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Effie/Supports: Difference between revisions

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===C support===
===C Support===
'''Effie''':  *sigh* Night watch is so boring... I wish I had something to eat…<br>
'''Mozu''':  Hello, Miss Effie. What are you doing out here so late? <br>
'''Effie''':  Mozu? I'm on watch. And what are you doing with all that fruit? <br>
'''Mozu''':  Oh, I'm just getting ready to hang it out to dry. <br>
'''Effie''':  Why? Won't it spoil? <br>
'''Mozu''':  Oh, no, not at all! It's actually a great way to preserve the fruit. After it dries for a few days, I'll take it into town to sell it. People love it! <br>
'''Effie''':  Wow, that's a really good idea. Did you come up with it yourself? <br>
'''Mozu''':  I guess so... I mean, It's just something I used to do back in the village. It's a good way to make a little money on the side, too. Hee! <br>
'''Effie''':  Well, I'm impressed. And, to be honest...a little bit hungry. *GROWL* OK, a lot hungry... <br>
'''Mozu''':  Was that your stomach? <br>
'''Effie''':  Yeah. Sorry. My watch is almost over, but I haven't eaten in hours... <br>
'''Mozu''':  Then why don't you eat one of these? <br>
'''Effie''':  Your fruit? But I don't want to cut into your profits. <br>
'''Mozu''':  Oh, it's fine. I've got a ton! Please, help yourself. <br>
'''Effie''':  Well, if you insist! *nom* *nom* *nom* <br>
'''Mozu''':  Uh, just save me a couple...

===B support===
===B Support===
'''Effie''':  Hello, Mozu. Got another batch of fruit to dry out? <br>
'''Mozu''':  Hello, Effie! No, today I'm going to be squeezing the fruit. <br>
'''Effie''':  Oh? I'm not a big fan of juice. Too much pulp. <br>
'''Mozu''':  Ah, but I've perfected a technique for pulp-free juice! You just need some fine material, like this. Wrap it around the fruit and...squeeze! Voila—no pulp! <br>
'''Effie''':  That's brilliant! have a lot of fruit here. How long will this take you? <br>
'''Mozu''':  Oh, I don't mind doing it. It's fun to squish a big old fruit in your hands. I suppose my hands do get tired after a little takes some strength. <br>
'''Effie''':  Well, maybe I can help. Hyah! <br>
'''Mozu''':  Whoa, you made that look easy! <br>
'''Effie''':  Heh, thanks. I can help you out with the others if you want. I've been looking for a new way to work out my hands anyway. <br>
'''Mozu''':  Yeah? Well, sure! That'd be great. <br>
'''Effie''':  You got it. It's the least I can do after you gave me all that fruit the other day. <br>
'''Mozu''':  All right, let's get to it. We can also drink some of the juice as we go. <br>
'''Effie''':  I was hoping you'd say that. It's important to stay hydrated!

===A support===
===A Support===
'''Mozu''':  Hey, Effie! I've been meaning to thank you again for all your help the other day. <br>
'''Effie''':  With the juice? Oh, it was nothing. If anything, I should be thanking you. My hands have never been stronger. <br>
'''Mozu''':  Well, I'm glad to hear it. Because everyone is RAVING about the juice. Seriously, they want more. <br>
'''Effie''':  Great! More business for you. <br>
'''Mozu''':  Yes. Well, I'm a little bit worried that I won't be able to keep up with demand. Unless the two of us can come up with some kind of arrangement... <br>
'''Effie''':  You're talking a muscles-for-fruit arrangement? Sounds great to me! <br>
'''Mozu''':  Excellent! With the two of us working together, we'll make a ton of money! <br>
'''Effie''':  Money? No, I really just want the fruit. <br>
'''Mozu''':  I can't just pay you in fruit, Effie. I'd feel I was taking advantage of you. <br>
'''Effie''':  Hmm. How about you just donate my portion to the army or something? As long as I'm getting my share of fruit, I promise I'll be happy. <br>
'''Mozu''':  I suppose that works for me. You're sure? <br>
'''Effie''':  Oh yes. This is win-win for me. I get all the fruit I can eat, and my hands are gonna be RIPPED. Heehee! <br>
'''Mozu''':  Ha! All right, then. Let's get to work. Can you squish an apple with just one hand? <br>
'''Effie''':  Mozu, I can crush a tree trunk with one hand. Now, let me at those apples!

===A+ support===
===A+ support===

Revision as of 05:01, 29 June 2017

This page contains all data pertaining to Effie's supports in Fire Emblem Fates.

Corrin (M)

Small portrait effie fe14.png
Support information: File:Small portrait avatar m-default fe14.png
Corrin (M)
3 pts.
7 pts.
11 pts.
16 pts.
Additional class tree:
This support gives Effie access to Corrin's secondary class tree via Partner Seal, provided it does not overlap with Effie's Knight or Troubadour class trees
This support grants Effie access to the skills learned by Corrin's secondary class tree, provided it does not overlap with Effie's Knight or Troubadour class trees. See the class skills list for more information.

C Support

Effie: *nom* *nom* *nom* Mmm...
Corrin: Ah, Effie. Hosting a feast, are you? Who else is invited?
Effie: Oh, hello, Lord Corrin. No, why do you ask?
Corrin: Um...because you have enough food for twelve people laid out here.
Effie: Twelve people? Goodness, no. This is simply my lunch—nothing more. I expend a great deal of energy in the course of my training, you see. Afterward, I must refuel. All in the name of protecting Lady Elise, of course!
Corrin: I see. Well, Elise is lucky to have someone like you on her side.
Effie: Thank you for the kind words! I do hope I'm doing an adequate job for her. After all, I owe her everything...
Corrin: Is that so? How do you mean?
Effie: Oh, yes. I wouldn't be the person I am today without her.
Corrin: That sounds like an interesting story. Care to fill me in?
Effie: I suppose I could...but it's a long story, and I'd like to eat while my lunch is hot.
Corrin: Of course! Pardon me.
Effie: Thank you, Lord Corrin. *nom* *nom* *nom*

