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True Chivalry/Script

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Common Room

(Felix approaches Byleth in the Common Room.)
Felix: There you are. I was looking for you. I need a favor.

Choice 1 Choice 2
It's unusual for you to ask for help. You want to spar, right?
Felix: Yes. It's an unusual favor. Felix: No. This is more serious.

Felix: My father sent a messenger. He wants me to return to Fraldarius territory.

Your father?

Felix: Rodrigue Achille Fraldarius, the highest ranking member of the Faerghus nobility. I believe you've met him. So I heard.
Felix: But about the favor. You're familiar with the Tragedy of Duscur, I presume?

Choice 1 Choice 2
I am. I can't recall.
Felix: Warriors from Duscur killed King Lambert of Faerghus.

Felix: After the king's death, public order disintegrated. Bandits continue to raid villages across the Kingdom, including those within Fraldarius territory. My father says he needs my help driving the bandits away.

And you want me to join you?

Felix: Precisely. Good guess.
Felix: Perhaps I shouldn't pull you into this... It stems from my family's failure to secure the region. But honestly, I want to see you in action. I never tire of watching you fight. And it'll be much more interesting for you than the training ground. Or maybe this task—driving off bandits—seems dull to a former mercenary?

Choice 1 Choice 2
I'll join you. (Begin Paralogue battle) Let me think about it. (Return to previous screen)
Felix: Excellent! While I'm at it, I have a second favor to ask of you.
Felix: Could you recruit more fighters? I bet there will be willing volunteers, if you're the one inviting them. I'll set off on my own, and meet up with you there.
(Felix leaves the room.)
Felix: OK. I can handle a few bandits. If you change your mind about it, tell me soon.

Battle: True Chivalry

Kingdom Territory (Fraldarius Territory)

Before Battle

Felix: Hmph. Struggling to defeat some bandits? What a pathetic old man my father is. Some villagers are trapped. Let's help them escape.

Rodrigue: Felix, my son. You've finally brought reinforcements!

Rodrigue Begins Acting

Rodrigue: Everything will be fine! Good people of this hamlet, escape while you can!

First Stronghold is Taken

Rodrigue: The stronghold is ours. No more bandits should come crawling out of here.

Second Stronghold is Taken

Felix: Weakling. That should put a stop to their reinforcements.

Bandit Leader Summons Reinforcements

Bandit Leader: I will not let you interfere with my plan! Cut them to ribbons, boys.

NPCs - Villagers

If a Villager Dies:

Aaagh! No!
— If a villager dies (variation 1)
Urgh. I can't hold on any longer.
— If a villager dies (variation 2)

First Villager is Saved:

Thank you so much! Please, help my neighbors too.
— First time a villager is saved

Another Villager is Saved:

I'm saved! I'm saved!
— First time a villager is saved

All Villagers are Saved:

Villager: Thank you! We've all been evacuated now.
Rodrigue: They all got away safely. Now we're free to deal with those bandits.

— First time a villager is saved

Ally - Rodrigue

If talked with Byleth:

So, it's you! From the Officers Academy. Thank you for taking such good care of my son. It pains me to trouble you, but I humbly request your assistance in helping to secure the villagers' safe escape!
— If Byleth talks with Rodrigue

If talked with Dimitri:

Rodrigue Oh, Prince Dimitri is here to help! I am humbled, Your Highness, and so sorry to trouble you.
Dimitri: No, it is fine. As a man of royal birth, this is the obvious course. However, it does not exactly seem like they are remnants of Miklan's faction.
Rodrigue: Indeed. Nothing but common bandits, and yet... Ruffians like that have recently surged in number.
Dimitri: I am aware. For now, let us focus on saving the villagers.

— If Dimitri talks with Rodrigue

If talked with Felix:

Felix: Pathetic. Struggling to defeat some ragtag bandits.
Rodrigue: Felix... You may know this already, but no matter how many you kill, more always appear. Anywhere in the Kingdom these days you can see the same kind of scenes. His Majesty, the late king, would despair to see it.
Felix: A dead man doesn't despair. Besides, let's focus on the living.

— If Felix talks with Rodrigue

Rodrigue is damaged:

Rodrigue: Outmatched by a damn bandit...
Felix: Come now. Stop living in denial, old man.

— If Rodrigue takes damage

Rodrigue's Health Points are low:

Rodrigue: I cannot die in this place... His Majesty would want me to keep going...
Felix: My foolish father... He's in trouble.

— If Rodrigue has low HP

Rodrigue Falls:

Everyone, I'm sorry. It's over for me...
— If Rodrigue falls

After Battle

Rodrigue: That should do it. We’ve chased those ruffians away for good.
Villager: Thank you so much for your assistance! Please accept this small gift as thanks.


Rodrigue: We are grateful for your help. I doubt those bandits will stop anytime soon. But at least this village is safe. This village was important to the late king. If we hadn't saved it, I wouldn't have been able to face His Majesty.
Felix: How foolish.
Rodrigue: Pardon?
Felix: We were protecting your subjects, not your ego. I don't give a damn as to whether you can bring yourself to face a dead king.
Rodrigue: I will not tolerate such language from you.
Felix: I came here to hone my blade, and to save innocent people. I suppose if I had died, you would say the same thing you did after Glenn's death.

Felix: "He died like a true knight."
Rodrigue: ...
Felix: I have nothing more to say. I'm going back.
(Felix leaves quietly. Only Byleth and Rodrigue remain.)

Rodrigue: I'm sorry you had to see that. He's been that way for four years now.

Blue Lions Blue Lions Other Routes Black EaglesGolden Deer

Rodrigue: Of course, I understand his sentiment, to some extent. It all comes down to... Well, a difference of opinion.

Choice 1 Choice 2
I understand Felix as well. Just leave him be.

Rodrigue: So, that's how you feel about it.
Rodrigue: How fortunate Felix is to have met someone like you. There's nothing as heartening as having someone around who really understands you.
Rodrigue: He's an odd boy. Thick-headed in some ways. But he's my son all the same. I'm glad he has you to look after him.