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The Future Past 1

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The Future Past 1


Outrealms (Alternate Plegia)



A world in which the ancient fell dragon has been revived, causing untold chaos. All hope for the future rests upon the shoulders of 12 valiant children—an exalted princess and 11 others born with the power to alter their destinies. However, without intervention, these 12 children will most certainly die.
— Naga

The Future Past 1 is a downloadable content xenologue chapter in Fire Emblem Awakening. As a xenologue chapter, it does not officially bear a chapter number; if all xenologues are purchased and its list is viewed at the Outrealm Gate, The Future Past 1 is the twenty-second one from the top in the North American version of the game. Officially in Japan and unofficially in North America, The Future Past 1 is part of the second series of DLC releases, a distinction that does not exist in the PAL regions.

This chapter was first made available on October 4, 2012 in Japan, May 9, 2013 in North America, and June 6-7 in the PAL regions.

In this chapter, Naga tasks the Shepherds into protecting four children in a bleak future in their quest to deliver two Gemstones to their princess from suffering a grisly end. As it turns out, the Outrealm where this bleak future takes place in is an alternate version of the Ylissean world, and the children tasked to be protected are four girls familiar to the Shepherds.


Main article: The Future Past 1/Script
See also: The Future Past 1/Conversations
Note: Any mention of Cynthia, Kjelle, Noire, or Nah in the below plot refer to the NPC versions of those characters native to the Outrealm of the Future Past chapters.

Having arrived in a new intermediate Outrealm, Chrom asks the Shepherds where they are, and that there's something different about this area; Naga appears silently, which startles Chrom into asking Naga how she's here. Naga notes that the Shepherds have arrived at last and reveals it was she who summoned them; Chrom asks Naga why she summoned the Shepherds, to which Naga states that a world stands on the brink of demise but she has no power there to save it--only those with the power to cross time and space can reach that world in its hour of need, only warriors such as the Shepherds. Chrom asks Naga what kind of world could possibly be beyond her power, to which Naga states it to be a world where the ancient fell dragon has been revived causing untold chaos, where all hope for the future rests upon the shoulders of twelve valiant children--an exalted princess and eleven others born with the power to alter their destinies; however, without intervention, these twelve children will most certainly die--Chrom asks Naga if what she just said is really true, to which Naga asks Chrom to hear her out. Four children obtain Gules and Azure, but are annhilated before they can bear it home; four more obtain Argent and Sable, only to expire in sight of their country's border; three manage to successfully deliver Vert and the Fire Emblem to the princess, but all four of them are slain soon after. Chrom asks who saves the world, to which Naga states none do--it sinks, unresisting, into shadow and finally fades into oblivion, the inexorable destiny of that world; Naga states that some destinies are too cruel, and so she sought help, beseeching the Shepherds into intervening--to change what cannot be changed without them. Chrom states that the Shepherds would never turn their backs on those in need so long as the power to help them is theirs, and that goes for their world and any other--even if their hopes are as thin as Naga says; Naga thanks Chrom, and states she shall send the Shepherds to the brink, the moment in time before the destination world falls. Naga asks the Shepherds to find the four children with Gules and Azure and see them through their task, to which Chrom states they will; Naga then states her final counsel, the destination world the Shepherds are about to visit bears a great resembelance to their own, and they may encounter people they know or love--and if they do, to fight by their sides, as that will give them great courage and strength. Naga sends the Shepherds off, stating that she knows destiny can yet be reshaped by their hands. Preparations take place at this point.

