrom: ...I'm sorry?
Brady: Yeah, exactly. I wanna say I'm sorry, and I heard that requires a violin performance.
Chrom: It ... does?
Brady: What, were ya born in a barn? Course it does! I gotta tickle the catgut for three songs, then do a backflip. That's when you stand up and start clappin' and cheerin' and throwin' roses. ...Er, at least, that's what Ma said.
Chrom: Brady, listen to me. No one has ever apologized to me that way before. ...EVER. Your mother's having fun with you again.
Brady: What, AGAIN?! Oh, that tears it! I'm gonna-
Chrom: Brady, wait.
Brady: What?!
Chrom: As long as you're here, let's enjoy a nice chat and forget about Maribelle. I'm almost thankful, really. If not for her japes, you'd probably never have come by.
Brady: Forget Ma? But she's been playing me like a dancin'-monkey organ guy! Aw, heck. Fine. I guess I can put up with her horseplay a bit longer ... It'd be nice to just sit back and chew the fat a bit.
Chrom: It's settled then! Pull up a seat ...

A Support

Brady: And then Ma pulls out that li'l umbrella of hers, and she says-
Chrom: Heh heh ...
Brady: ...What are ya laughing for? I ain't even at the punchline yet.
Chrom: I'm just glad we're able to talk like this, Brady. I'll admit, I was a little shocked when I first saw you. You seemed a bit ... scary.
Brady: Yeah, well. Sorry I'm all scary. I guess if you don't like it, do a better job of raising the real deal.
Chrom: What, you mean the Brady from this era?
Brady: Yeah. I ain't your real son, anyway. I mean, not exactly.
Chrom: ... ... Brady, I ...
Brady: Aw, what? What's with that face? I don't need no pity. Unlike some of the other kids, I ain't jealous of the Brady from this timeline. We're two different cats, yeah? No hard feelings. Once the real one's born, you can forget about me. I'll bow out all graceful-like.
Chrom: Brady, how can you say that after we've gotten so close? You think I'd just cast you aside once my son is born? I would never do that. You're my friend, Brady. ...And my son.
Brady: Pop, I ... *sniff* Aw, damn. I decided not to cry, and then ya go and say crap like that ... *sniffle* I was lyin' about what I said before, Pop! It does matter to me! Please don't forget me! Just ... remember that we were good pals once, yeah? Real chums.
Chrom: I could never forget you, Son. I'll remember you till the day I die and love you as my future self would.
Brady: Okay, no more talk of dyin'. If you go boots up before me, I'll douse your grave in more tea than ya can stand. I'll play my violin and do a backflip if I have to. Don't try me, old-timer!
Chrom: Well then, it's settled. Guess your pop can't very well die now, can he?


Small portrait brady fe13.png
Support information: Small portrait frederick fe13.png
0 pts.
? pts.
? pts.
This support is only available if Frederick is Brady's father.

C Support

Brady: Tea's ready. It's the, uh ... The whatsit kind. From that place. You know, the expensive junk.
Frederick: Um ...
Brady: Well ...? Whaddya waitin' for? A royal invitation? It's all set and ready to go—just the way ya like it.
Frederick: Er, Brady?
Brady: Let's step it up, old-timer! Tea ain't gettin' any hotter!
Frederick: Ah, right. S-sorry ... *sip* ...But, Brady?
Brady: Yeah?
Frederick: What did you mean, "just the way I like it"? I hardly ever drink tea.
Brady: Whaddya mean? You drink it every day. You never miss teatime.
Frederick: I've had the odd cup here or there, but I've never had a "teatime" in my life.
Brady: ...WHAT?! Ma told me to join ya in your daily tea ritual! Even gave detailed instructions! Wait ... Did she make it all up?
Frederick: Considering I don't even have a "daily tea ritual," I suppose she did.
Brady: That dirty ... I bet she's laughing her head off right about now!
Frederick: ...What exactly did she tell you?
Brady: Oh, don't you worry. I'm gonna have me a nice, long chat with dear ol' Ma! You just sit there and drink your damn tea. So long, old-timer! ...Oh, and set this on top of the pot. It keeps the tea warm.
Frederick: ...When did my life get so strange?

B Support

Brady: Sorry about last time, old-timer.
Frederick: What, the tea? Hardly something to apologize for. I was happy for the chance to chat.
Brady: Well, good. But I still feel bad you wound up drinking alone. Anyway, I brought my violin by way of apologizin'.
Frederick: ...I'm sorry?
Brady: Yeah, exactly. I wanna say I'm sorry, and I heard that requires a violin performance.
Frederick: It ...does?
Brady: What, were ya born in a barn? Course it does! I gotta tickle the catgut for three songs, then do a backflip. That's when you stand up and start clappin' and cheerin' and throwin' roses. ...Er, at least, that's what Ma said.
Frederick: Brady, listen to me. No one has ever apologized to me that way before. ...EVER. Your mother's having fun with you again.
Brady: What, AGAIN?! Oh, that tears it! I'm gonna—
Frederick: Brady, wait.
Brady: What?!
Frederick: As long as you're here, let's just enjoy a nice chat and forget about Maribelle. I'm almost thankful, really. If not for her japes, you'd probably never have come by.
Brady: Forget Ma? But she's been playing me like a dancin'-monkey organ guy! Aw, heck. Fine. I guess I can put up with her horseplay a bit longer ... It'd be nice to just sit back and chew the fat a bit.
Frederick: It's settled then. Pull up a seat ...

A Support

Brady: And then Ma pulls out that li'l umbrella of hers, and she says—
Frederick: Heh heh ...
Brady: ...What are ya laughing for? I ain't even at the punchline yet.
Frederick: I'm just glad we're able to talk like this, Brady. I'll admit, I was a little shocked when I first saw you. You seemed ...frightening.
Brady: Yeah, well. Sorry I'm all scary. I guess if you don't like it, do a better job raising the real deal.
Frederick: What, you mean the Brady from this era?
Brady: Yeah. I ain't your real son, anyway. I mean, not exactly.
Frederick: ... ... Brady, I ...
Brady: Aw, what? What's with that face? I don't need no pity. Unlike some of the other kids, I ain't jealous of the Brady from this timeline. We're two different cats, yeah? No hard feelings. Once the real one's born, you can forget about me. I'll bow out all graceful-like.
Frederick: Brady, how can you say that after we've gotten so close? You think I'd just cast you aside once my son is born? I would never do that. You're my friend, Brady. ...And my son.
Brady: Pop, I ... *sniff* Aw, damn. I'd decided not to cry, and then ya go and say crap like that ... *sniffle* I was lyin' about what I said before, Pop! It does matter to me! Please don't forget me! Just ...remember that we were good pals once, yeah? Real chums.
Frederick: I could never forget you, Son. I'll remember you till the day I die and love you as my future self would.
Brady: Okay, no more talk of dyin'. If you go boots up before me, I'll douse your grave in more tea than ya can stand. I'll play my violin and do a backflip if I have to. Don't try me, old-timer!
Frederick: Well then, it's settled. Guess your pop can't very well die now, can he?


Small portrait brady fe13.png
Support information: Small portrait virion fe13.png
0 pts.
? pts.
? pts.
This support is only available if Virion is Brady's father.

C Support

Brady: Tea's ready. It's the, uh ... The whatsit kind. From that place. You know, the expensive junk.
Virion: Um ...
Brady: Well ...? Whaddya waitin' for? A royal invitation? It's all set and ready to go—just the way ya like it.
Virion: Uh, Brady?
Brady: Let's step it up, old-timer! Tea ain't gettin' any hotter!
Virion: Uh, right. S-sorry ... *sip* ...But, Brady?
Brady: Yeah?
Virion: What's with the sudden tea obsession? Isn't this a bit out of the blue?
Brady: Whaddya mean? You do this every day. You never miss teatime.
Virion: Hah! I enjoy a spot of tea as much as the next man, but I've never done "teatime."
Brady: ...WHAT?! Ma told me to join ya in your daily tea ritual! Even gave detailed instructions! Wait ... Did she make it all up?
Virion: Considering I don't even have a "daily tea ritual," I suppose she did.
Brady: That dirty ... I bet she's laughing her head off right about now!
Virion: Er, what exactly did she tell you?
Brady: Oh, don't you worry. I'm gonna have me a nice, long chat with dear ol' Ma! You just sit there and drink your damn tea. So long, old-timer! ...Oh, and set this on top of the pot. It keeps the tea warm.
Virion: ...When did my life get so strange?

B Support

Brady: Sorry about last time, old-timer.
Virion: What, the tea? Hardly something to apologize for. I was happy for the chance to chat.
Brady: Well, good. But I still feel bad you wound up drinking alone. Anyway, I brought my violin by way of apologizin'.
Virion: ...I'm sorry?
Brady: Yeah, exactly. I wanna say I'm sorry, and I heard that requires a violin performance.
Virion: It ...does?
Brady: What, were ya born in a barn? Course it does! I gotta tickle the catgut for three songs, then do a backflip. That's when you stand up and start clappin' and cheerin' and throwin' roses. ...Er, at least, that's what Ma said.
Virion: Brady, listen to me. No one has ever apologized to me that way before. ...EVER. Your mother's having fun with you again.
Brady: What, AGAIN?! Oh, that tears it! I'm gonna—
Virion: Brady, wait.
Brady: What?!
Virion: As long as you're here, let's just enjoy a nice chat and forget about Maribelle. I'm almost thankful, really. If not for her japes, you probably wouldn't have come by.
Brady: Forget Ma? But she's been playing me like a dancin'-monkey organ guy! Aw, heck. Fine. I guess I can put up with her horseplay a bit longer ... It'd be nice to just sit back and chew the fat a bit.
Virion: It's settled then! Pull up a seat ...

A Support

Brady: And then Ma pulls out that li'l umbrella of hers, and she says—
Virion: Heh heh ...
Brady: ...What are ya laughing for? I ain't even at the punchline yet.
Virion: I'm just glad we're able to talk like this, Brady. I'll admit, I was a little shocked when I first saw you. You seemed a bit ...scary.
Brady: Yeah, well. Sorry I'm all scary. I guess if you don't like it, do a better job raising the real deal.
Virion: What, you mean the Brady from this era?
Brady: Yeah. I ain't your real son, anyway. I mean, not exactly.
Virion: ... ... Brady, I ...
Brady: Aw, what? What's with that face? I don't need no pity. Unlike some of the other kids, I ain't jealous of the Brady from this timeline. We're two different cats, yeah? No hard feelings. Once the real one's born, you can forget about me. I'll bow out all graceful-like.
Virion: Brady, how can you say that after we've gotten so close? You think I'd just cast you aside once my son is born? I would never do that. You're my friend, Brady. ...And my son.
Brady: Pop, I ... *sniff* Aw, damn. I'd decided not to cry, and then ya go and say crap like that ... *sniffle* I was lyin' about what I said before, Pop! It does matter to me! Please don't forget me! Just ...remember that we were good pals once, yeah? Real chums.
Virion: I could never forget you, Son. I'll remember you till the day I die and love you as my future self would.
Brady: Okay, no more talk of dyin'. If you go boots up before me, I'll douse your grave in more tea than ya can stand. I'll play my violin and do a backflip if I have to. Don't try me, old-timer!
Virion: Well then, it's settled. Guess your pop can't very well die now, can he?


Small portrait brady fe13.png
Support information: Small portrait vaike fe13.png
0 pts.
? pts.
? pts.
This support is only available if Vaike is Brady's father.

C Support

Brady: Tea's ready. It's the, uh ... The whatsit kind. From that place. You know, the expensive junk.
Vaike: Um ...
Brady: Well ...? Whaddya waitin' for? A royal invitation? It's all set and ready to go—just the way ya like it.
Vaike: Uh, Brady?
Brady: Let's step it up, old-timer! Tea ain't gettin' any hotter!
Vaike: Uh, right. S-sorry ... *sip* ...But, Brady?
Brady: Yeah?
Vaike: What did ya mean, "just the way I like it"? The Vaike hardly ever drinks tea.
Brady: Whaddya mean? You drink it every day. You never miss teatime.
Vaike: Hey, I got nothin' against tea, but I've never had a "teatime" in my life.
Brady: ...WHAT?! Ma told me to join ya in your daily tea ritual! Even gave detailed instructions! Wait ... Did she make it all up?
Vaike: Considerin' I don't even know what a "tea ritual" is, I'm guessin' she did.
Brady: That dirty ... I bet she's laughing her head off right about now!
Vaike: Er, what exactly did she tell you?
Brady: Oh, don't you worry. I'm gonna have me a nice, long chat with dear ol' Ma! You just sit there and drink your damn tea. So long, old-timer! ...Oh, and set this on top of the pot. It keeps the tea warm.
Vaike: ...When did my life get so weird?

B Support

Brady: Sorry about last time, old-timer.
Vaike: What, the tea? Aw, ain't nothin' to apologize for. Ol' Vaike was happy for the chance to chat!
Brady: Well, good. But I still feel bad you wound up drinking alone. Anyway, I brought my violin by way of apologizin'.
Vaike: ...I'm sorry?
Brady: Yeah, exactly. I wanna say I'm sorry, and I heard that requires a violin performance.
Vaike: It ...does?
Brady: What, were ya born in a barn? Course it does! I gotta tickle the catgut for three songs, then do a backflip. That's when you stand up and start clappin' and cheerin' and throwin' roses. ...Er, at least, that's what Ma said.
Vaike: Brady, listen to me. I ain't never had anyone apologize to me that way before. ...EVER. Your mother's havin' fun with ya again.
Brady: What, AGAIN?! Oh, that tears it! I'm gonna—
Vaike: Brady, wait.
Brady: What?!
Vaike: As long as you're here, let's just hang out and forget about Maribelle for a while. I'm kinda thankful, really. If not for her games, you wouldn't have come by!
Brady: Forget Ma? But she's been playing me like a dancin'-monkey organ guy! Aw, heck. Fine. I guess I can put up with her horseplay a bit longer ... It'd be nice to just sit back and chew the fat a bit. Vaike: Great! Pull up a seat!

A Support

Brady: And then Ma pulls out that li'l umbrella of hers, and she says—
Vaike: Heh heh ...
Brady: ...What are ya laughing for? I ain't even at the punchline yet.
Vaike: I'm just glad we're able to shoot the breeze like this, Brady. I gotta admit, I was kinda shocked when I first saw ya. Ya seemed a little ...scary.
Brady: Yeah, well. Sorry I'm all scary. I guess if you don't like it, do a better job raising the real deal.
Vaike: What, ya mean the Brady from this era?
Brady: Yeah. I ain't your real son, anyway. I mean, not exactly.
Vaike: ... ... Brady, I ...
Brady: Aw, what? What's with that face? I don't need no pity. Unlike some of the other kids, I ain't jealous of the Brady from this timeline. We're two different cats, yeah? No hard feelings. Once the real one's born, you can forget about me. I'll bow out all graceful-like.
Vaike: How can ya say that after we've gotten so close? You think I'd just cast ya aside once my son's born? I'd never do that! You're my friend, Brady. ...And my son. The Son of Vaike!
Brady: Pop, I ... *sniff* Aw, damn. I'd decided not to cry, and then ya go and say crap like that ... *sniffle* I was lyin' about what I said before, Pop! It does matter to me! Please don't forget me! Just ...remember that we were good pals once, yeah? Real chums.
Vaike: I could never forget ya, Son. I'll remember ya till the day I die and love ya as my future self would.
Brady: Okay, no more talk of dyin'. If you go boots up before me, I'll douse your grave in more tea than ya can stand. I'll play my violin and do a backflip if I have to. Don't try me, old-timer!
Vaike: Don't you worry, kid. Teach ain't goin' anywhere anytime soon!


Small portrait brady fe13.png
Support information: Small portrait stahl fe13.png
0 pts.
? pts.
? pts.
This support is only available if Stahl is Brady's father.

C Support

Brady: Tea's ready. It's the, uh ... The whatsit kind. From that place. You know, the expensive junk.
Stahl: Um ...
Brady: Well ...? Whaddya waitin' for? A royal invitation? It's all set and ready to go—just the way ya like it.
Stahl: Uh, Brady?
Brady: Let's step it up, old-timer! Tea ain't gettin' any hotter!
Stahl: Oh, right. S-sorry ... *sip* ...But, Brady?
Brady: Yeah?
Stahl: What did you mean, "just the way I like it"? I hardly ever drink tea.
Brady: Whaddya mean? You drink it every day. You never miss teatime.
Stahl: I've had the odd cup here or there, but I've never had a "teatime" in my life.
Brady: ...WHAT?! Ma told me to join ya in your daily tea ritual! Even gave detailed instructions! Wait ... Did she make it all up?
Stahl: Considering I don't even know what a "tea ritual" is, I'm guessing she did.
Brady: That dirty ... I bet she's laughing her head off right about now!
Stahl: Er, what exactly did she tell you?
Brady: Oh, don't you worry. I'm gonna have me a nice, long chat with dear ol' Ma! You just sit there and drink your damn tea. So long, old-timer! ...Oh, and set this on top of the pot. It keeps the tea warm.
Stahl: ...When did my life get so weird?

B Support

Brady: Sorry about last time, old-timer.
Stahl: What, the tea? Hardly something to apologize for. I was happy for the chance to chat.
Brady: Well, good. But I still feel bad you wound up drinking alone. Anyway, I brought my violin by way of apologizin'.
Stahl: ...Sorry?
Brady: Yeah, exactly. I wanna say I'm sorry, and I heard that requires a violin performance.
Stahl: It ...does?
Brady: What, were ya born in a barn? Course it does! I gotta tickle the catgut for three songs, then do a backflip. That's when you stand up and start clappin' and cheerin' and throwin' roses. ...Er, at least, that's what Ma said.
Stahl: Brady, listen to me. No one has ever apologized to me that way before. ...EVER. Your mother's having fun with you again.
Brady: What, AGAIN?! Oh, that tears it! I'm gonna—
Stahl: Brady, wait.
Brady: What?!
Stahl: As long as you're here, let's just enjoy a nice chat and forget about Maribelle. I'm almost thankful, really. If not for her japes, you'd probably never have come by.
Brady: Forget Ma? But she's been playing me like a dancin'-monkey organ guy! Aw, heck. Fine. I guess I can put up with her horseplay a bit longer ... It'd be nice to just sit back and chew the fat a bit.
Stahl: It's settled then! Pull up a seat ...

