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A Land in Bloom/Script

From Fire Emblem Wiki, your source on Fire Emblem information. By fans, for fans.

Before Battle

Alfred: Here we are─the kingdom of Firene.

Alear: What a beautiful place.

Alfred: Isn't it? And no sign of the Corrupted, so that's good. That was quite a trip, crossing the sea all the way from Lythos. I hope you're not worn out.

Alear: I'm fine.

Alfred: Good, good. Listen, I'm sorry for twisting your arm to come with me.

Alear: Alfred, it's all right. I wanted to come. How about before we arrive at the castle, you tell me more about this kingdom of yours?

Alfred: Happy to! Let's see... Firene is one of the four nations of Elyos, in the southwest.

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Alfred: It's ruled by my mother, Queen Ève. We're known as of plenty. Our people value peace above all else. We haven't seen war for centuries.

Alear: You must come from a long line of capable leaders.

Alfred: That's kind of you to say. Peace doesn't always come easy. Mother had to hammer out a nonaggression pact with our neighbors. The pact says there won't be war between us, Solm, and Brodia.

Alear: Right─Solm, the Queendom of Freedom and Brodia, the Kingdom of Might.

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Alfred: You've got it. Solm is an open-minded country. They've always had good relations with Firene.

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Alfred: But an alliance with Brodia took some doing. Their king's an ambitious man.

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Alfred: He's always launching attacks on Elusia to expand his own territory.

Alear: I take it Elusia isn't in the alliance.

Alfred: No. Honestly, they're so far away, we don't interact with them too much. We know it's snowy there, with long winters... and that some Elusians worship the Fell Dragon.

Alear: The Fell Dragon?

Alfred: It's troubling, I know. But...people can believe what they believe. Sorry... I didn't bring it up to turn you against Elusia.

Alear: It's not them I hate─it's the Fell Dragon. Him and the one who killed my mother. Can you tell me more about the Emblem Ring that was entrusted to Firene?

Alfred: Oh, sure. It's the "Ring of the Caring Princess." Doesn't look like anything special. Until I met you and Marth, I thought the Emblems were legends. I can't wait to tell my sister they exist! She'll really be knocked for a loop.

Alear: You have a sister?

Alfred: Yeah─the princess of Firene, Céline. She's at the castle with Mother right now.

Alear: Princess Céline. I look forward to meeting her.

Alfred: Just call her Céline. I'm sure you two will get along great.

Alfred and Alear continue down the road.

Alfred: Here's Florra Mill Town. The castle's close now. We'll just cut through here, and... Something's off.

Alear: What is it?

Alfred: I think there might be trouble ahead.

Before preparations

Alfred: Oh no...

Alear: The Corrupted. They're everywhere.

Alfred: I can't stand to see them overrunning this peaceful town. I have to drive them away. Divine One, will you help me?

Alear: Of course.

Movie - Céline

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Céline is standing in the middle of the battlefield with her retainers surrounded by corrupted.

Céline: Danger looms from every side. I fear we will never make it to my brother.

Louis: Princess Céline. I beg you to make your retreat. We'll handle this.

Chloé: More of the fiends might be on the way. Hurry!

Céline: Louis! Chloé! You can't possibly expect me to─

Louis: It is our sworn duty to protect the princess. We will hold the line for you as long as we must!

Chloé: You have to leave. If you should fall here, who warns Prince Alfred of the invasion to come?

Céline: I concede the point. But I'll return for you both. Please hold out until then!

Céline runs off.

Louis: Apologies, Chloé. It pains me greatly to separate you from Princess Céline, for even a relatively brief amount of time.

Chloé: Might I say, I'm a bit disappointed I didn't get to see you run off with Her Highness yourself. A knight should never leave his princess's side.

Louis: The sooner we win, the sooner that will come to pass. What say you, Chloé? Shall we?

Chloé: Yes! Let's!

After preparations

Céline: Alfred!

Alfred: Céline? What are you doing here? I thought you were with Mother.

Céline: I was, but... Alfred, the Elusian army is marching on the castle.

Alfred: What? Why?

Céline: I cannot say. Before they arrived, Mother sent me to warn you. But then we were ambushed on our way to Florra Port... Louis and Chloé stayed behind so that I might have a chance to escape. Please, we must hurry back to them!

Alfred: Absolutely.

Alear: Pardon me, Princess Céline, but do you have the Emblem Ring?