If Chapter 13 has been completed, Lucina states that the situation before her cannot be; Chrom asks Lucina what's wrong, to which Lucina states that this Outrealm is just like her original future where she came from, stating that everything's so similar. Chrom asks Lucina if she's certain, to which Lucina states she could never forget that enmity in the air, like the fell dragon threatens to crush them with every breath; Lucina states that she fears the Shepherds made a terrible error, she barely escaped her original future with her life and asks how she could have brought Chrom to this place. Chrom tells Lucina to calm down, the Shepherds chose to come to this Outrealm and he thinks it's a good thing they did; Lucina tells Chrom he could die, to which Chrom states he knows, but he also knows Lucina survived a world of death just like this one and came to the Shepherds--she braved it all so she might change the Shepherds' future. Lucina tries to get a word in, while Chrom tells Lucina to put herself in his position--he couldn't protect her in her original future, but in this version of the future, it's like the Lucina of this world is getting a second chance; even if the two Lucinas aren't the same, Chrom needs this catharsis--and for once, he'll be able to say he was there to keep her safe. Lucina asks what the point would be if Chrom ends up dead, to which Chrom promises Lucina he won't die here--he's got two worlds to save now and he intends to get the job done; Lucina tries to get a word in, while Chrom tells her that sometimes she just has to have faith and asks her if he'd lie to her, which Lucina denies. Lucina tells Chrom she believes him, she knows he'll do whatever it takes to save the people of this world; Chrom states that's more like it, then calls the Shepherds to find the children.

Over in a set of room corners where the group of children are trapped, Noire states that they're surrounded and that this is the end, with Nah stating that after all they've suffered to claim Gules and Azure, they'll never even get them home; Cynthia asks Noire and Nah what they're saying, that they have to stay strong--a true hero knows it's always darkest just before the dawn, and they're just building up to the big comeback, asking Kjelle if she's right. Kjelle states this talk is a bit premature, as their defeat isn't inevitable yet--she can't count how many times they've faced certain death since coming to Plegia, yet every time the four of them managed to make it out alive; surrounded or not, they can't fall where they are, and especially not to chumps like they're facing, to which Cynthia states that if they all work together, the fiends won't stand a chance--justice will not be denied. Noire asks what's going on, she's never seen Risen move like the ones in the area are; the Risen move the girls into different corners of their rooms, separating them, to which Cynthia asks how the Risen separated them so easily. Cynthia then asks one of the Risen to get back and not to touch her lance--it belonged to her mother and it means everything to her, telling the Risen it has to give it back to her; Cynthia tells the Risen it can take anything from her but the lance. Nah states that one of the Risen got her dragonstone and asks how she's supposed to fight now, asking the Risen to give it back and it doesn't belong to it; Noire states that the Risen were lying in wait for them, that they must have known the girls would try to resist, and they even got her talisman, stating that the situation really is hopeless. Kjelle asks the Risen to get away from her, asking them if they really need two of them to disarm one of her, then states of course they do--the Risen would never stand a chance of defeating her in a fair fight; Cynthia states that the girls can't fight the Risen like they are now, and states that the flames are spreading fast, asking everyone to find a way to break through and regroup. Before Cynthia can reveal where the girls are to regroup, barricades rise; Cynthia notices the barricades and states the Risen have to be kidding her, that the girls will never regroup now. Nah states that this is indeed the end, they've got no cards left to play, asking the Risen if they plan to kill them to just get on with it, she had made peace with that the day they left Ylisse; Cynthia asks Nah what she's saying and states they can't give up, then asks about the five Gemstones--they'll never get them all if they quit now, and if they can't perform the Awakening, the entire world is doomed. Nah asks Cynthia if she or any of them doesn't already know all of that--she doesn't want to die in this place, but she doesn't see many other options; she then asks Cynthia if she honestly thinks somebody's going to swoop in and rescue them, that some great warrior is going to appear and spout one of Cynthia's heroic introductions. Cynthia is at a loss for words, to which Nah says she knows what Cynthia's feeling--when things get bad, she's the same way, and that she prays that somehow Naga will hear her pleas and come to her rescue, that she'll hear her voice whispering in her ear and then suddenly everything will be okay, yet even after all they've been through, Nah states she's never heard Naga's voice even once; Nah states it's time to face the music, there's just no such thing as miracles. After a silent reaction from Cynthia, Nah asks her to listen, apologizing to her and stating she didn't want her last words to her to be angry ones, and even after everything that's happened, she's still so glad she met all of them; thanking the other girls for everything, Nah states that maybe they'll be reborn into a kinder world and they can all meet again one day. Cynthia asks Nah not to say good-bye, that there's still a chance; Noire states that she has also been privileged to have known them all--she'd have been so lost without them; she then apologizes for being a pessimist, but states that she never gave up hope--she always knew in her heart that as long as she had the others, they'd make it through, but it just wasn't meant to be, this time they truly are finished. Noire states she supposes she'll never know what it means to lead a normal, happy teenage life--and she'll stop here, as it gets harder as she says more; Cynthia asks Noire to snap out of it, that she knows she can't stand to see her like that. Kjelle states it's been an honor to fight beside the other girls, and that she was a little worried at first, yet the others proved stronger and braver she expected--they always had her back, and it got to the point where she honestly thought the four of them would never be defeated; Kjelle states that, this time, she just doesn't see a way out, and she hates to pass the duty onto the others, hoping they're still alive--they maybe could figure out a way to save the world without the two Gemstones their group has. Kjelle states that, if she's going to die here, she'd at least like to die with some small shred of hope, a hope that somehow, some way, the good guys could still win; Cynthia states that Kjelle's probably right, without weapons, the girls have no hope of fighting through this situation--it pains her to say it, but she states she thinks she's not going to be able to save them after all. Cynthia says that doesn't mean she's giving up--they can't die in this place under these circumstances, they have to take the gemstones back, they have to defeat Grima, they have to fulfill their dream of bringing peace back to the world; she states she believes there's still some way out of this situation, that there's still some way to get home, and maybe Nah's right and there is no such things as miracles, and perhaps the gods don't exist at all, but she's praying all the same. Cynthia then asks the gods that, if they're out there, to send the girls a miracle. The battle finally begins at this point; before the player can take any action, however, the game takes time to state that, if blood relatives wait near the green units, they will sometimes trigger special conversations.

