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Bernadetta/Supports (Warriors: Three Hopes)

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Bernadetta: Wait, what?
Edelgard: Bernadetta, is that a letter from your mother?
Bernadetta: Huh? Oh, Lady Edelgard. Yes, she wrote me from the capital. Wait, how did you know that? Are you screening my mail? Spying on my correspondence?
Edelgard: Bernadetta. Is there anyone else who would write you?
Bernadetta: Of course there is! There' guy? Wait... I don't have any friends. I don't even have any family! I don't have anybody! Poor Bernie's all alone in this cold, cruel world! Waaaaah!
Edelgard: Easy, Bernadetta. You have plenty of friends. They simply don't need to write you because you're fighting in the same army.
Bernadetta: Wait, really? Well that's a relief.
Edelgard: Also, how can you claim to have no family when your mother writes you regularly? That's certainly more than I can say.
Bernadetta: Oh, right. I forgot about your, um...parent situation. Guess I shouldn't be complaining, huh?
Edelgard: It's fine. Just be thankful that your mother is in good health, and make sure to write back so she doesn't worry.
Bernadetta: I always do―pages and pages!
Edelgard: That reminds me, have you heard from your father? I'm sure he had much adjusting to do after I installed him in Garreg Mach as the head of the Southern Church.
Bernadetta: Nothing from him, but my mother keeps me up to date in her letters. She has his attendants send her regular reports. The last update was something like, "Your father is scared of the Central Church's assassins, he's locked himself away up in the third-story reception hall. They have to drag him out kicking and screaming whenever it's time to deal with clerical affairs."
Edelgard: I'm certain I heard a similar story when another noble first relocated to Garreg Mach.
Bernadetta: Really? Huh. Oh, but the locking himself in his room part sure sounds a lot like me, doesn't it.
Edelgard: Yes, although you've come a long way from the reclusive, shy girl you used to be. Back at the Officer's Academy, you used to take your shunning of people to something of an extreme.
Bernadetta: Do you really think I'm that different now? It's hard for me to tell. Maybe knowing that my father has started hiding from the world helps, though. Now I don't have to stay inside to avoid seeing him, you know?
Edelgard: One might say your curse has been lifted. Just like mine...
Bernadetta: Wait, hang on. What's your curse?
Edelgard: Nothing. Please ignore what I said.
Bernadetta: Oh, come on! You can't leave me in suspense like this!

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Edelgard: What is Thales plotting? Will the capital be all right? If another imposter- Hmm? Who's there?
Bernadetta: Lady Edelgard? Is that you?
Edelgard: Bernadetta? What are you doing here at this hour?
Bernadetta: Oh! Well, I was sort of hoping to hole up here for a while. This is one my go-to spots when I want to be alone.
Edelgard: In that case, I apologize for intruding.
Bernadetta: Oh, it's really not a big deal or anything. Um, Lady Edelgard? Is everything all right? You seem, well, kind of down. If something's bothering you, I'd be happy to listen. If you don't mind talking to me, I mean.
Edelgard: Thank you, but I wouldn't knew where to begin. Once the emperor starts rattling off her many woes, you're likely to be trapped here forever.
Bernadetta: Um, actually, that isn't what I meant.
Edelgard: Then what did you mean?
Bernadetta: Do you remember that time you told me how my curse was lifted? And then you started to say how yours was, too? Well, I've been worried that curse has been eating away at you the way mine did with me. Is that why you're here all alone in the middle of the night?
Edelgard: Ngh... I wasn't expecting you to see right through me quite so easily. But you're right. Something is eating at me. There is an enemy I thought I'd fought and beaten, which I believed freed me from my curse. Alas, that was wishful thinking. My enemy is still alive—and worse yet, he is not alone.
Bernadetta: That sounds terrible. But I know how that feels—I've been struggling, too. If I stay outside too long, I end up being seized by this...panic that makes me want to hide away again. I guess I'm still learning how to deal with it.
Edelgard: That's how life is, Bernadetta. We all bear our scars, but the only thing we can do is keep going. The idea that nestling up to somebody and being kind will make all of their pain disappear is nothing more than fantasy. That's simply not how such things work.
Bernadetta: It's a mean ol' world, that's for sure.
Edelgard: But that's no reason to despair. After all, what are we fighting for but a world in which people are no longer left with scars like yours and mine. A world in which the people who wish to stand out can do so, while those who remain on the sidelines have their choice honored as well. That is the future we're building together.
Bernadetta: Do you really think we can do it? Because if you do, I'm going to fight right alongside you, and then celebrate by locking myself in my room!
Edelgard: I'd say that's perfectly acceptable, so long are you've taken care of the things you need to do.
Bernadetta: Aww, but doing things is the hard part! Stop being so difficult, world!


