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===C Support===
'''Brady''':  Tea's ready.  It's the, uh... The whatsit kind. From that place. You know, the expensive junk.<br>
'''Kellam''':  Um…<br>
'''Brady''':  Well...? Whaddya waitin' for? A royal invitation?  It's all set and ready to go—just the way ya like it.<br>
'''Kellam''':  Uh, Brady?<br>
'''Brady''':  Let's step it up, old-timer! Tea ain't gettin' any hotter!<br>
'''Kellam''':  Oh, right. S-sorry... *sip*  ...But, Brady?<br>
'''Brady''':  Yeah?<br>
'''Kellam''':  What did you mean, "just the way I like it"? I hardly ever drink tea…<br>
'''Brady''':  Whaddya mean? You drink it every day. You never miss teatime.<br>
'''Kellam''':  I've had the odd cup here or there, but I've never had a "teatime" in my life…<br>
'''Brady''':  ...WHAT?!  Ma told me to join ya in your daily tea ritual! Even gave detailed instructions!  Wait... Did she make it all up?<br>
'''Kellam''':  Considering I don't even know what a "tea ritual" is, I'm guessing she did.<br>
'''Brady''':  That dirty... I bet she's laughing her head off right about now!<br>
'''Kellam''':  Er, what exactly did she tell you?<br>
'''Brady''':  Oh, don't you worry. I'm gonna have me a nice, long chat with dear ol' Ma!  You just sit there and drink your damn tea. So long, old-timer! ...Oh, and set this on top of the pot. It keeps the tea warm.<br>
'''Kellam''':  ...When did my life get so weird?
===B Support===
'''Brady''':  Sorry about last time, old-timer.<br>
'''Kellam''':  What, the tea? You don't need to apologize for that.  I was happy for the chance to chat.<br>
'''Brady''':  Well, good. But I still feel bad you wound up drinking alone.  Anyway, I brought my violin by way of apologizin'.<br>
'''Kellam''':  ...I'm sorry?<br>
'''Brady''':  Yeah, exactly. I wanna say I'm sorry, and I heard that requires a violin performance.<br>
'''Kellam''':  It...does?<br>
'''Brady''':  What, were ya born in a barn? Course it does!  I gotta tickle the catgut for three songs, then do a backflip.  That's when you stand up and start clappin' and cheerin' and throwin' roses.  ...Er, at least, that's what Ma said.<br>
'''Kellam''':  Brady, listen to me.  No one has ever apologized to me that way before. ...EVER.  Your mother's having fun with you again.<br>
'''Brady''':  What, AGAIN?! Oh, that tears it! I'm gonna—<br>
'''Kellam''':  Brady, wait…<br>
'''Brady''':  What?!<br>
'''Kellam''':  As long as you're here, let's just enjoy a nice chat and forget about Maribelle.  I'm almost thankful, really. If not for her japes, you'd probably never have come by.<br>
'''Brady''':  Forget Ma? But she's been playing me like a dancin'-monkey organ guy!  Aw, heck. Fine. I guess I can put up with her horseplay a bit longer…  It'd be nice to just sit back and chew the fat a bit.<br>
'''Kellam''':  It's settled then! Pull up a seat…
===A Support===
'''Brady''':  And then Ma pulls out that li'l umbrella of hers, and she says—<br>
'''Kellam''':  Heh heh…<br>
'''Brady''':  ...What are ya laughing for? I ain't even at the punchline yet.<br>
'''Kellam''':  I'm just glad we're able to talk like this, Brady.  I'll admit, I was a little shocked when I first saw you. You seemed a bit...scary.<br>
'''Brady''':  Yeah, well. Sorry I'm all scary.  I guess if you don't like it, do a better job raising the real deal.<br>
'''Kellam''':  What, you mean the Brady from this era?<br>
'''Brady''':  Yeah. I ain't your real son, anyway. I mean, not exactly.<br>
'''Kellam''':  ......  Brady, I…<br>
'''Brady''':  Aw, what? What's with that face? I don't need no pity.  Unlike some of the other kids, I ain't jealous of the Brady from this timeline.  We're two different cats, yeah? No hard feelings.  Once the real one's born, you can forget about me. I'll bow out all graceful-like.<br>
'''Kellam''':  Brady, how can you say that after we've gotten so close?  You think I'd just cast you aside once my son is born? I would never do that.  You're my friend, Brady. ...And my son.<br>
'''Brady''':  Pop, I... *sniff*  Aw, damn. I'd decided not to cry, and then ya go and say crap like that... *sniffle*  I was lyin' about what I said before, Pop! It does matter to me! Please don't forget me!  Just...remember that we were good pals once, yeah? Real chums.<br>
'''Kellam''':  I could never forget you, Son.  I'll remember you till the day I die and love you as my future self would…<br>
'''Brady''':  Okay, no more talk of dyin'.  If you go boots up before me, I'll douse your grave in more tea than ya can stand.  I'll play my violin and do a backflip if I have to. Don't try me, old-timer!<br>
'''Kellam''':  Well then, it's settled. Guess your pop can't very well die now, can he?


Revision as of 04:53, 16 February 2017

This page contains all data pertaining to Brady's supports in Fire Emblem Awakening.

Avatar (M)

Small portrait brady fe13.png
Support information: File:Small portrait avatar m-default fe13.png
Robin (M)
3 pts.
8 pts.
15 pts.

C Support

Avatar: Ah, there you are.

Brady: Lookin' for me, Avatar?

Avatar: We haven't had much chance to chat. I thought I'd rectify that.

Brady: Afraid I ain't much of a conversationalist. I'd probably bore ya stiff.

Avatar: I'm sure that's not true.

Brady: Plus, I got no place talkin' to an overachiever like you to begin with. We two just ain't a good fit, see?

Avatar: Well, what sort of person WOULD be a good fit?

Brady: Oh, I dunno. Maybe somebody like that... one fella. The one with the axe. ...Wait a sec, who do I usually talk to? Gotta be SOMEONE, right? Hells bells... Do I not have any friends?

Avatar: Wow, I, uh... I'm sorry I asked?