B Support

Corrin: Effie, there you are! I've been looking all over for you. Wait, what are you doing?
Effie: Oh, Lord Corrin! I'm just patching up this wall. After it rained the other day, I noticed that a few of the boulders were loose. We can't have that, can we?
Corrin: I don't understand. What kind of repairs can you possibly—
Effie: Here, I'll show you. HRRRRGH!
Corrin: Unbelievable! How can you lift that rock with your bare hands?
Effie: Aw, it's nothing. Just years of training in service of Lady Elise.
Corrin: That's right... You were going to tell me a story about her the last time we spoke. Are you still willing to share?
Effie: Certainly. But would you mind terribly if I continue working while we speak?
Corrin: Not at all.
Effie: Very well. I'll start at the beginning. I was born into extreme poverty—a child of the streets. And yet Lady Elise herself would often visit my slum in disguise.
Corrin: Really? I had no idea.
Effie: Oh, yes. Now, let me just grab another rock... HRAAAAAAA! Anyway, as I was saying, Lady Elise visited frequently, and we became fast friends. Hyup. HRRRRRGH! Whew! One day, while we were playing, some guards began harassing us. Lady Elise was forced to reveal her identity to get them to leave us alone.
Corrin: I see.
Effie: Her glory was so blinding at that moment that I can hardly describe it. YAAAAAHHHH!
Corrin: Pardon me, Effie, but your repairs are becoming too distracting!
Effie: How do you mean?
Corrin: I've never seen such feats of strength. It's all I can do to refrain from applauding! Perhaps you can finish telling me the story another time.
Effie: Sure, I suppose so, Lord Corrin. Although...I have a favor to ask of you.
Corrin: Certainly. Name it.
Effie: All this lifting is making me hungry. I know it's not your place, but... Would you mind terribly bringing me something to eat? A whole lot of something, preferably.
Corrin: Of course, Effie. I'll return shortly.
Effie: Thank you, Lord Corrin! Bring as much food as you can carry, please!

A Support

Corrin: Hello, Effie. I've been dying to hear the rest of your story. Is now a good time?
Effie: Of course, Lord Corrin. Now, where did I leave off?
Corrin: Some guards were harassing you, and Lady Elise was forced to reveal her identity.
Effie: That's right. It was sad, because we both realized we wouldn't be able to play together anymore. I sat sobbing in the street for hours, until I realized how I could see Elise again!
Corrin: Go on...
Effie: Well, I realized that I must become a palace soldier.
Corrin: Of course. It all makes sense.
Effie: If I could make it as a soldier, I'd get to spend time at the palace. And to even be in the presence of Lady Elise once again seemed intoxicating. From that day onward, I gave everything in my quest to become a soldier. Fortunately, I turned out to have some aptitude for the profession.
Corrin: Yes, I'd vouch for that...
Effie: Anyway, it wasn't long before my dream came true. Lady Elise took me on as a retainer. And that's where things stand today. She brought me hope in my darkest days. I would do anything for her. So, uh, that's my story...
Corrin: Effie, thank you so much for sharing this with me. I may have said this before, but Elise is truly lucky to have you as her retainer.
Effie: Thank you. That's nice to hear.
Corrin: But? What's wrong?
Effie: Lord Corrin... I feel a bit conflicted. Because lately, you've become so important to me.
Corrin: And this upsets you?
Effie: Yes—I mean, no! It's just that...well...Lady Elise is always my first priority. But at the same time, you've been so helpful in battle. And you've taken such an interest in my humble life story...
Corrin: Effie, there's nothing to worry about. I understand your feelings for Elise. I would never want to get in between you and her. I know that she comes first.
Effie: I'm so relieved to hear that! Because we do seem to be such a good team... On the battlefield.
Corrin: Yes, of course. On the battlefield.

S Support

Corrin: Effie! I've been looking all over for you.
Effie: Lord Corrin? What's going on? Why are you carrying that roast turkey?
Corrin: Well, Effie, I figured you might be wrapping up a workout and in need of sustenance. So, I had one of the cooks prepare a meal for us to share.
Effie: Aww, that's so thoughtful, Corrin! I mean...Lord Corrin.
Corrin: Please, just call me Corrin.
Effie: If you say so, Corrin. Anyway, can we start eating? I'm famished. Ooh, those dinner rolls look like they're fresh out of the oven. And you even have soft butter! Gimme!
Corrin: Effie, wait!
Effie: *crunch* *CRUNCH* *ptooie* What am I eating? This one has gravel or something in it. Yuck!
Corrin: Oh dear...
Effie: this a ring?
Corrin: Was. It WAS a ring.
Effie: What?!
Corrin: Well, I suppose this is my moment, ring or not. Effie, will you marry me?
Effie: But...but... You're a prince! And I'm just a humble retainer.
Corrin: I don't care about such things. Why should it matter?
Effie: Well, perhaps it doesn't. But do you even know what you'd be getting into? When I'm not working out, I'm eating, resting, or guarding Elise. There isn't much room for anything else. Could you live like that?
Corrin: Effie, the last thing I'd want to do is disrupt your lifestyle. I know how important Elise is to you. But just think...if we were to marry, she would become your sister.
Effie: sister? I think I'm going to faint...
Corrin: Yes, well, sister-in-law, I suppose. But still. Your bond would be closer than ever.
Effie: Then...I will. I will marry you, Corrin! Let me just put on this ring— Oh.
Corrin: Yes. It was rather pretty, I can assure you! But don't worry. It appears as though the gem has split evenly in two. We can have a blacksmith craft two matching rings. One for each of us.
Effie: That sounds perfect. I love you, Corrin!

(Confession Scene)
Effie: Nothing is stronger than my love for you. Except my biceps...

Corrin (F)

Small portrait effie fe14.png
Support information: File:Small portrait avatar f-default fe14.png
Corrin (F)
3 pts.
7 pts.
11 pts.
at A rank.
Additional class tree:
This support gives Effie access to Corrin's secondary class tree via Friendship Seal, provided it does not overlap with Effie's Knight or Troubadour class trees
This support grants Effie access to the skills learned by Corrin's secondary class tree, provided it does not overlap with Effie's Knight or Troubadour class trees. See the class skills list for more information.

C Support

Effie: *nom* *nom* *nom* Mmm...
Corrin: Ah, Effie. Hosting a feast, are you? Who else is invited?
Effie: Oh, hello, Lady Corrin. No, why do you ask?
Corrin: Um...because you have enough food for twelve people laid out here.
Effie: Twelve people? Goodness, no. This is simply my lunch—nothing more. I expend a great deal of energy in the course of my training, you see. Afterward, I must refuel. All in the name of protecting Lady Elise, of course!
Corrin: I see. Well, Elise is lucky to have someone like you on her side.
Effie: Thank you for the kind words! I do hope I'm doing an adequate job for her. After all, I owe her everything...
Corrin: Is that so? How do you mean?
Effie: Oh, yes. I wouldn't be the person I am today without her.
Corrin: That sounds like an interesting story. Care to fill me in?
Effie: I suppose I could...but it's a long story, and I'd like to eat while my lunch is hot.
Corrin: Of course! Pardon me.
Effie: Thank you, Lady Corrin. *nom* *nom* *nom*

