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The Goddess's Rite of Rebirth/Script (Black Eagles): Difference between revisions

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'''Shamir:''' A secret meeting, Professor? Oh, we haven't been introduced. I am Shamir.<br>
'''Shamir:''' A secret meeting, Professor? Oh, we haven't been introduced. I am Shamir.<br>
'''Edelgard:''' Shamir is one of the Knights of Seiros. And this young man is––<br>
'''Edelgard:''' Shamir is one of the [[Knights of Seiros]]. And this young man is––<br>
'''Cyril:''' I work for Lady [[Rhea]]! And I'm Shamir's apprentice! Oh, the name's Cyril.<br>
'''Cyril:''' I work for Lady [[Rhea]]! And I'm Shamir's apprentice! Oh, the name's Cyril.<br>
{{Dialogue Options
{{Dialogue Options

Revision as of 16:30, 16 June 2020

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White Clouds
Blue Sea Moon

The Goddess's Rite of Rebirth

Opening Narration FETH Black Eagles symbol.png

As the sun grows stronger and the nights grow ever shorter, the Blue Sea Star returns to the sky once more. Believed to be the goddess's home, her followers look to the star and commence celebrations of her rebirth. On the grounds of Garreg Mach Monastery, a grand ceremony is held in honor of this much anticipated event. Every true follower of the Church of Seiros is sure to be in attendance.
— Chapter 4 opening narration

Event - The Enemy's Aim

Reception Hall

(Byleth and the Black Eagles discuss their mission for the month.)
Edelgard: Our mission this month is to patrol and set up defenses to stop the assassination plot.
Hubert: I wonder if an assassination attempt is truly the goal of our enemy...

Choice 1 Choice 2
What do you mean? It's a distraction.
Edelgard: You must sense that something's off about all of this. (Support points with Edelgard go up.)
Edelgard: Yes, I think so too.

Edelgard: A barely concealed secret message, trying to distract us from whatever's really going on. Sloppy, to say the least. And while everyone is out searching for a phantom assassin, they'll be free to accomplish their true goal with ease.
Ferdinand: The monastery houses many valuable weapons. Perhaps that is their aim?
Dorothea: I hear the monastery has a treasure vault too. Seems like the sort of place a foe would like some alone time in.
Linhardt: Garreg Mach is immense, and not just above ground but below as well. Perhaps their aim lies beneath the monastery...
Hubert: It seems to me that we should search the monastery for a clue as to what the enemy might be after. Of course, we must never underestimate the need for preparedness, in case a battle should ensue.

(Shamir and Cyril approach Byleth and their class.)

Shamir: A secret meeting, Professor? Oh, we haven't been introduced. I am Shamir.
Edelgard: Shamir is one of the Knights of Seiros. And this young man is––
Cyril: I work for Lady Rhea! And I'm Shamir's apprentice! Oh, the name's Cyril.

Choice 1 Choice 2
You work for Rhea? Shamir's apprentice?
Cyril: Yep. I help Lady Rhea with all kinds of stuff. Cyril: Yep. She's teaching me about the bow and the sword and all kinds of stuff.

Cyril: I've gotta protect Lady Rhea, so that's why I've gotta learn all I can from Shamir.
Shamir: Cyril adores Rhea. That aside, if you need anything, ask.
(Byleth nods in agreement.)

Exploration: The Goddess's Rite of Rebirth

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Event - The Goddess's Rite of Rebirth

If the quest Know Your Enemy was completed...

Hubert: The Goddess's Rite of Rebirth is about to begin. Are we going to move forward with our plan?
Edelgard: I believe so. How confident are you in our theory, Professor?

Choice 1 Choice 2 Choice 3
We're not wrong. It could go either way. I'm a little doubtful...
(Linhardt shows up.)
Linhardt: No one's intuition is perfect. It's ridiculous not to have doubts.
(Bernadetta shows up.)
Bernadetta: Oh, I don't like those odds at all...
(Petra shows up.)
Petra: You have little doubts? That is good. We have no room for big doubts on this day.

Hubert: All that matters is how our enemy makes their move, not how our teacher feels about our plan.

Alternatively, if the quest wasn't completed...

Hubert: The Rite of Rebirth is about to begin, but we still don't know what our enemy is after.
Edelgard: We have no choice but to deal with the situation as it unfolds.
(Ferdinand and Caspar join the conversation.)
Ferdinand: That does not sound like you at all. I suppose you'll be needing my help on this one.
Caspar: It doesn't matter where they go, they won't get past me. I'll never let them near Lady Rhea!
Edelgard: Ugh, Caspar, focus. Our mission is to find out what their true aim is.

Regardless, the following scene always happens...

