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This page contains all data pertaining to Frederick's supports in Fire Emblem Awakening.

Avatar (M)

C Support

Frederick: Your grip, stance, and breathing are wrong. Focus, Robin. ...Again!

Robin: Ready!

Frederick: That's enough for today. Your form has improved considerably. The pace of your progress is remarkable.

Robin: *Huff, huff* Th-thanks... I feel like...I've got the basics *huff* down now... But... S-so tired... *huff* I think I'm dying...

Frederick: Ha! You're exaggerating! Or at least I pray so. Otherwise you might as well die here—you won't last long on the battlefield.

Robin: I suppose...but I'm exhausted nonetheless... But you... You've hardly broken a sweat?

Frederick: I should certainly hope not. If a little training winded me, I would be in no shape to serve Chrom.

Robin: Well, I'm impressed. You must train hard to build such endurance.

Frederick: Well, I awaken before dawn each day to build the campfires... Then, whenever we march, I scout the trail ahead, removing rocks and such... Wouldn't do to have someone turn an ankle mid-campaign, now would it?

Robin: (So that's why... I always thought it was just a fixation with pebble collecting...)

Frederick: Beg pardon, did you say something?

Robin: Er, nothing important! But I owe you for this training session, so let me help you with tomorrow's fire. It'll be a snap with my magic. Find a tree, hit it with a lightning bolt, and presto!

Frederick: ...Instant forest fire.

Robin: Oh! Well, yes, I suppose that...could happen... In any case, I do still owe you a favor. Whatever you like—name it and it's yours. You needn't decide today, of course. Think it over for the next time we meet.

Frederick: I am unaccustomed to asking favors, but if you insist, I shall find something.

B Support

Frederick: Hello, Robin. I've thought about your previous offer.

Robin: The favor? Oh, good! What'll it be? Just say the word.

Frederick: I recall seeing you eat bear with great relish shortly after we first met. I should like you to teach me this skill. ...Eating bear, that is.

Robin: I remember that night! Lissa was in a froth. Said it smelled like...old boots, was it? Wait, so you didn't eat any, either?

Frederick: I fear I've rarely been able to choke down wild game, and bear least of all. But as the war grows harsher, I can no longer afford to be picky. There may come a day when bear is the only food available to us. Best I train to overcome my aversion now, when our situation is not so dire.

Robin: True, and even the finest knight isn't much use on an empty stomach... All right, then, you're on. Let's get you eating some bear!

Frederick: Yes, I will train till I can consume anything, without concern for taste or decorum. Like an animal, or a savage... Or like you, Robin.

Robin: ......

Frederick: Er, Robin? ...Did I say something wrong?

Robin: Um, no, nothing. Don't worry about it. So, Frederick. You don't have a problem with more common meats, you you?

Frederick: Beef and pork are fine. I also enjoy a good chicken on occasion.

Robin: Then let's start simple. Take a bite of this jerky.

Frederick: I shall tear into it with gusto! *munch, munch* BLEAGH! G-gamey! S-so gamey! What... *cough* What IS this?!

Robin: It's bear. Leftovers from the same bear we ate that night, in fact! I saved some.

Frederick: Eeeaaaaagh! Healer! I need a healer!

Robin: Animal or savage, indeed. How rude of him... Guess he wasn't joking about his aversion to bear, though...

A Support

Robin: Hey there, Fredericson! I've got some new cured meat for you to try...

Frederick: I'll thank you not to refer to me by that ridiculous name. ...And I'm not so gullible as to fall for your bear-jerky trick twice.

Robin: Oh? I thought you were serious about getting over this, Frederick. Look, I'm not a monster. I prepared a whole series of meats in order of gaminess. We can take it slow.

Frederick: ...Well, I suppose I did ask for this.

Robin: All right then. We'll start with chicken, then pork, then beef.

Frederick: *Munch, munch* ...Hmm, excellent so far.

Robin: Next is mutton. It starts to get a little tricky here.

Frederick: *Munch, munch* ...This is...manageable.

Robin: You're doing great! Okay, this one's venison.

Frederick: *Munch, munch*

Robin: ...By which I mean bear.

Frederick: PFFFFFFFT! Augh! By the gods! I'm d-dying! Dying! Ah... It's s-so dark... T-tell Chrom that...

Robin: Oh, stop exaggerating! Otherwise you might as well die here—you won't last long on the battle...field? Whoa. I just had intense déjà vu.