B Support

Corrin: Effie, there you are! I've been looking all over for you. Wait, what are you doing?
Effie: Oh, Lady Corrin! I'm just patching up this wall. After it rained the other day, I noticed that a few of the boulders were loose. We can't have that, can we?
Corrin: I don't understand. What kind of repairs can you possibly—
Effie: Here, I'll show you. HRRRRGH!
Corrin: Unbelievable! How can you lift that rock with your bare hands?
Effie: Aw, it's nothing. Just years of training in service of Lady Elise.
Corrin: That's right... You were going to tell me a story about her the last time we spoke. Are you still willing to share?
Effie: Certainly. But would you mind terribly if I continue working while we speak?
Corrin: Not at all.
Effie: Very well. I'll start at the beginning. I was born into extreme poverty—a child of the streets. And yet Lady Elise herself would often visit my slum in disguise.
Corrin: Really? I had no idea.
Effie: Oh, yes. Now, let me just grab another rock... HRAAAAAAA! Anyway, as I was saying, Lady Elise visited frequently, and we became fast friends. Hyup. HRRRRRGH! Whew! One day, while we were playing, some guards began harassing us. Lady Elise was forced to reveal her identity to get them to leave us alone.
Corrin: I see.
Effie: Her glory was so blinding at that moment that I can hardly describe it. YAAAAAHHHH!
Corrin: Pardon me, Effie, but your repairs are becoming too distracting!
Effie: How do you mean?
Corrin: I've never seen such feats of strength. It's all I can do to refrain from applauding! Perhaps you can finish telling me the story another time.
Effie: Sure, I suppose so, Lady Corrin. Although...I have a favor to ask of you.
Corrin: Certainly. Name it.
Effie: All this lifting is making me hungry. I know it's not your place, but... Would you mind terribly bringing me something to eat? A whole lot of something, preferably.
Corrin: Of course, Effie. I'll return shortly.
Effie: Thank you, Lady Corrin! Bring as much food as you can carry, please!

A Support

Corrin: Hello, Effie. I've been dying to hear the rest of your story. Is now a good time?
Effie: Of course, Lady Corrin. Now, where did I leave off?
Corrin: Some guards were harassing you, and Lady Elise was forced to reveal her identity.
Effie: That's right. It was sad, because we both realized we wouldn't be able to play together anymore. I sat sobbing in the street for hours, until I realized how I could see Elise again!
Corrin: Go on...
Effie: Well, I realized that I must become a palace soldier.
Corrin: Of course. It all makes sense.
Effie: If I could make it as a soldier, I'd get to spend time at the palace. And to even be in the presence of Lady Elise once again seemed intoxicating. From that day onward, I gave everything in my quest to become a soldier. Fortunately, I turned out to have some aptitude for the profession.
Corrin: Yes, I'd vouch for that...
Effie: Anyway, it wasn't long before my dream came true. Lady Elise took me on as a retainer. And that's where things stand today. She brought me hope in my darkest days. I would do anything for her. So, uh, that's my story...
Corrin: Effie, thank you so much for sharing this with me. I may have said this before, but Elise is truly lucky to have you as her retainer.
Effie: Thank you. That's nice to hear. But...
Corrin: But? What's wrong?
Effie: Lady Corrin... I feel a bit conflicted. Because lately, you've become so important to me.
Corrin: And this upsets you?
Effie: Yes—I mean, no! It's just that...well...Lady Elise is always my first priority. But at the same time, you've been so helpful in battle. And you've taken such an interest in my humble life story...
Corrin: Effie, there's nothing to worry about. I understand your feelings for Elise. I would never want to get in between you and her. I know that she comes first.
Effie: I'm so relieved to hear that! Because we do seem to be such a good team... On the battlefield.
Corrin: Yes, of course. On the battlefield.


Small portrait effie fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait jakob fe14.png
3 pts.
7 pts.
11 pts.
16 pts.
This support does not give Effie access to another class tree via Partner Seal.
(The class tree that would have been given, Troubadour, is already available to Effie as her own secondary class tree).
As this support does not give Effie access to an additional class tree, this support does not give Effie access to additional skills.

C Support

Jakob: Effie, I beg your pardon, but what are you eating?!
Effie: *munch* *munch* ...Just some cake.
Jakob: I knew it! You do realize I baked that cake especially for <Lord/Lady> Corrin!
Effie: You did?! Then you shouldn't leave it out like this! Someone could eat it by mistake!
Jakob: Would you PLEASE put the rest of the cake down?!
Effie: I don't think you realize how good this tastes after a long workout! *munch*
Jakob: If you can't reign yourself in, I will have to stop you by force!
Effie: *munch* *munch*
Jakob: Very well, then! GAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!
Effie: *munch* *munch*
Jakob: Huh?! My attack had no effect on you at all.
Effie: You'll have to try harder than that. Even then, I doubt you can stop me.
Jakob: Curse you, Effie! Now what am I going to serve at teatime?
Effie: If I were you, I'd make some more of that cake. It was delicious!

B Support

Effie: 137... 138... 139!
Jakob: She's lifting enormous water barrels. How ridiculous! No wonder she's starving.
Effie: Hey, Jakob... Got any more of that cake on you?
Jakob: Of course not! ...And even if I did, I wouldn't give you so much as a slice!
Effie: Wow... That's really mean.
Jakob: You idiot! Now you've destroyed a perfectly good water barrel!
Effie: ...Oops.
Jakob: If you would stop performing such absurd training exercises—
Effie: Oh, no! I can't stop. People are counting on me! I have to be as strong as possible! I would do anything to protect my friends... even give up my own life!
Jakob: That's terrible! How could you be so cruel to your friends?
Effie: ...Cruel?
Jakob: Think of the burden! I certainly wouldn't want you dying on my account. Then, I would have to spend the rest of my life remembering your noble sacrifice. Ugh!
Effie: ...Um...OK?

A Support

Effie: Hey, Jakob...
Jakob: There is no cake, Effie, so don't even bother...
Effie: Actually, I'm not looking for cake. I just wanted to speak with you.
Jakob: Well, that's a refreshing change.
Effie: You said you'd be angry if I died while trying to protect you...
Jakob: I would. I don't need that kind of guilt in my life.
Effie: But, Jakob, you're one of my friends. If you were in trouble, I couldn't just look away!
Jakob: I see. Well, I suppose you would have to come to my aid then...and stay alive.
Effie: Stay alive?
Jakob: I couldn't care less if you protect me or not. I just can't have you dying on me.
Effie: But how am I supposed to promise that?!
Jakob: You haven't died yet, am I correct? Clearly, whatever you're doing is working.
Effie: All right. I'll do my best to stay alive.
Jakob: Well, isn't that a relief?! Since that's settled, please excuse me...

