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This page contains all data pertaining to Sumia's supports in Fire Emblem Awakening.

Avatar (M)

C Support

Avatar: That's a lot of books you've got there, Sumia. Are you going to read all of them?

Sumia: Oh, hello, Avatar! Yes, this IS a lot of books, isn't it? Someone threw them out of a wagon, so I figured I'd give them a good home.

Avatar: What a good idea! I always find it relaxing to do a little light reading in the evening.

Sumia: Oh, you can borrow some if you want? I certainly can't read them all at once.

Avatar: You don't mind?

Sumia: Of course not! Here, which one looks good?

Avatar: I'm not sure. What do you recommend?

Sumia: Let's see... Ooh, this one looks like a real page-turner! "Shanty Pete and the Haunted Pirates"!

Avatar: Er, thank you, but I don't like to read scary stories before bed.

Sumia: Oh, of course. Well, what about... "A Simpleton's Guide to Pegasus Care"?

Avatar: I'm not really that into animal nonfiction...

Sumia: Well, maybe third time's the charm. Let's see now... Oh, this looks great! "Wyvern Wars: Terror at High Noon"!

Avatar: ...Do you perhaps have anything a bit more...literary?

Sumia: ...Oh, pegasus poop! I'm USELESS at this! Useless, useless, useless! Just pick him out a book, Sumia! It's so easy, Sumia! But noooooo! I'm too...darn...USELESS! *Sniff* Waaaaaaaaah!

Avatar: Oh, goodness! Please don't cry! I didn't mean to imply... A-actually, did you say "Wyvern Wars"? I've always wanted to read that one! I mean, it has terror at high noon and everything, right? You, uh, can't beat that...

Sumia: *Sniff* R-really? You want that one? Oh, I'm so happy... I hope you like it!

Avatar: (Pretty sure I have to at this point...)

B Support

Avatar: Here's that book I borrowed, Sumia. It was actually pretty interesting. The encounter at high noon was epic! I stayed up far too late reading it.

Sumia: Oh, I'm so glad you liked it! I'll bump it up to the top of my pile.

Avatar: So, what are you reading now?

Sumia: "Ribald Tales of the Faith War."

Avatar: I've never heard of it. Is it a novel?

Sumia: Yes. It's roughly based on historical events, but all the characters are made up. And there's lots of... Well, ribald parts. But I suppose that's obvious.

Avatar: You don't say?

Sumia: Do you like novels, Avatar? Or are you more of a nonfiction type?

Avatar: Novels are good. Although I suppose I read a little bit of everything.

Sumia: Oh, I just LOVE a good novel! I get so caught up in them I sometimes forget my own sad little life. I can pretend to be a knight in shiny armor! ...Or maybe an evil mage. Bwa ha ha!

Avatar: I know what you mean. I always feel a bit sad when a good story comes to an end.

Sumia: Oh, I know. Then it's back to reality for Sumia! Back to sad, sad reality... Er, but then I think about the next story and get excited all over again!

Avatar: So then? What are you planning to read next?

Sumia: "Mad Tales of a Bloodthirsty Falcon Knight"! ...Volume one. Of thirty-seven.

Avatar: Oh. Well, that's certainly thing...

A Support

Sumia: Hold, Avatar! Do you think me insane?!

Avatar: Well, I didn't...

Sumia: For I see that which others cannot! Demons and devils lurk in shadows dark!

Avatar: A-are you feeling all right, Sumia? Perhaps I should summon a healer...

Sumia: ...What? Hee hee! Oh, no, I'm fine! See, I'm reading a new book. I was just pretending to be the heroine. Her name is Madame Shambles, and she sees what others cannot in shadows dark! Anyway, I've been saying her lines to try and get inside her head and be more like her. ...Do you think that's weird?

Avatar: Yes, it's actually very weird.

Sumia: Oh, pegasus dung! I was worried it might be. But see, I thought if I could act like her, I'd maybe become less of a clod.

Avatar: You don't need to pretend to be someone else, Sumia. You're perfect as you are! ...Well, maybe not perfect. But pretty good. Anyway, if you did end up changing, we'd lose the Sumia we know and love.

Sumia: R-really? Gosh, I never figured anyone would give two hoots. But if YOU'D miss me, Avatar...

Avatar: Of course I would!

Sumia: Well, all right then! My next book will be about a girl who's clumsy and plain like me!

Avatar: Er, I think you're missing the point of—

Sumia: Ooo, wait! Look at this one! "The Princess Who Fell Down the Stairs"! It's PERFECT!

Avatar: Yes... Yes, I suppose it is.

S Support

Avatar: ...Sumia? I can't help but notice that you aren't carrying a book.

Sumia: I'm done with books! No more make-believe for me! At least, not until I gain more confidence in who I am.