A Support

Brady: And then Ma pulls out that li'l umbrella of hers, and she says—
Stahl: Heh heh ...
Brady: ...What are ya laughing for? I ain't even at the punchline yet.
Stahl: I'm just glad we're able to talk like this, Brady.
I'll admit, I was a little shocked when I first saw you. You seemed a bit ...scary.
Brady: Yeah, well. Sorry I'm all scary. I guess if you don't like it, do a better job raising the real deal.
Stahl: What, you mean the Brady from this era?
Brady: Yeah. I ain't your real son, anyway. I mean, not exactly.
Stahl: ... ... Brady, I ...
Brady: Aw, what? What's with that face? I don't need no pity. Unlike some of the other kids, I ain't jealous of the Brady from this timeline. We're two different cats, yeah? No hard feelings. Once the real one's born, you can forget about me. I'll bow out all graceful-like.
Stahl: Brady, how can you say that after we've gotten so close? You think I'd just cast you aside once my son is born? I would never do that. You're my friend, Brady. ...And my son.
Brady: Pop, I ... *sniff* Aw, damn. I'd decided not to cry, and then ya go and say crap like that ... *sniffle* I was lyin' about what I said before, Pop! It does matter to me! Please don't forget me! Just ...remember that we were good pals once, yeah? Real chums.
Stahl: I could never forget you, Son. I'll remember you till the day I die and love you as my future self would.
Brady: Okay, no more talk of dyin'. If you go boots up before me, I'll douse your grave in more tea than ya can stand. I'll play my violin and do a backflip if I have to. Don't try me, old-timer!
Stahl: Well then, it's settled. Guess your pop can't very well die now, can he?


Small portrait brady fe13.png
Support information: Small portrait kellam fe13.png
0 pts.
? pts.
? pts.
This support is only available if Kellam is Brady's father.

C Support

Brady: Tea's ready. It's the, uh ... The whatsit kind. From that place. You know, the expensive junk.
Kellam: Um ...
Brady: Well ...? Whaddya waitin' for? A royal invitation? It's all set and ready to go—just the way ya like it.
Kellam: Uh, Brady?
Brady: Let's step it up, old-timer! Tea ain't gettin' any hotter!
Kellam: Oh, right. S-sorry ... *sip* ...But, Brady?
Brady: Yeah?
Kellam: What did you mean, "just the way I like it"? I hardly ever drink tea ...
Brady: Whaddya mean? You drink it every day. You never miss teatime.
Kellam: I've had the odd cup here or there, but I've never had a "teatime" in my life ...
Brady: ...WHAT?! Ma told me to join ya in your daily tea ritual! Even gave detailed instructions! Wait ... Did she make it all up?
Kellam: Considering I don't even know what a "tea ritual" is, I'm guessing she did.
Brady: That dirty ... I bet she's laughing her head off right about now!
Kellam: Er, what exactly did she tell you?
Brady: Oh, don't you worry. I'm gonna have me a nice, long chat with dear ol' Ma! You just sit there and drink your damn tea. So long, old-timer! ...Oh, and set this on top of the pot. It keeps the tea warm.
Kellam: ...When did my life get so weird?

B Support

Brady: Sorry about last time, old-timer.
Kellam: What, the tea? You don't need to apologize for that. I was happy for the chance to chat.
Brady: Well, good. But I still feel bad you wound up drinking alone. Anyway, I brought my violin by way of apologizin'.
Kellam: ...I'm sorry?
Brady: Yeah, exactly. I wanna say I'm sorry, and I heard that requires a violin performance.
Kellam: It ...does?
Brady: What, were ya born in a barn? Course it does! I gotta tickle the catgut for three songs, then do a backflip. That's when you stand up and start clappin' and cheerin' and throwin' roses. ...Er, at least, that's what Ma said.
Kellam: Brady, listen to me. No one has ever apologized to me that way before. ...EVER. Your mother's having fun with you again.
Brady: What, AGAIN?! Oh, that tears it! I'm gonna—
Kellam: Brady, wait ...
Brady: What?!
Kellam: As long as you're here, let's just enjoy a nice chat and forget about Maribelle. I'm almost thankful, really. If not for her japes, you'd probably never have come by.
Brady: Forget Ma? But she's been playing me like a dancin'-monkey organ guy! Aw, heck. Fine. I guess I can put up with her horseplay a bit longer ... It'd be nice to just sit back and chew the fat a bit.
Kellam: It's settled then! Pull up a seat ...

A Support

Brady: And then Ma pulls out that li'l umbrella of hers, and she says—
Kellam: Heh heh ...
Brady: ...What are ya laughing for? I ain't even at the punchline yet.
Kellam: I'm just glad we're able to talk like this, Brady. I'll admit, I was a little shocked when I first saw you. You seemed a bit ...scary.
Brady: Yeah, well. Sorry I'm all scary. I guess if you don't like it, do a better job raising the real deal.
Kellam: What, you mean the Brady from this era?
Brady: Yeah. I ain't your real son, anyway. I mean, not exactly.
Kellam: ... ... Brady, I ...
Brady: Aw, what? What's with that face? I don't need no pity. Unlike some of the other kids, I ain't jealous of the Brady from this timeline. We're two different cats, yeah? No hard feelings. Once the real one's born, you can forget about me. I'll bow out all graceful-like.
Kellam: Brady, how can you say that after we've gotten so close? You think I'd just cast you aside once my son is born? I would never do that. You're my friend, Brady. ...And my son.
Brady: Pop, I ... *sniff* Aw, damn. I'd decided not to cry, and then ya go and say crap like that ... *sniffle* I was lyin' about what I said before, Pop! It does matter to me! Please don't forget me! Just ...remember that we were good pals once, yeah? Real chums.
Kellam: I could never forget you, Son. I'll remember you till the day I die and love you as my future self would ...
Brady: Okay, no more talk of dyin'. If you go boots up before me, I'll douse your grave in more tea than ya can stand. I'll play my violin and do a backflip if I have to. Don't try me, old-timer!
Kellam: Well then, it's settled. Guess your pop can't very well die now, can he?


Small portrait brady fe13.png
Support information: Small portrait lon'qu fe13.png
0 pts.
? pts.
? pts.
This support is only available if Lon'qu is Brady's father.

C Support

Brady: Tea's ready. It's the, uh ... The whatsit kind. From that place. You know, the expensive junk.
Lon'qu: Um ...
Brady: Well ...? Whaddya waitin' for? A royal invitation? It's all set and ready to go—just the way ya like it.
Lon'qu: That's ...not the problem.
Brady: Let's step it up, old-timer! Tea ain't gettin' any hotter!
Lon'qu: Fine ... *sip* ...Now, Brady?
Brady: Yeah?
Lon'qu: What'd you mean, "just the way I like it"? I hardly ever drink tea.
Brady: Whaddya mean? You drink it every day. You never miss teatime.
Lon'qu: I've had the odd cup here or there, but I've never had a "teatime" in my life.
Brady: ...WHAT?! Ma told me to join ya in your daily tea ritual! Even gave detailed instructions! Wait ... Did she make it all up?
Lon'qu: Considering I don't even know what a "tea ritual" is, I suppose she did.
Brady: That dirty ... I bet she's laughing her head off right about now!
Lon'qu: Er, what exactly did she tell you?
Brady: Oh, don't you worry. I'm gonna have me a nice, long chat with dear ol' Ma! You just sit there and drink your damn tea. So long, old-timer! ...Oh, and set this on top of the pot. It keeps the tea warm.
Lon'qu: ...When did my life get so weird?

B Support

Brady: Sorry about last time, old-timer.
Lon'qu: What, the tea? Hardly something to apologize for. I was glad for the chance to chat.
Brady: Well, good. But I still feel bad you wound up drinking alone. Anyway, I brought my violin by way of apologizin'.
Lon'qu: ...Sorry?
Brady: Yeah, exactly. I wanna say I'm sorry, and I heard that requires a violin performance.
Lon'qu: It ...does?
Brady: What, were ya born in a barn? Course it does! I gotta tickle the catgut for three songs, then do a backflip. That's when you stand up and start clappin' and cheerin' and throwin' roses. ...Er, at least, that's what Ma said.
Lon'qu: Brady, listen to me. No one has ever apologized to me that way before. ...EVER. Your mother's messing with you again.
Brady: What, AGAIN?! Oh, that tears it! I'm gonna—
Lon'qu: Brady, wait.
Brady: What?!
Lon'qu: As long as you're here, let's chat a bit. Forget about Maribelle for a while. I'm grateful to her, though. If not for her japes, you probably wouldn't be here.
Brady: Forget Ma? But she's been playing me like a dancin'-monkey organ guy! Aw, heck. Fine. I guess I can put up with her horseplay a bit longer ... It'd be nice to just sit back and chew the fat a bit.
Lon'qu: Good. Pull up a seat.

A Support

Brady: And then Ma pulls out that li'l umbrella of hers, and she says—
Lon'qu: Heh heh ...
Brady: ...What are ya laughing for? I ain't even at the punchline yet.
Lon'qu: I'm just glad we're able to talk like this, Brady. I must admit, I was unsure of you when first we met.
Brady: Yeah, well. Sorry I'm all scary. I guess if you don't like it, do a better job raising the real deal.
Lon'qu: What, you mean the Brady from this era?
Brady: Yeah. I ain't your real son, anyway. I mean, not exactly.
Lon'qu: ... ...
Brady: Aw, what? What's with that face? I don't need no pity. Unlike some of the other kids, I ain't jealous of the Brady from this timeline. We're two different cats, yeah? No hard feelings. Once the real one's born, you can forget about me. I'll bow out all graceful-like.
Lon'qu: How can you say that after we've gotten so close? You think I'd just cast you aside once my son is born? I would never do that. You're my friend, Brady. ...And my son.
Brady: Pop, I ... *sniff* Aw, damn. I'd decided not to cry, and then ya go and say crap like that ... *sniffle* I was lyin' about what I said before, Pop! It does matter to me! Please don't forget me! Just ...remember that we were good pals once, yeah? Real chums.
Lon'qu: I could never forget you, Son. I'll remember you till the day I die and love you as my future self would.
Brady: Okay, no more talk of dyin'. If you go boots up before me, I'll douse your grave in more tea than ya can stand. I'll play my violin and do a backflip if I have to. Don't try me, old-timer!
Lon'qu: I suppose I'd better live, then ...


Small portrait brady fe13.png
Support information: Small portrait ricken fe13.png
0 pts.
? pts.
? pts.
This support is only available if Ricken is Brady's father.

C Support

Brady: Tea's ready. It's the, uh ... The whatsit kind. From that place. You know, the expensive junk.
Ricken: Um ...
Brady: Well ...? Whaddya waitin' for? A royal invitation? It's all set and ready to go—just the way ya like it.
Ricken: Uh, Brady?
Brady: Let's step it up, old-timer! Tea ain't gettin' any hotter!
Ricken: Oh, right. S-sorry ... *sip* ...But, Brady?
Brady: Yeah?
Ricken: What did you mean, "just the way I like it"? I hardly ever drink tea.
Brady: Whaddya mean? You drink it every day. You never miss teatime.
Ricken: I've had the odd cup here or there, but I've never had a "teatime" in my life.
Brady: ...WHAT?! Ma told me to join ya in your daily tea ritual! Even gave detailed instructions! Wait ... Did she make it all up?
Ricken: Considering I don't even know what a "tea ritual" is, I'm guessing she did.
Brady: That dirty ... I bet she's laughing her head off right about now!
Ricken: Sooo, what exactly did she tell you?
Brady: Oh, don't you worry. I'm gonna have me a nice, long chat with dear ol' Ma! You just sit there and drink your damn tea. So long, old-timer! ...Oh, and set this on top of the pot. It keeps the tea warm.
Ricken: ...When did my life get so weird?

B Support

Brady: Sorry about last time, old-timer.
Ricken: What, the tea? That's not something you need to apologize for. I was happy for the chance to chat.
Brady: Well, good. But I still feel bad you wound up drinking alone. Anyway, I brought my violin by way of apologizin'.
Ricken: ...I'm sorry?
Brady: Yeah, exactly. I wanna say I'm sorry, and I heard that requires a violin performance.
Ricken: It ...does?
Brady: What, were ya born in a barn? Course it does! I gotta tickle the catgut for three songs, then do a backflip. That's when you stand up and start clappin' and cheerin' and throwin' roses. ...Er, at least, that's what Ma said.
Ricken: Brady, listen to me. No one has ever apologized to me that way before. ...EVER. Your mother's having fun with you again.
Brady: What, AGAIN?! Oh, that tears it! I'm gonna—
Ricken: Brady, wait.
Brady: What?!
Ricken: As long as you're here, let's just enjoy a nice chat and forget about Maribelle. I'm almost thankful, really. If not for her japes, you'd probably never have come by.
Brady: Forget Ma? But she's been playing me like a dancin'-monkey organ guy! Aw, heck. Fine. I guess I can put up with her horseplay a bit longer ... It'd be nice to just sit back and chew the fat a bit.
Ricken: It's settled then! Pull up a seat ...

A Support

Brady: And then Ma pulls out that li'l umbrella of hers, and she says—
Ricken: Heh heh ...,
Brady: ...What are ya laughing for? I ain't even at the punchline yet.
Ricken: I'm just glad we're able to talk like this, Brady. I'll admit, I was kind of shocked when I first saw you. You seemed pretty scary.
Brady: Yeah, well. Sorry I'm all scary. I guess if you don't like it, do a better job raising the real deal.
Ricken: What, you mean the Brady from this era?
Brady: Yeah. I ain't your real son, anyway. I mean, not exactly.
Ricken: ... ... Brady, I ...
Brady: Aw, what? What's with that face? I don't need no pity. Unlike some of the other kids, I ain't jealous of the Brady from this timeline. We're two different cats, yeah? No hard feelings. Once the real one's born, you can forget about me. I'll bow out all graceful-like.
Ricken: Brady, how can you say that after we've gotten so close? You think I'd just cast you aside once my son is born? I would never do that. You're my friend, Brady. ...And my son.
Brady: Pop, I ... *sniff* Aw, damn. I'd decided not to cry, and then ya go and say crap like that ... *sniffle* I was lyin' about what I said before, Pop! It does matter to me! Please don't forget me! Just ...remember that we were good pals once, yeah? Real chums.
Ricken: Of course! I could never forget you. I'll remember you till the day I die and love you as my future self would.
Brady: Okay, no more talk of dyin'. If you go boots up before me, I'll douse your grave in more tea than ya can stand. I'll play my violin and do a backflip if I have to. Don't try me, old-timer!
Ricken: Well then, it's settled. Guess your pop can't very well die now, can he?


Small portrait brady fe13.png
Support information: Small portrait maribelle fe13.png
0 pts.
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? pts.

C Support

Maribelle: Now, repeat after me: "My name is Brady. Pleased to make your acquaintance."
Brady: ... ...
Maribelle: Did you hear me? "My name is Brady. Pleased to make your acquaintance."
Brady: ...The name's Brady. Pleased to make your acquaintance.
Maribelle: "My name IS," Brady. Not "The name's." Now, "My mother's name is Maribelle." ...Go ahead, darling. Try it.
Brady: My ma ... Er, my mother ... Aw, nuts, Ma! Yer crazy if you think I'm puttin' up with this crap!
Maribelle: Don't you dare walk out on me, young man!
Brady: Ma, we're at war here. Ya know? With killin' and all that malarkey? If you wanna teach me something, teach me some tricks with a staff.
Maribelle: I'll teach nothing of the sort to a boor who scoffs at the value of proper language!
Brady: Why not?
Maribelle: A person's words reflect their character.
Brady: So anyone who speaks a little rough is some kinda knuckle dragger? Ain't that a little simplistic?
Maribelle: Unrefined language shows a lack of concern for how one comes across to others. It demonstrates a lack of respect and is ample cause to judge someone.
Brady:Why ya always gotta be so hardheaded about everything?
Maribelle: Better a hard head than a brain made of mush! I'd sooner choose my words carefully than speak rashly and regret it.
Brady: Sounds like somebody screwed up in the past, yeah? Who'd ya piss off?
Maribelle: Really, must your EVERY phrase be vulgar? It should be "WHOM did you piss off," Brady. ...Go on, repeat it for yourself.
Brady: Uh, something tells me that still ain't entirely proper speech ...

B Support

Brady: Huh ... Never knew that ...
Maribelle: Good day, Brady. What are you reading?
Brady: Oh! N-nothing, Ma.
Maribelle: Don't tell me it's something salacious!
Brady: What?! No! I don't even know what that word means!
Maribelle: Give that here this minute! Let me see ... "Proper Diction: A Beginner's Guide"?
Brady: ...Happy now? I was gonna surprise ya after I learned how to talk all pretty.
Maribelle: Brady, you ...
Brady: Anyway, what of it?! I'm only doin' it what to get ya off my case!
Maribelle: Brady, this book is designed for children seven years or younger ...
Brady: WHAT?! But it's so tough!
Maribelle: I never imagined things were this grim ...
Brady: L-look, I just wanted to review the basics, yeah? You're always harpin' on the basics!
Maribelle: Yes, they're paramount, naturally. But still ... Chapter one: "Your Friend, the Noun!" ...This is honestly where you're starting?
Brady: H-hey, get off my case! I don't need this! I talk just fine anyway, yeah? Forget all this! I'm'a make like pants and split!
Maribelle: Goodness. Just what manner of education did my future self offer that poor boy?