S Support

Effie: *munch* *munch* This is THE best cake I've ever had!
Jakob: Would you expect anything less? I made it! I used three scoops of protein powder, just the way you like.
Effie: I feel so special that you would bake a cake for me.
Jakob: Hmph! You're easy. If that's all it takes, I'll bring you one every day.
Effie: Seriously?! Please. Do that!
Jakob: ...Fine, but I have one condition. You have to marry me.
Effie: Uh, it sounded like you just said...
Jakob: ...Marry me. If you do, I promise to keep you well supplied with protein-rich foods.
Effie: I'm sorry... Do you really think I would marry you just because you can bake?
Jakob: Of course not. I have other skills as well. I can iron, mend, polish, launder, and—
Effie: Stop! All of that may be true, but those are terrible reasons to get married!
Jakob: They are?
Effie: Jakob, I am not going to marry you for your domestic prowess... I am going to marry you for your kind heart!
Jakob: Wait... Did you just say you're going to marry me?!
Effie: Yes! You come across a little rude at first, but you are fiercely loyal to your friends.
Jakob: That is the same quality that drew me to you, Effie. I love you.
Effie: Good. Now that we've settled that, let's talk cake. You'll bake one EVERY day...?
Jakob: See? I knew you couldn't resist!


Small portrait effie fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait kaze fe14.png
3 pts.
7 pts.
11 pts.
16 pts.
Additional class tree:
Via Partner Seal: Ninja (Mechanist or Master Ninja)
Click here to find Effie's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 locktouch.png Locktouch Ninja, starting from level 7
Is 3ds02 poison strike.png Poison Strike Ninja, starting from level 10
Is 3ds02 golembane.png Golembane Mechanist, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 replicate.png Replicate Mechanist, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 lethality.png Lethality Master Ninja, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 shurikenfaire.png Shurikenfaire Master Ninja, starting from level 15

C Support

Kaze: Ahh, another night watch complete. And now for some well-earned rest. Hold on, what's this? The base of the watchtower has been damaged! Solid granite...shattered! Almost as if it were struck by a boulder... Well, I'd better reinforce the structure before... Wait, who's there? Show yourself!
Effie: Uh...hello there.
Kaze: Effie? What are you doing out here so late?
Effie: Oh, just sneaking in a little extra training. One can never be too fit! Oh, who am I kidding? This is all my fault!
Kaze: What are you talking about? The damaged watchtower?
Effie: Yes...but I can repair it! I just got so angry thinking about the last battle... Grr! The mistakes I made! I suppose I must have smacked this tower out of frustration.
Kaze: With...with your bare hand? Gods...
Effie: I'm so sorry. Here, let me just patch this part...
Kaze: No need to apologize. I'm still technically on it's my duty to help you fix it.
Effie: Why, thank you, Kaze! You're too kind.
Kaze: Nonsense. I am merely performing my duty.
Effie: No, really. This means a lot to me. I'm so tired of breaking everything...
Kaze: Hmm, perhaps I can help channel your strength into something more...productive.
Effie: Really? That's so thoughtful! I feel like giving you a great big bear hug!
Kaze: That's quite all right! Let's just finish this repair and try to salvage some rest. (And my ribs...)

B Support

Kaze: Good day, Effie.
Effie: Hello, Kaze! Thanks again for your help the other night...fixing that watchtower.
Kaze: Of course. Actually, that's why I'm here now. I have an idea for you.
Effie: Oh? I'm all ears. I'm so tired of leaving a path of destruction in my wake.
Kaze: Yes, well, it's not the most sophisticated plan...but I believe it may help. Have you ever heard of whittling?
Effie: Carving small pieces of wood? Yes, of course. But I hardly think...
Kaze: Behold! I have obtained the trunk of a mighty redwood! I thought it might provide a worthy outlet for some of your energy.
Effie: You want me to whittle it? But what should I make? A giant pointy stick? Does that really seem like something I should possess?
Kaze: Er, no, of course not. I thought, perhaps, you could make something meaningful. A statue, perhaps. A project like that would require tremendous strength AND focus... Do you have any ideas?
Effie: Actually, yes! I could make a statue of Elise! Or...would that be that weird?
Kaze: Weird? I think it would simply be a grand token of your loyalty.
Effie: Then it's settled. I'll carve with all my might for Elise's glory. Here I go! Hnnnng!
Kaze: (Gods, what have I done?)
Effie: Hi-yah!
Kaze: Miss Effie!
Effie: Whew! This is invigorating!
Kaze: Please! Slow down. I believe you may need to use a...lighter some areas.
Effie: You're right. And now I've gone and ruined this beautiful log, just like everything else...
Kaze: No! It's not ruined. It's just...perhaps I could assist you with some of the details.
Effie: You'd do that for me?
Kaze: Yes, well, this whole thing WAS my idea. It's the least I can do. Of course, if you feel I'd be getting in the way...
Effie: No, of course not. I'd love for you to help me, Kaze.

A Support

Effie: Ugh...
Kaze: Effie? What's wrong?
Effie: Oh, Kaze. It's the statue of Princess Elise that I've been working on...
Kaze: Yes, it was really shaping up the last time I saw it! Have you shown it to Elise yet? What did she say?
Effie: Yes, I have. She was polite...but she asked me to stop working on it.
Kaze: Oh. I'm terribly sorry. That must be disappointing.
Effie: You WAS starting to feel a little creepy. The face was so accurate. It was almost like the eyes were following me no matter where I went. Of course, I didn't tell Elise that you mostly carved that part...
Kaze: Er...
Effie: Anyway, I feel worse than ever. This was supposed to make her happy. And it was supposed to help me avoid breaking stuff. Well, now I feel like doing a million burpees and then sparring with real weapons. LET'S GO!
Kaze: Effie, please! We must conserve our strength for battle. And I think perhaps we can salvage some good from this situation.
Effie: Oh? How, exactly?
Kaze: Does any of the leftover wood remain, er, unshattered? Perhaps you could craft a less ostentatious gift for Elise. Think... What might she enjoy?
Effie: Hmm. Well, she loves jewelry...but she already has so many beautiful pieces. And I'm not sure I could do much with this wood...
Kaze: What about some sort of container for her jewelry? Oil-rubbed redwood polished smooth would make a fine jewelry box.
Effie: That...actually sounds beautiful. Yes! But will you help me with some of the more intricate work? I've accidentally crushed far sturdier stuff than hardwood with these hands...
Kaze: It would be my pleasure, Effie.