Brady: Augh, it's embarrassing enough without you pitying me! I guess I don't really have much in the way of buddies... But what I need is a mentor! Someone who know how a real organization works and does it all by the book. Yessir, it's ironclad hierarchy for me!

Avatar: You want an ironclad hierarchy?

Brady: Course! The sort of outfit I wanna be a part of is run by the boys up top. When the saps down below screw up, they get smacked back in line!

Avatar: Sounds like you'd make for a pretty stern boss.

Brady: Eventually, maybe. But I ain't planning to be the big cheese anytime soon. I'm the new kid. I want somebody who's gonna show me what's what. A guy with gravitas, yeah? Manly and tough, but dedicated. Little fire in his belly! The sort of fella what I can admire.

Avatar: Sounds pretty stoic.

Brady: Yeah, exactly! Stoic! Respect for authority mixed with a liberal dose of old-fashioned male bonding! The boss makes his boys into men, and the men defend the boss with their lives!

Avatar: Heh, well I guess the trick is finding the right boss, then.

Brady: I'm hoping to find somebody up for the job right in this here army.

Avatar: I can keep my eye out for likely candidates if you want.

Brady: Naw, forget it! This ain't the sort of thing what you can find lookin' for it. It's fate as much as anything else. I'll see who the stars lead me to.

Avatar: If you're sure...

B Support

Brady: Hmm... Everybody like him... They trust him as a tactician... His orders are so darn precise... He keeps the eye on the whole field... I know I wouldn't be scrappin' half as well if he wasn't telling me what to do. Plus the guy's a beast in combat, always defending the rest of us...

Avatar: Hmm? Who's that over there...?

Brady: I think I've found my man!

Avatar: Oh, hello, Brady? What'd you find?

Brady: Wha--?! Avatar! ...N-no, nothin'.

Avatar: You sure? If there's something on your mind, I'm always happy to listen.

Brady: ...Okay, well... When you make a plan, what's the most important thing?

Avatar: Huh? Where's this coming from?

Brady: Don't clam up now, just answer the question.

Avatar: Hmm... I suppose it's finding a clear path.

Brady: A path's an awfully literal answer. I was expecting something... I dunno. Fluffier. "Faith in one another" or "ties that bind." That sorta malarkey. Or at least some kinda wacky concept like "efficiency" or "finesse."

Avatar: I think everything you just mentioned is important. But I view my job as charting a path from wherever we are to victory. That way, when I give out the directions, there's a context. A logical continuity. I'd say that's first and foremost for me.

Brady: So you DO mean it as more of an abstract thing!

Avatar: Well, literal roads are important too, but yes. I'm navigating our way through this war, but everyone else is on the ship. We all share in the journey, so I need to be sure we agree on the course.

Brady: So it's important it has a "logical continuity"... Huh.

Avatar: Does that answer your question?

Brady: I dunno. Gimme some time to mull it over. ...Alone.

Avatar: I wonder what that was all about?

A Support

Brady: Hey, Avatar! I want to be yer boy, and I want you to make me a man!

Avatar: ...I'm sure I must be misunderstanding you.

Brady: I want you to be the boss what keeps me in line! Remember? We talked about this! I've been looking for someone I could lay my life down for in this here army. A mentor! A big cheese who shows me the ropes!

Avatar: Riiight. I remember that much.

Brady: Well, I decided YOU'RE gonna be that someone! Sure, you're not exactly the gruff, manly type, and "gravitas" ain't a word I'd use... But what you said before, about seeing a clear path? It kinda got me right here.

Avatar: Er, I'm flattered, but I don't know if I'm the sort of superhuman you're looking for.

Brady: Whoa, whoa. Hold it right there. A boss has gotta ACT like a boss, you know? Have some bravado. Some swagger! Never play modest, especially in front of the boys! Now, let's try this again. Lay some orders on me, boss! Lemme have it!

Avatar: I'm still not really sure what you're looking for me to do here...

Brady: Put me to work! Send me on errands! Whatever ya needs! If anyone in the camp's givin' you lip, lemme smack 'em around. Fellas? Dames? Old ladies? Don't matter none to ol' Brady!

Avatar: I don't want anybody smacked around!

Brady: When you walk around camp, I'll be one step ahead, clearin' your path. When you go to eat, I'll shoo people away from your special table!

Avatar: It's starting to sound like you want a gang kingpin, not a mentor.

Brady: Exactly! You'd be the boss, which would make me your second! All I ask is that ya work me ragged. If I can draw my last breath after taking an arrow for ya, I'll be happy!

Avatar: What?! I don't want you dying, for me or otherwise!

Brady: ...What, I don't make the cut? Not good enough to be one of your boys?

Avatar: Ugh, Brady...

Brady: Yeah, boss?! Whaddya need? Just name it!

Avatar: I'll do my best to mentor you, but not in the way you're thinking. I'm not looking for "boys," and I don't want to be anyone's "boss." I want everyone here to support each other as equals. Not as pawns and kingpins.

Brady: ...Sure I can't change your mind? We could get a gang together...

Avatar: We have a gang together, Brady! Our army, a field of equals. I consider all of you brothers and sisters--peers--as should you. We're already bound together, and that's not going to change.

Brady: Fair enough, boss. Er, Avatar. After all, I wouldn't have chose to serve ya if ya didn't have a magnanimous streak.

Avatar: Brady, I just said...

Brady: Oh, I heard ya. And don't worry. In my heart of hearts, you're still the boss, even if ya wanna just be small potatoes.

Avatar: Thanks, Brady. Not exactly what I was hoping for, but I'll take it. I'm proud to consider you a friend, as well as an ally.

Brady: Heh, I guess if I can't have a boss, I'll settle for a partner.

Avatar: Welcome to the gang, Brady.

Avatar (M) (as parent and child)

Small portrait brady fe13.png
Support information: File:Small portrait avatar m-default fe13.png
Robin (M)
0 pts.
? pts.
? pts.
This support is only available if Robin (M) is Brady's father.

C Support

Brady: Tea's ready. It's the, uh... The whatsit kind. From that place. You know, the expensive junk.

Avatar: Um...

Brady: Well...? Whaddya waitin' for? A royal invitation? It's all set and ready to go- just the way ya like it.

Avatar: Uh, Brady?