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Bernadetta: No one here? Good. Now quietly... Sneakily...
Dimitri: Bernadetta?
Bernadetta: AAAAAUGH! Back to the beyond from whence you came! I haven't done anything wrong I promise I was just really hungryyy!
(Bernadetta runs off)
Dimitri: Bernadetta, wait! There are a bunch of crates over-
Bernadetta: Ow! Oh, ack, no... AAAAAUGH!
Dimitri: Ah...

Dimitri: Well, it took a while, but we finally managed to clean everything up.
Bernadetta: Sorry about that. Er, again. Why does this kind of thing always happen to me? First I run into you, and then the crates are stacked in a completely different place! It's all just the worst.
Dimitri: I wasn't expecting to find anyone up at this hour, so I apologize for scaring you.
Bernadettta: Wait, no! I didn't mean you're the worst! I mean, I didn't actually want to see you, but... No, wait! That sounds bad! I just... ummm...
Dimitri: Think nothing of it. You were raised in the Empire, so it's only natural you'd be afraid of me. But if I may, why were you in the mess hall so late?
Bernadetta: Wait. Are you interrogating me? Am I going to be royally executed?! NOOO!
Dimitri: Don't be ridiculous. Why would I have a valuable ally executed?
Bernadetta: Wait, you mean it? You better mean it! I won't let you live it down if you're lying!
Dimitri: I would not lie about something like that. In fact, I swear upon the goddess... no, on my father's name.
Bernadetta: OK, I guess I can tell you, then. I missed dinner because I shut myself inside my tent. But then I was so hungry I couldn't sleep, so I decided to come out here.
Dimitri: I see. And then?
Bernadetta: Aaah! I wasn't trying to steal food, I promise! I just thought there might be leftovers, or maybe an apple that rolled under someone's chair!
Dimitri: Please calm down, Bernadetta. I'm not judging you for what you eat or when.
Bernadetta: You're going to eat me?! Noooo! I taste terribleeeee!
(Bernadetta runs off)
Dimitri: She is utterly exhausting.

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Bernadetta: Ummm... why do I feel someone watching me?
Dimitri: Hello, Bernadetta.
Bernadetta: EEP! I, UM! SOMEBODY!
Dimitri: Stop. I am not a ghost and I am not here to scold you. I'm just here to get food because I'm hungry. I was stuck inside all day with work and missed my chance for dinner.
Bernadetta: HELP- Oh. So you're just like me, then.
Dimitri: It's rather difficult being shut inside all the time. I always lose track of the hour.
Bernadetta: Yeah, same. Um, but how'd you know I was inside all day today? Oh, no! Was this "work" of yours spying on me?!
Dimitri: No. If I had time to spy on people, there wouldn't be piles of documents teetering atop my desk.
Bernadetta: Yeesh. That sounds rough. Wait, hold up. Why are you taking all those raw veggies? And that dried meat?
Dimitri: Because it's my dinner. Which I missed. I thought I made all of this clear.
Bernadetta: What, so you're gonna eat them just like that? Uh... not that there's any problem with that.
Dimitri: Well then, Bernadetta, perhaps we should cook something together.
Bernadetta: Cook?
Dimitri: Yes. You have a bit of talent in the kitchen, right? Maybe you can take this chance to teach me.
Bernadetta: Uh, sure, I guess. I mean, if you're gonna insist, then I'll show you just how good I am!