S Support

Effie: Hello, Kaze! Nice to see you!
Kaze: Effie! You seem in good spirits. To what do I owe the pleasure?
Effie: Oh, Kaze, I can hardly believe it. Elise adores the jewelry box we made for her. And what's more...she's been showing it off, and now EVERYONE wants one!
Kaze: That's tremendous, Effie! I'm so glad everything worked out.
Effie: There's just one thing. I wanted to give you something as a thank-you.
Kaze: That's too kind, Effie. Really, you needn't—
Effie: Oh, but I already have! I made a statue of you!
Kaze: have?
Effie: Yeah, see? It was easy, I just started with that old statue of Elise... Isn't it remarkable what one can do with a little glue and a pile of wood shavings?
Kaze: It is...hauntingly accurate. And I see that the eyes are unchanged... But, as much as I appreciate the sentiment, you must remember that I am a ninja. It would be difficult to remain stealthy while carting a 14-foot statue of myself around.
Effie: I suppose that's true...
Kaze: But please, Miss Effie, don't mistake my pragmatism for rejection. In fact...I have an alternative proposal. What if we were to sculpt something together? Something more meaningful than any statue.
Effie: You mean like a trebuchet? Because I've been thinking we could really use—
Kaze: No! Damn, this is harder than I thought it would be. I...I want to craft a life together. A life with you at my side. As my loving partner.
Effie: Your loving partner?
Kaze: Yes. I may seem stoic, but my heart surges every time I see you. Will you do me the great honor of standing beside me in you do in battle?
Effie: Oh, Kaze! I'm so happy, but I don't know what to say...
Kaze: Gods, I hope I haven't misjudged...
Effie: No! Kaze, I love you—it's just that I'm at a loss...
Kaze: But don't you see? That's it! You just said you love me...and I love you. Nothing more need be spoken.
Effie: Except maybe... I do.


Small portrait effie fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait silas fe14.png
3 pts.
7 pts.
11 pts.
16 pts.
Additional class tree:
Via Partner Seal: Cavalier (Paladin or [[{{{supportadv2}}}]])
Click here to find Effie's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 elbow room.png Elbow Room Cavalier, starting from level 7
Is 3ds02 shelter.png Shelter Cavalier, starting from level 10
Is 3ds02 defender.png Defender Paladin, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 aegis.png Aegis Paladin, starting from level 15

C Support

Effie: Silas...can I ask you a question?
Silas: Sure, Effie. What is it?
Effie: Why are you fighting in this army?
Silas: What do you mean?
Effie: Well, I mean, I'm here because I'm sworn to protect Lady Elise. I owe her everything—and she's my best friend—so it's a natural arrangement. But you're not anyone's retainer. What's in it for you?
Silas: I see. So, you think I'm some kind of mercenary?
Effie: No, that's not it. I guess I'd just struggle with motivation if it weren't for Lady Elise. And yet you're so dedicated...and one of our strongest fighters. So, if you're not just in it for yourself, why are you here?
Silas: Well, Effie, I'm really no different than you. I'm here to protect Corrin. We have a long, complicated history, but I would do anything to protect <him/her>. That's all there is to it! Effie: I don't think that's true at all.
Silas: What?! How can you say that?
Effie: The part about you being no different than me. That's just not true!
Silas: Well, I'm not going to stand here and argue with you. But it seems rather obvious to me...
Effie: I'm sorry—I'm probably overreacting. I guess I'm just a bit sensitive. Just hold off on comparing the two of us until you get to know me better, OK?
Silas: Fair enough, Effie.

B Support

Silas: Effie, do you have a moment?
Effie: Yes, what is it, Silas?
Silas: About the other day... I've been giving it some thought, and I really do think we're similar. But judging by your reaction...something about me bothers you. Why were you so adamant about the two of us being different?
Effie: I'm not sure. That's just how I feel.
Silas: Well, that's vague. I'm just as dedicated as you. Why can't you see it?
Effie: Sure, if you say so.
Silas: All right. Pay close attention during our next battle. I'll show you what I mean.
Effie: Don't bother.
Silas: Yeesh, what's wrong with you?
Effie: Sorry, but I don't have time to watch your showboating on the battlefield. I'll be too busy protecting Lady Elise!
Silas: So you can't even be bothered to glance in my direction. I get it.
Effie: Fine. I'll try to take a look. IF AND ONLY IF LADY ELISE IS COMPLETELY SAFE! You got that?
Silas: Yes, yes, that's all I'm asking for.

A Support

Effie: Silas. I watched you carefully in that last battle. And now I can demonstrate precisely how we are different.
Silas: All right. Let's hear it.
Effie: Take a look here, under my armor.
Silas: Gods!
Effie: Now look at this scar.
Silas: Oh, Effie. I had no idea you had suffered such grievous wounds.
Effie: To protect someone is to sacrifice your own flesh and blood. My dedication to Elise is total. So these don't even bother me. You don't appear to have suffered the same types of wounds. You're very skilled in battle—you have immense talent. But I have to train around the clock just to stay alive out there.
Silas: Your point is taken. And I do not wish to make this a competition. But please understand that I too have suffered in battle. Not everything comes quite so easily to me. I think the most important thing is that we both strive to protect above all else.
Effie: Yes...after seeing your defense of <Lord/Lady> Corrin, I believe you.
Silas: Thank you, Effie. It is gratifying to hear those words. Perhaps we can make better use of our individual strengths in the next battle? For example, I could take a forward position, ahead of you and Lady Elise. And Corrin, of course. That way, I can protect all of you.
Effie: I'm sorry, Silas, but that doesn't work for me. I need to be able to see up front.
Silas: Yes, I suppose your style is suited to an aggressive position...
Effie: More importantly...I won't get any stronger if I just stand behind you. I need to be mixing it up if I want to improve my skills. Surely you understand.
Silas: Of course. Let's simply make a pact to cooperate whenever possible. In defense of the ones we care about, of course.
Effie: Of course. Thank you, Silas.

S Support

Silas: Effie. Thanks for coming.
Effie: Hello, Silas. What's going on?
Silas: Well...I just wanted to say thank you. You've inspired me to work harder. The way you train...the way you lay your body on the line for Elise... I'm rededicating myself to the total protection of Corrin.
Effie: Aw, Silas. Don't thank me. All I did was act kind of cranky. <Lord/Lady> Corrin is lucky to have you on <his/her> side.
Silas: Well, I certainly hope so. Ahem. There's one other thing...
Effie: Well, go on! I have a tough workout scheduled for this afternoon.
Silas: I wanted to tell you that Corrin is no longer the only person I'd die to protect.
Effie: Oh? That's a surprise. Who is it?
Silas: It's you, Effie. I'd stand alone in front of a great army to ensure your safety.
Effie: Uh...that sounds like a problem...
Silas: What?! Why?
Effie: Like I said before. I can't have anyone standing in front of me during battle!
Silas: Oh. Whew. Of course. But, uh, that's not exactly what I meant. All right, I'm just going to put it out there. Ahem. Effie. Will you marry me?
Effie: Oh! I see what you meant. Let me think about this for a second... Sure, I'll marry you.
Silas: Um...that's great... But you seem awfully casual about all this...
Effie: Well, I'm a little surprised, I suppose, but it makes a lot of sense. You're a good person. You're strong and loyal. I've enjoyed getting to know you. As long as it won't interfere with my duties to Lady Elise, I'll happily marry you, Silas!
Silas: I understand. I promise to protect you and, by proxy, Lady Elise. May we all have a long and happy future together!
Effie: Thank you, Silas! I'd give my life to protect you as well. Assuming I'm not already busy protecting Lady Elise, of course...