If the player lets certain units wait near the NPC characters, special conversations can trigger. The units that can speak to the NPC units are the playable versions of the same units, as well as that character's parents. Both genders of Robin also have special conversations should they attack the chapter's boss, although the female Avatar has the more detailed conversation since the boss is a corrupted version of her son.

Once the battle ends, if any of the children native to this chapter were spoken to, they will each deliver a monologue. Once the monologues are finished, Cynthia thanks the gods that the other girls are okay, to which Kjelle states that she'd made peace with death yet the Shepherds saved them--then asks where the Shepherds went, having just been there a moment ago; Cynthia tries to point out where the Shepherds are, only to herself notice them gone, disappeared without saying a word, talking about heroic departures. Noire states she never got a chance to thank the Shepherds, as if they hadn't shown up, they'd all be dead by now, prompting a reaction from Cynthia; Nah tells Cynthia she owes her an apology for insistng there was no such thing as miracles--she'd never truly believed in miracles before, but for lack of another term to describe what happened, the events were an honest-to-gods miracle, and Naga must have been touched by Cynthia's unyielding faith. Nah even states she heard Naga's voice tell her not to give up--it was a faint whisper from far away, but enough to make her believe again that gods do exist, miracles do happen, and even this world can be saved; Cynthia states that this world definitely can be saved, and they're going to do such a number on Grima, then finally see what it's like to lead normal, happy lives for a change--recalling Noire said that's what she wanted, to which Noire agrees. Noire states that she can't help to be more optimistic to think that day might actually come after what they just witnessed; Kjelle asks everyone to slow down and not get spoiled by what happened--the gods aren't going to bail them out every time they run into trouble, and asks the others to not count on miracles, that they need to get back to relying on their combat potential. Noire asks Kjelle if she wasn't just the one saluting their unexpected strength and bravery, to which Kjelle states she was blowing smoke to make them all feel better--she thought they were going to die, and they were supposed to say stuff like that; Noire states she'll forget that ever happened, to which Kjelle agrees. Cynthia asks Kjelle if she's back in drill-sergeant mode already, and that means the party's over, calling the girls onward to Ylisse--Lucina's probably scowling at her pocket watch as they speak; Nah states that the sooner they get back, the sooner they can perform the Awakening, with Noire hoping everyone else is okay and asking if they made it back safely, with Kjelle stating that the others are fine yet probably getting tired of waiting on them. Noire asks Kjelle if she thinks they're the last ones and that they'd better get moving, to which Kjelle asks her not to run ahead, it's not safe--being saved by a miracle doesn't mean they can't foolishly get themselves killed; Nah notes that Noire's run off half-cocked again, stating she'll go into dragon form and catch her, to which Cynthia states is probably for the best. Nah states she'll see them in a bit, to which Cynthia notes that day was hectic, yet they're safe now and hopefully the rest of the crew is as well; Cynthia thanks the Shepherds, that they've taught them to never give up hope.