Bernadetta: I think I heard you like this cheese and spice- Aaah! The bag!
Dimitri: All right, that should do it. What's the matter, Bernadetta? You seem to be shrinking away.
Bernadetta: I can't do it. I can't cook in front of a stranger.
Dimitri: I hardly think we're strangers at this point, but... Regardless, it looks fine to me. There's no need for you to be so distraught.
Bernadetta: It's not fine! The spice bag ripped and they all fell in, and then I got so flustered I dropped an entire wheel of cheese in there! It smells terrible, and I mean really terrible. There's no possible way it's going to taste good.
Dimitri: Mmm!
Bernadetta: Whaaat?! OK, if you force yourself to eat that, you're going to be sick for days.
Dimitri: I'm not forcing myself to do anything. It would be a shame to waste food we made together.
Bernadetta: So it's... not gross? You don't feel sick or anything? Well, I guess I could try it, then... BLEEECH! So disgusting! How did you even eat it?! Oh, wait. Don't tell me... You're eating it as an excuse to say, "I hereby sentence you to death for feeding me horrible food!"
Dimitri: Do you honestly believe I wander about executing people at will for the smallest transgressions?
Bernadetta: NOOO! I don't wanna die! Let me liiiiiive!
(Bernadetta runs off)
Dimitri: Too much cheese and spice, is it? Heh. I suppose I'll bring her something else for dinner, since she only had one bite of this.


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Bernadetta: Oof...
Hubert: Ah, Bernadetta. I see the documents I was waiting for have finally arrived.
Bernadetta: Augh! H-Hubert! I'm not doing anything bad!
Hubert: Then would you be so kind as to hand those over? They are addressed to me, after all.
Bernadetta: Oh, um, right. Edelgard asked me to bring them.
Phew! That was heavy. What are all these documents anyway?
Hubert: Old records of bandit activity in this area that I need for my investigation.
Bernadetta: Hey, that reminds me! I heard we had a group of bandits cornered but they sort away?
Hubert: Yes, a most vexing development. It beggars belief that our troops prove unable to exterminate even these few stray vermin.
Bernadetta: Eeeek! Wait, are you angry?
Hubert: Oh, I doubt it is worth raising my ire over.
Bernadetta: That's good! Um, but you look like you're angry.
Hubert: Bernadetta, are you aware of how your persistence often leads to the very outcome you wish to avoid?
Bernadetta: Eyagh! I mean, um...yes?
Hubert: In any event, my mood is what it is because I must now locate a den of rats.
I will need to research previous stomping grounds, then cross-reference the location of their old lairs in order to work out where this new one might be.
Bernadetta: Wow. That sounds like a ton of work.
Hubert: Yes, but there is nothing for it—these craven rats will not re-emerge once they've burrowed into their nests.
Bernadetta: Hey, neat! I definitely understand the desire to burrow in somewhere and never come out.
Hubert: Urgh...
Bernadetta: Uh, I mean, but when there are festivals and stuff, they might slip up and leave? Maybe? Possibly?
I mean, everyone loves festivals...except when there are people around...which is usually the case.
Hubert: Somehow I suspect you would not emerge for even the most magnificent of carnivals.
However, you and the rats may differ on that point...
Bernadetta: We do what now?
Hubert: Yes, of course. Unlike you, these thieves have no particular desire to live away from others.
We have had them on the run for some time, which means they've not been able to earn coin through their usual underhanded work.
Thus, if I were to prepare a place where they could cut a few easy purses, they might consider the spoils to be worth the risk.
Bernadetta: Um, OK?
Hubert: And the bait shall be a festival.
Due to the war, we have not held a genuine festival for quite some time, after all.
So even if we do not capture the rodents and it merely brings much-needed succor to the people, I would still consider it a success.
Well done, Bernadetta. You have come up with a splendid idea that eluded even myself.
Bernadetta: Why are you complimenting me out of nowhere? ARE YOU PLOTTING AGAINST ME?!
Hubert: Not particularly, no—although I am thinking I will require your assistance in this matter from now on.