Small portrait effie fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait mozu fe14.png
3 pts.
7 pts.
11 pts.
11 pts.
Additional class tree:
Via Friendship Seal: Archer (Kinshi Knight or Sniper)
Click here to find Effie's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 skill +2.png Skill +2 Archer, starting from level 7
Is 3ds02 quick draw.png Quick Draw Archer, starting from level 10
Is 3ds02 air superiority.png Air Superiority Kinshi Knight, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 amaterasu.png Amaterasu Kinshi Knight, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 certain blow.png Certain Blow Sniper, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 bowfaire.png Bowfaire Sniper, starting from level 15

C Support

Effie: *sigh* Night watch is so boring... I wish I had something to eat…
Mozu: Hello, Miss Effie. What are you doing out here so late?
Effie: Mozu? I'm on watch. And what are you doing with all that fruit?
Mozu: Oh, I'm just getting ready to hang it out to dry.
Effie: Why? Won't it spoil?
Mozu: Oh, no, not at all! It's actually a great way to preserve the fruit. After it dries for a few days, I'll take it into town to sell it. People love it!
Effie: Wow, that's a really good idea. Did you come up with it yourself?
Mozu: I guess so... I mean, It's just something I used to do back in the village. It's a good way to make a little money on the side, too. Hee!
Effie: Well, I'm impressed. And, to be honest...a little bit hungry. *GROWL* OK, a lot hungry...
Mozu: Was that your stomach?
Effie: Yeah. Sorry. My watch is almost over, but I haven't eaten in hours...
Mozu: Then why don't you eat one of these?
Effie: Your fruit? But I don't want to cut into your profits.
Mozu: Oh, it's fine. I've got a ton! Please, help yourself.
Effie: Well, if you insist! *nom* *nom* *nom*
Mozu: Uh, just save me a couple...

B Support

Effie: Hello, Mozu. Got another batch of fruit to dry out?
Mozu: Hello, Effie! No, today I'm going to be squeezing the fruit.
Effie: Oh? I'm not a big fan of juice. Too much pulp.
Mozu: Ah, but I've perfected a technique for pulp-free juice! You just need some fine material, like this. Wrap it around the fruit and...squeeze! Voila—no pulp!
Effie: That's brilliant! have a lot of fruit here. How long will this take you?
Mozu: Oh, I don't mind doing it. It's fun to squish a big old fruit in your hands. I suppose my hands do get tired after a little takes some strength.
Effie: Well, maybe I can help. Hyah!
Mozu: Whoa, you made that look easy!
Effie: Heh, thanks. I can help you out with the others if you want. I've been looking for a new way to work out my hands anyway.
Mozu: Yeah? Well, sure! That'd be great.
Effie: You got it. It's the least I can do after you gave me all that fruit the other day.
Mozu: All right, let's get to it. We can also drink some of the juice as we go.
Effie: I was hoping you'd say that. It's important to stay hydrated!

A Support

Mozu: Hey, Effie! I've been meaning to thank you again for all your help the other day.
Effie: With the juice? Oh, it was nothing. If anything, I should be thanking you. My hands have never been stronger.
Mozu: Well, I'm glad to hear it. Because everyone is RAVING about the juice. Seriously, they want more.
Effie: Great! More business for you.
Mozu: Yes. Well, I'm a little bit worried that I won't be able to keep up with demand. Unless the two of us can come up with some kind of arrangement...
Effie: You're talking a muscles-for-fruit arrangement? Sounds great to me!
Mozu: Excellent! With the two of us working together, we'll make a ton of money!
Effie: Money? No, I really just want the fruit.
Mozu: I can't just pay you in fruit, Effie. I'd feel I was taking advantage of you.
Effie: Hmm. How about you just donate my portion to the army or something? As long as I'm getting my share of fruit, I promise I'll be happy.
Mozu: I suppose that works for me. You're sure?
Effie: Oh yes. This is win-win for me. I get all the fruit I can eat, and my hands are gonna be RIPPED. Heehee!
Mozu: Ha! All right, then. Let's get to work. Can you squish an apple with just one hand?
Effie: Mozu, I can crush a tree trunk with one hand. Now, let me at those apples!

A+ support

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Small portrait effie fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait elise fe14.png
?? pts.
?? pts.
?? pts.
?? pts.
This support does not give Effie access to another class tree via Friendship Seal.
(The class tree that would have been given, Troubadour, is already available to Effie as her own secondary class tree).
As this support does not give Effie access to an additional class tree, this support does not give Effie access to additional skills.

C support

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B support

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A support

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A+ support

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Small portrait effie fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait arthur fe14.png
?? pts.
?? pts.
?? pts.
?? pts.
Additional class tree:
Via Partner Seal: Fighter (Berserker or Hero)
Click here to find Effie's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 hp +5.png HP +5 Fighter, starting from level 7
Is 3ds02 gamble.png Gamble Fighter, starting from level 10
Is 3ds02 rally strength.png Rally Strength Berserker, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 axefaire.png Axefaire Berserker, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 sol.png Sol Hero, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 axebreaker.png Axebreaker Hero, starting from level 15

C support

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B support

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A support

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S support

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Small portrait effie fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait odin fe14.png
?? pts.
?? pts.
?? pts.
?? pts.
Additional class tree:
Via Partner Seal: Dark Mage (Sorcerer or Dark Knight)
Click here to find Effie's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 heartseeker.png Heartseeker Dark Mage, starting from level 7
Is 3ds02 malefic aura.png Malefic Aura Dark Mage, starting from level 10
Is 3ds02 vengeance.png Vengeance Sorcerer, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 bowbreaker.png Bowbreaker Sorcerer, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 seal magic.png Seal Magic Dark Knight, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 lifetaker.png Lifetaker Dark Knight, starting from level 15

C support

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B support

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A support

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S support

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Small portrait effie fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait niles fe14.png
?? pts.
?? pts.
?? pts.
?? pts.
Additional class tree:
Via Partner Seal: Outlaw (Bow Knight or Adventurer)
Click here to find Effie's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 locktouch.png Locktouch Outlaw, starting from level 7
Is 3ds02 movement +1.png Movement +1 Outlaw, starting from level 10
Is 3ds02 rally skill.png Rally Skill Bow Knight, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 shurikenbreaker.png Shurikenbreaker Bow Knight, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 lucky seven.png Lucky Seven Adventurer, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 pass.png Pass Adventurer, starting from level 15

