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===C support===
===C support===
'''Kagetsu''': Jade! Face me! Show me your skill in battle!
'''Jade''': No, thanks. I’ll pass.
'''Kagetsu''': So quick to turn me aside! Why? I have heard your strength has won you tournament victories in Brodia. Such strength is meant to be shown and used. Do not keep it to yourself!
'''Jade''': I didn’t receive orders to engage you. I have no personal grudge against you. Why fight?
'''Kagetsu''': Jade, Jade, Jade. You disappoint me! What I hear of your skill is so exciting! Please, I must see it for myself! How can I earn the favor of this bout? I will do anything you ask.
'''Jade''': Anything? In that case…Would you be willing to answer a few personal questions before we battle?
'''Kagetsu''': Heh, easily. May I ask why?
'''Jade''': I need to round out a character for a new book I’m outlining. You can help me fill in the gaps.
'''Kagetsu''': I need only talk about myself?
'''Jade''': That’s right. And it sounds like we have a deal.

===B support===
===B support===

Revision as of 01:37, 18 April 2024

This page has been marked as a stub. Please help improve the page by adding information.

This page contains all data pertaining to Kagetsu's supports in Fire Emblem Engage.


Small portrait kagetsu fe17.png
Support information: Small portrait alear m fe17.png
5 support points
20 support points
45 support points
Pact Ring:
Obtain from The Connector, then select

C support

Kagetsu: Divine One! Divine One! Since you appear human, I am curious─what are the differences between dragon and human?
Alear: Let's see... We live a bit longer than humans, we're typically stronger and more agile... You're right about appearance, though─we look much the same.
Kagetsu: Interesting! Is it also true that you slumbered in the Somniel for one thousand years? What was it that woke you, after all that time? Did you tire of sleeping?
Alear: To be honest, I'm not sure.
Kagetsu: I see. And what were you doing before you went to sleep?
Alear: I'm sorry. I don't remember much from before I woke up...
Kagetsu: Hm... A pity.
Alear: You're asking lots of questions, Kagetsu. Why are you so interested in me?
Kagetsu: Why should I not be? We are friends, of course!
Alear: Friends? We've actually not spoken that much...
Kagetsu: To my mind, we have been friends ever since we first spoke. And I like to know my friends! Is it not so for you? Do you not want to be my friend?
Alear: No, of course I do!
Kagetsu: Good! Then I would like to know all about you, so we can strengthen our bond.
Alear: So I should get comfortable and brace for more questions. Got it.

B support

Kagetsu: Your hair, Divine One─is your style unique, or is it common to all dragon fashion?
Alear: Now that you mention it, I have no idea. I don't actually know much about dragons.
Kagetsu: It seems they are mysteries even to themselves.
Alear: I apologize. You have so many questions, and I have so few answers.
Kagetsu: Not at all! I am happy merely to talk with you. In my homeland, it is the Dragons of the East who are worshipped, rather than Divine or Fell. That is why I find you so very interesting.
Alear: I had no idea your people worshipped the Dragons of the East! I'd love to know more about your homeland. What's it like?
Kagetsu: It is part of the queendom of Solm, but remote. There is not much contact with other regions. Our culture is unique and vibrant. But we are quite secluded.
Alear: Is that because your people want to protect their culture from outside influences?
Kagetsu: Perhaps, yes. But they also lock it away! I may not seem it, but I was born to royalty. I was trained always to preserve my legacy. That meant always being home, thinking only of family. It was sad, never to step outside of that.
Alear: But now you fight with us for a cause you believe in! I'm sure your family is proud of you and the difference you're making in the world.
Kagetsu: Maybe so. Did you have any other questions for me? I am happy to answer.
Alear: Oh, I sure do. We haven't even discussed the food in your homeland yet!