Brady: Let's step it up, old-timer! Tea ain't gettin' any hotter!

Avatar: Oh, right. S-sorry... *sip* ...But, Brady?

Brady: Yeah?

Avatar: What did you mean, "just the way I like it"? I hardly ever drink tea.

Brady: Whaddya mean? You drink it every day. You never miss teatime.

Avatar: I've had the odd cup here or there, but I don't recall ever having "teatime."

Brady: ...WHAT?! Ma told me to join ya in your daily tea ritual! Even gave detailed instructions! Wait... Did she make it all up?

Avatar: Considering I don't even know what a "tea ritual" is, I'm guessing she did.

Brady: That dirty... I bet she's laughing her head off right about now!

Avatar: Er, what exactly did she tell you?

Brady: Oh, don't you worry. I'm gonna have me a nice, long chat with dear ol' Ma! You just sit there and drink your damn tea. So long, old-timer!

Brady: ...Oh, and set this on top of the pot. It keeps the tea warm.

Avatar: ...When did my life get so weird?

B Support

Brady: Sorry about last time, old timer.

Avatar: What, the tea? Hardly something to apologize for. I was happy for the chance to chat.

Brady: Well, good. But I still feel bad you wound up drinking alone. Anyway, I brought my violin by way of apologizin'.

Avatar: ...Sorry?

Brady: Yeah, exactly. I wanna say I'm sorry, and I heard that requires a violin performance.

Avatar: It... does?

Brady: What, were ya born in a barn? Course it does! I gotta tickle the catgut for three songs, then do a backflip. That's when you stand up and start clappin' and cheerin' and throwin' roses. ...Er, at least, that's what Ma said.

Avatar: Brady, listen to me. No one has ever apologized to me that way before. ...EVER. Your mother's having fun with you again.

Brady: What, AGAIN?! Oh, that tears it! I'm gonna-

Avatar: Brady, wait.

Brady: What?!

Avatar: As long as you're here, let's enjoy a nice chat and forget about Maribelle.I'm almost thankful, really. If not for her japes, you'd probably never have come by.

Brady: Forget Ma? But she's been playing me like a dancin'-monkey organ guy! Aw, heck. Fine. I guess I can put up with her horseplay a bit longer... It'd be nice to just sit back and chew the fat a bit.

Avatar: It's settled then! Pull up a seat...

A Support

Brady: And then Ma pulls out that li'l umbrella of hers, and she says-

Avatar: Heh heh...

Brady: ...What are ya laughing for? I ain't even at the punchline yet.

Avatar: I'm just glad we're able to talk like this, Brady. I'll admit, I was a little shocked when I first saw you. You seemed a bit... scary.

Brady: Yeah, well. Sorry I'm all scary. I guess if you don't like it, do a better job raising the real deal.

Avatar: What, you mean the Brady from this era?

Brady: Yeah. I ain't your real son, anyway. I mean, not exaclty.

Avatar: ...... Brady, I...

Brady: Aw, what? What's with that face? I don't need no pity. Unlike some of the other kids, I ain't jealous of the Brady from this timeline. We're two different cats, yeah? No hard feelings. Once the real one's born, you can forget about me. I'll bow out all graceful-like.

Avatar: Brady, how can you say that after we've gotten so close? You think I'd just cast you aside once my son is born? I would never do that. You're my friend, Brady. ...And my son.

Brady: Pop, I... *sniff* Aw, damn. I'd decided not to cry, and then ya go and say crap like that... *sniffle* I was lyin' about what I said before, Pop! It does matter to me! Please don't forget me! Just... remember that we were good pals once, yeah? Real chums.

Avatar: I could never forget you, Son. I'll remember you till the day I die and love you as my future self would.

Brady: Okay, no more talk of dyin'. If you go boots up before me, I'll douse your grave in more tea than ya can stand. I'll play my violin and do a backflip if I have to. Don't try me, old-timer!

Avatar: Well then, it's settled. Guess your pop can't very well die now, can he?

Avatar (F)

Small portrait brady fe13.png
Support information: File:Small portrait avatar f-default fe13.png
Robin (F)
4 pts.
8 pts.
13 pts.
18 pts.

C Support

Brady: *Pant, pant, wheeze* Need...air... HAAA...ngh... *sputter, pant* D-dammit...

Avatar: Brady, what's the matter?

Brady: Ain't *pant* n-nothin' *pant* matter *wheeze*...

Avatar: I thought you were out training with the rest of the troops?

Brady: Well duh, that's EXACTLY *cough* what I was doin'. So get off my back!

Avatar: You overdid it, didn't you?

Brady: Sh-shut yer yapper!

Avatar: Do you need a glass of water? Or maybe a damp towel would help?

Brady: N-no... I'm perfectly... *cough* fine. Dammit... gotta get back there... rest of 'em... learnin' stuff... gettin' ahead'a me... Gotta... train... more... *sniff*...

Avatar: Er, Brady. Are you crying?

Brady: I SAID shut yer *sniff* yapper. I NEVER cry, yeah?!

Avatar: I think you're being much too hard on yourself here, Brady. You have to understand, you're already an important part of this army. Look, here's a handkerchief. Why don't you blow your nose?

Brady: That isn't snot, it's tears! I don't need ya wipin' my nose like a sap, see?

Avatar: But you never cry, yeah?

Brady: You ain't nearly as nice as everyone says you is.

Avatar: I'm sorry. I know I shouldn't tease. But seriously, Brady. Are you really so desperate to get stronger?

Brady: Well, yeah. Of course I am. It's pretty much all I care about.

Avatar: Then let me help you.

Brady: What, I'm supposed to just have you drill me? Teach me to fight better? You?

Avatar: Basically, yes.

Brady: Yeah, well... I suppose that's... fine. Do what ya gotta do.

Avatar: Then it's settled! Excellent...

B Support

Avatar: Well, Brady. Ready to begin training? It's time we toughened you up.

Brady: Yeah, I guess. Where do we start?

Avatar: First thing we need to do is work on your habits off the battlefield.

Brady: Huh? What's that got to do with fightin' and gettin' strong?

Avatar: It has everything to do with it, actually. Your problem is a lack of stamina. We need to make sure the basics are covered before we get into combat.