Back in the intermediate Outrealm, Chrom and Naga have once again gathered; Naga thanks the Shepherds on a job well done, those four children have eluded a terrible end because of their efforts, and she is now certain they will make it home with Gemstones in hand, to which Chrom states is encouraging to hear; Naga tells Chrom that hope for their future still hangs by a thread, as Gules and Azure are but two of the Gemstones--the others, and the Fire Emblem, must also reach the princess, otherwise the children's struggles will be for naught. Chrom asks Naga to tell him what to do, to which Naga states she knew she could rely on Chrom; when she must again call upon the Shepherds to protect that world from encroaching darkness, she knows they will not fail.

In the ruined alternate version of Ylisstol Castle, that world's version of Lucina states they've lost a lot of soldiers, with every day getting a little worse for them while the Risen only grow stronger; Lucina asks if they're simply postponing their demise, as the castle defenses are weakening and she needs her friends here asking them to find the Gemstones. That world's version of Tiki, arriving on the scene, asks Lucina if something ails her, that she looks troubled; Lucina tells Tiki she was lost in thought and asks what she's doing in this area--she thought Tiki had taken refuge on Mount Prism, to which Tiki reveals Mount Prism fell to Risen less than a week ago, shocking Lucina given how that area was heavily defended. Tiki thanks Lucina for heavily defending Mount Prism--had she not dispatched some of her finest soldiers, she and the Ylisseans in her company might never have made it this far, not that the Ylisseans didn't suffer their share of casualties; Lucina apologizes, as she thought Mount Prism would for sure keep Tiki safe. Tiki asks Lucina where the other children are, to which Lucina reveals they're in Plegia; Tiki says there's no place more dangerous, and starts to ask why Lucina would send the children to Plegia, only to realize Lucina intends to perform the Awakening, to which Lucina confirms. Lucina states that, to defeat Grima, they must return the five Gemstones to the Fire Emblem, yet all have fallen into Plegia's hands--hence she sent the others to find them; Tiki notices it grieves Lucina that she could not join them, but states she was wise to remain in Ylisse--only one of exalted blood can perform the Awakening, and if any harm befell Lucina, their efforts would be for naught. Tiki states Lucina belongs someplace safe, or at least less perilous if "safe" is too strong a word; Lucina states it's been too long, asking if the Risen have already gotten to the others, saying she needs to be prepared for the worst. Tiki tells Lucina the others will make it back, as she heard the Plegians keep the Gemstones and Fire Emblem in separate, secret places--the others will need time to complete their mission, and Lucina needs to have faith; Lucina states she knows and will try to banish these ill thoughts, with Tiki stating that's the strong Lucina she knows--she states she can help defend Ylisse until the others return, then tells Lucina to look out, appearing to take a hit meant for Lucina. Lucina cries out toward Tiki; shortly afterward, a hooded figure, possibly Grima in his/her untransformed hierophant form, appears on the scene, which Tiki notices and asks how he/she got inside Ylisstol. Tiki tells Lucina to run as fast as she can, then collapses afterward; Lucina again cries out toward Tiki.

Website summary

American: Visit an Outrealm world where history took a different turn. In this world of despair, the children's lives are about to end.[1]
European: Visit an Outrealm world where history has taken a different turn. In this world of despair, the lives of our heroes' children are about to come to an end…

North American eShop summary

Rescue Cynthia, Kjelle, Noire, and Nah in this bleak tale from an alternate future.