Avatar: Oh? What brought this on?

Sumia: I realized I was using those stories to run away from myself. Every time I messed up, I'd read a book and pretend I was someone else. Well, that's just not healthy! ...Plus I was running out of books. Anyway, I decided it was time to stop before I became totally helpless.

Avatar: You're not hopeless, Sumia.

Sumia: Oh, posh! It's nice of you to say so for my sake, but you can be honest with me.

Avatar: I am being honest, Sumia. I've been thinking of you ever since we started sharing books. In truth I...I think about you all the time. And I've grown incredibly fond of you.

Sumia: Um, are YOU pretending to be a character now? Because I can't believe that—

Avatar: I bought a ring! ...For you, I mean. I'm a simple man with little in the way of wealth or land or social opportunity. And I certainly can't make you a princess like the heroines in your stories. But I can promise to love you more each day that we are together. Sumia, will you marry me?

Avatar: Oh, Avatar... I don't need to be a princess! I don't need anything else if I have you! I accept! I accept with all my heart!

Avatar: Oh, Sumia, I'm so happy! It's like we're in a storybook of our very own.

Sumia: And we'll live happily ever after!

Sumia (Confession): It's so nice to feel special for once, to love someone more than anything in the world and have them love me back.

Avatar (F)

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C Support

Sumia: Oh! There you are!

Chrom: Hello, Sumia. Did you need something?

Sumia: Um, no. Avatar is just looking for you.

Chrom: Oh, right. The strategy meeting. Poor Avatar does love to... AAAAAAARGH!

Sumia: Chrom! Are you all right?!

Chrom: Y-yes, I'm fine. I just tripped on a pebble. Gods, how embarrasing.

Sumia: It's because you're so exhausted! You've been working too hard lately.

Chrom: I'm fine, Sumia. And besides, we're all tired. Such endless fighting wears on everyone.

Sumia: Chrom, you've no need to don a brave face for my sake. You carry twice the burden of anyone. It's only natural you're exhausted.

Chrom: Heh. You're kind to say so. But in truth, everyone looks to their commander for inspiration and strength. An army is only as stalwart as its leader. The instant I show weakness, we're through.

Sumia: It must be so hard for you...

Chrom: I' fine. And please, don't speak of this conversation to anyone. All right?

Sumia: N-no! Of course not! I would never—

Chrom: Ha ha! At ease, Sumia. And stop worrying so much! It'll take more than a few battles to bring this soldier to his knees.

Sumia: I know! You're the greatest warrior that I've ever... Huh. I just realized something.

Chrom: What is it?

Sumia: You trusted me with a secret! It's our first secret together!

Chrom: Um...yes, I suppose it is.

Sumia: Don't worry. My lips are sealed tighter than a bear trap. ...So long as you promise to take a nap before the strategy meeting!

Chrom: ...What?

Sumia: I'll just tell Avatar that you've been delayed.

Chrom: And if I don't agree to your terms?

Sumia: Then I'll tell everyone the mighty Chrom was bested by a mere pebble!

Chrom: That sounds like blackmail... Still, I suppose a short nap couldn't hurt.

Sumia: Ooh, it's so thrilling to be able to help out like this! Anyway, I'll leave you to it. Sweet dreams!

Chrom: That girl has a strange knack for getting her way...

B Support

Sumia: Chrom? Where are you? Hel-LOOOO?

Chrom: ...I'm right here, Sumia.

Sumia: Oh! There you are. Um, I baked you a pie.

Chrom: Really? Well, this is a surprise. ...Mmm! It smells amazing!

Sumia: You've been working so hard recently, I thought you must be tired... My mother used to bake me rhubarb-and-fiddlehead pie, and it always perked me up.

Chrom: Rhubarb and...fiddleheads? No mutton? Or goat? ...Or bear? I usually prefer a bit of meat in my pies.

Sumia: Absolutely not! Meat is the last thing you need when your body's worn out! A stick of rhubarb will clear your bowels and get you right as rain in no time. That's what my mother used to say anyway—and she was always right!

Chrom: Heh. Old Nurse Nan used to say the same when I was young.

Sumia: See? They can't both be wrong. Now eat your pie while I go clean your smallclothes. I see quite a pile forming on the far side of your cot there! ...Well? Go on! Don't mind me now—just eat your pie!

Chrom: Er, well, if you insist. ...Gods, I HATE rhubarb. But if Sumia thinks it'll make me feel better, I suppose I should force it down... Mmm? Hey, this isn't bad... In fact, it's delicious!

Chrom: ...Well, that was about the best pie I've ever had.

Sumia: ...Hel-LOOOO? Chrom? I'm baaaaack! Oh, have you finished already?