Frederick: I said the same to you, once upon a training session. And I was right. If I succumb to this, I can't well protect everyone on the front lines... My body is ready, Robin! The next sample, if you please!

Robin: You talked yourself back into it? Impressive. And perhaps a little disturbing... Ah, well. Whatever works. Let's finish this, Frederick! Open wide!

Avatar (F)

C Support

Frederick: Your grip, stance, and breathing are wrong. Focus, Robin. ...Again!

Robin: Ready!

Frederick: That's enough for today. Your form has improved considerably. The pace of your progress is remarkable.

Robin: *Huff, huff* Th-thanks... I feel like...I've got the basics *huff* down now... But... S-so tired... *huff* I think I'm dying...

Frederick: Ha! You're exaggerating! Or at least I pray so. Otherwise you might as well die here—you won't last long on the battlefield.

Robin: I suppose...but I'm exhausted nonetheless... But you... You've hardly broken a sweat?

Frederick: I should certainly hope not. If a little training winded me, I would be in no shape to serve Chrom.

Robin: Well, I'm impressed. You must train hard to build such endurance.

Frederick: Well, I awaken before dawn each day to build the campfires... Then, whenever we march, I scout the trail ahead, removing rocks and such... Wouldn't do to have someone turn an ankle mid-campaign, now would it?

Robin: (So that's why... I always thought it was just a fixation with pebble collecting...)

Frederick: Beg pardon, did you say something?

Robin: Er, nothing important! But I owe you for this training session, so let me help you with tomorrow's fire. It'll be a snap with my magic. Find a tree, hit it with a lightning bolt, and presto!

Frederick: ...Instant forest fire.

Robin: Oh! Well, yes, I suppose that...could happen... In any case, I do still owe you a favor. Whatever you like—name it and it's yours. You needn't decide today, of course. Think it over for the next time we meet.

Frederick: I am unaccustomed to asking favors, but if you insist, I shall find something.

B Support

Frederick: Hello, Robin. I've thought about your previous offer.

Robin: The favor? Oh, good! What'll it be? Just say the word.

Frederick: I recall seeing you eat bear with great relish shortly after we first met. I should like you to teach me this skill. ...Eating bear, that is.

Robin: I remember that night! Lissa was in a froth. Said it smelled like...old boots, was it? Wait, so you didn't eat any, either?

Frederick: I fear I've rarely been able to choke down wild game, and bear least of all. But as the war grows harsher, I can no longer afford to be picky. There may come a day when bear is the only food available to us. Best I train to overcome my aversion now, when our situation is not so dire.

Robin: True, and even the finest knight isn't much use on an empty stomach... All right, then, you're on. Let's get you eating some bear!

Frederick: Yes, I will train till I can consume anything, without concern for taste or decorum. Like an animal, or a savage... Or like you, Robin.

Robin: ......

Frederick: Er, Robin? ...Did I say something wrong?

Robin: Um, no, nothing. Don't worry about it. So, Frederick. You don't have a problem with more common meats, you you?

Frederick: Beef and pork are fine. I also enjoy a good chicken on occasion.

Robin: Then let's start simple. Take a bite of this jerky.

Frederick: I shall tear into it with gusto! *munch, munch* BLEAGH! G-gamey! S-so gamey! What... *cough* What IS this?!

Robin: It's bear. Leftovers from the same bear we ate that night, in fact! I saved some.

Frederick: Eeeaaaaagh! Healer! I need a healer!

Robin: Animal or savage, indeed. How rude of him... Guess he wasn't joking about his aversion to bear, though...

A Support

Robin: Hey there, Freddy Bear! I've got some new cured meat for you to try...

Frederick: I'll thank you not to refer to me by that ridiculous name. ...And I'm not so gullible as to fall for your bear-jerky trick twice.

Robin: Oh? I thought you were serious about getting over this, Frederick. Look, I'm not a monster. I prepared a whole series of meats in order of gaminess. We can take it slow.

Frederick: ...Well, I suppose I did ask for this.

Robin: All right then. We'll start with chicken, then pork, then beef.

Frederick: *Munch, munch* ...Hmm, excellent so far.

Robin: Next is mutton. It starts to get a little tricky here.

Frederick: *Munch, munch* ...This is...manageable.

Robin: You're doing great! Okay, this one's venison.

Frederick: *Munch, munch*

Robin: ...By which I mean bear.

Frederick: PFFFFFFFT! Augh! By the gods! I'm d-dying! Dying! Ah... It's s-so dark... T-tell Chrom that...

