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Zihark/Supports (Path of Radiance)

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This page contains all data relating to Zihark's supports.

Path of Radiance


Zihark Small portrait zihark fe09.png C: 4
B: 9
A: 14
Is gcn earthaffin.png × Is gcn lightaffin.png
Small portrait ilyana fe09.png Ilyana
Support Level Attack Defense Hit Avoid
C 0 0 2 5
B 0 1 5 10
A 0 1 7 15

C Support

Zihark: Uh…Ilyana? What are you staring at?
Ilyana: Oh? Er… The bag on your hip.
Zihark: It’s nothing special. I just carry a vulnerary and some snacks in there. Why? Is there something wrong with it?
Ilyana: Oooh… It smells delicious…
Zihark: Really? That’s odd. It’s just some dried meat.
Ilyana: Dried meat! So…savory… I’m just…you know. I’m hungry.
Zihark: You’re hungry? But I just saw you shoveling down some roast rabbit a few minutes ago! You may look frail, but you can sure throw down the chow! Well, I’m off. Talk to you later!
Ilyana: Oh…good-bye. What am I going to do? I should have told him I’m starving and nearly ready to collapse from hunger pains. Maybe then he would have given me some of his delicious-smelling snacks. I need food!

B Support

Ilyana: Er… Hello…
Zihark: Hello, Ilyana. You’re hungry again, aren’t you?
Ilyana: No. Maybe. Fine…yes. I’m starving!
Zihark: How can you possibly eat so much and still be hungry? Last night you swiped the chicken wing right out of my hands! Does casting a few spells really make you that hungry?
Ilyana: To be honest, I don’t know why I’m so hungry. I’m never full. I always get hungry as soon as I eat. Normally, I eat about as much food as five people. Today was tough because I only got enough food for three.
Zihark: What?! That’s just…incredible! That sounds like a serious problem. Well…good luck with that.
Ilyana: Er… Excuse me? Can you wait for a moment?
Zihark: What?
Ilyana: Er… Haven’t you forgotten something?
Zihark: Now, let me think… Nope! Didn’t forget anything.
Ilyana: Oh…my mistake, then.
Zihark: See you later!
Ilyana: … Everyone gave me something to eat but him…

A Support

Ilyana: Oh…
Zihark: Hi, Ilyana. I’m bumping into you all over the place these days.
Ilyana: Yes, you’re right. …
Zihark: What’s wrong? You look a little… different today.
Ilyana: Really? How so?
Zihark: Yes, definitely. You’re looking cuter than usual.
Ilyana: Really?!
Zihark: Yeah, definitely a little cuter.
Zihark: You’re hungry, though. I can tell from the feral look in your eyes.
Ilyana: Feral?! Excuse me?
Zihark: You’re a bit of a celebrity among the men in the unit. They say you lure them in with your cute face and then run off with their snacks.
Ilyana: They do?
Zihark: Oh, yes they do! You’re a beef jerky thief, aren’t you? I know about the apple pie incident, too. Yeah… I know your tricks. Is it true that you don’t remember their names, even after they buy you an expensive meal? That’s just terrible.
Ilyana: No! It’s just that… I collapse into a coma when I get too hungry! That’s why I’ve got to accept everyone’s generous food offers.
Zihark: Then at least remember their names! Even if you had ulterior motives, everyone likes… Er… Is kind to you.
Ilyana: Sorry…
Zihark: Don’t apologize to me. You didn’t take my apple tart.
Ilyana: All right.
Zihark: Well, shall we get going?
Ilyana: Pardon me?
Zihark: You’re hungry, right? I feel bad about preaching to you, so this dinner is on me.
Ilyana: Are you sure?
Zihark: I’m sure. I can’t have you going hungry on me. However, I’m not rich. All I can afford is two dinners.
Ilyana: That’s…so kind. That should be enough. I’m so happy! Oh, thank you so much… Um… Er… Ike? No, wait! Um… Bill? Lance? Sword guy?
Zihark: Zihark.
Ilyana: Zihark! Oh, I really appreciate it…