C support

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B support

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A support

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S support

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Small portrait effie fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait nyx fe14.png
?? pts.
?? pts.
?? pts.
?? pts.
Additional class tree:
Via Friendship Seal: Dark Mage (Sorcerer or Dark Knight)
Click here to find Effie's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 heartseeker.png Heartseeker Dark Mage, starting from level 7
Is 3ds02 malefic aura.png Malefic Aura Dark Mage, starting from level 10
Is 3ds02 vengeance.png Vengeance Sorcerer, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 bowbreaker.png Bowbreaker Sorcerer, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 seal magic.png Seal Magic Dark Knight, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 lifetaker.png Lifetaker Dark Knight, starting from level 15

C support

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B support

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A support

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A+ support

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Small portrait effie fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait laslow fe14.png
?? pts.
?? pts.
?? pts.
?? pts.
Additional class tree:
Via Partner Seal: Mercenary (Hero or Bow Knight)
Click here to find Effie's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 good fortune.png Good Fortune Mercenary, starting from level 7
Is 3ds02 strong riposte.png Strong Riposte Mercenary, starting from level 10
Is 3ds02 sol.png Sol Hero, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 axebreaker.png Axebreaker Hero, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 rally skill.png Rally Skill Bow Knight, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 shurikenbreaker.png Shurikenbreaker Bow Knight, starting from level 15

C support

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B support

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A support

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S support

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Small portrait effie fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait benny fe14.png
?? pts.
?? pts.
?? pts.
?? pts.
This support does not give Effie access to another class tree via Partner Seal.
(The class tree that would have been given, Knight, is already available to Effie as her own primary class tree).
As this support does not give Effie access to an additional class tree, this support does not give Effie access to additonal skills.

C support

This section has been marked as a stub. Please help improve the page by adding information.

B support

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A support

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S support

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Small portrait effie fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait leo fe14.png
?? pts.
?? pts.
?? pts.
?? pts.
Additional class tree:
Via Partner Seal: Dark Mage (Sorcerer or Dark Knight)
Click here to find Effie's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 heartseeker.png Heartseeker Dark Mage, starting from level 7
Is 3ds02 malefic aura.png Malefic Aura Dark Mage, starting from level 10
Is 3ds02 vengeance.png Vengeance Sorcerer, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 bowbreaker.png Bowbreaker Sorcerer, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 seal magic.png Seal Magic Dark Knight, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 lifetaker.png Lifetaker Dark Knight, starting from level 15

C support

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B support

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A support

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S support

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Small portrait effie fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait keaton fe14.png
?? pts.
?? pts.
?? pts.
?? pts.
Additional class tree:
Via Partner Seal: Fighter (Berserker or Hero)
Click here to find Effie's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 hp +5.png HP +5 Fighter, starting from level 7
Is 3ds02 gamble.png Gamble Fighter, starting from level 10
Is 3ds02 rally strength.png Rally Strength Berserker, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 axefaire.png Axefaire Berserker, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 sol.png Sol Hero, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 axebreaker.png Axebreaker Hero, starting from level 15

C support

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B support

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A support

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S support

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Small portrait effie fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait xander fe14.png
?? pts.
?? pts.
?? pts.
?? pts.
Additional class tree:
Via Partner Seal: Cavalier (Paladin or [[{{{supportadv2}}}]])
Click here to find Effie's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 elbow room.png Elbow Room Cavalier, starting from level 7
Is 3ds02 shelter.png Shelter Cavalier, starting from level 10
Is 3ds02 defender.png Defender Paladin, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 aegis.png Aegis Paladin, starting from level 15

C support

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B support

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A support

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S support

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Small portrait effie fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait hayato fe14.png
?? pts.
?? pts.
?? pts.
?? pts.
This support is only available in the Revelation campaign.
Additional class tree:
Via Partner Seal: Diviner (Basara or Onmyoji)
Click here to find Effie's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 magic +2.png Magic +2 Diviner, starting from level 9
Is 3ds02 future sight.png Future Sight Diviner, starting from level 10
Is 3ds02 rend heaven.png Rend Heaven Basara, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 quixotic.png Quixotic Basara, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 rally magic.png Rally Magic Onmyoji, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 tomefaire.png Tomefaire Onmyoji, starting from level 15

C support

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B support

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A support

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S support

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Small portrait effie fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait azama fe14.png
?? pts.
?? pts.
?? pts.
?? pts.
This support is only available in the Revelation campaign.
Additional class tree:
Via Partner Seal: Shrine Maiden (Onmyoji or Priestess)
Click here to find Effie's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 miracle.png Miracle Shrine Maiden, starting from level 9
Is 3ds02 rally luck.png Rally Luck Shrine Maiden, starting from level 10
Is 3ds02 rally magic.png Rally Magic Onmyoji, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 tomefaire.png Tomefaire Onmyoji, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 renewal.png Renewal Priestess, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 countermagic.png Countermagic Priestess, starting from level 15

C support

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B support

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A support

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S support

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Small portrait effie fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait hana fe14.png
?? pts.
?? pts.
?? pts.
?? pts.
This support is only available in the Revelation campaign.
Additional class tree:
Via Friendship Seal: Samurai (Swordmaster or Master of Arms)
Click here to find Effie's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 duelist's blow.png Duelist's Blow Samurai, starting from level 9
Is 3ds02 vantage.png Vantage Samurai, starting from level 10
Is 3ds02 astra.png Astra Swordmaster, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 swordfaire.png Swordfaire Swordmaster, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 seal strength.png Seal Strength Master of Arms, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 life and death.png Life and Death Master of Arms, starting from level 15

C support

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B support

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A support

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A+ support

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Kana (F)

Small portrait effie fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait kana f fe14.png
?? pts.
?? pts.
?? pts.
at A rank.
This support is only available if Effie is Kana's mother.
As a support between a non-fixed parent-child pair, the parent character does not acquire any new classes in this pairing.
As a support between a non-fixed parent-child pair, the parent character does not acquire any new skills in this pairing.

C support

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B support

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A support

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Small portrait effie fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait dwyer fe14.png
?? pts.
?? pts.
?? pts.
at A rank.
This support is only available if Effie is Dwyer's mother.
As a support between a non-fixed parent-child pair, the parent character does not acquire any new classes in this pairing.
As a support between a non-fixed parent-child pair, the parent character does not acquire any new skills in this pairing.

C support

This section has been marked as a stub. Please help improve the page by adding information.

B support

This section has been marked as a stub. Please help improve the page by adding information.

A support

This section has been marked as a stub. Please help improve the page by adding information.


Small portrait effie fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait sophie fe14.png
?? pts.
?? pts.
?? pts.
at A rank.
This support is only available if Effie is Sophie's mother.
As a support between a non-fixed parent-child pair, the parent character does not acquire any new classes in this pairing.
As a support between a non-fixed parent-child pair, the parent character does not acquire any new skills in this pairing.

C support

This section has been marked as a stub. Please help improve the page by adding information.

B support

This section has been marked as a stub. Please help improve the page by adding information.