Robin: Oh, stop exaggerating! Otherwise you might as well die here—you won't last long on the battle...field? Whoa. I just had intense déjà vu.

Frederick: I said the same to you, once upon a training session. And I was right. If I succumb to this, I can't well protect everyone on the front lines... My body is ready, Robin! The next sample, if you please!

Robin: You talked yourself back into it? Impressive. And perhaps a little disturbing... Ah, well. Whatever works. Let's finish this, Frederick! Open wide!

S Support

Robin: You did it! You chomped down on that crocodile jerky like it was a candied fig!

Frederick: *Groan* I to thank... Giving me...the strength...

Robin: And last, but certainly not least...

Frederick: W-wild-bear meat?

Robin: You can do it.

Frederick: *Nibble* ...... *Nibble*

Robin: You did it, Frederick! You swallowed the whole thing! You've overcome your phobia of bear meat!


Robin: Er, but you look a little pale. Do you feel all right?

Frederick: I'll be fine. Better than fine, in fact. Thanks to you, I needn't ever battle on an empty stomach. I stand in your debt.

Robin: Glad to be of service. After all, you have to be in tip-top shape to protect the rest of us.

Frederick: I should tell you that last night, I made a promise to myself... I swore that if I could keep the bear meat down, I would offer you...this.

Robin: ...Huh? A ring? ...But why?

Frederick: I would like you to be my wife.

Robin: What?! Oh Frederick... I did NOT see this coming!

Frederick: I was thinking about what would happen if I managed to overcome my weakness. We would have no more reason to spend so much time together. And yet, I cannot bear the thought of leaving your side, Robin. So after much thought, I determined that I had no choice but to propose.

Robin: ...I don't know what to say. Except...deciding to marry a girl when you didn't upchuck a mouthful of bear? It might be the most unromantic thing I've ever heard!

Frederick: Well, yes, but...

Robin: Oh, I don't care, Frederick! I've been in love with you since our first bear dinner!

Frederick: You do me a great honor, milady. You will not regret it, I swear to you!

Frederick (Confession): My heart is yours, milady. I vow to defend you as knight and husband until death should part us.


C Support

Frederick: I've completed my patrol of the encampment, milord. All appears to be in order. I found no sign of the enemy nearby. I believe we are safe here for the night.

Chrom: Good to hear. Thank you, Frederick.

Frederick: While on my rounds, I took it upon myself to inspect our weaponry as well. I've placed any items that showed exceptional wear outside your pavilion. Be your choice to sell or repair them, sire, I recommend swift action.

Chrom: ...Oh. Well, you HAVE been busy... Your work ethic always impresses, Frederick. I almost feel lazy by comparison.

Frederick: Nonsense. I've done nothing more than my duty as a knight of Ylisse. Oh, and beg pardon, milord, but I noticed you often cause a ruckus when training. With that in mind, I reinforced the tents near any open areas you're likely to use.

Chrom: Er, yes. I see. Sorry for the trouble.

Frederick: No trouble at all, milord. Happy to help. ...Also, with the nights growing colder, I procured blankets from a nearby village. I've readied a variety of colours so you might pick that which best suits you. If I may be so bold, sire, peach would seem to best flatter your complexion. But perhaps blue. Just to be safe? Yes, that's best. Blue it is! Here you are, milord. And two sets of spares, just in case.

Chrom: Frederick, do you never tire?

Frederick: Of course not, milord. I am here to serve. Ah, and one final thing: I've taken measures to raise troop numbers and morale. I had an artisan create posters emblazoned with your noble image. It's milord in a bold pose - naked, save a scale in one hand and a sword in the other. And at your feet, I scrawled our new recruiting motto: "Chrom Wants You!" I had them pinned inside each and every tent. Surely the troops will be thrilled to rally behind their common leader, milord.

Chrom: ...Wait. You did what?! In whose... You hung this pict... In EVERYONE'S tent?!

Frederick: No need for thanks, milord. Merely doing my duty. And that concludes my report. Rest well, sire!

Chrom: F-Frederick! Wait! We really need to... talk. ...Oh, gods. I've got to tear those posters down before anyone sees them!

B Support

Frederick: My deepest apologies, milord. Had I known you'd run from tent to tent rending the posters, I never would have-

Chrom: Gods, I've never been so embarrassed in all my days! My sister nearly pulled a muscle laughing! Listen, Frederick. We need to talk. I know everything you do is for my sake, and I appreciate it. But it's... Well, at times, it's a little extreme. And other times it's damn near traumatic! I'm a grown man, Frederick, and I'm capable of taking care of myself.