A Support

Brady: Indeed, I discussed the matter a fortnight past with Robin. Was I remiss in notifying you?
Maribelle: Brady?! The voice is yours, but the words ...
Brady: I completed my reading of "Proper Diction: A Master's Guide" yesterday evening.
Maribelle: Yes, I heard from many people. ...Frankly, the entire camp is terrified.
Brady: I can only hope my more eloquent locution better conforms to your ideal son, Mother. Now, in further news of the day, I feel that we must allow for ... *Gaaaaaasp*
Maribelle: Are you all right?! What is it?!
Brady: How do you breathe, Ma?! Talkin' like that damn near suffocated me! I seriously thought I might pass out.
Maribelle: ... ...
Brady: I mean, uh, speaking in that manner nearly caused me to be overcome? ...From lack of respiration?
Maribelle: Nice try, darling.
Brady: Aw, horse apples! Ain't no good, Ma. The words just don't fit in my mouth. I feel like I'm gonna chomp my own tongue off here.
Maribelle: Brady, I'm just so very pleased you even bothered to make the effort. But it's time I stopped foisting my ideals on other people. You can think and act responsibly without thinking and acting like me.
Brady: You're creepin' me out here, Ma. What's with the sudden about-face?
Maribelle: That's just it: YOUR sudden about-face creeped ME out.
Brady: Right?! ...Wait, hey! Did you just call me creepy?
Maribelle: Hmm, did I?
Brady: I only did all that speakin' junk 'cause ya kept tellin' me to.
Maribelle: I know, sweetheart. And I'm so very proud of my little honey bear.
Brady: Gah, okay, stop! You're welcome, so just stop!
Maribelle: Ah! Seems I've discovered another way to motivate you ... Boo-Boo-Bear.
Brady: No more, Ma! I'm beggin' ya!


Small portrait brady fe13.png
Support information: Small portrait gaius fe13.png
0 pts.
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This support is only available if Gaius is Brady's father.

C Support

Brady: Tea's ready. It's the, uh ... The whatsit kind. From that place. You know, the expensive junk.
Gaius: Um ...
Brady: Well ...? Whaddya waitin' for? A royal invitation? It's all set and ready to go—just the way ya like it.
Gaius: Uh, Brady?
Brady: Let's step it up, old-timer! Tea ain't gettin' any hotter!
Gaius: Oh, right. S-sorry ... *sip* ...But, uh, Brady?
Brady: Yeah?
Gaius: What did you mean, "just the way I like it"? I hardly ever drink tea.
Brady: Whaddya mean? You drink it every day. You never miss teatime.
Gaius: Er, I've had the odd cup here or there, but I've never had a "teatime" in my life.
Brady: ...WHAT?! Ma told me to join ya in your daily tea ritual! Even gave detailed instructions! Wait ... Did she make it all up?
Gaius: Considering I don't even know what a "tea ritual" is, I'm guessing she did.
Brady: That dirty ... I bet she's laughing her head off right about now!
Gaius: So what exactly did she say about me?
Brady: Oh, don't you worry. I'm gonna have me a nice, long chat with dear ol' Ma! You just sit there and drink your damn tea. So long, old-timer! ...Oh, and set this on top of the pot. It keeps the tea warm.
Gaius: ...When did my life get so weird?

B Support

Brady: Sorry about last time, old-timer.
Gaius: What, the tea? You don't need to apologize for that. I was glad for the chance to chat.
Brady: Well, good. But I still feel bad you wound up drinking alone. Anyway, I brought my violin by way of apologizin'.
Gaius: ...I'm sorry?
Brady: Yeah, exactly. I wanna say I'm sorry, and I heard that requires a violin performance.
Gaius: It ...does?
Brady: What, were ya born in a barn? Course it does! I gotta tickle the catgut for three songs, then do a backflip. That's when you stand up and start clappin' and cheerin' and throwin' roses. ...Er, at least, that's what Ma said.
Gaius: Brady, listen to me. No one has ever apologized to me that way before. ...EVER. Your mother's having fun with you again.
Brady: What, AGAIN?! Oh, that tears it! I'm gonna—
Gaius: Brady, wait.
Brady: What?!
Gaius: As long as you're here, let's just enjoy a nice chat and forget about Maribelle. I'm grateful, really. If not for her japes, you'd probably never have come by.
Brady: Forget Ma? But she's been playing me like a dancin'-monkey organ guy! Aw, heck. Fine. I guess I can put up with her horseplay a bit longer ... It'd be nice to just sit back and chew the fat a bit.
Gaius: It's settled then! Pull up a seat ...

A Support

Brady: And then Ma pulls out that li'l umbrella of hers, and she says—
Gaius: Heh heh ...
Brady: ...What are ya laughing for? I ain't even at the punchline yet.
Gaius: I'm just glad we're able to talk like this, Brady. I'll admit, I was a little shocked when I first saw you. You seemed kinda ...scary.
Brady: Yeah, well. Sorry I'm all scary. I guess if you don't like it, do a better job raising the real deal.
Gaius: What, you mean the Brady from this era?
Brady: Yeah. I ain't your real son, anyway. I mean, not exactly.
Gaius: ... ... Brady, I ...
Brady: Aw, what? What's with that face? I don't need no pity. Unlike some of the other kids, I ain't jealous of the Brady from this timeline. We're two different cats, yeah? No hard feelings. Once the real one's born, you can forget about me. I'll bow out all graceful-like.
Gaius: Brady, how can you say that after we've gotten so close? You think I'd just cast you aside once my son is born? I would never do that. You're my friend, Brady. ...And my son.
Brady: Pop, I ... *sniff* Aw, damn. I'd decided not to cry, and then ya go and say crap like that ... *sniffle* I was lyin' about what I said before, Pop! It does matter to me! Please don't forget me! Just ...remember that we were good pals once, yeah? Real chums.
Gaius: I could never forget you, Son. I'll remember you till the day I die and love you as my future self would.
Brady: Okay, no more talk of dyin'. If you go boots up before me, I'll douse your grave in more tea than ya can stand. I'll play my violin and do a backflip if I have to. Don't try me, old-timer!
Gaius: Then it's settled. Guess your pop can't very well die now, can he?


Small portrait brady fe13.png
Support information: Small portrait gregor fe13.png
0 pts.
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This support is only available if Gregor is Brady's father.

C Support

Brady: Tea's ready. It's the, uh ... The whatsit kind. From that place. You know, the expensive junk.
Gregor: Um ...
Brady: Well ...? Whaddya waitin' for? A royal invitation? It's all set and ready to go—just the way ya like it.
Gregor: Uh, Brady?
Brady: Let's step it up, old-timer! Tea ain't gettin' any hotter!
Gregor: Oh, right. S-sorry ... *sip* ...But, Brady?
Brady: Yeah?
Gregor: Why we sip tea in middle of afternoon like rich man with many servants?
Brady: Whaddya mean? You do this every day. You never miss teatime.
Gregor: Er, Gregor enjoy cup of tea now and then, but ..."teatime"? Is new concept ...
Brady: ...WHAT?! Ma told me to join ya in your daily tea ritual! Even gave detailed instructions! Wait ... Did she make it all up?
Gregor: Gregor not even know what "tea ritual" means, so ...most probably, yes.
Brady: That dirty ... I bet she's laughing her head off right about now!
Gregor: What other lies did she tell about Gregor? Come, spill the bean!
Brady: Oh, don't you worry. I'm gonna have me a nice, long chat with dear ol' Ma! You just sit there and drink your damn tea. So long, old-timer! ...Oh, and set this on top of the pot. It keeps the tea warm.
Gregor: ...Gregor's life become very strange as of late, yes?

B Support

Brady: Sorry about last time, old-timer.
Gregor: What, the tea? Do not make with the apologizing! Gregor was happy for chance to talk.
Brady: Well, good. But I still feel bad you wound up drinking alone. Anyway, I brought my violin by way of apologizin'.
Gregor: ...Sorry?
Brady: Yeah, exactly. I wanna say I'm sorry, and I heard that requires a violin performance.
Gregor: Is true? Gregor has not heard of this custom ...
Brady: What, were ya born in a barn? Course it's true! I gotta tickle the catgut for three songs, then do a backflip. That's when you stand up and start clappin' and cheerin' and throwin' roses. ...Er, at least, that's what Ma said.
Gregor: Brady, listen to Gregor. No one ever apologize to Gregor like that before. Not ever. Your mother is making the fun with you again, yes?
Brady: What, AGAIN?! Oh, that tears it! I'm gonna—
Gregor: Brady, wait.
Brady: What?!
Gregor: As long as you're here, let us enjoy nice chat and forget about Maribelle. After all, if not for her terrible lies, you probably not come visit Gregor, yes?
Brady: Forget Ma? But she's been playing me like a dancin'-monkey organ guy! Aw, heck. Fine. I guess I can put up with her horseplay a bit longer ... It'd be nice to just sit back and chew the fat a bit.
Gregor: Is wonderful! Come, pull up seat ...

A Support

Brady: And then Ma pulls out that li'l umbrella of hers, and she says—
Gregor: Heh heh ...
Brady: ...What are ya laughing for? I ain't even at the punchline yet.
Gregor: Gregor is just happy we are able to have nice chitchat like this. Gregor admit, when he first saw you, you seemed ...very frightening.
Brady: Yeah, well. Sorry I'm all scary. I guess if you don't like it, do a better job raising the real deal.
Gregor: You mean Brady from this time?
Brady: Yeah. I ain't your real son, anyway. I mean, not exactly.
Gregor: ... ... Brady ...
Brady': Aw, what? What's with that face? I don't need no pity. Unlike some of the other kids, I ain't jealous of the Brady from this timeline. We're two different cats, yeah? No hard feelings. Once the real one's born, you can forget about me. I'll bow out all graceful-like.
Gregor': Brady, you break poor Gregor's heart when you say such things. Gregor would never cast son aside like moldy sandwich. You are Gregor's friend, Brady. ...And his son.
Brady': Pop, I ... *sniff* Aw, damn. I'd decided not to cry, and then ya go and say crap like that ... *sniffle* I was lyin' about what I said before, Pop! It does matter to me! Please don't forget me! Just ...remember that we were good pals once, yeah? Real chums.
Gregor': Gregor could never forget you, Son. Gregor will remember you until day he die horrible death!
Brady': Okay, no more talk of dyin'. If you go boots up before me, I'll douse your grave in more tea than ya can stand. I'll play my violin and do a backflip if I have to. Don't try me, old-timer!
Gregor': Oy! Sound like Gregor had better stay very much alive, then ...


Small portrait brady fe13.png
Support information: Small portrait libra fe13.png
0 pts.
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? pts.
This support is only available if Libra is Brady's father.

C Support

Brady: Tea's ready. It's the, uh ... The whatsit kind. From that place. You know, the expensive junk.
Libra: Um ...
Brady: Well ...? Whaddya waitin' for? A royal invitation? It's all set and ready to go—just the way ya like it.
Libra: Uh, Brady?
Brady: Let's step it up, old-timer! Tea ain't gettin' any hotter!
Libra: Oh, right. S-sorry ... *sip* ...But, Brady?
Brady: Yeah?
Libra: What did you mean, "just the way I like it"? I'm not much of a tea drinker ...
Brady: Whaddya mean? You drink it every day. You never miss teatime.
Libra: I've had the odd cup here or there, but I've never had a "teatime" in my life.
Brady: ...WHAT?! Ma told me to join ya in your daily tea ritual! Even gave detailed instructions! Wait ... Did she make it all up?
Libra: Considering I don't even know what a "tea ritual" is, I suppose she did.
Brady: That dirty ... I bet she's laughing her head off right about now!
Libra: Er, what exactly did she tell you?
Brady: Oh, don't you worry. I'm gonna have me a nice, long chat with dear ol' Ma! You just sit there and drink your damn tea. So long, old-timer! ...Oh, and set this on top of the pot. It keeps the tea warm.
Libra: ...When did my life get so odd?

B Support

Brady: Sorry about last time, old-timer.
Libra: What, the tea? Hardly something to apologize for. I was happy for the chance to chat.
Brady: Well, good. But I still feel bad you wound up drinking alone. Anyway, I brought my violin by way of apologizin'.
Libra: ...I'm sorry?
Brady: Yeah, exactly. I wanna say I'm sorry, and I heard that requires a violin performance.
Libra: It ...does?
Brady: What, were ya born in a barn? Course it does! I gotta tickle the catgut for three songs, then do a backflip. That's when you stand up and start clappin' and cheerin' and throwin' roses. ...Er, at least, that's what Ma said.
Libra: Brady, listen to me. No one has ever apologized to me that way before. ...EVER. Your mother's having fun with you again.
Brady: What, AGAIN?! Oh, that tears it! I'm gonna—
Libra: Brady, wait.
Brady: What?!
Libra: As long as you're here, let's just enjoy a nice chat and forget about Maribelle. I'm almost thankful, really. If not for her japes, you probably wouldn't have come by.
Brady: Forget Ma? But she's been playing me like a dancin'-monkey organ guy! Aw, heck. Fine. I guess I can put up with her horseplay a bit longer ... It'd be nice to just sit back and chew the fat a bit.
Libra: It's settled then! Pull up a seat ...

A Support

Brady: And then Ma pulls out that li'l umbrella of hers, and she says—
Libra: Heh heh ...
Brady: ...What are ya laughing for? I ain't even at the punchline yet.
Libra: I'm just glad we're able to talk like this, Brady. I'll admit, I was a little shocked when I first saw you. You seemed ...scary.
Brady: Yeah, well. Sorry I'm all scary. I guess if you don't like it, do a better job raising the real deal.
Libra: What, you mean the Brady from this era?
Brady: Yeah. I ain't your real son, anyway. I mean, not exactly.
Libra: ... ... Brady, I ...
Brady: Aw, what? What's with that face? I don't need no pity. Unlike some of the other kids, I ain't jealous of the Brady from this timeline. We're two different cats, yeah? No hard feelings. Once the real one's born, you can forget about me. I'll bow out all graceful-like.
Libra: Brady, how can you say that after we've gotten so close? You think I'd just cast you aside once my son is born? I would never do that. You're my friend, Brady. ...And my son.
Brady: Pop, I ... *sniff* Aw, damn. I'd decided not to cry, and then ya go and say crap like that ... *sniffle* I was lyin' about what I said before, Pop! It does matter to me! Please don't forget me! Just ...remember that we were good pals once, yeah? Real chums.
Libra: I could never forget you, Son. I'll remember you until the gods call me home and love you as my future self would.
Brady: Okay, no more talk of dyin'. If you go boots up before me, I'll douse your grave in more tea than ya can stand. I'll play my violin and do a backflip if I have to. Don't try me, old-timer!
Libra: Hah! Then I suppose it's settled. I can't very well die now, can I?


Small portrait brady fe13.png
Support information: Small portrait henry fe13.png
0 pts.
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? pts.
This support is only available if Henry is Brady's father.

C Support

Brady: Tea's ready. It's the, uh ... The whatsit kind. From that place. You know, the expensive junk.
Henry: Huh ...?
Brady: Well ...? Whaddya waitin' for? A royal invitation? It's all set and ready to go—just the way ya like it.
Henry: Uh, Brady?
Brady: Let's step it up, old-timer! Tea ain't gettin' any hotter!
Henry: Well, all right ... *sip* ...Sooo, Brady?
Brady: Yeah?
Henry: What did you mean, "just the way I like it"? I hardly ever drink tea.
Brady: Whaddya mean? You drink it every day. You never miss teatime.
Henry: Nya ha! I've had the odd cup here or there, but I've never had a "teatime" in my life.
Brady: ...WHAT?! Ma told me to join ya in your daily tea ritual! Even gave detailed instructions! Wait ... Did she make it all up?
Henry: Considering I don't even know what a "tea ritual" is, I'm guessing she did.
Brady: That dirty ... I bet she's laughing her head off right about now!
Henry: Er, what exactly did she tell you?
Brady: Oh, don't you worry. I'm gonna have me a nice, long chat with dear ol' Ma! You just sit there and drink your damn tea. So long, old-timer! ...Oh, and set this on top of the pot. It keeps the tea warm.
Henry: Nya ha! When did my life get so weird?

B Support

Brady: Sorry about last time, old-timer.
Henry: What, the tea? Come on, you don't have to apologize for that! I was happy for the chance to chat.
Brady: Well, good. But I still feel bad you wound up drinking alone. Anyway, I brought my violin by way of apologizin'.
Henry: ...Sorry?
Brady: Yeah, exactly. I wanna say I'm sorry, and I heard that requires a violin performance.
Henry: It ...does?
Brady: What, were ya born in a barn? Course it does! I gotta tickle the catgut for three songs, then do a backflip. That's when you stand up and start clappin' and cheerin' and throwin' roses. ...Er, at least, that's what Ma said.
Henry: Nya ha ha! Brady, listen up ... No one has ever apologized to me that way before. ...EVER. Your mother's just having fun with you again.
Brady: What, AGAIN?! Oh, that tears it! I'm gonna—
Henry: Brady, wait.
Brady: What?!
Henry: As long as you're here, let's just have a nice chat and forget about Maribelle. I mean, If not for her crazy stories, you probably wouldn't have come by, right?
Brady: Forget Ma? But she's been playing me like a dancin'-monkey organ guy! Aw, heck. Fine. I guess I can put up with her horseplay a bit longer ... It'd be nice to just sit back and chew the fat a bit.
Henry: Great! Pull up a seat ...