Céline: Yes. Mother gave it to me. Why do you... Goodness gracious! The Divine Dragon Alear?! You're here, you're...awake!

Alear: I am.

Céline: May I say, it is truly an honor!

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Céline: The Emblem Ring is right here. Please, Divine One. It is yours.

Alear: The words... They're coming to me... Care for us, Emblem of Echoes!

Movie - Emblem Celica

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Emblem Celica appears from her Emblem Ring and strikes a pose.

After movie

Celica: I am Emblem Celica. I detest violence...but I will always fight to defend the innocent.

Alear: Thank you for answering my call.

Alfred: So...this is the Emblem that was in Firene's ring.

Céline: Emblem Celica. How marvelous. Divine One, with your blessing─and hers, of course─I would like to fight by Celica's side. I must protect the people of this village and ensure Louis and Chloé's safety.

Alear: I entrust this ring to you, Céline.


Start of player phase 1

Chloé: I won't be able to get very far with these archers everywhere.

Louis: How about this? I take care of the archers and you deal with the magic users.

Chloé: Good idea! While their spells will go right through your armor, I'm resistant to magic. So leave the mages to me. It's not so bad protecting each other, now is it?

Louis: Indeed. This is a nice change of pace.

When selecting any unit except Céline, Chloé, or Louis

Alear: Look at that house. The gate is wide open. We'd better warn them to lock up so the Corrupted don't get in.

When selecting Céline

Céline: Emblem Celica, it is an honor. So it was your voice I heard on the way from the castle. I am glad you're here with me.

Celica: I feel the same, Céline. I will fight by your side from now on. Together, we will protect that which you hold dear.

Céline: Thank you. With Celica's help, I ought to be able to reach Chloé and Louis more quickly.

When Céline engages with Celica

Céline: I feel a great power within... We have united, haven't we? My resolve is strong. I will protect my people. I will protect everyone!

When Céline selects Warp Ragnarok

Céline: I am resolved to fight for peace. Hold on, you two! I am on my way!

End of enemy phase 1

Barbarian: Ahaha! These houses are ripe for the picking. Time for a good, old-fashioned village pillage!

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Alear: The crystal... It's glowing.

Marth: Alear, where did you get that?

Alear: It was in the Ring Vault. Vander found it after the battle at Lythos Castle. Why? Do you know what this is?

Marth: The Draconic Time Crystal. An artifact capable of reversing time itself. There is a limit to its power, but still, it could give us a keen advantage.

Alear: Time Crystal, huh? So it's not just a pretty piece of jewelry.

Marth: Since we have it, I suggest we put it to use. Give it a try.

End of enemy phase 3

Rodine: We're losing ground, are we? Well, that's easily remedied. Release the Corrupted!

When visiting southern house

Firenese Villager: What's that? Monsters, here?! Gosh all! Thanks for letting me know! Take this. Might come in useful.

When visiting northern house

Firenese Villager: Thank you for warning me. Here─use this to bring peace to our land.

Talk conversations

Céline and Chloé

Céline: Chloé, I am relieved to see you're all right.

Chloé: You too, Princess Céline!

Céline: I was able to find Alfred─and the Divine Dragon, no less! After that, the Divine One summoned Emblem Celica from within my ring.

Chloé: A noble dragon, summoning ancient spirits to save the day... That sounds just like a fairy tale!

Céline: It does. Now that I have this power, let's give this story a happy ending, shall we?

Chloé: Let's do it.

Céline and Louis

Céline: Louis, thank goodness!

Louis: Princess Céline! How relieved I am to see you unharmed... Hm? You seem... different.

Céline: The Divine Dragon brought Emblem Celica forth from my ring. I am imbued with her strength.

Louis: Pardon? The Divine Dragon is here?

Céline: Indeed. I will explain everything later. For now, let us restore order here. I promise I will never leave you behind again. Come─let us fight together.

Louis: As you wish. Princess Céline and Emblem Celica... What a pair.

Battle quotes

Rodine: Soon I'll be a legend... The man who captured the princess of Firene!
— Rodine battle quote
Rodine: I would have won, you know...if they'd given me real soldiers...
— Rodine defeat quote

After battle

Movie - Meeting Veyle

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Alear is standing in a field admiring Florra Mill Town after a hard-fought battle. Suddenly a corrupted appears behind them. It swings its spear but it is hit by a fireball conjured by a mysterious girl. The girl steps forward from the tree she had been hiding under. The camera slowly pans up from her feet. She is wearing multiple chains around her ankles, a long white flowing dress, and has a crown of petals on her head.