A support

Alear: Thank you for the chat the other day, Kagetsu.
Kagetsu: Exactly what I was going to say! After our talk, I feel our bond has become unbreakable. To tell the truth, however, I was rather reluctant to speak too much of my homeland.
Alear: Why is that?
Kagetsu: You said my family back home would be proud of me...
Alear: Yes?
Kagetsu: Those were kind words, but...they were untrue. I abandoned my responsibility and my role. I left only written words to explain my leaving. Are there any parents who would look proudly on their son for this? I think it is impossible. Perhaps they have forgotten me altogether.
Alear: Oh, Kagetsu... That just means we have our work cut out for us, doesn't it?
Kagetsu: Huh?
Alear: If you accomplish great things, your family can't help but be proud of you! So you'll just have to become a living legend across the land. Nothing to it. They can't forget you if your name is on the lips of all the world. And as your friend, I'll help you.
Kagetsu: My friend, the Divine One... I had thought one meeting was enough to become friends. I now realize it is not so simple.
Alear: True. Friends are much more than that. They help each other through their darkest moments.
Kagetsu: If that is the case, then our bond of friendship has grown incredibly strong!
Alear: You think so?
Kagetsu: Yes! We were friends from the start, but our bond has grown much stronger over time.
Alear: That's true. It certainly has.
Kagetsu: Indeed. And thanks to that powerful bond, word of our great deeds will be spread far and wide!

Ring support

Kagetsu: ...
Alear: You seem to be deep in thought, Kagetsu. What's on your mind?
Kagetsu: Divine One... I fear that our bond of friendship has weakened.
Alear: Did I do something wrong? I'm so sorry! How can I make it up to you?
Kagetsu: No─it is my fault. I understand you now have this Pact Ring, which you will give to your cherished partner. I wish to be happy for this person, but however much I try to suppress it, I feel only jealousy. Your bond with your partner will be stronger than any bond of friendship. I cannot bear to be happy for you because I find myself only wishing that were me.
Alear: Kagetsu...
Kagetsu: That is why I say our bond has weakened. It is because of my selfish jealousy.
Alear: Kagetsu. You're being silly.
Kagetsu: No! I am being serious!
Alear: I mean it's silly for you to fret. I was already planning on giving this to you.
Kagetsu: The Pact Ring. Why?
Alear: Because I want you to be my cherished partner.
Kagetsu: You do? Truly?
Alear: Our bond is more powerful than any friendship. I would never lie to you.
Kagetsu: Our feelings are identical? Yes! I am so happy! Haha! I have never had greater happiness in all my life! Thank you! Thank you!
Alear: Hehe! No, thank you, Kagetsu!
Kagetsu: First friends, now partners. I think this bond was meant to be. What is next for us, I wonder?
Alear: Family, perhaps? At the very least, I'd love to meet yours.
Kagetsu: Very well. Once I am ready to return home, I will take you with me. Until then, Alear, I will work hard to make you proud of me. And as your partner, I will devote my life to bringing you happiness. Because I love you!


Small portrait kagetsu fe17.png
Support information: Small portrait framme fe17.png
5 support points
10 support points
25 support points
Pact Ring:
Obtain from The Connector, then select

C support

Framme: "I am doing fine. How is everything at home?"
Kagetsu: Hello, Framme. Writing to someone, are you?
Framme: My parents. If I don't send them updates now and then, they get all worried. Can you believe it? At my age? Are all parents like this?
Kagetsu: They are not. Your parents must cherish you. We feel concern for ones we love. So it is good your family feels concern for you.
Framme: Well...maybe a little. You're from really far away, right? Letters from your family must be important to you.
Kagetsu: I would not say so. I have not received any.
Framme: Huh? Why not?
Kagetsu: They cannot write to me because I fled my home and did not say where I was going. But I think they would be too angry to write me letters even if they knew where to send them.
Framme: So, you haven't been home even once since you ran away?
Kagetsu: I have not.
Framme: That's awful! If I were your family, I'd be super worried about you. Hey, I've got ink and paper here. You should write a letter to your family right now! I'm sure they'd be thrilled to hear from you.
Kagetsu: Write to my family? No, no, absolutely not.
Framme: Aww... But it was such a good idea!
Kagetsu: It is kind of you to worry, but this is my burden to bear. I do appreciate your offer to help. Thank you, little friend!
Framme: "Little"?!

B support

Kagetsu: Hmm, no... This is not right... Perhaps if I...
Framme: Hellooo, Kagetsuuu!
Kagetsu: Ah! Framme! You...startled me.
Framme: Did you just hide something real quick? What were you doing in here?
Kagetsu: No. Absolutely not. I have never hidden things.
Framme: Wow, are you a terrible liar! If you're not hiding anything, you won't mind if I look around...
Kagetsu: No! Framme, do not look!
Framme: Hm? What's this paper? Oh! Wait─is this a letter?!
Kagetsu: Yes.
Framme: Ah, I'm sorry! Here, take it back. I didn't read any of it!
Kagetsu: It is OK. I had not truly started, so there is almost nothing to read.
Framme: You're writing a letter after all? You were so against it before.
Kagetsu: I felt...compelled to take up pen and paper. Only now that I have, I do not know how to begin. I do not know what to write.
Framme: Oh, don't be silly! Just tell them what's happened to you lately. They want to know you're still alive. I'll help you out, if you want. Just write to them, OK?
Kagetsu: are most kind. To concern yourself with me and my family in this way is exemplary. Thank you. With your support, I will face this blank page and roundly defeat it.