Brady: Sounds like a buncha malarkey if ya ask me, but whatever.

Avatar: Now, folks tell me that you're rather picky when it comes to food...

Brady: Yeah, I guess. Ain't everyone?

Avatar: If you want to get stronger, you can't just eat the things you like. You need a balanced diet, with a full spectrum of nutrients and vitamins.

Brady: What, ya mean like equal parts beef AND pork...?

Avatar: No, I mean meat, grains, fruits and veggies, and dairy. Oh, and no more late nights. A dissolute lifestyle leads to all kinds of health problems.

Brady: Fine, fine. So if I eat right and go to bed early, that'll make me strong?

Avatar: It won't happen overnight, but little by little, you'll find your stamina improving.

Brady: Gettin' good at fightin' sure has a lot less fightin' than I thought. A bit borin', ain't it?

Avatar: If you don't want to hear my advice, I so have other things I could be doing...

Brady: Oh, no, no! I ain't complainin'! I'll stick to yer program like glue.

A Support

Avatar: Good, you're here. Let's get started, shall we? First, I have something for you.

Brady: What is it? A weight machine? A new practice sword? A fencin' dummy?

Avatar: It's a bowl of my secret soup!

Brady: What the hey does soup have to do with buildin' my cannons?

Avatar: It's a key part of the program. Now eat the whole bowl, please.

Brady: Soup ain't gonna do nothin' for nobody! ...Unless you put secret stuff in here, yeah?

Avatar: Only if you consider carrots, turnips, leeks, and pig trotters "secret stuff."

Brady: Just regular soup, huh? All right. Down the hatch, I guess... *slurp* EEEEEEEEW! What in blazes?! This tastes horrible!

Avatar: Oh, it's not that bad. ...There must be some reason you're still eating it, right?

Brady: *Slurp* It's kinda... addictive... even though... *slurp* ain't tastin' better.

Avatar: You know why? Because it's full of nutrients that your body's been craving.

Brady: *Slurp* Yeah?

Avatar: That's right. I analyzed your likes and dislikes to customize the recipe for you. It wasn't easy, either. I was up half the night working on it.

Brady: Well, ain't you a peach? *sluuuuuurp*

Avatar: My pleasure. If you want results, sometimes you just have to work hard. All I ask in return is that you finish all of it... and there we are. All done!

Brady: Oh, yeah. I couldn't stop eating it...

Avatar: Well, Brady, I'm impressed. I'll make another batch right away. We'll fix your nutritional problems yet!

Brady: Heck, if eatin' that stuff will make me strong, I'll take a whole barrel!

S Support

Avatar: I brought you more of my special soup, Brady.

Brady: Oh. Er, sure. All right.

Avatar: What's the matter? You seem a Are you finally growing tired of the soup?

Brady: Naw, it ain't like that. I'm stronger than ever thanks to your daily doses of veggie goodness. ...I just got somethin' what needs sayin' to you, yeah?

Avatar: Sounds serious.

Brady: It is. Life-'n'-death serious. See, I've come a long way this last little while, yeah? And it's all 'cause you been workin' so hard on my behalf.

Avatar: Whatever you've accomplished is due to your own hard work, Brady. And what's more, you haven't been making a big show of how much you've learned. You just put your nose to the grindstone and got on with it. I've been very impressed, to be honest.

Brady: Aw, Avatar...

Avatar: So what's wrong, Brady? What is this life-and-death matter you want to discuss?

Brady: Guess I should just stop beating 'round the bush and just let fly, yeah? I wanna drink yer soup every day for the rest of my life!

Avatar: I...I'm not sure I understand... Do you want the recipe?

Brady: It kinda struck me a few days ago, but I figured ya didn't feel the same. So I decided to just bite my tongue and play the cool cat, yeah? But when ya stand there and praise me like that, it kinda gives me hope again. I loves ya, Avatar! I'm crazy about ya!

Avatar: Oh, Brady...

Brady: I want us to be together all the time, from now until we're old and busted!

Avatar: Well this is a surprise... But such a happy one! It would be my great honor, Brady. I'll always be here to support you.

Brady: Aw, that's swell! But ya won't have to help me forever, ya know? One day, I'm gonna get so strong that I'll be lookin' after YOU!

Avatar: Well, in the meantime, soup's on!

Brady: Now that's what I like to hear!

Brady (Confession): You make me wanna be stronger! Better! I swear to become a guy worthy of your love!


Small portrait brady fe13.png
Support information: Small portrait chrom l fe13.png
0 pts.
? pts.
? pts.
This support is only available if Chrom is Brady's son.

C Support

Brady: Tea's ready. It's the, uh... The whatsit kind. From that place. You know, the expensive junk.

Chrom: Um...

Brady: Well...? Whaddya waitin' for? A royal invitation? It's all set and ready to go-just the way you like it.

Chrom: Uh, Brady?

Brady: Let's step it up, old-timer! Tea ain't gettin' any hotter!

Chrom: Oh, right. S-sorry... *sip* ...But, Brady?

Brady: Yeah?

Chrom: What did you mean, "just the way I like it"? I hardly ever drink tea.

Brady: Whaddya mean? You drink it every day. You never miss teatime.

Chrom: I've had the odd cup here or there, but I've never had a "teatime" in my life.

Brady: ...WHAT?! Ma told me to join ya in your daily tea ritual! Even gave detailed instructions! Wait... Did she make it all up?

Chrom: Considering I don't even know what a "tea ritual" is, I'm guessing she did.

Brady: That dirty... I bet she's laughing her head off right now!

Chrom: Er, what exactly did she tell you?

Brady: Oh, don't you worry. I'm gonna have me a nice, long chat with dear ol' Ma! You just sit there and drink your damn tea. So long, old-timer! ...Oh, and set this on top of the pot. It keeps the tea warm.

Chrom: ...When did my life get so weird?

B Support

Brady: Sorry about last time, old timer.

Chrom: What, the tea? Hardly something to apologize for. I was happy for the chance to chat.

Brady: Well, good. But I still feel bad you wound up drinking alone. Anyway, I brought my violin by way of apologizin'.

Chrom: ...I'm sorry?