A Support

Brady: And then Ma pulls out that li'l umbrella of hers, and she says—
Henry: Nya ha ha!
Brady: ...What are ya laughing for? I ain't even at the punchline yet.
Henry: Aw, I'm just glad we're able to talk like this, Brady. I gotta admit, I was a little weirded out the first time we met.
Brady: Yeah, well. Sorry I'm all scary. I guess if you don't like it, do a better job raising the real deal.
Henry: What, you mean the Brady from this era?
Brady: Yeah. I ain't your real son, anyway. I mean, not exactly.
Henry: ... ... Brady, I ...
Brady: Aw, what? What's with that face? I don't need no pity. Unlike some of the other kids, I ain't jealous of the Brady from this timeline. We're two different cats, yeah? No hard feelings. Once the real one's born, you can forget about me. I'll bow out all graceful-like.
Henry: Hey! How can you say that after we've gotten so close? You think I'd just cast you aside once my son is born? I'd never do that! You're my friend, Brady. AND my son!
Brady: Pop, I ... *sniff* Aw, damn. I'd decided not to cry, and then ya go and say crap like that ... *sniffle* I was lyin' about what I said before, Pop! It does matter to me! Please don't forget me! Just ...remember that we were good pals once, yeah? Real chums.
Henry: Aw, I could never forget you, Son. I'll remember you until the day I die a horrible, bloody death! Oooooo ... Blooooood ...
Brady: Okay, no more talk of dyin'. If you go boots up before me, I'll douse your grave in more tea than ya can stand. I'll play my violin and do a backflip if I have to. Don't try me, old-timer!
Henry: Nya ha! Then it's settled. Guess I've got no choice but to stick around!


Small portrait brady fe13.png
Support information: Small portrait donnel fe13.png
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
This support is only available if Donnel is Brady's father.

C Support

Brady: Tea's ready. It's the, uh ... The whatsit kind. From that place. You know, the expensive junk.
Donnel: Um ...
Brady: Well ...? Whaddya waitin' for? A royal invitation? It's all set and ready to go—just the way ya like it.
Donnel: Uh, Brady?
Brady: Let's step it up, old-timer! Tea ain't gettin' any hotter!
Donnel: Oh, right. S-sorry ... *sip* ...But, Brady?
Brady: Yeah?
Donnel: Why'd ya say "just the way I like it"? I hardly ever drink tea.
Brady: Whaddya mean? You drink it every day. You never miss teatime.
Donnel: Shucks, I've had the odd cup here'n there, but I ain't never had "teatime" in m'life.
Brady: ...WHAT?! Ma told me to join ya in your daily tea ritual! Even gave detailed instructions! Wait ... Did she make it all up?
Donnel: Welp, I reckon she must've, 'cause I don't even know what a "tea ritual" is.
Brady: That dirty ... I bet she's laughing her head off right about now!
Donnel: Er, what exactly did she tell ya?
Brady: Oh, don't you worry. I'm gonna have me a nice, long chat with dear ol' Ma! You just sit there and drink your damn tea. So long, old-timer! ...Oh, and set this on top of the pot. It keeps the tea warm.
Donnel: ...Since when did my life get so strange?

B Support

Brady: Sorry about last time, old-timer.
Donnel: What, the tea? Shucks, that ain't nothin' to apologize for. I was happy for the chance to jaw.
Brady: Well, good. But I still feel bad you wound up drinking alone. Anyway, I brought my violin by way of apologizin'.
Donnel: ...I'm sorry?
Brady: Yeah, exactly. I wanna say I'm sorry, and I heard that requires a violin performance.
Donnel: It ...does?
Brady: What, were ya born in a barn? Course it does! I gotta tickle the catgut for three songs, then do a backflip. That's when you stand up and start clappin' and cheerin' and throwin' roses. ...Er, at least, that's what Ma said.
Donnel: Brady, listen up and listen good. Ain't no one EVER apologized to ol' Donny like that 'fore. I think yer ma's havin' some fun with ya again.
Brady: What, AGAIN?! Oh, that tears it! I'm gonna—
Donnel: Brady, wait.
Brady: What?!
Donnel: Long as yer here, let's you and me jaw a spell and just forget about yer ma. Heck, if it warn't for her japes, I reckon you'd have never come by.
Brady: Forget Ma? But she's been playing me like a dancin'-monkey organ guy! Aw, heck. Fine. I guess I can put up with her horseplay a bit longer ... It'd be nice to just sit back and chew the fat a bit.
Donnel: Well, ain't that a kick! Now pull up a seat ...

A Support

Brady: And then Ma pulls out that li'l umbrella of hers, and she says—
Donnel: Heh heh ... Yer ma sure does love playin' with ya ...
Brady: ...What are ya laughing for? I ain't even at the punchline yet.
Donnel: I'm just glad you and me are able to talk like this, Brady. I admit, first time I saw ya, I was ... Well, ya scared me somethin' fierce.
Brady: Yeah, well. Sorry I'm all scary. I guess if you don't like it, do a better job raising the real deal.
Donnel: What, ya mean the Brady from this era?
Brady: Yeah. I ain't your real son, anyway. I mean, not exactly.
Donnel: ... ... Brady, I ...
Brady: Aw, what? What's with that face? I don't need no pity. Unlike some of the other kids, I ain't jealous of the Brady from this timeline. We're two different cats, yeah? No hard feelings. Once the real one's born, you can forget about me. I'll bow out all graceful-like.
Donnel: Brady, how can ya say that after we done got so close? Ya think I'd just cast ya aside once m'son is born? I would never! Yer my friend, Brady. ...And my son.
Brady: Pop, I ... *sniff* Aw, damn. I'd decided not to cry, and then ya go and say crap like that ... *sniffle* I was lyin' about what I said before, Pop! It does matter to me! Please don't forget me! Just ...remember that we were good pals once, yeah? Real chums.
Donnel: Gosh, I couldn't forget ya if I tried. I'll remember ya till the day they roll me in the shroud, Son.
Brady: Okay, no more talk of dyin'. If you go boots up before me, I'll douse your grave in more tea than ya can stand. I'll play my violin and do a backflip if I have to. Don't try me, old-timer!
Donnel: Well, guess that settles that. Reckon I can't just go and die now!


Small portrait brady fe13.png
Support information: Small portrait lucina fe13.png
4 pts.
8 pts.
13 pts.
18 pts.

C Support

Lucina: Hello, Brady.
Brady: ...Nnngh? Oh, uh, hey ... *cough*
Lucina: Oh, dear. Are you not feeling well?
Brady: Whatcha talkin' about? Just look at me!
Lucina: Er ... Truth be told, you look at least as ill as you sound.
Brady: Aw, stop your worryin'! It's just a little cold! *Cough* *hack* *wheeeeze*
Lucina: Brady, if you're ill, you should be resting.
Brady: I'm fine! I just need a ... Need a ... Hommina ... Hoomina ... Ahhhhgkbh-CHOOOO!
Lucina: There, do you see? You can barely speak without producing a bizarre sneeze.
Brady: Q-quiet, you! It ain't a ... Ahhhhhgkbh-CHOOO! ...Ain't nothin' "bizarre" about it.
Lucina: I have the perfect thing for a cold. Allow me to fetch it for you.
Brady: Keep it! S-save it for yourself. Look, just leave me to dribble in peace, yeah?
Lucina: Well, please be sure to go easy until you're better, yes?
Brady: Enough already! Make like an ox cart and ...uh ...haul off! Don't want you catching the dreaded red, too.
Lucina: Well, if you're certain you don't need any help. Take care, Brady.
Brady: Gah ... Nice going, tough guy! Why ya gotta make everyone all worried ...

B Support

Lucina: Yah! Haah! Rrraaagh!
Brady: Yeesh, does that gal ever get tired? She's been swinging that sword for hours!
Lucina: Hyaaaah! ...Ngh?!
Brady: Muh? Lucina! What happened? What's wrong?!
Lucina: Oh ... B-Brady. It's nothing. My hand slipped and I dropped my sword. ...It's fine.
Brady: Fine? Ain't nothing fine about it! Now gimme a look at that arm!
Lucina: H-hey! Brady, what are you ...?!
Brady: And your neck, too. ... ... ...Yup. Figured as much. You're running yourself ragged. No more practice. You need forty winks, and you need it yesterday!
Lucina: What are you talking about? I'm not tired, and I certainly don't have time for a nap.
Brady: Maybe you should stop worryin' about us chumps and listen to your body! You go out on the battlefield like this, and you'll get yourself killed!
Lucina: Just what do you mean by that? How can you—
Brady: Hey! Experienced priest here, remember? I may be hopeless myself, but I can tell a thing or two about other people's health. Now hold still ...
Lucina: B-Brady, I don't ...
Brady: ... ... Body feel sluggish today? Heavier than normal?
Lucina: How could you possibly—
Brady: Swollen neck. Your muscles are inflamed ...
Lucina: How would my neck make me feel heavier?
Brady: Neck's the only road what leads between the brain and the body. Every signal's gotta pass through it, and inflammation slows traffic down. Even just a little exertion can wipe ya out like an old rag.
Lucina: Is there a solution?
Brady: I told ya! Get your keister in bed! And stick a cool, moist cloth under your neck while you sleep. When you get up, give your neck a gentle stretch. Roll your head around. Massage it.
Lucina: All right. I'll give that a try ... Thank you, Brady.
Brady: No rushing, either! And actually sleep, for the love'a clams! ...Gone already. Typical.

A Support

Lucina: Brady ...
Brady: That's my name!
Lucina: I'm a little late in this, but thank you for your help before. I did as you said, and I feel completely recovered! In fact, it may just be in my head, but I actually feel lighter on my feet than ever.
Brady: Well, don't go pushing yourself, twinkle toes. You only get one body.
Lucina: I'll be careful. ... ... Meanwhile, I fear you're looking as sallow as ever.

Brady: Hey, this is my natural color! And quit yer worryin' about me! We're done here! Git!
Lucina: Not yet, we aren't! It's my turn to aid you. You didn't let me help you at all when you came down with that cold. I won't be denied the chance again! I WILL help you, Brady.
Brady: You can start by lettin' go! Gya! Getcha stinkin' paws off'a me!
Lucina: Struggling is ...futile! Hurk! I can ...outgrapple you!
Brady: Waugh! What part of helping me involves a submission hold?!
Lucina: The part where you refuse to submit! Now, submit! Give your body over to me!
Brady: D-don't go sayin' crap like that where folks can hear y—OUCH! Agh! Uncle! Uncle!
Lucina: Believe it or not, I'm quite the masseuse.
Brady: GAAH?! My neck! My back! Ngh! ...Oh god, I heard somethin' snap!
Lucina: Does that hurt? I hadn't even begun to apply any real pressure. ...I think someone might be exaggerating.
Brady: I think someone might have his shoulder dislocated! Please stop! Owww!
Lucina: ...Oh. Sorry. I didn't realize.
Brady: Yeesh! Feels like I just ran through a gauntlet or two ...
Lucina: How very strange ... Everyone else I've done this for has needed at least that much pressure to feel it.
Brady: Well, I guess I'm just one'a the gods' special little critters. Next time be a bit more gentle, will ya?
Lucina: I'll be more careful. I promise.
Brady: Good. And, uh, thanks, I guess. ...For the thought, anyway.

S Support

Lucina: Brady! Have you heard?
Brady: Heard what?
Lucina: Oh! Oh, no, you clearly ... Yes, well, um ... It seems that ... People seem to think we're a couple.
Brady: Whaaat?! ...How?!
Lucina: Rumors that we're together are flying all around camp ...
Brady: Yeah, but WHY?! Who started 'em? And what for? Oh, man, whoever it was, they're about to enter a world'a pain!
Lucina: I don't know that it's any one person. Perhaps it just spread on its own. We have been fairly close as of late. Wrestling, massages ...that sort of thing. Out of context, I suppose they could have appeared as intimate behaviors.
Brady: ...A WORLD'A PAIN! Gah! How can you be so calm when ya say junk like that?!
Lucina: S-sorry! I didn't realize I oughtn't ...
Brady: Course whoever saw us just HAD to view it in the most scandalous way possible!
Lucina: Quite the misunderstanding, yes.
Brady: Anybody with half a brain would know I'm way too big a weakling to be with you!
Lucina: ...Th-that's not true at all! Thanks to all your advice, my body's never been in better condition. I ...I really appreciate that.
Brady: Oh yeah?
Lucina: ... ...
Brady: Enough to act on some crazy rumors?
Lucina: I'm sorry?
Brady: No, I ... I mean, only if you wanted, but ... I dunno. If they're already sayin' it ... I mean, why not, right?
Lucina: Why not a couple, you mean?
Brady: Y-yeah! Or goin' steady, or whatever ya wanna call it. I like being with ya, Lucina. Even when ya just about broke my darn back, heh heh. So if everybody else is gonna set the stage for us, why waste the opportunity?
Lucina: I always felt that your kindness kept my spark alive amidst all this darkness ... If you'll have me, Brady, I'd be honored.
Brady: Hey, same here. So ... Sure, I guess? Let's do it.
Lucina: It's a bit ticklish, putting all this into words, isn't it? Heh, am I blushing as red as you?
Brady: Gah! I didn't even realize till now! I must look like a damn tomater!

Lucina (as siblings)

Small portrait brady fe13.png
Support information: Small portrait lucina fe13.png
0 pts.
? pts.
? pts.
This support is only available if Lucina is Brady's sister.

C Support

Brady: Ugh, this place is a mess! I really should straighten up more ...often ... Is that a ...AAAAAAAAAUGH!
Lucina: Gods, I've never seen Brady run so fast! Are we under attack?! Brady! What happened back there? ...Are you all right?!
Brady: L-Lucinaaa!
Lucina: Breathe, Brady. Calm down and tell me what happened. You have nothing to fear now that I'm here.
Brady: B-b-bug! A bug!
Lucina: ...A bug? ...As in insect?
Brady: As in a huge, freakish nightmare, with gross, hairy legs ... It's HORRIBLE!
Lucina: You're telling me all of your screaming and flailing was over an INSECT? *sigh* I thought the Risen had come. You could have sent the camp into a panic.
Brady: AAAAAH! It's back! And it can fly?! S-stay away! Don't come near meee!
Lucina: Come now, I don't see what all the fuss i—EEEEEEK!
Brady: See? Ya SEE?! It's the stuff of nightmares! Now hurry up and kill it! Kill it with fire magic or whatever!
Lucina: Oh, no—I'm not going near that thing! It's HUGE!
Brady: WHAT?! What happened to having nothing to fear now that you're here? How ya gonna save the future if ya can't even smoosh one stupid bug?
Lucina: Those two things are not related in the slightest. How can a tough guy like you possibly be scared of an insect?
Brady: I'd sooner die a craven that touch that vile thing! Look, you're the older one! You do it! Pop told you to protect your little brother, didn't he?
Lucina: Er, well, I suppose he did ... *sigh* All right, I'll something about it.
Brady: I knew I could depend on ya, Luce! Hip hip huzzah and all that malarkey.
Lucina: ...You're a royal, too, you know? It wouldn't kill you to show a bit more spine.
Brady: Hey, now's your chance! It just crawled into a corner behind that shelf!
Lucina: It's too dark. I can't see it ...
Brady: You should light up Falchion. Then once ya spot it, ker-STAB!
Lucina: Falchion isn't some common pitchfork, Brady! It's a blade of legend!
Brady: Hmph. Fine, be stingy with the thing. See if I ... AHHHHH! It's flying again! Look out!
Lucina: As formidable a foe as it may be, I won't allow it to set a single hairy leg on you!
Brady: Go, Lucina, go! GET HIM!
Chrom: What in the name of ...? What are you two doing in here?!
Lucina: F-Father?
Brady: Pop!
Chrom: Honestly, you two. All that commotion over a silly insect? What were you thinking?!
Brady: Sorry, Pop.
Lucina: I'm sorry, Father ...
Chrom: Just see that it never happens again.
Brady: Figures he'd be the one to smoosh it. He's unshakable.
Lucina: It's true. Although he was a lot less calm when it came to scolding us ...
Brady: Hah. Ya still worried about that? I actually had a lotta fun. Can't remember the two of us ever getting in trouble like that before. It's like ... I dunno. Felt like we was just a normal family for a second there.
Lucina: Heh. I confess, it did have its moments ...

B Support

Lucina: ...Brady.
Brady: Mmm?
Lucina: You know what I'm about to say, don't you?
Brady: Um ... Be sure to wash Falchion after I'm done cutting this apple?
Lucina: DON'T use Falchion to cut apples in the first place, you dolt!
Brady: Eep! D-don't get so bent outta shape! I'm sorry!
Lucina: You had best be more than just sorry ... That sword is a national treasure of Ylisse and a final memento of my father. Would you use the last earthly remembrance of your dead father to cut FRUIT?! You've shamed the weapon that built your very homeland!
Brady: Well, you've seen how big the apple is. And I don't see no other knives around ... B-besides, I've barely ever touched the thing before. ...I got curious, yeah?
Lucina: ... ...
Brady: So, um, a-are ya ... Yeah, you're mad.
Lucina: You've never held Falchion before?
Brady: Not really, no. In the future, ya always kept it right by your side. And since we been back here, I maybe moved it from tent to tent a couple times.
Lucina: Then we don't know if you have the potential to wield it.
Brady: What, it takes a special cat to use it?
Lucina: I see there is much you do not know. This blade was forged with Naga's power and steeped in the exalt's bloodline. Only a select few are able to wield it, even among the Ylissean royal house.
Brady: Yeesh, talk about picky. Er, though I ain't surprised you're one of 'em, Lucina.
Lucina: You may well be another, Brady. I'm mortified we've come this far without ever putting it to the test.
Brady: It'd be the cat's pajamas if I really could wield that sucker. Cutting down foes with a mystical sword? Now THAT'S aces! I'd be just like Pop!
Lucina: Mostly I'm ashamed I never stopped to consider it. If you are, in fact, among Falchion's chosen, that is knowledge we need. There may come a time when it proves necessary for you to take it up.
Brady: What, like if you're busy?
Lucina: Like if I'm dead, Brady. Having someone able to wield it even after I'm gone would be a considerable asset. We must use any means at our disposal to ensure the future is saved. Now let's go put it to the test.
Brady: ... ...
Lucina: Brady?
Brady: Aw, forget it. Ain't no way the sword would choose a mope like me.
Lucina: You don't know that until you try. You yourself just said you wished you were able to wield it. So let's—
Brady: I said NO! I ain't doing it! Don't make me ... Don't make me practice for your death, Lucina!
Lucina: ...I understand how you feel, but we must be practical about this. We cannot afford to lose this war. No matter what happens or who dies.
Brady: Ya think I don't know that?! But it ain't ... It just ain't that simple for me, all right? What, you planning to leave me, too? First my folks and now you?
Lucina: Not by choice, Brady. Never by choice. ...But there are no guarantees in war.
Brady: And that's supposed to make me feel better?! If it means ya dying, I don't want anything to do with Falchion! And if you make me try, I'll just use it to chop up more apples, so there! This is pointless. I'm leaving.
Lucina: Brady ... He sure is stuck on this whole apple business ...