A support

Kagetsu: ...
Framme: Hey, Kagetsu. Why the long face?
Kagetsu: Hello, Framme. Ah, you mean to say that I appear sad.
Framme: Still no response to your letter?
Kagetsu: None indeed. It appears my family really has given up on me.
Framme: No! There was probably just some issue getting the letter delivered.
Kagetsu: Perhaps there was. Perhaps it is for the best. I do not know that I would be courageous enough to read their reply if I received one.
Framme: Hey, what happened to the guy who stared down a blank page and defeated it? And there could still be a response on the way. It's too soon to give up. Have some faith!
Kagetsu: Faith, you say...
Framme: Just wait a bit longer, OK? And then we'll write a response together!
Kagetsu: You are right. I have been impatient. While we wait, perhaps you would show me what your parents wrote to you?
Framme: Huh?
Kagetsu: That letter there in your hand. Is that not what your parents sent to you? I am curious to see what your family has to say. Only if it is OK with you, of course.
Framme: Oh, uh, sure. It's probably just the usual stuff, anyway. Let me just see what it's about first... Hmm... Mm-hmm... Ah!
Kagetsu: What has surprised you? Hmm, let me see... We heard from Vander... Stop goofing around... Train harder... They are scolding you!
Framme: AHH! Don't look at this one anymore!
Kagetsu: Hm. It appears I need to help you with your training.
Framme: No, you don't!
Kagetsu: You helped me write my letter. I owe this to you. It is simple reciprocity between friends.
Framme: I liked this better when it was about your problems...


Small portrait kagetsu fe17.png
Support information: Small portrait boucheron fe17.png
5 support points
10 support points
25 support points
Pact Ring:
Obtain from The Connector, then select

C support

Kagetsu: You are Boucheron of Firene, are you not? You appear quite formidable. That is why I, Kagetsu of Elusia, challenge you to pit your abilities against mine!
Boucheron: You have an eye for skill, I see. Challenge accepted.
Kagetsu: Excellent! Now, let our weapons speak for us! Ha! Hyah!
Boucheron: Hahaha, fancy! Needs more oomph, though!
Kagetsu: Phew! Magnificent duel! But let us be done for today. I must say, that was thrilling! You did not disappoint. Your physique gives you power, but you are equally light on your feet in defense.
Boucheron: You weren't bad yourself. I haven't seen moves like yours before. They're tough to block.
Kagetsu: Have you not? That must be because I learned them in my homeland.
Boucheron: You're not from Elusia?
Kagetsu: Not originally. My home and its unique culture are far away from here.
Boucheron: Do tell. That's very interesting.
Kagetsu: If you wish to know more, you must duel me again! I do not part with secrets for nothing.
Boucheron: Heh, all right. Count me in.
Kagetsu: Good then! I look forward to our next contest.
Boucheron: I'll be practicing.

B support

Kagetsu: Forgive me for making you wait. I mean no disrespect to our close bond of friendship.
Boucheron: "Close bond"? We've sparred one time.
Kagetsu: There is no greater bond than that of shared experience in battle!
Boucheron: Is that how it works where you're from?
Kagetsu: Of course! It is only natural. Is it different where you are from?
Boucheron: Hm, somewhat.
Kagetsu: Then how do you express bonds of friendship in your lands? Would you like to quiz me?
Boucheron: Quiz you? On what subject?
Kagetsu: No, no. Quiz. When two people press their mouths together. Come, give me a quiz!
Boucheron: A "quiz" when two people press their mouths together... Oh! Do you mean a kiss?
Kagetsu: Yes, yes! That. Come, give me one of those.
Boucheron: I'm afraid not. Kissing is for bonds of romantic love, not friendship.
Kagetsu: Is that so? Cultures of other countries are so foreign to me. Well, enough jokes. Let us begin our sparring!
Boucheron: You were...joking?
Kagetsu: Certainly! Everyone knows that friends do not quiz each other.
Boucheron: Don't toy with me.
Kagetsu: Haha, if you are angry, show it as we fight!
Boucheron: All right, then. If you want the full Boucheron, then that's what I'll give you.
Kagetsu: Ah, there is your war face! Now, come at me!