Chrom: I did, and it was amazing! Usually rhubarb makes me queasy, but not this time! What's your secret?

Sumia: Oh, nothing special. Just a bit of spice here and a pinch of herb there... You can make something taste like anything if you know the tricks.

Chrom: Well, Sumia, I'm more than impressed. You're a true wizard of the kitchen.

Sumia: Oh, I'm so glad you liked it. Now then! How about a cup of elderberry tea?

Chrom: Hold on! You made me a pie, so I should be making YOU tea. Just let me boil some water here...

Sumia: Oh, Chrom... This is too much. Really. Hee hee! I knew he'd love the pie! Especially since it took me 15 tries to get it right...

A Support

Sumia: Chrom! Hel-LOOOOOO?!

Chrom: Oh, hey, Sumia.

Sumia: Look! I baked you another pie.

Chrom: Sumia, you are too much. Where do you find all the time and energy for this?

Sumia: Oh, it's nothing. Really! Hardly any trouble at all. Except for finding veggies. ...And grinding flour. ...Oh, and kneading dough. But apart from THAT, it's easy as...well, pie! I like doing it. Really. Honest.

Chrom: Well, if you say so.

Sumia: Oh, I do say so! And today I made an extra big one so we can eat it together!

Chrom: A pie shared with friends is twice as tasty. Or so my old Nurse Nan said. ...Listen, Sumia. I'm... I'm sorry. About bringing you into all this, I mean. You deserve better than a battlefield, but right now that's where I need you.

Sumia: Oh, Chrom... It's an honor and a privilege to serve you. Besides, serving as a soldier isn't all that bad. There are lots of things I like about it.

Chrom: Truly? Like what?

Sumia: Well, the horses are fun!

Chrom: You mean the pegasus? Er, pegasuses? ...Pegasi?

Sumia: Those too! I love swooping through the sky—it's so exhilarating. But I like looking after them even more. Combing manes, brushing teeth...

Chrom: You do spend a lot of time in the stables, now that I think about it.

Sumia: I do hate that they have to fight. When I see them in the thick of battle... I know we need them if we're to win this war. It can't be helped. But, it makes my heart ache every time I see such a beautiful creature hurt.

Chrom: I don't know what to say, Sumia. Except to thank you again. Thank you for all the sacrifices you're making for my sake. I swear that I will do everything in my power to end this war quickly. And I promise to build a peace that will endure for generations.

Sumia: I know you will, Chrom. And I'm going to help you do it!

S Support

Chrom: Sumia?

Sumia: Oh, hello, Chrom.

Chrom: I...I was looking for you. Have you been here long?

Sumia: Actually, I'd just finished baking a pie. I was about to go...look for you.

Chrom: I don't deserve any more of your pies, Sumia. You're being too kind to me.

Sumia: Hee hee! Oh, not at all. I LIKE looking after you!

Chrom: Not as much as looking after the pegasi, I wager.

Sumia: No, not as much as... Wait! NO! I MUCH prefer looking after you!

Chrom: Listen, Sumia. I was looking for you because...I have a favor to ask.

Sumia: You don't have to ask for favors. I'll do anything your heart desires...

Chrom: Er, see, I was hoping... If you were willing... Maybe you might do me the honor... Um...

Sumia: Do you want more pies? Because I'll bake until my hands fall off!

Chrom: P-pies? No, er, what I'm trying to say is... I'm thinking of the rest of our lives and...

Sumia: You want pies every day until you die? We, that's a tall order, but if you—

Chrom: This is not about pies! Just listen!

Sumia: ...Muh?

Chrom: S-sorry, Sumia. This isn't how I thought... Oh, I'm ruining this whole thing! What I want to ask is...will you grant me the honor of...being my wife?

Sumia: Chrom?! Are you...proposing?

Chrom: Yes! You've done so much for me... Your kindness has warmed my heart. And somewhere between the fifth and sixth pie I thought to myself... "Chrom, you must marry this woman and maker her happy for the rest of her life!"

Sumia: I...I don't know what to say. But in truth, I've felt the same way since the very first pie...before that, even. I've known from the start that nothing made me happier than...being with you. But, I never dreamed... Not in a thousand... I mean, me? Marry royalty?!

Chrom: You shall be the finest royal bride the realm has ever seen! Er, that is...if you consent?

Sumia: Of COURSE I'll marry you!

Chrom: No words ever rang as sweet! But now we must make it official. Will you wear this for me?

Sumia: B-but this ring bears the crest of the royal family of house Ylisse! Are you sure I'm allowed to have such a treasure?

Chrom: This was crafted to commemorate my birth, and later given to me by my father. Since my earliest days I have planned to bestow it to the woman I would marry. It is yours now. A symbol of our everlasting love and affection.