Frederick: 'Tis not my place to doubt your capability, milord, but I've duties as a knight. If anything were to happen to you or Lissa, I couldn't... I don't know if I could stand it.

Chrom: But you do see the difference between being a knight and being a nanny?

Frederick: ...I'm sorry, milord, but I would risk your embarrassment rather than forsake my duty.

Chrom: ...Fine! Fine. Let's try this again. Let's pretend you're "milord," and I'm your loyal knight. Now, let's say you sneeze. Just one little sneeze... Suddenly I come dashing up to you with blanket and tea in hand! Or, let's imagine you make an off-hand remark about how fish sounds good... And I ride across two mountains to a freezing river to secure dinner! Or, heavens preserve us, let's suppose you look tired, or perhaps even yawn... So I bring a parade of increasingly arcane herbal cures to your tent for the next hour! How would that make you feel?

Frederick: Milord, I... I would be enraged, milord. And humiliated.

Chrom: You see? At some point, such assistance becomes a burden. I respect your sense of duty as a knight, but you must be sane about it! You waste too much time and energy on my sister and myself, and it saddens us. If you want to make us happy, take some time for yourself. Relax! Enjoy your life!

Frederick: ...Is that an order, sire?

Chrom: *sigh* If it was, I've no doubt you would obey without question. But that would defeat the point. It's not an order, Frederick. It's a request. ...From one friend to another.

Frederick: Milord... Very well. If it is your wish, I shall limit my actions to a bare minimum. I apologise for any trouble my efforts may have caused until now.

Chrom: Thanks for understanding. And for your dedication.

Frederick: It is my pleasure to serve, milord. Er, that is... within reason.

A Support

Frederick: ...And that concludes today's report, milord.

Chrom: All right. Thank you, Frederick.

Frederick: *sigh*

Chrom: Now there's something I never expected to hear. Is everything all right, Frederick?

Frederick: Oh! M-my apologies, sire! I did not mean for you to hear that.

Chrom: It's fine, but are you all right? You're not coming down with something, are you?

Frederick: Not at all, milord. I'm the picture of health.

Chrom: Then why have you seemed so exhausted lately? You looked pale as a sheet this morning! I thought a Risen had entered our camp. The other Shepherds are worried as well. Is something the matter?

Frederick: Milord, I apologise again. I'm just... You see... I feel I've been of no use to either you or Lissa of late...

Chrom: Hmm? What was that? You're mumbling.

Frederick: N-nothing, milord! It's nothing. Perhaps I simply need a bit of sleep.

Chrom: Then go rest! And if there's anything bothering you, come tell me straight away. Oh, but before you go... Thank you for patching the holes in everyone's tents. I know mine is a lot more comfortable without that blasted draft.

Frederick: But milord, I... How did you know?

Chrom: Who else would fix a tiny detail like that after a long day of battle?! So again, my friend, thank you. From everyone. There are days I think this entire army would fall apart if not for you.

Frederick: Milord, I... I don't know what to say. Your praise is the highest honour!

Chrom: Ha ha! It's just the truth, Frederick. That's all. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to go speak with Robin.

Frederick: Yes, of course. Robin's tent is... that way, wasn't it? I'll get started straight away, milord!

Chrom: Get started... Are you clearing the gravel?! Frederick, what in the world are you doing?!

Frederick: It wouldn't do to have you trip up and hurt yourself, sire! Surely you see... ...Ah! Are you worried you could trip over ME, then? Of course. Not to worry, sire! I have a plan that will let me clear the path well ahead of you.

Chrom: Um... Frederick?

Frederick: Is something amiss, milord? Ah, of course! The reeds are a hazard as well. I'll just pluck them here...

Chrom: That's... not what I was going to say.

Frederick: So careless of me, sire! I'll have the devils uprooted in just a moment!

Chrom: Oh, for the love of...

Frederick: All clear, sire! You can stride through camp without worry or delay!

Chrom: (Is this his idea of keeping things to a minimum?) Still, I suppose if it keeps him happy...

Frederick: Mmm? Did you say something, milord?!

Chrom: Er... Frederick?! For the love of the gods! I have a meeting with Robin!

Frederick: Oh, yes, here he/she is now. Hello, Robin. Do pardon the intrusion.

Chrom: Frederick! We don't need you to... You can dust later! And actually, you don't need to dust Robin at all, Frederick! ...FREDERICK!


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Morgan (M)

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