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Bernadetta: Well, Bernie, you were nothing but trouble for everybody yet again.
Ferdinand: There you are! I was worried when you failed to appear at mealtime.
Bernadetta: Aaah! I-I'm fine! All quiet here!
Ferdinand: Please do not tell me your hunger was so great that you resorted to eating those plants there?
You should be careful. I have heard there are some rather poisonous flora in this area.
Bernadetta: Hey, I'm not going to eat poison! What kind of dummy do you think I am?
I know exactly which plants are safe and which ones aren't.
Ferdinand: It is strange to see you this confident on a topic.
But if you are so certain, I think I should give your eye a test. Just to be safe, you understand.
Bernadetta: We're doing what now?
Ferdinand: Ah, I know! What say we have a little game to see who can collect the most edible plants?
Bernadetta: What?!
Ferdinand: And as an army can never have too much food, this will serve to benefit the others. What a splendid idea!
Bernadetta: Urgh. Why me...
OK, so this one would cause stomachaches, and that one would be really bitter... Um, I think?
Oh, I don't know. I've only ever seen it in books.
But hey, I'm sure it's fine! I'll also take this one, and this one, and this one...
Oh, and that one over— Wait, is that Ferdinand?
Ferdinand: Such luster! Such size! Such a gorgeous crimson! Yes, this looks like a scrumptious leaf indeed!
Ah, and there are bulbs under this tree! Rich, white bulbs with the luster of a precious pearl!
Bernadetta: Aaaaaah!
Ferdinand: Bernadetta?!
Ah, I see. You were frightened by a mouse scampering by and took a bit of a tumble when you fled, yes?
Bernadetta: Yeah. And I dropped all my beautiful plants that your dumb game made me dumb collect.
Ferdinand: Never mind that now. Show me your wound, please? Ah yes, just a scrape. Still, we should return to base and treat it before it festers.
Bernadetta: Yeah, I suppose. Thanks for looking at it.
Wait, that leaf! The one you're carrying!
Ferdinand: This one? What of it? If you are hungry, we could snack on it while we walk back.
Bernadetta: No! No, no, no! That plant has medicinal properties! It's a styptic!
Ferdinand: Well, what luck! We can use it to treat your wound!
I must say, your talent for identifying plants is no idle boast.
Bernadetta: Yeah, I eyeballed them pretty well, huh?
Now let's take a look at yours and— What?!
Ferdinand: Ha! Are you at a loss for words with the quality of the plants I gathered?
Bernadetta: Every one of these is POISONOUS!
Ferdinand: What? But, the gorgeous leaf! The robust vine!


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Linhardt: I'm tired. Time to find a good spot for a nap...
Bernadetta: ...
Linhardt: Bernadetta? Why are you skulking in the weeds?
Bernadetta: Eeep! No reason! Not getting in the way of two people's love at all, no sir!
Linhardt: Huh? But I'm alone here... Ah, I see. That.
Bernadetta: Yeah, that! I was out walking when I saw them.
A man and a woman together in the woods..., heated.
Linhardt: Well, neither of them seems to be dead yet.
Bernadetta: They're on a secret date, you dummy! Not fighting!
Linhardt: Regardless, how does two lovers stealing a moment alone lead to you curled up here in the fetal position?
Bernadetta: Because I'm hiding! I mean, if I messed up their date, they might try to get revenge on me!
Linhardt: Relax. To them, you're no different than a pebble on the side of the road.
Bernadetta: Hey, I'm not a pebble! I mean, sure, sometimes I wish I was just a rock, but...
Linhardt: Then just roll away quietly and you'll be fine.
Bernadetta: Just roll away quietly... Hey, yeah!
Wait, no! They'd see me! Stop trying to get me killed!
Linhardt: We've made enough racket over here to raise the dead, and they haven't even noticed. I think it's safe to say they're off in their own little world.
Still, good for them, sharing words of love when either one could die tomorrow.
Bernadetta: Wait, they could die tomorrow?!
Linhardt: They're both soldiers who serve on the front lines. I doubt a rosy future awaits them.
Bernadetta: No! That's not true!
Couples swearing their love and defying destiny are a staple of classic fiction!
Linhardt: Sure, but the fact it wouldn't happen in reality is what makes it such a good story, right?
Bernadetta: W-wait, but there are tons of stories where two people who have sworn their love don't ever meet again!
Linhardt: Likely because that's something people are familiar with from their own lives.
Bernadetta: OK, so which is it? I believe that those two can be happy together so...they can, right?
Linhardt: I hope that's the case, but reality is cruel. Anyway, I've talked myself right to sleep.
Bernadetta: Huh? Come on, don't sleep there!
Linhardt: Zzz...
Bernadetta: Uh oh. Guess I'd better try that "turn into a pebble and roll away quietly" plan...

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