Sumia: Oh, Chrom, I'm...I'm so honored. I will treasure it all of my days.

Chrom: Then our future is sure to be filled with happiness and pies, both!

Sumia: Oh, yes! We will have pies morning, noon, and night! ...Er, but would you mind terribly if we hired a cook?


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C Support

Lucina: Mother, guess what? I found a wonderful dress in the town market.

Sumia: Oh?

Lucina: It was gorgeous! I thought it'd be just perfect for you, so I bought it. I was thinking you could try a different stle for once.

Sumia: Why, Lucina! What a lovely surprise! Now let me get a look at this gorgeous... Er...dress? Oh dear. I've never seen so many...unusual colors and shapes in one piece of clothing.

Lucina: I know! It's very modern. See all the giant pink polka dots? If you look carefully, you'll see that each one is a portrait of Emmeryn herself! I wager when Father sees you in this, he'll just scream with delight!

Sumia: (I bet he'll scream, all right...)

Lucina: Pardon, Mother? I didn't catch that.

Sumia: I'm sorry, Lucina. It's just that... Well, this isn't exactly I'm very grateful for the though, but...I don't think I can wear it.

Lucina: Oh? I was sure you would like it... Well, perhaps next time I go to market, you could come and pick something yourself. I know it seems frivolous in times like these. But in the blighted future I come from, I often fantasized of such simple pleasures.

Sumia: Why, Lucina. What a considerate daughter you've grown up to be. I'd be delighted to go to market with you. ...Delighted and honored.

Lucina: Wonderful! And when we go, I'll wear the new dress!

Sumia: (Oh, gods, no...)

Lucina: Pardon, Mother?

B Support

Lucina: Everyone in this town is so stylish. I wager we'll find you the perfect dress here.

Sumia: Er, yes. Just as long as it's not TOO stylish. Frankly, dear, you have much more... flamboyant taste in clothes than I do.

Lucina: I favor the tasteful and understated. For example, what about this one?

Sumia: G-gracious! I don't think I've ever seen such a...shimmery magenta.

Lucina: Hmm. I suppose it IS a little bright. Well, what about this one?

Sumia: Oh, my... That's very lacy. ...In fact, it's nothing BUT lace. Lucina, I can see right through it!

Lucina: Oh, all right. about this one, then?

Sumia: Well, it's a nice color, at least. But I'm not sure about the whole octopus motif...

Lucina: Oh. I thought you liked octopi. ...This is not going well, is it? Why don't I come back another day and pick out something nice for you?

Sumia: Er, well, I'm not sure if that's a good idea, but...all right. Let's try it.

Lucina: Wonderful! Then I shall not rest until I find you the PERFECT dress. Something that you will truly, truly adore!

Sumia: Oh, yes, I'm sure you... Hmm? Oh, look at this...

Lucina: Which one? ...The baby garment?

Sumia: Oh, isn't it just adorable? Look at the tiny little bow, too! ...Well, enough shopping for today. We should really be getting back to camp.

Lucina: ...... ...Hmm...

A Support

Lucina: Well, Mother, I've done it. I've found your ideal outfit. I just know you'll love it!

Sumia: Oh, goodness. I didn't think you'd find anything quite so quickly... But...I'm sure it will be just fine. I can hardly wait to try it on! Ha ha...ha.

'Lucina: And I can't wait to see how it fits! Are you ready? TA-DAAAH!

Sumia: ...Huh? It's...tiny. Almost like... Lucina, these are baby clothes.

Lucina: Yes! I saw you admiring them in the shop when we visited the market together. I didn't understand why, until I realized you must've been thinking of your daughter. The one you have in this ear, I mean. Your REAL daughter.

Sumia: ......

Lucina: You should send it to her back at the castle, I'm sure she must miss you.

Sumia: Why, Lucina...

Lucina: I've been so happy here, despite having to fight this war. Being able to see my mother again has been like living in a dream. I didn't want to wake up and remember that you have a different life in this world.

Sumia: ......

Lucina: Whenever I think of your little girl, I can't help but feel...jealous. I know it's ridiculous to envy myself, but I can't help it.

Sumia: Oh, Lucina...don't be silly! I've thought of you as my daughter from the moment we were reunited! Believe me when I say that I love you just the same as I love that child at the castle.

Lucina: ...Honestly?

Sumia: Yes! You're a true daughter to me. I want to give you happy memories to make up for those you lost in your future world. And I know your father feels that same way.

Lucina: If anyone knows how he feels, I imagine it would be you...

Sumia: Of course! Your father and I are alike in so many ways... We're both parents to the world's most wonderful daughter, for one.

Lucina: ...Thank you, Mother. For everything.


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Morgan (F)

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