(Seteth & Flayn pop up to visit Byleth.)
Seteth: You seem a mite too relaxed for my liking. The Goddess's Rite of Rebirth is about to begin. While we are in the Goddess Tower, we are relying on you to secure the locations that are lacking in defense.
Flayn: May I let you in on something, Professor? My brother can be a bit...callous.
(Seteth silently stares at Flayn.)
Flayn: He told me that he was concerned about you, and hinted that perhaps you would be better off patrolling a coffin!
(Seteth gets visibly nervious.)
Seteth: That was said in jest, Flayn. And in confidence. Please just remain by my side and do not cause any more trouble.
Seteth: As a professor, you would do well to remember that it is your duty to guide your students down the path of righteousness.
Flayn: Please excuse us, everyone. We shall see you again after the ceremony has concluded!
(Seteth & Flayn leave.)

Hubert: A coffin. How fascinating.

If the quest Know Your Enemy was completed...

Edelgard: Hurry, Professor. We must find a place to hide where we can guard the stairs to the Holy Mausoleum. If the enemy moves as predicted, we should be able to cut off their escape path and capture every last one of them.

If the quest wasn't completed...

Edelgard: A coffin... Professor, I do know of one location that has potential. If you can't think of another option, follow me to the Holy Mausoleum beneath the monastery.

Battle - Assault at the Rite of Rebirth

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Movie - Sword of the Creator

Ss fe16 sword of the creator fbyleth icon.png

(The mysterious mage pushes back the lid of the tomb, then proceeds to slowly pulls out a strange sword.)
(As the mage inspections it, Byleth quickly charges and attacks.)
(The sword flies out of the mage's hands, with Byleth managing to catch it, as if it were following their trail.)
(The mage prepares a magical attack and blasts it. As Byleth uses the sword to reflect the attack, the sword begins to glow in a red light, similar to Catherine's sword...)

Mysterious Mage: Huh... What?

(Byleth throws aside their previous sword and faces the dark mage head on.)
(Startled, the dark mage creates a magic shield in an attempt to block Byleth's sword, only for the weapon to slowly crack the shield as it penetrates it, much to the mage's dismay.)
(The shield is ultimately broken. Then, Byleth seizes the opportunity and slays the mage in one fell swoop. The dark mage collapses on the ground.)
(Once it's done, Byleth inspects their newest sword, with the camera focusing on an empty circular space it has, almost as if is missing something...)

Event - Judgement


(In the Cathedral, the captured soldiers are judged...)
Seteth: As all of you have committed a breach of faith, the archbishop will now pass judgement.
Shamir: Inciting a Kingdom noble to rebel. Unlawful entry. The attempted assassination of the archbishop. An attack on the Holy Mausoleum.
Shamir: It is unnecessary to go on, followers of the Western Church.
Priest: What?! We have nothing to do with the Western Church!
Seteth: You have already been identified. Please spare us your second-rate theater.
Rhea: Dishonoring a holy ceremony is worthy of death for a member of the church. You are well past the hope of redemption. If you have any grace remaining, you will willingly offer your life as atonement for this crime.
Priest: No! This isn't what we were told would happen! We've been deceived!
Shamir: It's no use arguing. Whatever your excuse, the punishment stands.
Rhea: May your souls find peace as they return to the goddess...
Priest: Wait! Please! The goddess would never forgive you for our execution!
Priest: Monster! We know you've already slaughtered many of our fellow brethren like this!
Rhea: This concludes the investigation. Please remove these poor, lost souls from my sight.
(As the Western Church members are removed from Rhea's sight, the camera pans back and reveals Edelgard was watching the scene.)

Edelgard: ...

Black Eagle Classroom

(Edelgard comments with her teacher and classmates what just happened.)
Edelgard: That's that, I suppose. The assassination attempt, the attack on the Holy Mausoleum... It was all the Western Church's doing. That masked knight who led the attack somehow managed to disappear without a trace.
Hubert: The Church of Seiros clearly isn't as unified as it would hope to appear. It seems the bishop of the Western Church was always opposed to the church being ruled centrally from Garreg Mach. Perhaps they hope to remove the archbishop in order to completely strip the Central Church of its authority.

Choice 1 Choice 2
The Western Church... The Central Church?

Edelgard: Ugh, that's right. Jeralt mentioned that you were raised without any exposure to the church.
(Edelgard begins explaining.)
Edelgard: In order to function more efficiently, the Church of Seiros is split into several smaller entities. The Central Church is the largest and leads the organization from Garreg Mach.
(A map displaying the location of the Western Church's location is showed to the viewer.)