A support

Kagetsu: Extremely satisfying! Today's sparring was excellent as usual.
Boucheron: Agreed. A few rounds with you is much better than my normal training.
Kagetsu: Agreed. Yes. You know... I feel strong bonds of friendship between us, whether you do as well or not. Even if you do not want to be friends, I am filled with joy merely to be your sparring partner.
Boucheron: Oh, but that's not the case. I want to have a strong bond with you too. So...
Kagetsu: So?
Boucheron: When will you tell me about your homeland? Where I'm from, people usually bond by talking about their lives with each other.
Kagetsu: Hm. Then I shall do exactly that. My home has something we call "wa." People are calm, wise. The fish and rice are delicious.
Boucheron: Ah... What's your family like?
Kagetsu: My royal father has great swordsmanship. My priestess mother has mysterious powers.
Boucheron: Mmm... You must have inherited your skills from your father.
Kagestu: Perhaps...
Boucheron: Do you see your family often?
Kagetsu: No. I abandoned them with my homeland. To put it simply, I was unable to resist my desire to see the world at large.
Boucheron: Do you ever miss them?
Kagetsu: Of course. But I cannot go back as I am. I must return only when I have...grown. I must earn glory and honors here so they will understand why I left. So they will not be angry.
Boucheron: ...
Kagetsu: What is it? Why are you crying?
Boucheron: It struck me while we were sparring... For someone who seems so carefree, you must be carrying a heavy burden.
Kagetsu: No, stop it. You are going to make me cry as well. If we cry together, you will have to quiz me! Take responsibility and quiz me on my lips!
Boucheron: Huh?
Kagetsu: Kiss! Where I am from, when you weep together with someone, you must kiss afterward! Hurry!
Boucheron: What?!
Kagetsu: Haha, only joking, my friend! We are playing around like two dear old pals!
Boucheron: Ah, hahaha! You've got to quit messing with me like that.
Kagetsu: Shall we spar some more? If you defeat me, I will tell you more of my home and past.
Boucheron: Sounds good. And if I yield, I'll tell you something about myself.
Kagetsu: Exciting! Let us begin!


Small portrait kagetsu fe17.png
Support information: Small portrait céline fe17.png
5 support points
10 support points
25 support points
Pact Ring:
Obtain from The Connector, then select

C support

Kagetsu: Well, look what we have here. It is Princess Céline of Firene! I trust you are well today, Princess Céline? Shall we take tea?
Céline: Always brimming with energy, aren't you?
Kagetsu: Naturally! My spirits are constantly rising. I have plenty of cheer to share!
Céline: Unfortunately, I've just come from teatime. But I should be happy to take you up on that offer at a later date.
Kagetsu: That is disappointing. Perhaps you will indulge me in a round of mock combat, then? Exercise is always good just after tea. Come now, show me your skill!
Céline: Hahaha!
Kagetsu: Hm? What is amusing to you?
Céline: One moment you invite me to tea, and the next you challenge me to arms! There aren't many who would behave that way around a princess. You're a funny one.
Kagetsu: Haha! Flattery will not get you anywhere!
Céline: I shall pass on both the tea and the combat, but the two of us must sit and chat sometime.
Kagetsu: Of course! That is what friends do.
Céline: Indeed it is.

B support

Kagetsu: Princess Céline!
Céline: Greetings, Kagetsu.
Kagetsu: Hahaha! I have heard some interesting things. I heard that, despite your royal position, you maintain excellent skill in swordsmanship. This makes me all the more intrigued. Will you indulge me now? I am eager to see your skill.
Céline: I appreciate the spirit of your offer, but I have no desire to fight without good reason.
Kagetsu: Disappointing. Do you feel no desire at all to test your strength?
Céline: I keep myself on form to protect my nation, but I've never sought to train for its own sake.
Kagetsu: To each their own, I suppose. Shall we take tea, at least?
Céline: I would love to. However, I first have some official business to tend to. It's merely a letter I'm composing to send home. Would you mind waiting?
Kagetsu: Princesses lead busy lives, indeed.
Céline: We do. I mustn't shirk my responsibilities.
Kagetsu: Do you not find this life to be constraining? I would not be able to withstand it.
Céline: A princess's life is not without hardship, but I do take a certain joy in it.
Kagetsu: Is that so? I confess, I find it difficult to believe.
Céline: Then the next time we meet, I'll show you exactly where that joy can be found.