Brady: Yeah, exactly. I wanna say I'm sorry, and I heard that requires a violin performance.

Chrom: It... does?

Brady: What, were ya born in a barn? Course it does! I gotta tickle the catgut for three songs, then do a backflip. That's when you stand up and start clappin' and cheerin' and throwin' roses. ...Er, at least, that's what Ma said.

Chrom: Brady, listen to me. No one has ever apologized to me that way before. ...EVER. Your mother's having fun with you again.

Brady: What, AGAIN?! Oh, that tears it! I'm gonna-

Chrom: Brady, wait.

Brady: What?!

Chrom: As long as you're here, let's enjoy a nice chat and forget about Maribelle. I'm almost thankful, really. If not for her japes, you'd probably never have come by.

Brady: Forget Ma? But she's been playing me like a dancin'-monkey organ guy! Aw, heck. Fine. I guess I can put up with her horseplay a bit longer... It'd be nice to just sit back and chew the fat a bit.

Chrom: It's settled then! Pull up a seat...

A Support

Brady: And then Ma pulls out that li'l umbrella of hers, and she says-

Chrom: Heh heh...

Brady: ...What are ya laughing for? I ain't even at the punchline yet.

Chrom: I'm just glad we're able to talk like this, Brady. I'll admit, I was a little shocked when I first saw you. You seemed a bit... scary.

Brady: Yeah, well. Sorry I'm all scary. I guess if you don't like it, do a better job of raising the real deal.

Chrom: What, you mean the Brady from this era?

Brady: Yeah. I ain't your real son, anyway. I mean, not exactly.

Chrom: ...... Brady, I...

Brady: Aw, what? What's with that face? I don't need no pity. Unlike some of the other kids, I ain't jealous of the Brady from this timeline. We're two different cats, yeah? No hard feelings. Once the real one's born, you can forget about me. I'll bow out all graceful-like.

Chrom: Brady, how can you say that after we've gotten so close? You think I'd just cast you aside once my son is born? I would never do that. You're my friend, Brady. ...And my son.

Brady: Pop, I... *sniff* Aw, damn. I decided not to cry, and then ya go and say crap like that... *sniffle* I was lyin' about what I said before, Pop! It does matter to me! Please don't forget me! Just... remember that we were good pals once, yeah? Real chums.

Chrom: I could never forget you, Son. I'll remember you till the day I die and love you as my future self would.

Brady: Okay, no more talk of dyin'. If you go boots up before me, I'll douse your grave in more tea than ya can stand. I'll play my violin and do a backflip if I have to. Don't try me, old-timer!

Chrom: Well then, it's settled. Guess your pop can't very well die now, can he?


Small portrait brady fe13.png
Support information: Small portrait frederick fe13.png
0 pts.
? pts.
? pts.
This support is only available if Frederick is Brady's son.

C Support

Brady: Tea's ready. It's the, uh... The whatsit kind. From that place. You know, the expensive junk.
Frederick: Um…
Brady: Well...? Whaddya waitin' for? A royal invitation? It's all set and ready to go—just the way ya like it.
Frederick: Er, Brady?
Brady: Let's step it up, old-timer! Tea ain't gettin' any hotter!
Frederick: Ah, right. S-sorry... *sip* ...But, Brady?
Brady: Yeah?
Frederick: What did you mean, "just the way I like it"? I hardly ever drink tea.
Brady: Whaddya mean? You drink it every day. You never miss teatime.
Frederick: I've had the odd cup here or there, but I've never had a "teatime" in my life.
Brady: ...WHAT?! Ma told me to join ya in your daily tea ritual! Even gave detailed instructions! Wait... Did she make it all up?
Frederick: Considering I don't even have a "daily tea ritual," I suppose she did.
Brady: That dirty... I bet she's laughing her head off right about now!
Frederick: ...What exactly did she tell you?
Brady: Oh, don't you worry. I'm gonna have me a nice, long chat with dear ol' Ma! You just sit there and drink your damn tea. So long, old-timer! ...Oh, and set this on top of the pot. It keeps the tea warm.
Frederick: ...When did my life get so strange?

B Support

Brady: Sorry about last time, old-timer.
Frederick: What, the tea? Hardly something to apologize for. I was happy for the chance to chat.
Brady: Well, good. But I still feel bad you wound up drinking alone. Anyway, I brought my violin by way of apologizin'.
Frederick: ...I'm sorry?
Brady: Yeah, exactly. I wanna say I'm sorry, and I heard that requires a violin performance.
Frederick: It...does?
Brady: What, were ya born in a barn? Course it does! I gotta tickle the catgut for three songs, then do a backflip. That's when you stand up and start clappin' and cheerin' and throwin' roses. ...Er, at least, that's what Ma said.
Frederick: Brady, listen to me. No one has ever apologized to me that way before. ...EVER. Your mother's having fun with you again.
Brady: What, AGAIN?! Oh, that tears it! I'm gonna—
Frederick: Brady, wait.
Brady: What?!
Frederick: As long as you're here, let's just enjoy a nice chat and forget about Maribelle. I'm almost thankful, really. If not for her japes, you'd probably never have come by.
Brady: Forget Ma? But she's been playing me like a dancin'-monkey organ guy! Aw, heck. Fine. I guess I can put up with her horseplay a bit longer... It'd be nice to just sit back and chew the fat a bit.
Frederick: It's settled then. Pull up a seat...

A Support

Brady: And then Ma pulls out that li'l umbrella of hers, and she says—
Frederick: Heh heh…
Brady: ...What are ya laughing for? I ain't even at the punchline yet.
Frederick: I'm just glad we're able to talk like this, Brady. I'll admit, I was a little shocked when I first saw you. You seemed...frightening.
Brady: Yeah, well. Sorry I'm all scary. I guess if you don't like it, do a better job raising the real deal.
Frederick: What, you mean the Brady from this era?
Brady: Yeah. I ain't your real son, anyway. I mean, not exactly.
Frederick: ...... Brady, I…
Brady: Aw, what? What's with that face? I don't need no pity. Unlike some of the other kids, I ain't jealous of the Brady from this timeline. We're two different cats, yeah? No hard feelings. Once the real one's born, you can forget about me. I'll bow out all graceful-like.
Frederick: Brady, how can you say that after we've gotten so close? You think I'd just cast you aside once my son is born? I would never do that. You're my friend, Brady. ...And my son.
Brady: Pop, I... *sniff* Aw, damn. I'd decided not to cry, and then ya go and say crap like that... *sniffle* I was lyin' about what I said before, Pop! It does matter to me! Please don't forget me! Just...remember that we were good pals once, yeah? Real chums.
Frederick: I could never forget you, Son. I'll remember you till the day I die and love you as my future self would.
Brady: Okay, no more talk of dyin'. If you go boots up before me, I'll douse your grave in more tea than ya can stand. I'll play my violin and do a backflip if I have to. Don't try me, old-timer!
Frederick: Well then, it's settled. Guess your pop can't very well die now, can he?