Alear: Huh?

Veyle: There's no need to be afraid. It's gone.

After movie

Alear: You saved my life. Thank you.

Veyle: It was nothing, really! I only did what anyone else would do.

Alear: Are you here by yourself?

Veyle: I am. I saw the fighting and thought I could help.

Alear: You're braver than I am. I can't stand the Corrupted. I was so startled I couldn't think. You really did save my life.

Veyle: I see...

Alear: Oh, I haven't introduced myself yet. I'm the Divine Dragon Alear.

Veyle: What a lovely name. I'm Veyle.

Alear: Veyle...

Marth appears from his Emblem Ring.

Marth: Might I interrupt?

Alear: What is it?

Marth: Even with the Corrupted gone, it may not be safe for her out here. Perhaps we should escort her home or to an inn.

Alear: That's a good idea. Hey, Veyle, do you live around here?

Alear looks over to Veyle but she is gone.

Alear: Huh? She's gone...

Céline: Divine One!

Alear: Céline. Did you see a girl pass this way? Small with long hair? Barefoot?

Céline: No, I'm afraid I didn't see anyone matching that description.

Alear: OK, thanks. Did you need something?

Céline: I wanted to thank you. Alfred told me that you accepted Firene's request for aid. And your help in the battle was the difference between victory and defeat. Thank you, truly.

Alear: Don't mention it. Alfred and I are friends. I was happy to help.

Céline: Friends? He said that? Imagine speaking so casually with the Divine Dragon... Please, allow me to apologize on his behalf.

Alear: There's no need to put me on a pedestal. I just woke up, and the world is new to me. I make mistakes like anyone.

Céline: Is that so? I thought surely the Divine Dragon would be an all-seeing, all-powerful being. But here I find that you are rather more...human than I expected. Perhaps we can be friends.

Alear: Then what do you say, Céline? Friends?

Céline: I would be honored.

During exploration

Note: Only story specific quotes.
Alfred: I'm glad we found Céline, but I'm worried about the castle. Let's head there as soon as we can.
— Alfred exploration quote
Céline: Why would the Elusians invade Firene? I hope that Mother is safe at the castle.
— Céline exploration quote
Chloé: Hello, I'm Chloé. I can't thank you enough for saving Princess Céline's life.
— Chloé exploration quote
Louis: The Divine One, I presume? I am Louis. Thank you for coming to my princess's aid.
— Louis exploration quote
Firenese Villager: Thank you for your help. I never thought I'd see monsters here in this peaceful village.
— Firenese Villager exploration quote
Firenese Villager: Thank you for protecting the village. But what brings Prince Alfred and Princess Céline here?
— Firenese Villager exploration quote

After exploration

Durthon: Hey, folks! Mind if we bend your ear a minute?

Alear: Hm?

Durthon: Name's Durthon. I'm an armorer. And this here's Anisse, purveyor of goods. We saw you tradin' thumps with those things. Figured you might be in the market for supplies.

Anisse: Yes. If you need, we'd be happy to provide you with quality weapons and items. Anything to defeat those creatures. They pose a terrible threat to traveling merchants like us.

Alear: How would you feel about moving to our base? You can sell your wares from there.

Vander: Ahem, Divine One...

Alear: What? We don't have any facilities. These two could be a good addition.

Durthos: You're gonna let us open shops at your base?

Alear: If you'd like to. We'll need plenty of weapons and items from here on out. It's a haven. You won't find any creatures there.

Durthon: You got yourself a bargain! Can't wait to do business together.

Anisse: Thank you for this. I will do my utmost to ensure you receive the finest items.

On the Somniel

Note: Only story specific quotes.
Vander: Florra Mill Town was a fine display of skill. We move on Firene Castle when you are ready.
— Vander on the Somniel
Alfred: Florra's safe for now, but I'm worried about Firene Castle. Let's go as soon as we can.
— Alfred on the Somniel
Céline: Thank you for allowing me on this holy ground. But might we be off to Firene Castle soon?
— Céline on the Somniel
Chloé: Ah, no matter where I look, it's all so lovely and picturesque!
— Chloé on the Somniel
Louis: Such magnificent scenery here. I look forward to taking a stroll through the gardens.
— Louis on the Somniel
Celica: I've not been here for centuries. Please, the Firene royal take care of them.
— Celica on the Somniel