Chapter data

Chapter Data
Unit Data
Victory: Rout the enemy. Player Partner Other Enemy
Defeat: Chrom or the Avatar die. 14 {{{partner}}} 4 41+22
Difficulty rating: ★★★★
Map dimensions:
19 columns by 19 rows
Block sizes:
Japan: ??
North America: 46
PAL region: 48
Map phase music: "Chaos", originating in the base game
Battle phase music: "Annihilation", originating in the base game
Boss music: "Id (Hope)", originating in this DLC set
Note: Most DLC chapters are known to have flaws with their music system that may cause their normal music to not play. It is unknown if this chapter has those flaws due to all music used in this chapter already existing in the vanilla Awakening game to begin with.
Japan: ¥250
United States: $3.00
Europe: €2.49
United Kingdom: £2.29
Australia: $3.25
New Zealand: $4.25
Also available in: Future Past Pack

United States: $6.50
Europe: €5.99
United Kingdom: £5.39
Australia: $7.80
New Zealand: $10.20

Character data

New units


Available characters
Chrom l ​Avatar f-default ​Lissa ​Frederick ​Sully ​Virion ​Stahl ​Vaike ​Miriel ​Sumia ​Kellam ​Lon'qu ​

Note: The returning characters list represents the minimum characterbase recruitable by the point the player can first access the Outrealm Gate. If more chapters along the main story path are cleared, or if any paralogues are cleared, the player can have access to characters not listed here by the point the chapter is first started. As bonus units are recruitable at the player's discretion, the returning characters list does not list them either.

Item data

Name Obtainment Method
Is 3ds01 outrealm item.png Random Left of the two chests
Is 3ds01 outrealm item.png Random Right of the two chests
The items obtainable from both chests are subject to restrictions.

Event tiles

There are no event tiles in this chapter.