A Support

Brady: Lucina, is this, uh ... Do you have a minute?
Lucina: What's wrong, Brady? Why the serious face?
Brady: I want ya to help me see whether or not I can wield Falchion.
Lucina: Huh? You were so dead set against it. What changed?
Brady: I did, I guess. I thought about everything ya said. About how we need to win this war by any means necessary. I was running away from that and from my duty as a child of exalted blood. But like ya said, we need to be practical about this. ...So will ya help me?
Lucina: Of course. I'll make the necessary preparations immediately. All right. I want you to strike at that log as if it were the enemy. If you lack the potential to wield Falchion, its blade will be dull as a stone. You will scarce knock the bark off your target. However, if you are among the blade's chosen, the log will be cleft in two.
Brady: ... ...
Lucina: Here. Take Falchion.
Brady: All right ... Here goes nothin' ... Damn. What am I gonna do if this DOES work? ...No. I'll worry about that later. No more doubts. This is part of my duty ... Here I go! RrrAAAGH! ... ... ...Huh? I didn't feel nothin'.
Lucina: ...The log is unscathed. I'm sorry, Brady. It seems you've not been chosen to wield Falchion.
Brady: ... ...
Lucina: Don't take it too hard. This doesn't change who you are. You're still my brother, a son of Chrom, and a prince of Ylisse. Don't let this—
Brady: ...Pffft. Heh heh ha ha ha!
Lucina: Brady?!
Brady: Ah ha ha ha, s-sorry, it's just ... I was so worked up, I ... I totally missed! I missed the log! Ah ha ha! What a riot!
Lucina: ...Heh. Heh heh. *ahem* Do try to be serious, Brother. You're making me laugh ... *Sigh* I suppose we both got a little too wrapped up in this whole Falchion matter. It wound up souring the air between us, almost as if we'd been quarrelling. I far preferred that night we got in trouble for the giant bug ...
Brady: Heh, same here. ...Though at least this helped me firm up my resolve. Not doing what I can outta fear the people I love might die is just ...chicken. If something should happen to ya, I swear to keep fighting to the bitter end. But I still got no intention of letting that happen. The pain would be ...too much. So lemme protect ya. It's the least your brother can do!
Lucina: I fear I, too, was running. I was afraid to make you a promise. But no more. I swear to you, here and now, that this war will not claim me. I refuse to leave you all alone, Brother, nor allow any harm to come to you. We will survive this together. We will forge a future of our own making.
Brady: It's a promise!
Lucina: So it is sworn on Falchion. ...Oh, blast! I completely forgot that I'm on cooking duty tonight. Sorry, but I must be going.
Brady: Ah, wait! Lucina, ya forgot Falchion! ...So much for not leavin' me, yeah? Guess it's just you and me, Falchy. How's about one more swing for the road, seeing as I'll likely never touch ya again? Hrrngh ... YAAAAH! ... ... ...Yup. Not a scratch. Ya just better do a damned good job of looking after my sister, yeah? If Lucina dies, you're getting demoted to royal fruit knife. Don't think I won't do it! ...All right. Let's get ya back to her.
Chrom: ...Hmm? What's this log? Was someone training? Hmm, split perfectly in two. I've never seen such a clean cut before ...


Small portrait brady fe13.png
Support information: Small portrait owain fe13.png
3 pts.
8 pts.
15 pts.

C Support

Owain: Halt! Who goes there?!
Brady: Halt? You're the one who just walked in. I ain't goin' nowheres.
Owain: A fine parry, sirrah. And yet, here you stand in garb most strange. Speak, fiend! What nefarious plot are you hatching here?!
Brady: What, ya mean here in the kitchen? Dressed like a chef?
Owain: A surcoat and crown of purest white ... What strange rituals are—
Brady: It's an apron and a chef's hat, idiot! I'm cookin' dinner! Even you can't be that dense. Now quit wasting my time.
Owain: Cooking? You? Dinner? Ha! I'd sooner believe a cavalier riding a pegasus over the moon!
Brady: Aw, I ain't got time for this malarkey! Look, tonight's my turn, all right? Now make like some eggs and beat it! You're gonna ruin the flavor.
Owain: I will not be deceived by such deceits! What manner of madman would allow you a turn at cooking for the camp?
Brady: I'm a fine cook, all right! I learned from my dear ol' ma! So just ... *sniff* G-get off my back!
Owain: Whoa, are you crying?
Brady: N-no! *sniff* ...And you're slipping out of character.
Owain: Brady, you are totally crying!
Brady: L-leave me alone! I was just cuttin' up taters, all right?!
Owain: Don't you mean onions? I don't think there's anything in potatoes that—
Brady: I JUST FELT BAD FOR 'EM, OKAY?! Now make like my pants and split!
Owain: Fine, fine. I'm going.

B Support

Owain: Alas, Brady! We meet again! ...Um, Brady?
Brady: What idiot left this helmet here?! Welp, too bad for them, 'cause I'm gonna punt it from here to kingdo—OOOOW! Fffffffffffffffft!
Owain: Do you hiss at me, sir? And what was that sound of a moment ago?! It was as the splintering of a mighty shield! The felling of a towering tree!
Brady: Hnnnnnnngh ...
Owain: Oh ho! I see you hunched and shivering! Do you tremble in my presence, sir?!
Brady: N-no, you ...idiot ... Just ...go away ...
Owain: Why do you reach for your foot? Grasping for a hidden dagger, perhaps? What are you doing, fiend?! I'll not be taken unawares! Give it here!
Brady: No no no no no—OOOOOOW! DON'T TOUCH THAT!
Owain: Okay, really. What's wrong?
Brady: You're ...falling out of ...character again ... *sniff*
Owain: Wait, are you crying again?
Brady: *Sniff* N-no, of course not. You got rocks in your brain! I ...I think I just broke my toe ... *sniff* *sniffle* ALL RIGHT, I'M CRYIN'! I'M SENTIMENTAL, OKAY?!
Owain: Y'know, I don't think tears of pain count as being sentimental, Brady ...
Brady: Just ...go away ...
Owain: All right, hold on. I'll go find you a healer.

A Support

Owain: Ho, Brady of the Moistened Eyes, what business have you here?!
Brady: *Sob* Sh-shut up! L-leave me ... *Sniff* Just leamme alooone!
Owain: Man, are you crying already?! This is a new record.
Brady: I'm ... *sob* I AIN'T CRYIN'! *sniff* *sniffle*
Owain: Actually, no. You appear to be bawling. What happened this time, old friend?
Brady: Whaddya mean "this time"?! Ya make it sound like it's an everyday thing!
Owain: At this point, it kind of is ... And why are you here, anyway? Weren't you joining the others on their training run?
Brady: I did! I just couldn't keep up after the first ten minutes, all right?! Wanna make somethin' of it?! You and me gonna go round 'n' round?!
Owain: Ah, I see! That explains why you're such a sweaty mess. ...It doesn't explain the tears, though.
Brady: I told ya! I'm sentimental!
Owain: You're sentimental about being out of shape?!
Brady: Yes, all right?! Now mind yer beeswax and leave me alone!
Owain: Um, Brady? Do you even know what "sentimental" means?
Brady: Course I do! Whaddya think I am, some kinda limp noodle?
Owain: Yes, well, you see, it's just that ... You keep using it wrong. Sentimentality is when someone gets emotional over memories or moving events.
Brady: So, like ... If I saw a litter of newborn kittens and couldn't stop cryin' for hours?
Owain: Exactly! That's being sentimental! ...And a little weird, if we're being completely hon—
Brady: I ... *choke* Hnngh!
Owain: Mordecai's claws! Are you still out of breath from running? If you feel like you're going to be sick, just turn your head and—
Brady: *Sob* I'm fine! I just ... When I pictured those tiny kitties lyin' there all blind and mewling ... *hic*
Owain: Right ... So basically you are sentimental. But you're also a huge crybaby, too.
Brady: D-don't tell the others about this! If you do, I'll take yer lunch money!
Owain: Heh, you put up a tough front, but you're just a huge softy inside. I don't think Brady of the Moistened Eyes is ready to join the Justice Cabal. ...But still, I'm glad we're friends.
Brady: ...That mean you won't tell no one?
Owain: Heh. If it's that important to you, your secret's safe with me. Call me sentimental!


Small portrait brady fe13.png
Support information: Small portrait inigo fe13.png
3 pts.
8 pts.
15 pts.

C Support

Inigo: Another day, another rejection. Honestly, this is just getting silly. How long will it take womankind to realize my many, many charms?! Mm? What's that? Someone's hunched over the side of the road ... I hope he's all ri— Brady?
Brady: Aw, I know it was hard. But ya made it, little buddy!
Inigo: Everything all right, Brady?
Brady: GAH! I-Inigo?! D-don't startle me like that!
Inigo: Sorry! I just saw you and wanted ... Wait, are you crying?
Brady: N-no! Of course I ain't cryin'! Why would I be cryin'?!
Inigo: ...Then who came and cried on your face?
Brady: No one! I mean ... Um ... Sh-shut up! What are you doing here, anyway?!
Inigo: I'm just wandering the hillside pondering the futility of love. ...So really. Why are you crying?
Brady: None'a yer beeswax!
Inigo: Tell me! ...Or I'll tell everyone I saw big, tough Brady bawling his eyes out.
Brady: Blackmail! ...Oh, fine. I saw this tiny flower bloomin' by the roadside and I got a little misty. You happy now?
Inigo: ... ... PAAAH HA HA HA HA HA HA! Hoooo! I'm sorry. I just ... I never figured you for the sentimental type.
Brady: Yeah, yeah. Laugh it up, why don't ya. Just don't go tellin' no one, y'hear?
Inigo: My lips are sealed. ...Provided you do me one little favor.
Brady: Ugh. What?
Inigo: Cheer up! It's nothing difficult—I promise. We can talk about it next time. I'll be in touch! Ta-ta!
Brady: ...Ugh. Why'd it have to be him?

B Support

Inigo: Aw, come on! Don't be such a wet blanket, Brady! All you have to do is walk next to me next time I hit the town. It couldn't be easier!
Brady: Next time you go hit on girls, you mean! I don't wanna get dragged into your sad little world, pal!
Inigo: There's nothing sad about it! We'll talk to some girls, have a nice cup of tea, and everyone walks away whistling.
Brady: I'd sooner drink poison! Go ask someone else!
Inigo: Well, all right. I'm sure one of the others would be willing to be my wingman. We can exchange a good laugh at how sad you were the other day ...
Brady: Y-you rotten little weasel! I'll kill ya! And I was NOT sad! I just had a lot of somethin' in my eye!
Inigo: Poetic license. Now, come on. It's just this one time.
Brady: Ugh ... Fine. But just this once! I don't get why you want me, anyway. I'm a real square, ya know.
Inigo: And that's why you're PERFECT!
Brady: Haw?
Inigo: I just need you to stand there looking glum and sullen. Meanwhile, I'll be impressing the ladies with my smooooth moves.
Brady: Wait! You just want me to make you look good by comparison!
Inigo: Genius, isn't it?
Brady: NO, IT AIN'T! Did you really expect me to say yes to this?!
Inigo: I'm not expecting you to say anything, actually. Your outdated slang would likely send all the pretty girls running for cover. ...Unless you think you actually CAN flirt with the ladies. Mmm?
Brady: I-I didn't say that! I just ... I don't ... Aw, horsefeathers! Fine. I'll go. But just this once, hear? Then never, EVER again!
Inigo: Thanks, Brady. See you tonight!
Brady: Gah, this is gonna be humiliatin'!

A Support

Inigo: Wh-whyyy? *sniff* Hooow?! Tell me ... Tell me it's all a bad dream! *Sniiiff* Waaaaaah!
Brady: Gods, pull yourself together, man! You've been sobbin' for an hour.
Inigo: You don't know what it's LIKE! You just don't know.
Brady: If you don't stop, I'm gonna tell everyone to come enjoy the show. Believe me, it's a very temptin' idea.
Inigo: I don't care! Everything was going fine until you ruined it, ruiner! This is all your fault!
Brady: It's my fault you started runnin' your mouth about me? My fault you told a pack of strangers about how you saw me crying?! I'm the one who should be yelling at YOU, twerp!
Inigo: ...Heh. Heh heh heh ... Ah ha ha ha ha ha!
Brady: This cat's gone loco ...
Inigo: No, you're right. You're right! That's what started it. I just don't understand why it made the ladies fall all over you! ...And start ignoring me, I might add!
Brady: The heck should I know?! They came at me so fast, I could barely follow what they were saying. Somethin' about a thug with a heart'a gold. Then that other gal went off 'bout how dreamy sensitive men are.
Inigo: How is sobbing over a flower dreamy?!
Brady: Don't ask me, pal. First time anybody's ever said anything like that to me. I always thought bein' a crybaby was ... Ya know. Shameful.
Inigo: Oh, nice. Rub salt in the wound. You think I'm not ashamed enough already? Then fine, go ahead and laugh! Laugh at the big, fat crybaby! And of course, now that I'm sobbing, there isn't a woman to be found!
Brady: Brother? You have GOT to let this go. So you're bad at picking up dames. Who cares?!
Inigo: Easy for you to say. They were fawning over you! Well, good for you, Mr. Popular. I'm reeeeeeal happy for you.
Brady: I should redecorate your face with my fist for all this nonsense. But ya know what? Now I know that bein' sentimental ain't all bad. A huge load's been lifted from me today, and I guess I got you to thank for it.
Inigo: So you got to play dreamboat AND were cured of a lifelong trauma? I'd say someone owes me big.
Brady: Maybe. But I ain't doin' this again!
Inigo: Damn right you're not! I don't want you anywhere near me next time!
Brady: Heh. Maybe we're more alike than I thought.
Inigo: Hardly! And don't think I'm not still furious with you!
Brady: Aw, boo hoo hoo. Quit bein' such a Melvin!


Small portrait brady fe13.png
Support information: Small portrait kjelle fe13.png
4 pts.
8 pts.
13 pts.
18 pts.

C Support

Brady: ... ...
Kjelle: Oh, hey.
Brady: H-hey, Kjelle. How's tricks?
Kjelle: Tricks are fine, thanks.
Brady: Training again, are ya? Wish I could be like that.
Kjelle: Then quit talking and grab some weights! That's how I've done it—one day at a time, every day of my life.
Brady: Yeah, I remember ya as a kid! Always running around with some pointy stick.
Kjelle: No one gets strong without putting in the time. You've got to sweat for it.
Brady: I'd settle for being half as strong as you. A third, even! Maybe then I could stop doubting myself all the time ... How long do you think it'd take for a guy to hit your level, eh? Couple'a weeks or what?
Kjelle: Depends on the guy. Natural talent goes a long way toward speeding things along.
Brady: But ya think anyone can get there eventually, yeah? I mean, if they really bust hump?
Kjelle: Anyone.
Brady: Then ya gotta train me, Kjelle! Ya just gotta!
Kjelle: No.
Brady: What?! How can you say no? I'm pleadin' with ya here!
Kjelle: I'm busy enough with my own training. I don't have the time to waste on you. Besides, you're frail. If you snapped in two an hour into my training regimen, we'd be short a healer.
Brady: ...Guess there ain't much I can say to that little number. Too weak even to get less weak ... Gah, look at me! What a Melvin!
Kjelle: Hey, don't let it get you down. ...Or just let it get you down somewhere else. I'm busy.
Brady: Yeesh. No harsh truth a total lack of sympathy can't make worse ...

B Support

Kjelle: Wait. You're back here asking me to train you AGAIN?
Brady: I'll ask as many times as it takes! Please, Kjelle! Ya just gotta!
Kjelle: Doesn't matter how many times you ask. My answer isn't changing.
Brady: Come on, Kjelle! I'm beggin' ya! I could be somebody! I could be a champ!
Kjelle: Look, it's nothing personal. I'm just very aware of how harsh I am when it comes to training. I don't want your puny healer's blood on my hands.
Brady: I can take it! Whatever it is, I'll do it. Ya just gotta believe me!
Kjelle: That totally unfounded bravado of yours is oddly charming, but it's going to kill you. There are times when the spirit is willing, but the flesh is floppy and hopeless.
Brady: Says who? I ain't hopeless! You said yourself that any chump can get there if they stick to it! I'm ready to sweat for it! I'm ASKING to sweat for it! Come on, Kjelle. I'm beggin' here.
Kjelle: What's with this fixation on toughening up all of a sudden? Is this really just a confidence thing?
Brady: I told ya, I wanna finally stop doubting myself all the time. I want to feel like I'm helping you cats out there in the field!
Kjelle: You do know that you can train on your own, too, right? You don't need my help. ...Oh, fine. I give up. I'll do it.
Brady: Ya will?
Kjelle: The only bigger waste of my time than training you is listening to you beg. As long as you don't mind me continuing my own training while you do yours, I'm game.
Brady: That's a dilly of a deal!
Kjelle: BUT! If we do this, we do it my way. I'm going to rebuild you from scratch. ...And it's going to hurt. A lot. Are you sure you're up for it?
Brady: You got it, Kjelle! I'll give them exercises what for!