Small portrait brady fe13.png
Support information: Small portrait virion fe13.png
0 pts.
? pts.
? pts.
This support is only available if Virion is Brady's father.

C Support

Brady: Tea's ready. It's the, uh... The whatsit kind. From that place. You know, the expensive junk.
Virion: Um...
Brady: Well...? Whaddya waitin' for? A royal invitation? It's all set and ready to go—just the way ya like it.
Virion: Uh, Brady?
Brady: Let's step it up, old-timer! Tea ain't gettin' any hotter!
Virion: Uh, right. S-sorry... *sip* ...But, Brady?
Brady: Yeah?
Virion: What's with the sudden tea obsession? Isn't this a bit out of the blue?
Brady: Whaddya mean? You do this every day. You never miss teatime.
Virion: Hah! I enjoy a spot of tea as much as the next man, but I've never done "teatime."
Brady: ...WHAT?! Ma told me to join ya in your daily tea ritual! Even gave detailed instructions! Wait... Did she make it all up?
Virion: Considering I don't even have a "daily tea ritual," I suppose she did.
Brady: That dirty... I bet she's laughing her head off right about now!
Virion: Er, what exactly did she tell you?
Brady: Oh, don't you worry. I'm gonna have me a nice, long chat with dear ol' Ma! You just sit there and drink your damn tea. So long, old-timer! ...Oh, and set this on top of the pot. It keeps the tea warm.
Virion: ...When did my life get so strange?

B Support

Brady: Sorry about last time, old-timer.
Virion: What, the tea? Hardly something to apologize for. I was happy for the chance to chat.
Brady: Well, good. But I still feel bad you wound up drinking alone. Anyway, I brought my violin by way of apologizin'.
Virion: ...I'm sorry?
Brady: Yeah, exactly. I wanna say I'm sorry, and I heard that requires a violin performance.
Virion: It...does?
Brady: What, were ya born in a barn? Course it does! I gotta tickle the catgut for three songs, then do a backflip. That's when you stand up and start clappin' and cheerin' and throwin' roses. ...Er, at least, that's what Ma said.
Virion: Brady, listen to me. No one has ever apologized to me that way before. ...EVER. Your mother's having fun with you again.
Brady: What, AGAIN?! Oh, that tears it! I'm gonna—
Virion: Brady, wait.
Brady: What?!
Virion: As long as you're here, let's just enjoy a nice chat and forget about Maribelle. I'm almost thankful, really. If not for her japes, you probably wouldn't have come by.
Brady: Forget Ma? But she's been playing me like a dancin'-monkey organ guy! Aw, heck. Fine. I guess I can put up with her horseplay a bit longer... It'd be nice to just sit back and chew the fat a bit.
Virion: It's settled then! Pull up a seat...

A Support

Brady: And then Ma pulls out that li'l umbrella of hers, and she says—
Virion: Heh heh...
Brady: ...What are ya laughing for? I ain't even at the punchline yet.
Virion: I'm just glad we're able to talk like this, Brady. I'll admit, I was a little shocked when I first saw you. You seemed a bit...scary.
Brady: Yeah, well. Sorry I'm all scary. I guess if you don't like it, do a better job raising the real deal.
Virion: What, you mean the Brady from this era?
Brady: Yeah. I ain't your real son, anyway. I mean, not exactly.
Virion: ...... Brady, I...
Brady: Aw, what? What's with that face? I don't need no pity. Unlike some of the other kids, I ain't jealous of the Brady from this timeline. We're two different cats, yeah? No hard feelings. Once the real one's born, you can forget about me. I'll bow out all graceful-like.
Virion: Brady, how can you say that after we've gotten so close? You think I'd just cast you aside once my son is born? I would never do that. You're my friend, Brady. ...And my son.
Brady: Pop, I... *sniff* Aw, damn. I'd decided not to cry, and then ya go and say crap like that... *sniffle* I was lyin' about what I said before, Pop! It does matter to me! Please don't forget me! Just...remember that we were good pals once, yeah? Real chums.
Virion: I could never forget you, Son. I'll remember you till the day I die and love you as my future self would.
Brady: Okay, no more talk of dyin'. If you go boots up before me, I'll douse your grave in more tea than ya can stand. I'll play my violin and do a backflip if I have to. Don't try me, old-timer!
Virion: Well then, it's settled. Guess your pop can't very well die now, can he?


Small portrait brady fe13.png
Support information: Small portrait vaike fe13.png
0 pts.
? pts.
? pts.
This support is only available if Vaike is Brady's father.

C Support

Brady: Tea's ready. It's the, uh... The whatsit kind. From that place. You know, the expensive junk.
Vaike: Um…
Brady: Well...? Whaddya waitin' for? A royal invitation? It's all set and ready to go—just the way ya like it.
Vaike: Uh, Brady?
Brady: Let's step it up, old-timer! Tea ain't gettin' any hotter!
Vaike: Uh, right. S-sorry... *sip* ...But, Brady?
Brady: Yeah?
Vaike: What did ya mean, "just the way I like it"? The Vaike hardly ever drinks tea.
Brady: Whaddya mean? You drink it every day. You never miss teatime.
Vaike: Hey, I got nothin' against tea, but I've never had a "teatime" in my life.
Brady: ...WHAT?! Ma told me to join ya in your daily tea ritual! Even gave detailed instructions! Wait... Did she make it all up?
Vaike: Considerin' I don't even know what a "tea ritual" is, I'm guessin' she did.
Brady: That dirty... I bet she's laughing her head off right about now!
Vaike: Er, what exactly did she tell you?
Brady: Oh, don't you worry. I'm gonna have me a nice, long chat with dear ol' Ma! You just sit there and drink your damn tea. So long, old-timer! ...Oh, and set this on top of the pot. It keeps the tea warm.
Vaike: ...When did my life get so weird?