Enemy data

Normal Hard Lunatic

Enemy Units
Name Class Lv # Inventory and Skills Notes
Ma 3ds01 general risen enemy.gif
Risen General 20 9 Is 3ds01 spear.png Spear
Is 3ds01 defense +2.png Defense +2Is 3ds01 pavise.png Pavise
Is 3ds01 indoor fighter.png Indoor FighterIs 3ds01 rally defense.png Rally Defense
Will always have top row's skills; can have 0-1 more skill(s) at random
Ma 3ds01 war monk risen enemy.gif
Risen War Monk 20 2 Is 3ds01 silver axe.png Silver Axe
Is 3ds01 vantage.png VantageIs 3ds01 miracle.png Miracle
Is 3ds01 resistance +2.png Resistance +2Is 3ds01 healtouch.png HealtouchIs 3ds01 rally luck.png Rally LuckIs 3ds01 renewal.png Renewal
Will always have top row's skills; can have 0-1 more skill(s) at random
Ma 3ds01 knight risen enemy.gif
Risen Knight 15 2 Is 3ds01 short spear.png Short Spear
Is 3ds01 defense +2.png Defense +2Is 3ds01 pavise.png Pavise
Cornering Cynthia.
Ma 3ds01 mercenary risen enemy.gif
Risen Mercenary 15 2 Is 3ds01 steel sword.png Steel Sword
Is 3ds01 vantage.png VantageIs 3ds01 miracle.png Miracle
Cornering Noire
Ma 3ds01 revenant enemy.gif
Risen Revenant 15 2 Is 3ds01 blighted claws.png Blighted Claws
Is 3ds01 renewal.png RenewalIs 3ds01 miracle.png Miracle
Cornering Nah.
Ma 3ds01 barbarian risen enemy.gif
Risen Barbarian 15 2 Is 3ds01 short axe.png Short Axe
Is 3ds01 hp +5.png HP +5Is 3ds01 wrath.png Wrath
Cornering Kjelle.
Ma 3ds01 sniper risen enemy.gif
Risen Sniper 20 2 Is 3ds01 silver bow.png Silver BowIs 3ds01 longbow.png Longbow
Is 3ds01 skill +2.png Skill +2Is 3ds01 prescience.png Prescience
Is 3ds01 hit rate +20.png Hit Rate +20
Will always have top row's skills; can have 0-1 more skill(s) at random
Ma 3ds01 swordmaster risen enemy.gif
Risen Swordmaster 20 3 Is 3ds01 silver sword.png Silver Sword
Is 3ds01 avoid +10.png Avoid +10Is 3ds01 astra.png Astra
Is 3ds01 vantage.png Vantage
Will always have top row's skills; can have 0-1 more skill(s) at random
Ma 3ds01 swordmaster risen enemy.gif
Risen Swordmaster 20 1 Is 3ds01 killing edge.png Killing Edge
Is 3ds01 avoid +10.png Avoid +10Is 3ds01 astra.png Astra
Is 3ds01 vantage.png Vantage
Will always have top row's skills; can have 0-1 more skill(s) at random
Ma 3ds01 trickster risen enemy.gif
Risen Trickster 20 3 Is 3ds01 silver sword.png Silver Sword
Is 3ds01 lucky seven.png Lucky SevenIs 3ds01 pass.png Pass
Is 3ds01 movement +1.png Movement +1
Will always have top row's skills; can have 0-1 more skill(s) at random
Ma 3ds01 berserker risen enemy.gif
Risen Berserker 20 3 Is 3ds01 tomahawk.png Tomahawk
Is 3ds01 hp +5.png HP +5Is 3ds01 wrath.png Wrath
Is 3ds01 gamble.png Gamble
Will always have top row's skills; can have 0-1 more skill(s) at random
Ma 3ds01 warrior risen enemy.gif
Risen Warrior 20 2 Is 3ds01 silver bow.png Silver Bow
Is 3ds01 axefaire.png Axefaire
Is 3ds01 gamble.png GambleIs 3ds01 hp +5.png HP +5Is 3ds01 zeal.png ZealIs 3ds01 rally strength.png Rally Strength
Will always have Axefaire; can have 0-1 more skill(s) at random
Ma 3ds01 berserker risen enemy.gif
Risen Berserker 20 1 Is 3ds01 killer axe.png Killer Axe
Is 3ds01 hp +5.png HP +5Is 3ds01 wrath.png Wrath
Is 3ds01 gamble.png Gamble
Will always have top row's skills; can have 0-1 more skill(s) at random
Ma 3ds01 berserker risen enemy.gif
Risen Berserker 20 2 Is 3ds01 silver axe.png Silver Axe
Is 3ds01 hp +5.png HP +5Is 3ds01 wrath.png Wrath
Is 3ds01 gamble.png Gamble
Will always have top row's skills; can have 0-1 more skill(s) at random
Ma 3ds01 warrior risen enemy.gif
Risen Warrior 20 1 Is 3ds01 silver axe.png Silver Axe
Is 3ds01 axefaire.png Axefaire
Is 3ds01 gamble.png GambleIs 3ds01 hp +5.png HP +5Is 3ds01 zeal.png ZealIs 3ds01 rally strength.png Rally Strength
Will always have Axefaire; can have 0-1 more skill(s) at random
Ma 3ds01 swordmaster risen enemy.gif
Risen Swordmaster 20 1 Is 3ds01 brave sword.png Brave Sword
Is 3ds01 avoid +10.png Avoid +10Is 3ds01 astra.png Astra
Is 3ds01 vantage.png Vantage
Will always have top row's skills; can have 0-1 more skill(s) at random
Ma 3ds01 sage risen enemy.gif
Risen Sage 20 1 Is 3ds01 thoron.png Thoron
Is 3ds01 magic +2.png Magic +2Is 3ds01 focus.png Focus
Is 3ds01 rally magic.png Rally Magic
Will always have top row's skills; can have 0-1 more skill(s) at random
Ma 3ds01 sage risen enemy.gif
Risen Sage 20 1 Is 3ds01 rexcalibur.png Rexcalibur
Is 3ds01 magic +2.png Magic +2Is 3ds01 focus.png Focus
Is 3ds01 rally magic.png Rally Magic
Will always have top row's skills; can have 0-1 more skill(s) at random
Ma 3ds01 sorcerer enemy.gif
??? Sorcerer 20 1 Is 3ds01 goetia.png Goetia
Is 3ds01 anathema.png AnathemaIs 3ds01 counter.png Counter
Leaves the map if Robin has a conversation with him.
Name Class Lv # Inventory and Skills Notes
Ma 3ds01 sage risen enemy.gif
Risen Sage 20 5 Is 3ds01 bolganone.png Bolganone
Is 3ds01 magic +2.png Magic +2Is 3ds01 focus.png Focus
Is 3ds01 rally magic.png Rally Magic
Will always have top row's skills; can have 0-1 more skill(s) at random
Ma 3ds01 sage risen enemy.gif
Risen Sage 20 2 Is 3ds01 rexcalibur.png Rexcalibur
Is 3ds01 magic +2.png Magic +2Is 3ds01 focus.png Focus
Is 3ds01 rally magic.png Rally Magic
Will always have top row's skills; can have 0-1 more skill(s) at random
Ma 3ds01 sorcerer risen enemy.gif
Risen Sorcerer 20 2 Is 3ds01 waste.png WasteIs 3ds01 mire.png Mire
Is 3ds01 vengeance.png Vengeance
Is 3ds01 hex.png HexIs 3ds01 anathema.png Anathema
Will always have Vengeance; can have 0-1 more skill(s) at random
Ma 3ds01 trickster risen enemy.gif
Risen Trickster 20 4 Is 3ds01 silver sword.png Silver SwordIs 3ds01 door key.png Door Key
Is 3ds01 lucky seven.png Lucky SevenIs 3ds01 pass.png Pass
Is 3ds01 movement +1.png Movement +1
Will always have top row's skills; can have 0-1 more skill(s) at random
Ma 3ds01 sage risen enemy.gif
Risen Sage 20 3 Is 3ds01 thoron.png Thoron
Is 3ds01 magic +2.png Magic +2Is 3ds01 focus.png Focus
Is 3ds01 rally magic.png Rally Magic
Will always have top row's skills; can have 0-1 more skill(s) at random
Ma 3ds01 sorcerer risen enemy.gif
Risen Sorcerer 20 1 Is 3ds01 nosferatu.png NosferatuIs 3ds01 mire.png Mire
Is 3ds01 vengeance.png Vengeance
Is 3ds01 hex.png HexIs 3ds01 anathema.png Anathema
Will always have Vengeance; can have 0-1 more skill(s) at random
Ma 3ds01 swordmaster risen enemy.gif
Risen Swordmaster 20 1 Is 3ds01 silver sword.png Silver Sword
Is 3ds01 avoid +10.png Avoid +10Is 3ds01 astra.png Astra
Is 3ds01 vantage.png Vantage
Will always have top row's skills; can have 0-1 more skill(s) at random
Ma 3ds01 warrior risen enemy.gif
Risen Warrior 20 4 Is 3ds01 silver bow.png Silver BowIs 3ds01 silver axe.png Silver Axe
Is 3ds01 axefaire.png Axefaire
Is 3ds01 gamble.png GambleIs 3ds01 hp +5.png HP +5Is 3ds01 zeal.png ZealIs 3ds01 rally strength.png Rally Strength
Will always have Axefaire; can have 0-1 more skill(s) at random