A Support

Kjelle: We begin today. Are you ready?
Brady: Just tell me what to do and it's done!
Kjelle: First, run over to there and back.
Brady: Er, over ...where? Ain't nothin' but open field from here to the horizon.
Kjelle: Yes, I know. I want you to run until you reach the horizon.
Brady: Er, wait. Don't the horizon move around depending on where ya stand?
Kjelle: Look, just run until you can't see me anymore, all right? And if I can see you when you turn around, you have to start over!
Brady: Clear day like today, I can see halfway to forever! You expect me to run that?!
Kjelle: We can't start the fun stuff until you've built up some endurance. All right, off you go. Five laps.
Brady: ...This dame's crazy! It'll be dark before I'm done!
Kjelle: I heard that! ...And no one's forcing you. If you don't like it, quit.
Brady: Fine! I'm goin', I'm goin'!
Brady: *Pant* *huff* I ...I lost my lunch about a dozen times, but I did it!
Kjelle: Good. Next we'll have you do squats while carrying one of those sandbags.
Brady: *Huff* *pant* Ya mean this thing? It weighs more than I do! And don't I get a break first? Kjelle: Winded already? This is still just the warm-up.
Brady: Ya gotta be kiddin'! I'm dying here!
Kjelle: Then quit.
Brady: Rrrgh, no. I'm fine! Great! I could do this all day, dammit!
Kjelle: Better. For today, just do a thousand reps. We'll raise that by a hundred a day.
Brady: I ... I don't even know what to cry about anymore ... It's all just ... I don't even ...
Brady: Oooooone ...thousand! I ...did it ... I'm ...finally done ... Now ...I can ...die in peace ...
Kjelle: How many deaths does that make today? Honestly, where do you find the time? Next is push-ups. One thousand. ...While holding the sandbag.
Brady: What does that even mean?!

S Support

Brady: *Gasp* *pant* ... D-dying ... I'm dying!
Kjelle: Did I say you could stop? Every time you say you're dying, I'm adding a hundred squats. That's eight hundred for today. ...So far.
Brady: Kjelle ... Please ... Just ten—no, five minutes! If I don't take a break, I'm gonna cease to be alive in a very literal sense!
Kjelle: ...Five minutes.
Brady: Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Kjelle: And this is still just endurance training! I'd say combat training's a long ways off.
Brady: H-hey, hold on! Look, I may not be the quickest cat around, but ya can't just back out on me!
Kjelle: Who said anything about backing out? I'm in this for the long haul. Even if you try to change your mind.
Brady: ...You're a sadist.
Kjelle: An impressed sadist, though. To tell you the truth, I didn't think you'd stick it out. And seeing you vomit like that makes me want to train all the harder.
Brady: ...Dammit.
Kjelle: Huh?
Brady: How am I ever supposed to get stronger than you if you keep upping your pace? How am I ever supposed to make ya love me if I can't ... Um ... Er ...
Kjelle: I beg your pardon?
Brady: Look, it's obvious you'd never go for some string bean what's weaker than you. But just gimme time! I'll turn into someone who can match ya yet!
Kjelle: ... ...
Brady: Aaaah, for the love'a clams, tell me it ain't too late to take all that back! I ain't gonna open my big yapper again, I swear! So please just forget what I said.
Kjelle: You think I didn't know?
Brady: What?! Since when?
Kjelle: People don't work as hard as you did for no reason. For all your whining, you always did what I told you, and you never missed a day. Add in the fact that you insisted I be the one to train you, and it's pretty obvious.
Brady: Dammit, I'm so stupid! Way to go there, Brady! Muckin' up the works as usual!
Kjelle: Oh, I don't know. I think it's charming. ...And you're right.
Brady: I am? Wait, about what?
Kjelle: That you don't exactly qualify as you are right now. But you've got talent and guts and time. ...And an excellent coach. I said I'd rebuild you from scratch, right? May as well make you into my perfect man! And then, on the day you best me, we'll become the world's strongest couple!
Brady: Heh, all right! I can dig a challenge like that!
Kjelle: Good! By the way, your five minutes are up. Get back to work!
Brady: Hey, that don't count! We was talkin', not restin'!


Small portrait brady fe13.png
Support information: Small portrait cynthia fe13.png
4 pts.
8 pts.
13 pts.
18 pts.

C Support

Cynthia: Hmm ... No, that can't be it ...
Brady: You all right there, Cynthia?
Cynthia: Hmm? Oh! Yes, sorry, Brady. It's just that the strangest thing's been happening lately.
Brady: Oh yeah?
Cynthia: Someone keeps coming to my aid in battle.
Brady: That don't sound so strange. We all help each other out, yeah?
Cynthia: Yes, but this is ...different. If I'm hurt, a vulnerary will drop out of the sky in front of me! Or an enemy will be thundering toward me and get knocked off their horse by a rock!
Brady: Y-yeah, that's ...strange, all right. Never heard that one before ...
Cynthia: I know, right?! I'm going to track down whoever is doing it during the next battle.
Brady: No, don't! ... ... I mean, uh, don't you think that's kind of unnecessary? They're helping you, right? Maybe they just wanna be ...I dunno? All anonymous-like?
Cynthia: Hmm ... You're right in that many heroes prefer to operate in secret ...
Brady: Don't do it ... Don't do it ...
Cynthia: Sorry, what? I can't quite make out what you're mumbling over there.
Brady: Me? H-heck, I ain't sayin' nothin'! ...I'm just tired. ...That was a yawn. 'Sides, how are you going to track down your hero with no clues? And even if you find 'em, what then? You know what they say about gift horses.
Cynthia: But I've always wanted to discover a hero's secret identity! Hmm ... Perhaps I can narrow it down a bit ... It has to be someone in camp, right?
Brady: Oh, I dunno. Could be anyone, really. Either way, fretting over it ain't gonna give you any answers. You oughta just say boo to the whole thing and be done with it.

B Support

Brady: Heya, Cynthia.
Cynthia: Oh. Hello.
Brady: Something wrong? You're usually ...louder.
Cynthia: Remember what I told you before? About my secret protector?
Brady: Er, someone's been helping you out in combat and whatnot, right?
Cynthia: Well, ever since then, they've been awfully clever about covering their tracks.
Brady: Y-yeah? How do you mean?
Cynthia: Well, they always show up just when I'm in danger, right? And I figured that was the perfect time to catch a glimpse! So lately, whenever I was in trouble, I started looking around wildly!
Brady: That seems like a really terrible idea ...
Cynthia: So in the last battle, I look over my shoulder and see a huge wall of smoke ... And then, while I'm watching, a stone comes flying out and hits my enemy! My protector is using smoke screens! That is SO COOL!
Brady: Yeah, that's ... That's wild. Ha ha ...ha.
Cynthia: It's like they're just hell-bent on remaining anonymous.
Brady: Certainly sounds like it ...
Cynthia: But why the need for secrecy if we're both fighting for the same side? Honestly, the more they hide, the more I want to discover who it is!
Brady: Like I said, as long as they're helpin', it don't really matter, right?
Cynthia: Of course it matters, silly. I need to know who to thank!
Brady: But what if they ain't lookin' to be thanked?
Cynthia: Every hero should be recognized for outstanding heroic deeds! That's item four of the Justice Cabal code.
Brady: I, uh ... I ain't familiar with that one.
Cynthia: All right then. Next time I see smoke, I'm going to charge right into it!
Brady: You got rocks in your head! What if it's just a fire?!

A Support

Cynthia: Ooh, Brady!
Brady: Wh-what? Didja find somethin' out?
Cynthia: Yes! ...Wait, how did you know? And why do you look so suspicious?
Brady: H-hey! I can't help it! I was born with this ugly mug, all right?
Cynthia: Ha ha! Sorry, I didn't mean any offense.
Brady: So, what did you find out?
Cynthia: Oh, right! Remember my phantom helper out on the battlefield?
Brady: The one with the smoke screen?
Cynthia: It was Lissa!
Brady: ...Oh. Really?
Cynthia: ...That's it? I thought you'd be shocked. I mean, she's not exactly a likely suspect.
Brady: No, I ... I guess she's not.
Cynthia: I asked her why, and she said it was because I'm a danger to myself! Can you believe that? Talk about rude! And who is she to talk? She's so spacey, she could outstare a statue!
Brady: You're kind of a matched pair that way. Makes sense you'd help each other out.
Cynthia: Hey! Don't you start, too!
Brady: Sorry! Sorry ...
Cynthia: Mostly I'm just glad the mystery is solved. It's been plaguing me for ages!
Brady: Er, but it's only been happening for a week or two at the mo—
Cynthia: Oh, shoot! I forgot I promised to help with the supply run! Gotta dash! Bye!
Brady: Er, see you later! ...Cynthia. And she thinks Lissa's the spacey one? Oh man, that's fresh! ...Well, at least she bought the ruse. Looks like I owe Lissa a dinner.

S Support

Cynthia: Brady?
Brady: What's wrong, Cynthia?
Cynthia: I owe you an apology.
Brady: What? Why?
Cynthia: Lissa told me. ...The truth, I mean.
Brady: ...She did what?! Th-then you—
Cynthia: Know that it was really you helping me all those times? Yes, I know.
Brady: I told her not to say anything! Why'd she have to open her big yap?!
Cynthia: It's not her fault, really! I started quizzing her about all her secret hero moves, and she just cracked.
Brady: Ya see? She did open her yapper, then! Ooh, I'm gonna have me a few words with that stool pigeon!
Cynthia: Honestly, it's your fault for picking her. I mean, she's not exactly the type to take secrets to the grave, is she?
Brady: ...Yeah ...maybe not.
Cynthia: So I just want to know why, Brady. Why be my anonymous savior?
Brady: Aw, horse pucky. I ain't nobody's savior. I just couldn't stand to watch you chargin' around all reckless and stuff. You were bound to get hurt, and I couldn't bear to see it. You're like a little sister to me, Cynthia. Ya know?
Cynthia: A sister? Oh, that's unfortunate. See, because ...I don't think of you as a brother.
Brady: Um ... Yeah, well, ya know what? Just forget I ever said—
Cynthia: I was glad when I heard it was you. I like you, Brady ...a lot. Like ...a lot a lot. Knowing that the man I like had been watching over me made me ... Well, it made me really happy.
Brady: I'm sorry, Cynthia. I ...
Cynthia: No, I'M sorry! I didn't mean to ... I dunno. Say all that, I guess.
Brady: Ah, nuts, Cynthia! All that sister stuff was a bunch of hooey! I'm crazy for ya. Always have been! That's why I shadowed ya. I mean, sure, I wanted to keep you safe ... But mostly I just wanted to be near ya, and I didn't have the guts to say it.
Cynthia: Oh, this is the best day ever! I get the real answer to the mystery, PLUS the guy I like!
Brady: Heh, it's a pretty good day for me, too.


Small portrait brady fe13.png
Support information: Small portrait severa fe13.png
4 pts.
8 pts.
13 pts.
18 pts.

C Support

Severa: *Sigh*
Brady: Something got ya down, Severa?
Severa: No. I'm just ...sticking out.
Brady: What, like flashin' a little leg or somethin'?
Severa: No, you pervert! I mean socially! ...You and I don't fit in with the others.
Brady: Get outta' here. Ya think?
Severa: Everyone else in this camp is so happy and bubbly and nice! Ugh! Gag me with a spade!
Brady: Hey, yeah! Plus they all act like they're best chums!
Severa: Chums? Ugh, gag me again! Anyway, between us, one cynic to another, I think we should team up.
Brady: What did you have in mind?
Severa: I'm thinking that we'll start a totally exclusive club and leave them out of it! Severa and Brady's S&B Society has a nice ring to it, hmm?
Brady: The heck is an S&B Society supposed to be?
Severa: Isn't it obvious? It's a play on our initials.
Brady: I get that part, ya mope! Now what's it really mean?
Severa: It means ... Um ... Snark & Bark Society! It's totally our personalities! ...Plus the word "society." We need a sophisticated word like that to make everyone else all jealous.
Brady: This is starting to sound like a big pain in the keister.
Severa: Ugh, rude! And crude! Gods! Look, if you want to be that way, then you can be all cynical on your own. Or you can join my awesome society and have cynical backup whenever!
Brady: I got an uneasy feeling about this, but ...well fine.
Severa: Then it's decided! Our contrarian collaboration officially begins today!
Brady: Just try not to make me regret this, yeah?

B Support

Severa: Oh, Brady!
Brady: What's wrong?
Severa: I'm so glad you're here! It's an emergency!
Brady: Are we under attack?!
Severa: Worse! I'm building the official S&B Society tent, and we're out of materials! Oh, it's just awful!
Brady: Just use one of the spare tents! We got plenty.
Severa: Ugh, no way! Our noble organization deserves better than plain, ugly canvas!
Brady: So whaddya want me to do about it?
Severa: Well, maybe we can start off with a spare after all ...
Brady: Uh, what changed from a second ago when that was unacceptable?
Severa: Duh! Embellishments! We'll take a drab old tent and transform it into a palace. We'll need silks, and colorful lanterns, and fine, gilded tassels! Oh, and maybe some of those little hangy-bead thingies for the door!
Brady: You want all that on a stupid tent for two people?
Severa: It's not a stupid tent, and we are not just two people! We are the S&B Society!
Brady: This plan's startin' to rub my fur the wrong way ...
Severa: I don't care about your fur, which you don't even have anyway! Here's your list. Go fetch everything on it, and then come back for more orders.
Brady: List? Let's see ... Jumping jesters! I'll have to go to a big city to find half this stuff! Look at these quantities! Twenty tapestries? Thirty-five diamond-tipped canes? ...Forty-five golden bricks? Oh, come on! You can't even buy gold bricks! I think I need a drink ...
Severa: Ooh! Thank you for reminding me. We'll be needing a nice set of teacups as well. Oh, and since I handled all the planning, you don't mind footing the bill, right?
Brady: You're dreaming, lady! We're splittin' the cost at the very least!
Severa: Hey, we voted on this, remember? I am the society president and CEO! ...You are the treasurer.
Brady: Being treasurer doesn't mean you pay for everything out of pocket!
Severa: Um, I think I know what a treasurer does, Brady. Gods! Hmm ... Okay, so we'll also need some shelves for books and such ...
Brady: Hey! ...Are you even listening to me? ... ... Fine, I'll go see what I can get from the local markets. But you're paying me back for half! You hear me, ya mooch?
Severa: Sure, sure. Off you go.
Brady: I knew this was a bad idea ...

A Support

Brady: Hey, Severa!
Severa: Greetings, Society Member Number Two. Are we done with today's procurement run?
Brady: Stop callin' me that! ...And yeah, all done. Still don't see why I'm always the one what's buyin' junk. I mean, what've you been doin' this whole time, aside from loungin' around?
Severa: I've been very busy, I'll have you know! I've been assembling everything you bought into decorations for the tent. ...See?
Brady: ...Actually, that doesn't look terrible. Although it's all a bit ...gaudy, isn't it?
Severa: No, it isn't! It's elegant and sophisticated! We are a SOCIETY, after all. If not for the gold, silk, and lanterns, it'd lack panache. We have a name to live up to! If it all happens to be a hair over the top, it will just make people all the more jealous!
Brady: A hair? This thing is a full wig shop over the top, Severa. I can barely see in here! All the gold leaf is blinding me!
Severa: Well, get over it! ...Gods, I don't see why you always have to complain.
Brady: Said the contrarian to her partner in a contrarian society! Look, I've already spent way more time and money on this than I thought I would ...
Severa: Would you stop your grumbling already? ...Ooh! Brady, those teacups are darling! I didn't know you had an eye for those.
Brady: Well, you know ...
Severa: Or did you just have the seller choose them for you?
Brady: Urk ...
Severa: Oh, please. Don't try to deny it. I can read you like a book. Anyway, back to sewing! It won't be long now. I know it's difficult, but try to contain your excitement.
Brady: Stubborn as a mule, as always ... Still, if this makes her happy, I ...guess I can do it.
Severa: What was that, Number Two?
Brady: I didn't say nothin'!

S Support

Severa: Brady! *sob* It's t-t-terrible! Waaah!
Brady: What in the ... Augh! Come on, let go! You're crushin' my ribs!
Severa: B-but it's ... *sniff* It's gone! *sob*
Brady: Calm down! Sheesh ... Now, what's gone? What happened?
Severa: Y-you remember a few days ago? When that storm came through?
Brady: Yeah, that was wild. Thought my tent was gonna up and fly away.
Severa: It did fly away, you moron! The S&B Society tent blew away, and now I can't find it!
Brady: What? There was half a ton of decorations on that thing! How'd something that gaudy ever get off the ground?
Severa: Gaudy?! It was elegant and sophisticated!
Brady: R-right! ...Course it was. But hey, that's a shame. I know ya worked real hard on it.
Severa: A shame? No, it's a tragedy! It's the worst thing that's ever happened in the history of everything!
Brady: Aw, buck up there, little camper. Don't let it get you down. So, uh, maybe time to forget the Society idea and go mingle with the others, eh? Try to play nice with the group for a change? ...I'd go with ya, if ya wanted.
Severa: N-no! I don't want to!
Brady: Why do you always have to be so antisocial? Not like I'm one to talk, but even I—
Severa: Because I want it to be just you and me!
Brady: Muh?
Severa: Gods, you are an idiot! I never cared about that dumb society stuff! ...I just made it all up so we could spend time together.
Brady: Severa ...
Severa: But that dream up and blew away. So fine! Go! Run off and be with everyone else! I'll just stay here and eat this dirt! *munch, munch* ...Ptooie! ...Gods, I can't even do that right.
Brady: Oh good grief! Cut that out! I ain't goin' nowhere, doll. Honest! Can't leave half of the S&B Society all on her own, now can I?
Severa: Wait, then you ...
Brady: You think I'm an idiot?! I'm crazy for you, Severa! Who else would have put up with all your crazy demands this long?
Severa: Wow, I ... I don't know what to say. ...That isn't all snarky, I mean.
Brady: Hey, we're the Snark & Bark Society, but even we gotta' be honest sometime, right?
Severa: I guess I'm ...happy. Happy you feel the same, I mean.
Brady: Watching you has taught me something, though. Call it leading by bad example, but I think it was wrong to cut ourselves off. Two cats can't live alone, and there's no reason to keep tryin'. Anyway, I don't think it'd kill us to make nice with the others a bit more.
Severa: Well, I guess. ...If you help me.
Brady: Of course! I'll help with whatever you like! ...As long as it's not shopping for the Society again, that is.