B Support

Brady: Sorry about last time, old-timer.
Vaike: What, the tea? Aw, ain't nothin' to apologize for. Ol' Vaike was happy for the chance to chat!
Brady: Well, good. But I still feel bad you wound up drinking alone. Anyway, I brought my violin by way of apologizin'.
Vaike: ...I'm sorry?
Brady: Yeah, exactly. I wanna say I'm sorry, and I heard that requires a violin performance.
Vaike: It...does?
Brady: What, were ya born in a barn? Course it does! I gotta tickle the catgut for three songs, then do a backflip. That's when you stand up and start clappin' and cheerin' and throwin' roses. ...Er, at least, that's what Ma said.
Vaike: Brady, listen to me. I ain't never had anyone apologize to me that way before. ...EVER. Your mother's havin' fun with ya again.
Brady: What, AGAIN?! Oh, that tears it! I'm gonna—
Vaike: Brady, wait.
Brady: What?!
Vaike: As long as you're here, let's just hang out and forget about Maribelle for a while. I'm kinda thankful, really. If not for her games, you wouldn't have come by!
Brady: Forget Ma? But she's been playing me like a dancin'-monkey organ guy! Aw, heck. Fine. I guess I can put up with her horseplay a bit longer... It'd be nice to just sit back and chew the fat a bit. Vaike: Great! Pull up a seat!

A Support

Brady: And then Ma pulls out that li'l umbrella of hers, and she says—
Vaike: Heh heh…
Brady: ...What are ya laughing for? I ain't even at the punchline yet.
Vaike: I'm just glad we're able to shoot the breeze like this, Brady. I gotta admit, I was kinda shocked when I first saw ya. Ya seemed a little...scary.
Brady: Yeah, well. Sorry I'm all scary. I guess if you don't like it, do a better job raising the real deal.
Vaike: What, ya mean the Brady from this era?
Brady: Yeah. I ain't your real son, anyway. I mean, not exactly.
Vaike: ...... Brady, I…
Brady: Aw, what? What's with that face? I don't need no pity. Unlike some of the other kids, I ain't jealous of the Brady from this timeline. We're two different cats, yeah? No hard feelings. Once the real one's born, you can forget about me. I'll bow out all graceful-like.
Vaike: How can ya say that after we've gotten so close? You think I'd just cast ya aside once my son's born? I'd never do that! You're my friend, Brady. ...And my son. The Son of Vaike!
Brady: Pop, I... *sniff* Aw, damn. I'd decided not to cry, and then ya go and say crap like that... *sniffle* I was lyin' about what I said before, Pop! It does matter to me! Please don't forget me! Just...remember that we were good pals once, yeah? Real chums.
Vaike: I could never forget ya, Son. I'll remember ya till the day I die and love ya as my future self would.
Brady: Okay, no more talk of dyin'. If you go boots up before me, I'll douse your grave in more tea than ya can stand. I'll play my violin and do a backflip if I have to. Don't try me, old-timer!
Vaike: Don't you worry, kid. Teach ain't goin' anywhere anytime soon!


Small portrait brady fe13.png
Support information: Small portrait stahl fe13.png
0 pts.
? pts.
? pts.
This support is only available if Stahl is Brady's father.

C Support

Brady: Tea's ready. It's the, uh... The whatsit kind. From that place. You know, the expensive junk.
Stahl: Um…
Brady: Well...? Whaddya waitin' for? A royal invitation? It's all set and ready to go—just the way ya like it.
Stahl: Uh, Brady?
Brady: Let's step it up, old-timer! Tea ain't gettin' any hotter!
Stahl: Oh, right. S-sorry... *sip* ...But, Brady?
Brady: Yeah?
Stahl: What did you mean, "just the way I like it"? I hardly ever drink tea.
Brady: Whaddya mean? You drink it every day. You never miss teatime.
Stahl: I've had the odd cup here or there, but I've never had a "teatime" in my life.
Brady: ...WHAT?! Ma told me to join ya in your daily tea ritual! Even gave detailed instructions! Wait... Did she make it all up?
Stahl: Considering I don't even know what a "tea ritual" is, I'm guessing she did.
Brady: That dirty... I bet she's laughing her head off right about now!
Stahl: Er, what exactly did she tell you?
Brady: Oh, don't you worry. I'm gonna have me a nice, long chat with dear ol' Ma! You just sit there and drink your damn tea. So long, old-timer! ...Oh, and set this on top of the pot. It keeps the tea warm.
Stahl: ...When did my life get so weird?

B Support

Brady: Sorry about last time, old-timer.
Stahl: What, the tea? Hardly something to apologize for. I was happy for the chance to chat.
Brady: Well, good. But I still feel bad you wound up drinking alone. Anyway, I brought my violin by way of apologizin'.
Stahl: ...Sorry?
Brady: Yeah, exactly. I wanna say I'm sorry, and I heard that requires a violin performance.
Stahl: It...does?
Brady: What, were ya born in a barn? Course it does! I gotta tickle the catgut for three songs, then do a backflip. That's when you stand up and start clappin' and cheerin' and throwin' roses. ...Er, at least, that's what Ma said.
Stahl: Brady, listen to me. No one has ever apologized to me that way before. ...EVER. Your mother's having fun with you again.
Brady: What, AGAIN?! Oh, that tears it! I'm gonna—
Stahl: Brady, wait.
Brady: What?!
Stahl: As long as you're here, let's just enjoy a nice chat and forget about Maribelle. I'm almost thankful, really. If not for her japes, you'd probably never have come by.
Brady: Forget Ma? But she's been playing me like a dancin'-monkey organ guy! Aw, heck. Fine. I guess I can put up with her horseplay a bit longer… It'd be nice to just sit back and chew the fat a bit.
Stahl: It's settled then! Pull up a seat…