NPC data

NPC Units
Name Class Lv # Inventory and Skills Notes
Ma 3ds01 falcon knight cynthia other.gif
Cynthia Falcon Knight 1 1 Is 3ds01 elixir.png ElixirIs 3ds01 elixir.png Elixir
Is 3ds01 speed +2.png Speed +2Is 3ds01 relief.png ReliefIs 3ds01 outrealm skill.png VariesIs 3ds01 outrealm skill.png Varies
Cornered by Knights behind a locked door.
Ma 3ds01 sniper noire other.gif
Noire Sniper 1 1 Is 3ds01 elixir.png Elixir
Is 3ds01 skill +2.png Skill +2Is 3ds01 prescience.png PrescienceIs 3ds01 outrealm skill.png VariesIs 3ds01 outrealm skill.png Varies
Cornered by Mercenaries behind a locked door.
Ma 3ds01 manakete nah other.gif
Nah Manakete 2 1 Is 3ds01 elixir.png Elixir
Is 3ds01 odd rhythm.png Odd RhythmIs 3ds01 outrealm skill.png VariesIs 3ds01 outrealm skill.png Varies
Cornered by Revenants behind a locked door.
Ma 3ds01 general other.gif
Kjelle General 1 1 Is 3ds01 elixir.png Elixir
Is 3ds01 defense +2.png Skill +2Is 3ds01 indoor fighter.png Indoor FighterIs 3ds01 outrealm skill.png VariesIs 3ds01 outrealm skill.png Varies
Cornered by Barbarians behind a locked door.
Name Class Lv # Inventory and Skills Notes
Note: Normal inheritance rules apply to the variable skills. Skills are determined at the point the preparations phase is reached.