A support

This section has been marked as a stub. Please help improve the page by adding information.


Small portrait effie fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait midori fe14.png
?? pts.
?? pts.
?? pts.
at A rank.
This support is only available if Effie is Midori's mother.
As a support between a non-fixed parent-child pair, the parent character does not acquire any new classes in this pairing.
As a support between a non-fixed parent-child pair, the parent character does not acquire any new skills in this pairing.

C support

This section has been marked as a stub. Please help improve the page by adding information.

B support

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A support

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Small portrait effie fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait siegbert fe14.png
?? pts.
?? pts.
?? pts.
at A rank.
This support is only available if Effie is Siegbert's mother.
As a support between a non-fixed parent-child pair, the parent character does not acquire any new classes in this pairing.
As a support between a non-fixed parent-child pair, the parent character does not acquire any new skills in this pairing.

C support

This section has been marked as a stub. Please help improve the page by adding information.

B support

This section has been marked as a stub. Please help improve the page by adding information.

A support

This section has been marked as a stub. Please help improve the page by adding information.


Small portrait effie fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait forrest fe14.png
?? pts.
?? pts.
?? pts.
at A rank.
This support is only available if Effie is Forrest's mother.
As a support between a non-fixed parent-child pair, the parent character does not acquire any new classes in this pairing.
As a support between a non-fixed parent-child pair, the parent character does not acquire any new skills in this pairing.

C support

This section has been marked as a stub. Please help improve the page by adding information.

B support

This section has been marked as a stub. Please help improve the page by adding information.

A support

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Small portrait effie fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait ignatius fe14.png
?? pts.
?? pts.
?? pts.
at A rank.
This support is only available if Effie is Ignatius's mother.
As a support between a non-fixed parent-child pair, the parent character does not acquire any new classes in this pairing.
As a support between a non-fixed parent-child pair, the parent character does not acquire any new skills in this pairing.

C support

This section has been marked as a stub. Please help improve the page by adding information.

B support

This section has been marked as a stub. Please help improve the page by adding information.

A support

This section has been marked as a stub. Please help improve the page by adding information.


Small portrait effie fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait velouria fe14.png
?? pts.
?? pts.
?? pts.
at A rank.
This support is only available if Effie is Velouria's mother.
As a support between a non-fixed parent-child pair, the parent character does not acquire any new classes in this pairing.
As a support between a non-fixed parent-child pair, the parent character does not acquire any new skills in this pairing.

C support

This section has been marked as a stub. Please help improve the page by adding information.

B support

This section has been marked as a stub. Please help improve the page by adding information.

A support

This section has been marked as a stub. Please help improve the page by adding information.


Small portrait effie fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait percy fe14.png
?? pts.
?? pts.
?? pts.
at A rank.
This support is only available if Effie is Percy's mother.
As a support between a non-fixed parent-child pair, the parent character does not acquire any new classes in this pairing.
As a support between a non-fixed parent-child pair, the parent character does not acquire any new skills in this pairing.

C support

This section has been marked as a stub. Please help improve the page by adding information.

B support

This section has been marked as a stub. Please help improve the page by adding information.

A support

This section has been marked as a stub. Please help improve the page by adding information.


Small portrait effie fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait ophelia fe14.png
?? pts.
?? pts.
?? pts.
at A rank.
This support is only available if Effie is Ophelia's mother.
As a support between a non-fixed parent-child pair, the parent character does not acquire any new classes in this pairing.
As a support between a non-fixed parent-child pair, the parent character does not acquire any new skills in this pairing.

C support

This section has been marked as a stub. Please help improve the page by adding information.

B support

This section has been marked as a stub. Please help improve the page by adding information.

A support

This section has been marked as a stub. Please help improve the page by adding information.


Small portrait effie fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait soleil fe14.png
?? pts.
?? pts.
?? pts.
at A rank.
This support is only available if Effie is Soleil's mother.
As a support between a non-fixed parent-child pair, the parent character does not acquire any new classes in this pairing.
As a support between a non-fixed parent-child pair, the parent character does not acquire any new skills in this pairing.

C support

This section has been marked as a stub. Please help improve the page by adding information.

B support

This section has been marked as a stub. Please help improve the page by adding information.

A support

This section has been marked as a stub. Please help improve the page by adding information.


Small portrait effie fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait nina fe14.png
?? pts.
?? pts.
?? pts.
at A rank.
This support is only available if Effie is Nina's mother.
As a support between a non-fixed parent-child pair, the parent character does not acquire any new classes in this pairing.
As a support between a non-fixed parent-child pair, the parent character does not acquire any new skills in this pairing.

C support

This section has been marked as a stub. Please help improve the page by adding information.

B support

This section has been marked as a stub. Please help improve the page by adding information.

A support

This section has been marked as a stub. Please help improve the page by adding information.


Small portrait effie fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait mitama fe14.png
?? pts.
?? pts.
?? pts.
at A rank.
This support is only available in the Revelation campaign.
This support is only available if Effie is Mitama's mother.
As a support between a non-fixed parent-child pair, the parent character does not acquire any new classes in this pairing.
As a support between a non-fixed parent-child pair, the parent character does not acquire any new skills in this pairing.

C support

This section has been marked as a stub. Please help improve the page by adding information.

B support

This section has been marked as a stub. Please help improve the page by adding information.

A support

This section has been marked as a stub. Please help improve the page by adding information.


Small portrait effie fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait rhajat fe14.png
?? pts.
?? pts.
?? pts.
at A rank.
This support is only available in the Revelation campaign.
This support is only available if Effie is Rhajat's mother.
As a support between a non-fixed parent-child pair, the parent character does not acquire any new classes in this pairing.
As a support between a non-fixed parent-child pair, the parent character does not acquire any new skills in this pairing.

C support

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B support

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A support

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Growth rates for class trees available via support

Hoshido classes

Samurai Swordmaster Master of Arms Oni Savage Oni Chieftain Blacksmith Spear Fighter/Spear Master Basara Diviner Onmyoji Shrine Maiden Priestess

Class HP Str Mag Skill Spd Lck Def Res
Samurai 45% 70% 0% 50% 70% 65% 35% 40%

Sky Knight Falcon Knight Kinshi Knight Archer Sniper Ninja Master Ninja Mechanist Apothecary Merchant

Class HP Str Mag Skill Spd Lck Def Res
Sky Knight 35% 70% 0% 45% 65% 70% 35% 50%

Nohrian classes

Cavalier Paladin Fighter Berserker Mercenary Hero Bow Knight Outlaw Adventurer Wyvern Rider Wyvern Lord Malig Knight Dark Mage Sorcerer Dark Knight

Class HP Str Mag Skill Spd Lck Def Res
Cavalier 45% 75% 0% 45% 60% 65% 45% 35%