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== Miriel ==
== Miriel ==
=== C Support ===
'''Miriel:''' ...How discomposing.
'''Avatar:''' That looked like a pretty bad spill, Miriel. Are you hurt?
'''Miriel:''' A minor contusion. Benign.
'''Avatar:''' Everything you were carrying went flying. I see your herbs, some papers, a... What is this? A book? A journal?
'''Miriel:''' Unhand that, madam!
'''Avatar:''' Sorry! Sorry. I didn't realize it was so important.
'''Miriel:''' Important? Hmm... .....
'''Avatar:''' Miriel?
'''Miriel:''' I suppose it does bear some import, yes. It's a lodestar, of sorts. One that points the way to the truth.
'''Avatar:''' Wow. Who wrote it? A famous mage or something?
'''Miriel:''' Not famous at all, no. The author was my mother.
'''Avatar:''' Ah, that explains the rough binding. Er, no offense intended. Still, that's amazing. Was your mother a mage as well? Or perhaps a scientist?
'''Miriel:''' What is the impetus for your inquiry?
'''Avatar:''' Impetus for my... You mean, why do I ask? Er, I don't know. ...I'm curious? Wouldn't most people be?
'''Miriel:''' An autonomic reaction to conversational stimulus. I see... .....
'''Avatar:''' Um, did I say something strange?
'''Miriel:''' Curious, perhaps. Meriting closer study, certainly. Spontaneous reactive curiosity. Fascinating. But what is the underlying mechanism?
'''Avatar:''' ...I really think you're reading too much into this.
=== B Support ===
'''Avatar:''' Oh, blast! My item pouch is gone. I must have dropped it somewhere...
'''Miriel:''' Is this the object in question?
'''Avatar:''' Ah, yes! My thanks, Miriel. I keep it tied to my belt, but it's always falling off for some reason.
'''Miriel:''' Such actions are indicative of a persuasive downforce exerted on the object. My mother's book contained a passage espousing a similar theory...
'''Avatar:''' So, um, can I have my pouch back now?
'''Miriel:''' ...Ah, yes. Here is the passage in question: "On all objects there acts a force which pulls them ever groundward. Though invisible and without apparent cause, it exists nonetheless. I posit that it is by this principle we remain rooted to the ground." ... Most intriguing!
'''Avatar:''' ... Miriel? ...Hello?
'''Miriel:''' ... Yet birds fly unencumbered by this force. The sun and stars and clouds do not fall. What explains these exceptions?
'''Avatar:''' Miriel? ...Miiiriel? ...MIRIEL!
'''Miriel:''' Wah!
'''Avatar:''' S-sorry! ...Didn't mean to startle you.
'''Miriel:''' My respiratory function ceased for a moment. This is very disruptive. Please do not scatter my thoughts further.
'''Avatar:''' Er, sorry...
'''Miriel:''' I require a period of quiet solitude to marshal my thoughts. Farewell.
'''Avatar:''' Wait! My... pouch...
=== A Support ===
'''Miriel:''' So, given these conditions, a body with a mass of X falls at a rate of Y...
'''Avatar:''' Um... What are you doing with my item pouch, Miriel?
'''Miriel:''' Experimenting in an attempt to establish a unified theory of falling. Whether thrown, catapulted, or dropped from great heights, it falls to the ground. The results have been consistent across hundreds of trials.
'''Avatar:''' H-hey! I had a lot of fragile things in that pouch! Potions and baubles and... *Sigh* ...You know what? Keep it.
'''Miriel:''' Thank you.
'''Avatar:''' Sometimes I wish you'd show half as much interest in people as you do in science.
'''Miriel:''' Well, I am interested in certain people. You, for example.
'''Avatar:''' Me? Why me?
'''Miriel:''' You have a virtuosic proficiency in strategy, despite your amnesia. It is truly fascinating. From this, we can extrapolate two possible hypotheses. One: talent is wholly independent from memory and experience. Two: memories and experience related to the use of one's talents cannot be lost.
'''Avatar:''' Miriel? Are you still talking to me?
'''Miriel:''' I am now, yes.
'''Avatar:''' Er, you're not going to tell me not to disrupt your thoughts again?
'''Miriel:''' I can if you wish it.
'''Avatar:''' N-no thanks. I'm just happy to know I wasn't a bother, I guess.
'''Miriel:''' That would be difficult. You are the focus of intense interest on my part.
'''Avatar:''' O-kay. I just don't like to think that I'm bothering a friend. That's all.
'''Miriel:''' I was unaware that our interactions had acquired the label of friendship.
'''Avatar:''' Why not? I think it must have happened somewhere along the way, right? ...No?
'''Miriel:''' Fascinating...

== Kellam ==
== Kellam ==