Zihark Small portrait zihark fe09.png C: 3
B: 6
A: 9
Is gcn earthaffin.png × Is gcn wateraffin.png
Small portrait brom fe09.png Brom
Support Level Attack Defense Hit Avoid
C 0 0 0 5
B 1 1 0 10
A 1 1 0 15

C Support

Brom: Hmm…? Hey, what are you doing?
Zihark: Hi, Brom. I’m just fixing my shoulder guard. See? It’s starting to rip right here.
Brom: Oh, yeah. You don’t want to go into battle like that! This one time, I had a… Hey! How do you know my name?
Zihark: Hm? Oh, I’m just good at remembering names and faces. Natural talent, I suppose. Sorry if I got a little fresh with you! Let me introduce myself. I’m Zihark How do you do, Brom?
Brom: Howdy! Nice to meet you! Fixing a shoulder guard is tough work. What do you do when you’re not at war? You work in leather?
Zihark: Nope. Just a swordsman.
Brom: Huh…I didn’t know swordsmen could fix something like this. That’s quite a skill!
Zihark: I taught myself. Mercenaries don’t make good money, you know. I can’t afford to visit a tradesman… And…done! All right, that should hold.
Brom: Wow… Isn’t that something? I have to teach my youngest son how to do that!
Zihark: How many children do you have, Brom?
Brom: I’ve got five sons and three daughters. In fact…my oldest girl is just about your age.
Zihark: I figured you would have lots of children.
Brom: How did you figure that?
Zihark: Just look at you, Brom. You’re a big man with a big heart. The perfect daddy!
Brom: Y-you think so? Oh, stop! You’re embarrassing me!

B Support

Brom: Howdy, Zihark. I had a good time with you the other day.
Zihark: Heya, Brom! You’re quite the talker! You made me laugh the whole time. I haven’t had such a fun meal in a long time.
Brom: Aw, shucks! That makes me happy that I invited you out.
Zihark: Oh, yeah. This is my share. Take it.
Brom: Don’t worry about it. I invited you, remember? It’s on me.
Zihark: I can’t let you do that, big guy. You invited me on short notice, and I didn’t have any cash on me. But today I’m ready, so let me pay for my half.
Brom: Well, even if you want to, I don’t even remember how much I paid.
Zihark: The total came to four fifty. I’ll give you two and a quarter, and we can call it even.
Brom: Well, aren’t you a fine young man! You’ve got a good memory, and you can do math!
Zihark: That’s just my nature. Most mercenaries are basically lazy and sloppy… I think I drive them crazy.
Brom: Nah. That just makes you even more of a true man! I bet you’re pretty popular with the young lasses, eh? Eh?!
Zihark: Um…not…really. It would take an… eccentric girl to love a guy like me.
Brom: I tell you, Zihark, sometimes I don’t get this world. I mean, even a simpleton like me has a family!
Zihark: Ha! I’m telling you, Brom, you’re a good man. Trust me on this one.
Brom: Oh, I have an idea! And it’s a humdinger! You should marry my daughter!
Zihark: Um… Er… I should what?
Brom: I don’t mean to sound like a proud poppa, but they’re all great girls! And if I like you this much, I’m sure that my daughters will like you, too.
Zihark: Heh… Hey, enough with the jokes, Brom…
Brom: How about it? I think you’d be a great match for the oldest one! You’re both the same age!
Zihark: Oh, boy…

A Support

Brom: So, anyway… My oldest girl is well built! Actually, she’s about my size. But don’t worry! She can still work the fields like a man! I’m sure you’ll love her!
Zihark: Um…she sounds…lovely.
Brom: Stop giving me such halfhearted answers and start listening! I’m talking about the girl who is going to be your future wife!
Zihark: Brom, listen… I didn’t tell you this the other day, but… I have no intentions of getting married now.
Brom: What? Aw, shucks! Why not?
Zihark: I had… I had an important girlfriend before. We couldn’t be together because of…complicated reasons… But even now I still think about her. I can’t get her out of my mind. I appreciate your kindness, but… Anyway, that’s why.
Brom: I see. That’s a real shame…
Zihark: But I tell you what! The idea of joining your family was quite appealing.
Brom: Hmm… Then how about my second-oldest girl?! She’s a little younger, but don’t let that worry you too much! She’s a sweetheart, I tell ya! Why, once when the cow got loose, she lifted it right up and hauled it back…
Zihark: No! Wait! That isn’t what I meant… Aw, nuts.