Morgan (M) (as parent and child)

Small portrait brady fe13.png
Support information: Small portrait morgan m fe13.png
Morgan (M)
0 pts.
? pts.
? pts.
This support is only available if Morgan (M) is Brady's son.

C Support

Morgan: Hmm ... I wonder why I have no memory of my father ... All my memories of Mother are so crisp and clear ... I remember what an amazing tactician she was, all the time we studied together ... But nothing at all about my father. It's one big blank.
Brady: Hey! Whatcha mumblin' about over there?
Morgan: Father! That's amazing! I was just thinking about you! Is this fate?! This is totally fate! Family-style fate! ...Wait, no. How did Mother put it? "We're not pawns of some scripted fate. It's the invisible ties we forge that bind us." So yeah, it's not fate. It's the whole invisible bond-link ...thing!
Brady: Huh. Is that so?
Morgan: Yup! Even without my memories, there's an invisible thread that links us. Er, but that reminds me ... I was just wondering how I could have possibly forgotten you, Father. Do you think maybe you could help me get those memories back?
Brady: I suppose I could pitch in, yeah? After all—
Morgan: Yay! Thanks so much! I'll start preparing. Oh, I can't wait to get started!
Brady: Why do I get the feeling I'm gonna regret this ...

B Support

Morgan: Father? Do you have a moment?
Brady: Sure. What's up?
Morgan: Perfect! Then let's get started on Project Get Memories of Dad Back! Step one—figure how we're going to trigger some flashbacks. I've already tried banging my head against a post, but nothing. I mean, it made me dizzy and nauseated, but it didn't unearth any hidden memories. What do you think, Father? Perhaps a stone wall would work better?
Brady: Let's hold off on the head smashing for a bit, yeah? Why don't ya try takin' a gander at me for a while? Stare into my eyes and stuff.
Morgan: Argh, that's perfect! You're a genius! I must have seen your face a million times in the future. It's bound to bring SOMETHING back if I stare at it long enough. Okay, sorry to invade your personal space here, but ... Here goes ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Drats! It's not working. I don't remember a thing. It's like ... Have you ever stared at a word so long it kind of fell apart? And you think, "Is that how that's spelled? Wait, is that even a real WORD?!" Except here it's "Is that what Father looked like?"
Brady: Er, yeah ...sure. Maybe we should table this memory malarkey for today.
Morgan: Sure ... I'm still a little dizzy from banging the post earlier, to be honest ... But this doesn't end here! I'm not giving up until I remember you, Father!

A Support

Morgan: *Sigh* No luck today, either ... I'm going crazy trying to remember you. I feel so useless! I'm just so ... *sniff* Why can't I ... *sob*
Brady: Hey now! Stop that before ya get me all teary too, yeah?
Morgan: B-but I know I must have loved you just as much as I loved Mother. I bet we had a million memories together, and the thought of having lost them ... I feel like I failed you. Like I ... Like I ... *sob*
Brady: Oh, for the love'a ...
Morgan: *Sniff* S-sorry. I guess I got a little carried away there ... Ngh! M-my head! ...Wha—?!
Brady: What's wrong?!
Morgan: I ...I remembered something! Just one tiny little memory, but ...I remember! You were smiling at me ...and you called my name ... Ha ha! Yes! You looked a little bit older, but it was DEFINITELY you! Oh thank you, Father. I never would have remembered without your help. And hey, this is great! If I can get one memory back, maybe I can get the rest! It may take time, but I won't stop trying until I remember everything about you.
Brady: Take all the time ya need, kid. I'll always be here for ya ...
Morgan: Aw ... Thanks, Dad.

Morgan (F)

Small portrait brady fe13.png
Support information: Small portrait morgan f fe13.png
Morgan (F)
4 pts.
8 pts.
13 pts.
18 pts.

C Support

Morgan: Hey now, if it isn't Mr. Brady!
Brady: Yeah? What do you want?
Morgan: Oh, nothing! Just saying hi!
Brady: Huh. Right. And just what were you doing, skulking about out here?
Morgan: Skulking? Really, Brady, I was just picking a spot for a little afternoon nap in the sun. Or I would be if the sun came out. ...C'mon already, sun!
Brady: Yeesh. Must be nice, not having a care in the world.
Morgan: I've got my share of worries, same as the next person. Well, I did ... I mean, I probably did? I assume I did at some point ...
Brady: If you gotta ASSUME that you did, then ya DON'T! Must be nice havin' all your troubles and painful memories wiped clean. Now that head of yours is all puppies and rainbows and unicorns all the time.
Morgan: Yup! Pretty much!
Brady: Aw, you're shinin' me on. Ain't no way an amnesiac can be that bubbly!
Morgan: Well, yeah, I lost my memory, but I still have my father.
Brady: Yeah, well ... Just don't go thinkin' I trust you or anythin', understand?
Morgan: What?! Why not? That's terrible!
Brady: Because you could be an enemy spy, that's why not!
Morgan: A spy? That's ridiculous! ... ...
Brady: ... ...
Morgan: But hey, I guess I can't blame you.
Brady: Wha—?!
Morgan: Well, when you put it that way, with my convenient amnesia and all ... I guess I am pretty suspicious! Ha ha ha!
Brady: Aw, go suck a lemon!

B Support

Brady: *Huff* *pant*
Morgan: Brady, are you all right?
Brady: Oh, it's ... G-go away ... *pant*
Morgan: Just finished group maneuvers, eh? You look and sound exhausted.
Brady: I'm f-fine!
Morgan: I dunno. You look pretty pale.
Brady: I s-said I'm FINE!
Morgan: But you don't look fine, is the thing. Want me to rub your back for a bit?
Brady: You'd like that, wouldn't you? You spy! But, oh no! Brady ain't letting you anywhere near his back!
Morgan: I thought you started out as a priest, no? Shouldn't you be a little better at taking care of yourself?
Brady: Hey, gimme a break! The point of being a priest is healing other people, not yourself! It's about sacrifice and all that malarkey. You're supposed to put yourself last!
Morgan: Yeah, but if you pass out on the field, you're no use to anybody. You need to look out for yourself some if you want to help others, right?
Brady: Q-quiet, you! Who asked you, anyway?!
Morgan: Okay, okay! Don't go making yourself even more out of breath. Just stay put for a second. I'll get you some water.
Brady: I ain't drinkin' nothin' you give me! And I never asked for your help, so make like bad pants and butt out! *Huff* *pant* *wheeeeze*
Morgan: Oh, Brady ...

A Support

Morgan: Braaaaaady ... Brady-Brady!
Brady: Ugh, not her again ...
Morgan: What? Why are you running?! Waaait for meeeeee! ...Ha-hah! Caught ya!
Brady: Gah! What is with you, you crazy dame?!
Morgan: I brought you a very special gift today!
Brady: Eh?!
Morgan: The perfect panacea for the 90-pound weakling! Ambrosia to the anemic! All in the latest thrilling installment of Morgan's Adventures in Nutrition!
Brady: What, uh ... What IS that red sludgy muck, exactly?
Morgan: Lifeblood drained from a fell viper! It's sure to put the sheen back in your scales!
Brady: Swear to Naga, if you get that stuff near me, I'll give ya what for!
Morgan: But wait! There's more! Ta-daaah! Check it out! Bear gizzards! Put the stuff of bears in you! It's gotta be strong because, hey, BEARS! ...Am I right?!
Brady: No way I'm touching that, neither!
Morgan: Aww, no need to be shy just because they're exotic delicacies. This one's on the house!
Brady: That ain't what I'm worried about! And stay back! Stay ba—lrghlrghlrgh?!
Morgan: There's a nice Brady. Drink up now! Every ...last ...drop. Ooh, yeah! Feel those supercharged bear guts slip down the ol' gullet! And don't forget to wash it down with a tall glass of snake! Mmm, taste that predator!
Brady: B-B-BLEAAARGLE! *cough* *hack!*
Morgan: Well? Does it feel like it's working?
Brady: *Cough* Even if it did, it ain't gonna work THAT fast! And just where do you get off thinkin' you can just— Huh?
Morgan: Hmm? Brady? Something wrong?
Brady: Wh-what? What's going on?! I feel ... I feel power welling up inside me! It's floodin' every inch of my body!
Morgan: Now that's what I call fast acting!
Brady: Amazing! I feel ...healthy. Weirdly healthy! My body's not used to feeling this spry! This is ... Wow! This feels incredible! Uh, thanks, Morgan. Really, thanks! I, uh ... I guess I was wrong about you ...
Morgan: You're welcome!
Brady: Hey, uh ...sorry for all the hullabaloo earlier, yeah? I got all hung up on thinking you was a spy or something. What a loon I was!
Morgan: Aw, everybody makes mistakes! Don't even worry about it.
Brady: Well, if you're sure, then thanks. But boy howdy, you really do live in your own world, don't you? Guess all the goofball antics and meddling is sincere. You really do mean well!
Morgan: Of course! I may not have my memories, but I can still be myself, and that's just who I am! At least, I'm pretty sure? Ha ha ha! Who knows, right? Oh, I slay me!
Brady: Heh, you're one crazy number, Morg. But, yeah a good way.

S Support

Brady: Hey, uh, Morgan?
Morgan: Something wrong, Brady? Not feeling well again?
Brady: Nah, I feel fine. Great, actually, ever since you force-fed me horrible, horrible things.
Morgan: Something else you need, then? Ooh! Maybe a limerick? There once was a man from Ylisse! Whose knickers were ever so—
Brady: Er, no. That ain't it. I just ... I wanted to apologize for doubting you all this time.
Morgan: You already did apologize, silly!
Brady: Yeah, but I wanted to do it again! I just wasn't sure it took last time.
Morgan: Oh, you worry too much! And you weren't wrong to doubt me. Anyone would, given my circumstances.
Brady: Eh, not quite anyone ...
Morgan: Hmm?
Brady: If our roles was switched, you never would'a doubted me for a second. You'd have welcomed me with open arms. I'm sure of it ...
Morgan: Hmm ... Yeah, I guess I would, huh? But that's just because I'm so spacey.
Brady: No, it ain't! It's 'cause you're so kind!
Morgan: Oh? Is that so?
Brady: Look, I can't really explain it, but ... Over the course of talking with you, and the chaos and the running and the whatnot ... I kept picking up this thread of ...kindness? Just real honest-like, ya know? Anyway, it made me ... I don't know. I guess I kinda fell for ya, Morg.
Morgan: Oh ...Brady!
Brady: No, I know! I know! This whole time, I been sayin' these terrible things to you! I swear, I'll make it all up to ya. Just gimme a chance! Please, doll! Lemme love ya!
Morgan: *Sniff* ... I ... I don't ... I mean ... *sniffle*
Brady: Huh? This, uh ... This wasn't supposed to be one of them terrible things I said. ...C'mon, you're makin' me want to turn on the waterworks here, too!
Morgan: I ... *sniff* I can't ...h-h-help it ... I'm just so ... So ... Sooooo happy!
Brady: What?! Y-you are? You sure got an odd way of showin' it!
Morgan: I always wanted you to like me ... That's why I kept my smile on, even ... *sniff* Even when you were cold to me! Now, I ... I ... Oh, Brady! *sob*
Brady: Gah! I'm sorry! I was a real Melvin, I know! Just please stop with the crying!
Morgan: I'm ...s-sorry ... I'll stop ... Just as soon as I'm not soooooo happyyyyyy! *sob*
Brady: Oh, brother ... I guess when you're this happy all the time, special occasions mean big meltdowns ... This is going to take some gettin' used to, but if you're happy, then I'm happy!

Morgan (F) (as siblings)

Small portrait brady fe13.png
Support information: Small portrait morgan f fe13.png
Morgan (F)
0 pts.
? pts.
? pts.
This support is only available if Morgan (F) is Brady's sister.

C Support

Morgan: Let's see here ... Birthday? May 5th ... Favorite colors? Blue and purple ... Favorite food? Probably bear meat ...
Brady: Whatcha mumblin' about over there, Morgan?
Morgan: Least favorite food? Veggies, apparently. Don't seem to mind them now, though ...
Brady: Hey! Morgan!
Morgan: Oh! Brady?! Guess I was pretty out of it to miss my own brother paying a visit! Did you need something?
Brady: Just wondering what you were yappin' about over there ... What is it? Practicing some new magic spells and all that malarkey?
Morgan: Nope! Just going back over my notes on what you told me about myself. I was hoping they'd hold some clue that might help spark my memory. Heh. It's kind of crazy how much you know about me, huh? Like, I really once got five nosebleeds in the same day? I have no memory of that at all. AT ALL! Ha ha ha! I can just imagine ...
Brady: Well, you're still as cheerful, that's for sure. And as talkative as ever ...
Morgan: I am? I mean, I was?! Hmm, now that you mention it, that does sound ...right, somehow. ...Heh. Everything still feels funny. Even you being my brother hasn't really clicked.
Brady: If you think it's strange for you, you should see how I feel! My kid sister starts talking to me like a stranger, askin' questions about herself ... I had no idea how to even interact with you. Eventually I got used to it, but still ...
Morgan: Heh, yeah ... Sorry about that. But that's just another reason why I'm working hard to get my memories back. Once I do, nobody will have to feel weird or awkward around me again. Pretty noble, huh? I'm such a sweet, selfless girl!
Brady: Heh, and real humble, I see ... Anyway, I'm happy to try and help ya get those memories back however I can. Before you know it, we'll be laughin' about the good ol' days—now included!
Morgan: Heh, right!

B Support

Brady: That's the third time today someone took me for a bandit! Next time, I'm gonna ... Uh-oh. Looks like some cat's gone boots up over there. ...W-wait, is that ...Morgan?!
Morgan: Nn ...nngh ...
Brady: Morgan! Morgan, are you all right?! Stay outta the light, girl!
Morgan: ...Wha—?! Brady! Wh-what am I doing here? Was I asleep?! I don't even remember feeling tired ... Oh, right! I was bashing that huge tome against my head when I blacked out. That explains why my face hurts so bad ...
Brady: Bashing your ... Morgan, why in the WORLD would ya do that?! Wait, were you trying to get your memories back?
Morgan: Well, yeah! Obviously. If you ever saw me bludgeoning myself just for fun, I hope you'd put a stop to it ...
Brady: I'll stop ya even if it's NOT just for fun, ya damn moron! Look, I know you want your memories back, but hurtin' yourself ain't an option!
Morgan: ...But I want to be able to talk with you about old times again.
Brady: I know, Morgan, and I want that, too. But more than that, I want ya safe. I may just be another stranger to you, but to me, you're family. In the future, with Ma and Pop gone, it was just the two of us. You're all I had, Morgan, and I don't know what I'd do if anything happened to ya.
Morgan: All right. I'm sorry, Brady.
Brady: As long as you understand.
Morgan: ...Heh, that felt really siblingy just now. Don't you think? Me messing up and you scolding me felt ... I don't know, it felt really plausible! Maybe if you keep it up, I'll remember something!
Brady: Er, I dunno ...
Morgan: Yeah! Oh yeah, this will totally work! So go on, keep yelling! C'mon, scream at your amnesiac sister, Brady!
Brady: Huh? Naw, I ain't comfortable with—
Morgan: Hey, why don't you use the tome, too? Come on, don't hold back. Really wallop me with that thing! Maybe the simultaneous physical and mental shock will jar some memories loose! It's gotta be twice as effective as either one by itself, right? That's just basic science.
Brady: You're insane! I'm outta here.

A Support

Brady: Hey, Morgan. I'm headed into town. Wanna tag along?
Morgan: I'd love to! Is there something in particular you need?
Brady: I might pick up a couple of things, yeah. But mostly I think there's somethin' YOU need.
Morgan: It doesn't have to do with getting my memories back, does it?
Brady: The opposite, actually. Maybe there ain't no need to worry about your memories, yeah?
Morgan: That ...makes no sense.
Brady: Look, I'll be honest—it kinda kills me to know ya forgot me. But ...maybe it's better to build new memories than to worry about old ones.
Morgan: What do you mean?
Brady: I been thinkin' about this a lot. Why ya might've lost your memories, I mean. And I'm wonderin' if ya didn't have some awful memory ya just couldn't live with. ...I know I sure got a few. I see a lot of faces, yeah? Folks we couldn't save ...
Morgan: ... ... I'm sorry you have to bear those dreadful memories, Brady ...
Brady: Look, it's just a theory, and even if it's true, it ain't like you did it consciously. But I do think that gettin' your memories back might not necessarily be good for ya.
Morgan: Hmm ... I understand, and believe me, I appreciate the thought ... But I want to remember things, no matter how painful they are. Because I'm sure there'll be plenty of great memories mixed with the bad ones. And the truth, whatever it is ... I really want to have that back, you know?
Brady: Well, long as you're sure, then I'm happy to help.
Morgan: That's really kind of you, Brady, but do you truly realize what you're saying? I mean, it could be years before I remember anything. Or decades. Heck, there's a decent chance I may never get my memories back at all. I don't want to drag you into something that could last forever.
Brady: I'm already stuck with ya forever, ya dimwit! I'm your brother. We're family—memories or no. Ya couldn't keep me away.
Morgan: Brady, I ... *sniff* Thank you! I'll do everything I can!
Brady: Then start by comin' with me into town.
Morgan: Huh? But you said that doesn't have to do with getting my memories back.
Brady: Hey, there's no rule what says ya can't have a little fun while you try. And there sure ain't no rule against makin' happy new memories, either. You're young! Live a little! There'll be plenty of time to worry later, yeah?
Morgan: Right ... You're right! Thanks, Brother!


Small portrait brady fe13.png
Support information: Small portrait yarne fe13.png
3 pts.
8 pts.
15 pts.