A support

Kagetsu: Is this it?
Céline: Yes. This is it.
Kagetsu: I do not understand. How does this painting bring you joy? It is of your kingdom, and it is impressively made, but beyond that I do not see.
Céline: As we discussed, a princess's life is not without its hardships. But I take great joy in the sight of my people living in peace.
Kagetsu: The ones depicted here do seem peaceful and happy, I agree.
Céline: If I can ensure that their lives are tranquil and prosperous, then my own struggles are worth it.
Kagetsu: I see now you carry a deep love of your country.
Céline: I most certainly do!
Kagetsu: I now understand what brings happiness to princesses. For my part, I am much more happy to find opponents who match my skill in battle!
Céline: Oh, yes... You wanted to spar with me. If you ever tried to harm Firene, you would find me to be a terrible and merciless opponent.
Kagetsu: Much as I would like to see you terrible and merciless, I am unwilling to pay that cost.
Céline: Haha, I am relieved to hear it.
Kagetsu: Then if we cannot spar, let us take tea. You always choose excellent leaves.
Céline: That is a much better option. One in which we can remain friends.
Kagetsu: To remain friends is always the goal!


Small portrait kagetsu fe17.png
Support information: Small portrait diamant fe17.png
5 support points
10 support points
25 support points
Pact Ring:
Obtain from The Connector, then select

C support

This section has been marked as a stub. Please help improve the page by adding information.

Kagetsu: Prince Diamant! I must see your skill. Let us duel.

Diamant: A duel? Sounds like fun. I don’t believe we’ve had a proper sparring match yet, have we?

Kagetsu: Ah, you are easy to convince. Good!

Diamant: You like to train, right? I have a pretty rigorous routine myself. I just got done sprinting up and over three local mountains. A duel sounds like a nice cooldown.

Kagetsu: Mountains? Three mountains?

Diamant: All right, Kagetsu. Give me everything you’ve got!

Kagetsu: … I cannot.

Diamant: What? Why?

Kagetsu: Much as I long to challenge you, it would not do to face you in this state. It would not be satisfying to win merely because you are tired.

Diamant: So you won’t challenge me unless I’m fresh out of bed? A win is a win, so let’s duel!

Kagetsu: No, I cannot allow it. I have been to raised to prize honor above victory. That is my homelend’s way. Win or lose, it is essential to uphold standards of dignity and fairness. We must be like cherry blossoms, blooming only at appropriate times.

Diamant: Ah, I see. That is an admirable philosophy. Let’s consider our duel…postponed.

Kagetsu: Thank you. I know it was I who extended this invitation. I appreciate your understanding.

Diamant: I’ll make sure I’m rested and at full strength next time. I won’t hold anything back.

Kagetsu: Excellent! I look forward to this fine contest.

B support

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Kagetsu: We are well matched, Prince Diamant. Your strength is beyond my expectations!

Diamant: You’re not so bad yourself, Kagetsu. You’ll have to keep giving this duel everything you’ve got. I certainly will. So? Do you want to keep going?

Kagetsu: I have fought with all my strength. I am content to leave it here and not push us to exhaustion.

Diamant: Same here. You’re quite an opponent!

Kagetsu: I realize you put much of your valuable time towards this. Thank you.

Diamant: It was fun. We’ll have a rematch soon, right?

Kagetsu: Would you like to?

Diamant: We can’t just let this end in a draw, can we? I’ll warn you…our next battle is going to end very differently. I’ll lay my honor as crown prince on the line and fight until you’re begging for mercy.

Kagetsu: You speak boldly. But I swear by my blade that I shall have victory!

Diamant: Your blade is rather impressive. I can tell you sharpen it often.

Kagetsu: Our swords reflect our souls. I tend to mine each and every day. Yours is majestic and powerful as well.

Diamant: Ah, well… Brodian culture prioritizes strength, so I make sure my sword is a symbol of that. And just like you, I consider it to be more than a simple weapon.

Kagetsu: It is interesting. Out cultures are far apart, and yet this perception of weapons unites us.

Diamant: It’s amazing how well you get to know a person once you start crossing swords with them.

Kagetsu: Knowledge beyond words. I look forward to our next contest.