Boss data

Main article: ???

Normal Hard Lunatic

Small portrait fp1 boss fe13.png
Level 20
Movement 6
Max HP 63 Speed 29
Strength 12 Luck 13
Magic 36 Defense 27
Skill 29 Resistance 37
Inventory Skills
Is 3ds01 goetia.png Goetia Is 3ds01 anathema.png Anathema
Is 3ds01 counter.png Counter
Weapon Levels
Swords -- Lances -- Axes --
Bows -- Tomes A Staves --


This section details unofficial strategies that may help with completion of the chapter. This may not work for everybody.

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At the start of turn 8, all doors will open by themselves.


  • It is implied that all three maps in the Future Past Pack take place in the same Outrealm, despite the bosses of both this chapter and The Future Past 2 not being able to coexist in normal circumstances.
  • This chapter is one of three Awakening DLC chapters that prohibit Rescue staff usage, the others being Five-Anna Firefight and The Future Past 2.
  • If this map is started before beating Chapter 13, Lucina's lines will not be seen and the map will start at the center instead of her lines.

Etymology and other languages

Names, etymology, and in other regions
Language Name Definition, etymology, and notes

The Future Past 1


Futuro anteriore 1

"Future perfect 1". The "future perfect" is a verb form used to reference to an event happening before a time of reference in the future. Also literally translates to "Prior future 1".


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Fire Emblem Awakening
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Background characters First exaltKe'riMarth
DLC characters AlmCatriaCelicaEirikaEldiganElinciaEphraimEstIkeKatarinaLeifLynPrince MarthMicaiahPallaRoySeliph
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Chapters Main story Pm: Invisible Ties • P: The Verge of History • 1: Unwelcome Change • 2: Shepherds • 3: Warrior Realm • 4: Two Falchions • 5: The Exalt and the King • 6: Foreseer • 7: Incursion • 8: The Grimleal • 9: Emmeryn • 10: Renewal • 11: Mad King Gangrel • 12: The Seacomers • 13: Of Sacred Blood • 14: Flames on the Blue • 15: Smoldering Resistance • 16: Naga's Voice • 17: Inexorable Death • 18: Sibling Blades • 19: The Conqueror • 20: The Sword or the Knee • 21: Five Gemstones • 22: An Ill Presage • 23: Invisible Ties • 24: Awakening • 25: To Slay a GodE: Grima
Paralogues 1: Sickle to Sword • 2: The Secret Seller • 3: A Strangled Peace • 4: Anna the Merchant • 5: Scion of Legend • 6: A Man for Flowers • 7: Noble Lineage • 8: A Duel Disgraced • 9: Wings of Justice • 10: Ambivalence • 11: Twin Wyverns • 12: Disowned by Time • 13: Rival Bands • 14: Shadow in the Sands • 15: A Shot from the Dark • 16: Daughter to Dragons • 17: The Threat of Silence • 18: The Dead King's Lament • 19: Irreconcilable Paths • 20: A Hard Miracle • 21: Ghost of a Blade • 22: The Wellspring of Truth • 23: The Radiant Hero
Xenologues Champions of Yore 1Champions of Yore 2Champions of Yore 3The Golden GaffeEXPonential GrowthInfinite RegaliaLost Bloodlines 1Lost Bloodlines 2Lost Bloodlines 3Smash Brethren 1Smash Brethren 2Smash Brethren 3Rogues & Redeemers 1Rogues & Redeemers 2Rogues & Redeemers 3Death's EmbraceFive-Anna FirefightRoster RescueHarvest ScrambleSummer ScrambleHot-Spring ScrambleThe Future Past 1The Future Past 2The Future Past 3Apotheosis
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