Cg fe16 kingdom map.png

Hubert: The Western Church extends from Castle Gaspard, where Lord Lonato rebelled into the far west. They can be found just beyond the most renowned stronghold of the Kingdom, the Fortress City of Arianrhod.
Edelgard: It seems the knights have been tasked with subduing the leaders of the Western Church. We may be give an opportunity to help them with their mission.
Hubert: To think...our own professor was born in Fódlan and yet knew nothing of the church. I never imagined explaining something so basic to an instructor of mine. You're something of a special case, are you not?
Edelgard: How strange that the archbishop would ask someone like that to lead her students. There's clearly more to that decision than we know.
Caspar: Lady Rhea is pretty scary sometimes...but to execute that whole group just like that? It seems harsh, even for her.
Bernadetta: If one of us does something bad, I wonder what she would do to us!
Dorothea: Professor... Do you agree with the archbishop's actions?
(Seteth interrups out of a sudden.)
Seteth: There you are, Professor. It seems Lady Rhea would like a word with you. Come with me.

Event - Slithering in the Dark


( a fog-filled forest...a man in white robes and the masked person in red discuss something...)
???: The archbishop lives. Not that I had ever placed much faith in those swine from the Western Church.
???: I have news, both good and bad. The remains of Seiros were not in the tomb. However, something else was. The Sword of the Creator.
???: Ah, the weapon wielded by that thief, the King of Liberation.
???: Thief? Hm. At any rate, it is now in the hands of the academy's new professor. I doubt you will be surprised to hear that the Crest Stone had already been removed from the sword when it was found.
???: Hmph. As expected. It would be foolish to keep both in the same location.
???: There's more. The professor was able to awaken the sword's true power. Even without the Crest Stone, the sword glowed red.
???: The professor's Crest is compatible. There is no mistaking it.
(The man in white robes is perplexed.)
???: Absurd. Using a Relic without its Crest Stone should be impossible... The King of Liberation's bloodline should not even... Hmm.
(The man in white robes seems to have figured out the phenomenon...)
???: They must be allowed to keep it, for now. I do not have enough information about the professor to act.
???: As for your request, I assent. The Death Knight is at your command. Use him well.
???: Good. I believe I will enjoy this a great deal...

Event - Report: Blue Sea Moon

Audience Chamber

(Byleth is reporting to Rhea.)
Rhea: I cannot thank you enough for defeating those invaders in the Holy Mausoleum, and especially for protecting the Sword of the Creator. That sword is one of the Heroes' Relics, and the most precious artifact in the church's possession. It is also a weapon of terrifying power.
Rhea: For now...I will entrust the sword to you. Please, use it wisely.
(Seteth, standing nearby, is immediatly shocked upon hearing this.)
Seteth: Lady Rhea, wait!
Seteth: Do you truly mean to give the Sword of the Creator to this stranger?! Surely it is not the sort of thing that one hands over so readily, even to someone who has the ability to wield it! If someone like Nemesis were to appear again, all of Fódlan would be consumed by war!


Seteth: Nemesis, the King of Liberation. He is an ancient king of mankind who was defeated by Seiros over a thousand years ago. When Fódlan was attacked by wicked gods, it is said that the goddess gifted Nemesis with the Sword of the Creator. Nemesis used that sword to defeat the wicked gods, saving all of Fódlan. Henceforth he was dubbed the King of Liberation. However, his power began to corrupt him until he, himself, turned to the darkness. Saint Seiros was forced to destroy him.
Seteth: Lady Rhea, I beg you to reconsider. Given a little more time, we could more accurately assess this stranger's abilities.
Rhea: No. I have faith, Seteth. Faith that our friend here will not be corrupted by wickedness.
Rhea: Since the death of Nemesis, none have been able to wield the Sword of the Creator. Now, after all those long years of being sealed away, it has returned and found a new master.
Seteth: I...understand. As you wish, Lady Rhea.
Seteth: There you have it, Professor. See that you do not betray the trust the archbishop has seen fit to bestow upon you.

(As Byleth leaves the Audience Chamber...)

Sothis: The Sword of the Creator. The King of Liberation. Each tale is more confusing than the last! And I really can't read that Rhea at all... That sword is clearly precious... So why is she so keen to gift the thing to you?

Choice 1 Choice 2
It certainly is strange. The sword chose me.
Sothis: Is that a fact?

Sothis: I feel as though we have become entangled in a mystery... And there is one more thing that has been plaguing me.
Sothis: The Sword of the Creator... It somehow feels distinct from other Relics we have seen. Such as the one that... Oh goodness, what was her name? Ca... Cat...

Choice 1 Choice 2
Catherine? Cat?
Sothis: Yes! Her! Sothis: What is wrong with that head of yours? Of course it's not a cat! Her name is Catherine.

Sothis: The Sword of the Creator differs from her Thunderbrand in one key way. It bears a hole...where something should have been, but is no more.
Sothis: I despise not knowing what is going on! frightens me. And yet... I place my trust in you. I must. Whatever comes to pass...please swear to cut a path that is your own.

(Byleth nods in agreement, then leaves.)