A support

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Diamant: Another draw. I can’t believe it.

Kagetsu: Nor I. You are much stronger than before. I was certain I would win this time.

Diamant: Same here. You put in some real effort after our last duel, didn’t you?

Kagetsu: A strong opponent provides much motivation to grow. Thank you, Prince Diamant.

Diamant: Is that why you challenged me to begin with? To grow stronger?

Kagetsu: That is part of the reason…but only part. My true interest is learning about the world.

Diamant: How do you mean?

Kagetsu: Custom, ideology, philosophy… There are many differences in other cultures I do not yet grasp. Bit there are many similarities as well—such as our views with regard to swords. I believe, as you do, that crossing swords can teach us more of one another than mere words. That is why I wander in search of strong and interesting opponents.

Diamant: Ahh, so that was your goal… I’m a bit jealous, to be honest. My position often prevents me from traveling on my own terms.

Kagetsu: Perhaps you could experience travel through me. I would be glad to share stories.

Diamant: I’d like that. I do enjoy a good adventure story. Uh… Pardon me.

Kagetsu: Haha, no need to apologize. Our duel has worked you up to hunger! Here, have some onigiri. It is made with rice. Delicious and refreshing.

Diamant: Huh. Odd shape, but food is food. It’s…so sour!

Kagetsu: There are plums inside, dried and salted. Does it not soothe your tired body?

Diamant: It definitely has a kick out of the gate. Hm… I could get used to these.

Kagetsu: Perhaps this could be another frontier for us to explore together, Prince Diamant.

Diamant: Like a meal exchange? Sounds fun. Ket’s put down our swords and load up some plates.


Small portrait kagetsu fe17.png
Support information: Small portrait jade fe17.png
5 support points
10 support points
25 support points
Pact Ring:
Obtain from The Connector, then select

C support

This section has been marked as a stub. Please help improve the page by adding information.

Kagetsu: Jade! Face me! Show me your skill in battle!

Jade: No, thanks. I’ll pass.

Kagetsu: So quick to turn me aside! Why? I have heard your strength has won you tournament victories in Brodia. Such strength is meant to be shown and used. Do not keep it to yourself!

Jade: I didn’t receive orders to engage you. I have no personal grudge against you. Why fight?

Kagetsu: Jade, Jade, Jade. You disappoint me! What I hear of your skill is so exciting! Please, I must see it for myself! How can I earn the favor of this bout? I will do anything you ask.

Jade: Anything? In that case…Would you be willing to answer a few personal questions before we battle?

Kagetsu: Heh, easily. May I ask why?

Jade: I need to round out a character for a new book I’m outlining. You can help me fill in the gaps.

Kagetsu: I need only talk about myself?

Jade: That’s right. And it sounds like we have a deal.

B support

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A support

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Small portrait kagetsu fe17.png
Support information: Small portrait ivy fe17.png
5 support points
10 support points
25 support points
Pact Ring:
Obtain from The Connector, then select

C support

This section has been marked as a stub. Please help improve the page by adding information.

B support

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A support

This section has been marked as a stub. Please help improve the page by adding information.


Small portrait kagetsu fe17.png
Support information: Small portrait zelkov fe17.png
5 support points
10 support points
25 support points
Pact Ring:
Obtain from The Connector, then select

C support

This section has been marked as a stub. Please help improve the page by adding information.

B support

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A support

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Small portrait kagetsu fe17.png
Support information: Small portrait bunet fe17.png
5 support points
10 support points
20 support points
Pact Ring:
Obtain from The Connector, then select

C support

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B support

This section has been marked as a stub. Please help improve the page by adding information.

A support

This section has been marked as a stub. Please help improve the page by adding information.


Small portrait kagetsu fe17.png
Support information: Small portrait merrin fe17.png
5 support points
10 support points
25 support points
Pact Ring:
Obtain from The Connector, then select

C support

This section has been marked as a stub. Please help improve the page by adding information.

B support

This section has been marked as a stub. Please help improve the page by adding information.

A support

This section has been marked as a stub. Please help improve the page by adding information.


Small portrait kagetsu fe17.png
Support information: Small portrait seadall fe17.png
3 support points
9 support points
18 support points
Pact Ring:
Obtain from The Connector, then select

C support

This section has been marked as a stub. Please help improve the page by adding information.

B support

This section has been marked as a stub. Please help improve the page by adding information.

A support

This section has been marked as a stub. Please help improve the page by adding information.