C Support

Brady: ... ...
Yarne: Something wrong, Brady?
Brady: Yeah, I took a jab from a spear in the last battle. Hurts like the dickens. Don't suppose you've got some secret taguel wonder medicine, eh?
Yarne: I do, actually. Well, it's not taguel, but it's good stuff regardless.
Brady: And it really works? You ain't yankin' ol' Brady's chain here, yeah?
Yarne: It works like a charm, though it smells like rotten socks. Then again, it's a secret recipe—so rotten socks may actually be an ingredient!
Brady: I'll chug soiled undies if it makes this pain go away. Thanks, rabbit! *Glug, glug, glug*
Yarne: Well? How's it feel?
Brady: ...Sweet thunder! I can see the wound sewin' shut before my very eyes!
Yarne: Well, if you ever need more, come see me. Nobody's better stocked on medicine than a hypochondriac. Oh, and be sure to get plenty of rest, too. Maybe take it easy today?
Brady: No can do. We got training exercises after this, remember?
Yarne: Training or no, I'm not a fan of any activity where people swing sharp things at me. That's how accidents happen! Horrible, face-peeling accidents ... And the fact that it's mostly safe also means it's slightly deadly! As the last of the taguel, I can't afford to risk it.
Brady: If you go into battle without training at all, it'll be a lot more than slightly deadly! Now, c'mon! Stop flappin' yer gums and start movin' yer legs!
Yarne: H-hey, wait! I told you, I'm not ... HEY! Let go! Unhand me, brute!

B Support

Yarne: Gah?! Wh-what did I do? Why are you so angry?
Brady: Don't play the sap with me! What was that sorry show you put on in the last battle?
Yarne: What? Er ... I have no idea what you mean. Ha ha ...ha ... I was trying my ...hardest?
Brady: Aw, go suck a lemon! You never got closer than 50 paces to the enemy! The rest of us are risking our necks! If yer that useless, why not stay home?!
Yarne: I am not useless! I could be really strong if I wanted to! Taguel are far better fighters than humans! You show me the enemy and I'll beat 'em! With ...with one paw tied behind my back! Er ...that is ...if I weren't the last of my kind. I need to stay clear of danger and ... You know. Stay alive. Keep the bloodline going?
Brady: It's always the same load of malarkey with you, ain't it?! You brag about how great the taguel are, but you never actually fight! How do you think that makes a guy like me feel? Huh?! I wish I could fight more than I do, but my body can't keep up! It ain't my fault I'm the least athletic guy in the history of the world ... But that don't stop me from tryin'!
Yarne: Brady ... A-all right ... Fine.
Brady: "Fine," what?!
Yarne: Fine, I'll show you what I can do! Next battle, I'm out there! I'll prove once and for all I'm not just some coward!
Brady: Ha! If your promises were wooden nickels, I'd have a ... Wait, that's not ... Look, you know that means actually joinin' the front lines, yeah? I'll be watchin' to see how long it takes you to turn yellow. ...So impress me!
Yarne: M-maybe I will!

A Support

Brady: Hey, Yarne! I saw ya out there on the field!
Yarne: ...And? How was I?
Brady: Pretty amazin'! You really held your own!
Yarne: Heh, stop. You'll make me blush!
Brady: Took ya long enough to get serious, but it was worth all the badgering. Now ya just have to keep it up. No more runnin' from the front lines!
Yarne: Wait, what?
Brady: You're tough when you actually bother to fight, yeah? So I'm sayin' you need to make every battle a repeat of today!
Yarne: Er, I don't ... That was a one-time thing. I was just proving a point! I thought I could go back to know? NOT proving a point?
Brady: You realize we're still at war here, right? Don't make me slap an endangered species!
Yarne: N-no, wait! I just ... I just think all my fallen ancestors would be angry if I risked the life of the last taguel!
Brady: You're gonna have a lot more than angry ghosts to worry about here in a sec!
Yarne: Gah! Quit yelling at me! You're freaking me out! Stress is bad for the heart! Are you trying to kill me?!
Brady: Don't tempt me, bunny! And seriously, did you completely miss what I meant before?!
Yarne: ...Did I?
Brady: You want to talk about your ancestors? Fine! Let's take a look!
Yarne: Huh?
Brady: The taguel are natural born fighters, yeah? So what does that tell ya? They've been fightin' for generations! They valued strength above all in their partners! Fightin' ain't just how they survived, it's who they were! It's your heritage! As the last inheritor of that legacy, ain't it your job to make sure THAT don't die?!
Yarne: ... ...
Brady: Whew ... Got a little hot under the collar there.
Yarne: ...But you're right. I guess somewhere along the way, I lost sight of what I was trying to protect. No more running. I'll muster up my courage and face life head-on! ...Ish.
Yarne: H-hey, I'm not going to change into a whole new person overnight! I'll give it my best shot, but I'm sure there will still be times I want to run and hide.
Brady: Well, I guess I can stick around to light a fire under that tail of yours when ya do!
Yarne: Thanks, Brady. I'll be counting on you to do just that!
Brady: Oh, it'll be my pleasure, rabbit.


Small portrait brady fe13.png
Support information: Small portrait noire fe13.png
4 pts.
8 pts.
13 pts.
18 pts.

C Support

Noire: Oh, this is so embarrassing. Alone on a cot in the medical tent. ...Again! Honestly, everyone is being silly. I was just a little light headed. ... ... ...Nnnh? ...Oh. I must have fallen asleep. Wait ... I hear footsteps ... Eep! They're coming closer! Wh-what if it's someone I don't know?!
Brady: Huh? ...Oh, it's you.
Noire: Brady!
Brady: Gods, another day, another screwup on the battlefield. I'm pathetic!
Noire: Oh no, are you hurt?
Brady: Wouldn't be here otherwise. I dodged an attack wrong and twisted my ankle. My leg'll be fine, but my pride may never recover.
Noire: I see ...
Brady: Anyway, looks like we're neighbors for the time being. Cheers, I guess.
Noire: Ch-cheers ... I'm actually feeling a lot better, though. I'll probably be going in just a bit ...
Brady: I hear ya! I can't wait to make like a bakery wagon and haul buns outta here. This place is depressing!
Noire: Heh, yeah ... W-well, I hope you feel better soon.

B Support

Brady: Ugh, genius move, Brady. You're a regular Robin! Leg heals up just in time to get sent back here for another boneheaded injury ...
Noire: Hee hee! Looks like we're neighbors again.
Brady: Am I a court jester? Do I amuse you? 'Cause I ain't laughing! What kind of idiot blocks a hit and pulls his groin while falling on his ass?! You couldn't come up with a more pathetic injury if you tried!
Noire: Er, it's better than not blocking it at all, right?
Brady: Yeah, I guess ... So what's got you back in the tent of shame? Anemia acting up again?
Noire: Mmm-hmm.
Brady: Tough break. ...Ugh, and then there's the boredom to add insult to injury. I want to get outta this two-bit tent. Hit the town, maybe.
Noire: Getting better has to come first, though.
Brady: Yeah, I know. I just wish there was more to do than sleep. I've done more than enough of that already.
Noire: I know how you feel ... But what else would you do?
Brady: Hmm, that looks about right ... Hurff!
Noire: Brady? What are you doing with that crate? It looks awfully heavy ...
Brady: That's kinda the point. May as well use this time to build up a bit of muscle lifting weights.
Noire: B-but you're hurt! Shouldn't you be taking it easy?
Brady: My leg is hurt! No reason I can't work on the old cannons, though. Am I right? Here we go ... One! Two! Th-three ... ... ... FFFFFffff!
Noire: Are you all right? Don't tell me you hurt your arms?!
Brady: G-guess I should've started with a lighter crate ... Hngh!
Noire: I told you you ought to take it easy! Wait right there, I'll go get help. Er, I mean, I guess I'll yell for help. Or ...something. Hello? Is anyone there? Brady's hurt! ...Er, more so!
Brady: All right, so I spoke too soon. There IS a more pathetic injury ...

A Support

Brady: Ugh, how many times does this make?
Noire: Heh! And it's always the two of us. This is getting to be our spot!
Brady: You say that like it's a good thing ...
Noire: Yeah, well, isn't it? I mean, at least we've been able to talk.
Brady: Talk's about all we can do in here. I think my ill-advised attempt at weight training last time proved that much ...
Noire: Well then, what if we talk about the good old days for a bit?
Brady: Like what?
Noire: You probably don't remember, but we used to be regulars at the healers as kids, too. We had a bad habit of passing colds back and forth for weeks on end ...
Brady: Oh, I remember! You were always sneezing green goo out yer bitty nose! Guess it ain't so strange for kids to get sick. Happens to all of 'em eventually. But sure did seem like you and me would always go down at the same time.
Noire: I remember lying in a cot across from you when we were both flush and feverish.
Brady: Hah! Yeah, you wouldn't stop bawlin'!
Noire: Oh, sure. Bring that up again!
Brady: Meanwhile, I was busy thinking of how I could toughen up. Guess some things never change, am I right?
Noire: I was always so scrawny. I wished there were some way to stop being frail ...
Brady: Heh heh! And just look at us now! What a couple'a saps.
Noire: Still, it's ...sort of comforting to know that some things really don't ever change.
Brady: All a matter of perspective, I guess. Seems likely we'll be neighbors for a long time to come, yet. So, uh ... Cheers, I guess.
Noire: Cheers. To the two of us getting stronger, bit by bit.
Brady: You said it, sister!

S Support

Brady: Urgh ... Back to the tent of shame ...
Noire: Ah! Brady, are you all right? What happened?
Brady: Just ... Hngh! ...Just turned my half-busted shoulder into a whole-busted shoulder.
Noire: What?! You've got to be more careful when you're hurt! Here, lie down ...
Brady: You're makin' a mountain outta some pretty small potatoes, Noire. ...So why you back in the sick house? Caught the dreaded red or somethin'?
Noire: I, um ... I just came here to find something.
Brady: Then it's finally just me stuck in here. Hey, good for you!
Noire: Brady ...
Brady: Naw, ain't nothin'. So don't go gettin' all sad on me! It's a good thing not to be a regular at the infirmary tent. You should be happy.
Noire: B-but ...I like it here.
Brady: Hah! That's crazy talk. Why would you say that?
Noire: ...This is our place. You and me have a lot of memories in here at this point, Brady. Even today, the ... The thing I was here looking for is I was hoping I might run into you again, you know?
Brady: Ha ha! Man, you sure know how to make a guy feel like a million bucks! When the infirmary's the first place you look, boy, that's a ringing endorsement.
Noire: No, I didn't mean ... There's no reason to be ashamed, Brady. I know what you're doing out there. I've seen you. You're always defending the others by putting yourself in danger. That's why you're always hurt.
Brady: You ... You saw that?
Noire: I mean, sure, you're not the sturdiest man on the field ... But you're braver than anyone and more selfless about protecting your allies! There's nothing shameful about that.
Brady: ... ...
Noire: ...Ah! I'm sorry! Listen to me blabbing on while you're injured! I'll go. You clearly need some rest.
Brady: Heh. And here I thought I'd been subtle about it. Guess I've got a ways to go.
Noire: You shouldn't have to hide it at all ...
Brady: I've spent a lot of time in hospital beds, Noire. You know that better'n most. And I'd always spend my time thinking of how to be stronger, ya know? Like, how could I help more? And how could I ... How I could keep the girl on the bed next to me safe? Because I loved her.
Noire: Oh, Brady ...
Brady: I love ya, Noire! I'm in love with ya! Heck, I think you're the cat's pajamas! So, what say we maybe spend some time together outside for once, when I'm better? I was thinking, like ...forever?
Noire: I'd love to, Brady! Oh, I'm so happy, I feel like I'm walking on air!
Brady: Me, too! Though some of that's probably the healing magic kickin' in ...


Small portrait brady fe13.png
Support information: Small portrait nah fe13.png
4 pts.
8 pts.
13 pts.
18 pts.

C Support

Nah: Ah! B-Brady ...
Brady: Yeah? Whatcha want?
Nah: I don't, er ... Nothing in particular. ... ...
Brady: Then why ya makin' eyes at me? You got something to say or what?
Nah: N-nothing!
Brady: Then what? Something wrong with you? You coming down with something?
Nah: N-no, nothing like that. I'm fine ...
Brady: Well, you ain't ACTING fine. It's freaking me out! You don't go all quiet when you talk to any of the others.
Nah: That's not true! Er, no, it is, but ... I'm not being quiet! I'm the same as always ...
Brady: Sure, fine. Whatever.
Nah: ... ...
Brady: ...You scared of me? Is that it? I give ya the heebie-jeebies?
Nah: I'm not scared! Why would I be scared?! That's crazy talk! You're crazy!
Brady: Oh, really?
Nah: Y-yes, really ... I'm not!
Brady: Well, whatever it is, I ain't sticking around so you can gawk. I'm gonna fade.
Nah: *Sigh* I j-just wanted to talk. When I see that face, though, I clam up ... It's not my fault he looks so scary!

B Support

Brady: Nah! You all right?
Nah: B-Brady? I'm fine. Why wouldn't I be?
Brady: Uh, because you nearly drowned back there? You sure you're okay?
Nah: Absolutely. Really, I'm fine ... Thanks to you. At least, I heard it was you who dove in and saved me. My memory is still pretty hazy.
Brady: Ugh, who told ya? I asked everybody not to make a big thing outta it ...
Nah: But it is a big thing, Brady! Especially to me. So, thank you.
Brady: Aw, it was nothin'.
Nah: Nothing? I could have died!
Brady: Not sure how. That water was three feet deep, and that's bein' generous.
Nah: Augh ... Please, don't remind me. I'm embarrassed half to death as it is.
Brady: What about me? I heard you shout for help, so I dove in thinkin' it was deep! Nearly telescoped my damn spine!
Nah: ... ...
Brady: But, hey, I guess we both pulled through. Just be careful in the future, yeah?
Nah: ...You're worried for me?
Brady: What? W-well, sure, Nah! We're on the same team, ain't we?
Nah: You're actually really sweet, you know that?
Brady: What? Where'd that come from?
Nah: I had you wrong. I thought you were colder. ...Scarier.
Brady: So you WERE scared of me! I knew it!
Nah: But not anymore! Now I know you're really a good, kindhearted person!
Brady: Gah, stop already! I ain't used to praise. It feels almost as weird to hear ya say that as it does you calling me scary!
Nah: Good people should be recognized as such. ...Which is why I'm making a point of telling everyone in camp what a sweetie you are.
Brady: Hey, hold on! You don't gotta be tellin' no one nothin', see?!

A Support

Brady: Um, Nah?
Nah: Yes, Brady?
Brady: Is it just me, or have you been following me around constantly the last few days? Did you, uh ...need something?
Nah: Do I need to need something to be around you?
Brady: Are ya talkin' legally? 'Cause then I guess not.
Nah: Also, I'll be introducing myself as your little sister from now on. Just so you know.
Brady: Wait, what?
Nah: I always wanted a nice, protective older brother. I'd say rescuing me from drowning qualifies you as nice and protective, no?
Brady: Yeah, but not as your brother!
Nah: Oh, don't worry. I'm sure you'll fall into the role with practice.
Brady: That's not the ... Gah, I don't even ...
Nah: Plus I still feel so terrible for thinking my poor, misunderstood brother was scary. I'll make it up to you from here on as your doting and adorable little sis!
Brady: I told ya! Ain't nothin' to make up for!
Nah: Every debt left unpaid is a threat to the stability of human-manakete relations.
Brady: That your overblown way of saying you're too stubborn to back down on this? ...Fine, then. Do what you want. But ditch the brother-sister stuff! Folks might get the wrong idea.
Nah: ...Oh, all right. It's a grave shame, but I'll concede the point.
Brady: Well, now that that's settled. See you around, Nah.
Nah: But I make no such concession with regards to following you around!
Brady: ...Uh, hold on just a second here.
Nah: I intend to stay by your side until I manage to repay my debt to you.
Brady: Y-yeah, but there's gotta be SOME exceptions! Right? Like, I don't really want ya following me where I'm headed now ... By which I mean I expressly forbid ya from following me! Got it?!
Nah: What? Why?! Where are you going?
Brady: To take a bath!
Nah: Eep! S-sorry! I'll, um ... I'll see you around, Brady!

S Support

Nah: So, where are we headed today, Brady?
Brady: "We" aren't headed anywhere. Were you really planning on following me around all day again?
Nah: Well, of course!
Brady: You don't think that's going a little far? Already told ya I release you from any debt you think you owe and all that malarkey.
Nah: Don't be silly. That's not why at all! It's only natural we should be together. We're a couple.
Brady: A couple of what? ...Er, and since when?
Nah: Well, we spend all this time together, but you say we're not siblings.
Brady: 'Cause we ain't! And what kind of crazy jump gets ya from there to being "a couple"?!
Nah: Haven't you felt all the envious looks around camp? The others can't help but long for the sort of passion we share!
Brady: Gah! Is that why everybody's been leering at me everywhere I go?
Nah: They are NOT leering! ...They're celebrating our beautiful union.
Brady: Ugh, I feel like I'm losing my mind here! There IS no beautiful union! And we ain't a "we"!
Nah: You don't have to shout. ...Do you really hate me that much?
Brady: I never said that!
Nah: Then let's get married!
Brady: Slow down, would ya?! I need a little time to think here!
Nah: You're divorcing me?!
Nah: *Sniff* Used up and cast aside ... Who will love poor Nah now?
Brady: Nobody used up anybody! Quit sayin' stuff what gives people funny ideas!
Nah: Oh! Remarriage, then?
Brady: I have the worst headache of my life right now ...
Nah: Don't overexert yourself, Brady! You're in no condition to weather needless stress. Please, I'm too young to be a widow!
Brady: Just ... Can I have a minute here? A quiet one?
Nah: Don't worry, darling. If it comes to that, I'll use a dragonstone to transfer my own life force to you.
Brady: ...Is that a thing? I didn't know you could do that.
Nah: I've never tried it myself, but I heard my mother talk about it. She said it was the stone's true power. ...Probably?
Brady: What was she, guessing?!
Nah: Even if she were, I'll make it work. I'm prepared to give you half of my life. That's what love means to me.
Brady: Cheese and peanuts, this manakete love is heavy! ...Still, it feels pretty good to know someone cares that much.
Nah: Then let's tell everyone the ceremony's tonight! I always wanted to be an eight o'clock bride!
Brady: Er, there ain't no chance I'm getting you to slow down on this, is there?