Zihark Small portrait zihark fe09.png C: 3
B: 6
A: 9
Is gcn earthaffin.png × Is gcn thunderaffin.png
Small portrait muarim fe09.png Muarim
Support Level Attack Defense Hit Avoid
C 0 0 0 7
B 0 1 0 15
A 0 1 0 22

C Support

Zihark: That’s strange. I could swear I had it just a second ago. Where did I put…
Muarim: Something wrong?
Zihark: Oh, Muarim. No, not really. I just… I seem to have lost my sword powder.
Muarim: Sword powder?
Zihark: It’s used to maintain swords. Swords rust quickly if you don’t take care of them. A little powder, a little oil, and a little scrubbing does the trick.
Muarim: Does it come in a small bag attached to a stick?
Zihark: Yeah, that’s it! Did you pick it up?
Muarim: No, but…I have seen it before. I did not know that was its name.
Zihark: Hm. Well, it doesn’t look like I dropped it anywhere around here. Maybe I lost it when we were marching… Ah, well. Maybe Commander Ike will have some he can share.
Muarim: Being a beorc has its troubles, does it not?
Zihark: You said it. You know, it’s times like these I really envy you laguz. You’ve always got your weapons, and they’re always at the ready.

B Support

Muarim: Zihark.
Zihark: Oh, Muarim. What brings you here?
Muarim: Did you find the sword powder?
Zihark: Unfortunately, no. I’ll need to replace it, I think. I hate to keep borrowing from the others.
Muarim: Can you use this?
Zihark: What’s this? Oh, wow… This sword powder looks expensive… You’re a laguz. How did you come to have this?
Muarim: Force of habit.
Zihark: I don’t follow you.
Muarim: I was once a slave. The nobleman who was my master made me sharpen his blades for him. I was quite adept at it. He would bring them to me unannounced. If I did not have the proper materials to sharpen his swords, he would beat me. I still do not feel comfortable unless I have these materials near me.
Zihark: I’m sorry to have brought up such a painful memory.
Muarim: It is in the past now. Would you like me to sharpen your sword?
Zihark: Thank you, but a true swordsman takes care of his own blade. I appreciate your offer, though.
Muarim: Then at least take this powder. I no longer have any use for it.
Zihark: Muarim… Thanks. You saved me. I’m not just saying this out of gratitude, but…would you care to join me for dinner?
Muarim: I would like that very much.

A Support

Zihark: Muarim.
Muarim: What is it, Zihark?
Zihark: I picked this for you.
Muarim: This is…
Zihark: I’ve heard the beast tribes are fond of the leaves of this kind of herb. It’s fairly uncommon, but I’ve learned how to spot it.
Muarim: Um…
Zihark: I picked the wrong herb, didn’t I?
Muarim: No, no… It’s fine. Unfortunately, it is not something that we tigers have a nose for.
Zihark: Oh… I didn’t know that. Sorry. An old girlfriend of mine loved the scent of it. I guess I just assumed that all laguz liked the smell as much as she did.
Muarim: You…were involved with a laguz?
Zihark: Yeah.
Muarim: That is very uncommon. I’ve heard stories of love affairs between beorc and laguz. It must have been difficult. I do not imagine either society would have accepted it with ease.
Zihark: It…was too much for her. We couldn’t be married, and the pressure was too much for her to stay with me. But I’ve never loved another woman. To this day, I think that I never shall.
Muarim: Can I have that bundle of herbs?
Zihark: What? But I thought…
Muarim: It has no effect on me, it’s true, but I accept the gesture of kindness you have shown in bringing it to me. And I apologize for bringing up a painful memory of your own.
Zihark: Thanks. You’re very kind. Heh. I guess that makes us even, doesn’t it?