A Support

Brady: And then Ma pulls out that li'l umbrella of hers, and she says—
Stahl: Heh heh…
Brady: ...What are ya laughing for? I ain't even at the punchline yet.
Stahl: I'm just glad we're able to talk like this, Brady.
I'll admit, I was a little shocked when I first saw you. You seemed a bit...scary.
Brady: Yeah, well. Sorry I'm all scary. I guess if you don't like it, do a better job raising the real deal.
Stahl: What, you mean the Brady from this era?
Brady: Yeah. I ain't your real son, anyway. I mean, not exactly.
Stahl: ...... Brady, I…
Brady: Aw, what? What's with that face? I don't need no pity. Unlike some of the other kids, I ain't jealous of the Brady from this timeline. We're two different cats, yeah? No hard feelings. Once the real one's born, you can forget about me. I'll bow out all graceful-like.
Stahl: Brady, how can you say that after we've gotten so close? You think I'd just cast you aside once my son is born? I would never do that. You're my friend, Brady. ...And my son.
Brady: Pop, I... *sniff* Aw, damn. I'd decided not to cry, and then ya go and say crap like that... *sniffle* I was lyin' about what I said before, Pop! It does matter to me! Please don't forget me! Just...remember that we were good pals once, yeah? Real chums.
Stahl: I could never forget you, Son. I'll remember you till the day I die and love you as my future self would.
Brady: Okay, no more talk of dyin'. If you go boots up before me, I'll douse your grave in more tea than ya can stand. I'll play my violin and do a backflip if I have to. Don't try me, old-timer!
Stahl: Well then, it's settled. Guess your pop can't very well die now, can he?


Small portrait brady fe13.png
Support information: Small portrait kellam fe13.png
0 pts.
? pts.
? pts.
This support is only available if Kellam is Brady's father.

C Support

Brady: Tea's ready. It's the, uh... The whatsit kind. From that place. You know, the expensive junk.
Kellam: Um…
Brady: Well...? Whaddya waitin' for? A royal invitation? It's all set and ready to go—just the way ya like it.
Kellam: Uh, Brady?
Brady: Let's step it up, old-timer! Tea ain't gettin' any hotter!
Kellam: Oh, right. S-sorry... *sip* ...But, Brady?
Brady: Yeah?
Kellam: What did you mean, "just the way I like it"? I hardly ever drink tea…
Brady: Whaddya mean? You drink it every day. You never miss teatime.
Kellam: I've had the odd cup here or there, but I've never had a "teatime" in my life…
Brady: ...WHAT?! Ma told me to join ya in your daily tea ritual! Even gave detailed instructions! Wait... Did she make it all up?
Kellam: Considering I don't even know what a "tea ritual" is, I'm guessing she did.
Brady: That dirty... I bet she's laughing her head off right about now!
Kellam: Er, what exactly did she tell you?
Brady: Oh, don't you worry. I'm gonna have me a nice, long chat with dear ol' Ma! You just sit there and drink your damn tea. So long, old-timer! ...Oh, and set this on top of the pot. It keeps the tea warm.
Kellam: ...When did my life get so weird?

B Support

Brady: Sorry about last time, old-timer.
Kellam: What, the tea? You don't need to apologize for that. I was happy for the chance to chat.
Brady: Well, good. But I still feel bad you wound up drinking alone. Anyway, I brought my violin by way of apologizin'.
Kellam: ...I'm sorry?
Brady: Yeah, exactly. I wanna say I'm sorry, and I heard that requires a violin performance.
Kellam: It...does?
Brady: What, were ya born in a barn? Course it does! I gotta tickle the catgut for three songs, then do a backflip. That's when you stand up and start clappin' and cheerin' and throwin' roses. ...Er, at least, that's what Ma said.
Kellam: Brady, listen to me. No one has ever apologized to me that way before. ...EVER. Your mother's having fun with you again.
Brady: What, AGAIN?! Oh, that tears it! I'm gonna—
Kellam: Brady, wait…
Brady: What?!
Kellam: As long as you're here, let's just enjoy a nice chat and forget about Maribelle. I'm almost thankful, really. If not for her japes, you'd probably never have come by.
Brady: Forget Ma? But she's been playing me like a dancin'-monkey organ guy! Aw, heck. Fine. I guess I can put up with her horseplay a bit longer… It'd be nice to just sit back and chew the fat a bit.
Kellam: It's settled then! Pull up a seat…

A Support

Brady: And then Ma pulls out that li'l umbrella of hers, and she says—
Kellam: Heh heh…
Brady: ...What are ya laughing for? I ain't even at the punchline yet.
Kellam: I'm just glad we're able to talk like this, Brady. I'll admit, I was a little shocked when I first saw you. You seemed a bit...scary.
Brady: Yeah, well. Sorry I'm all scary. I guess if you don't like it, do a better job raising the real deal.
Kellam: What, you mean the Brady from this era?
Brady: Yeah. I ain't your real son, anyway. I mean, not exactly.
Kellam: ...... Brady, I…
Brady: Aw, what? What's with that face? I don't need no pity. Unlike some of the other kids, I ain't jealous of the Brady from this timeline. We're two different cats, yeah? No hard feelings. Once the real one's born, you can forget about me. I'll bow out all graceful-like.
Kellam: Brady, how can you say that after we've gotten so close? You think I'd just cast you aside once my son is born? I would never do that. You're my friend, Brady. ...And my son.
Brady: Pop, I... *sniff* Aw, damn. I'd decided not to cry, and then ya go and say crap like that... *sniffle* I was lyin' about what I said before, Pop! It does matter to me! Please don't forget me! Just...remember that we were good pals once, yeah? Real chums.
Kellam: I could never forget you, Son. I'll remember you till the day I die and love you as my future self would…
Brady: Okay, no more talk of dyin'. If you go boots up before me, I'll douse your grave in more tea than ya can stand. I'll play my violin and do a backflip if I have to. Don't try me, old-timer!
Kellam: Well then, it's settled. Guess your pop can't very well die now, can he?


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Lucina (as siblings)

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Morgan (M)

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Morgan (F)

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Morgan (F) (as siblings)

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