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This page contains all data pertaining to Basilio's supports in Fire Emblem Awakening.

Avatar (M)

C Support

Avatar: Ah, Basilio. Hello.

Basilio: Greetings, Avatar. What can I do for you?

Avatar: I wanted to ask you something about your days as the reigning khan. Is it true you used to leave the castle and strike out on journeys?

Basilio: Aye, that I did, when the mood took me! Why, do you think it foolhardy for a ruler to venture outside his castle walls?

Avatar: Of course I do! Even if your post was only temporary, you were lord of the realm. What if you were to run into trouble?

Basilio: IF? Bwa ha ha! Oh, my boy! Khan Regnant Basilio ALWAYS ran into trouble! And he always made it home in one piece.

Avatar: You can't be serious!

Basilio: Well, I'm sure as hell not making it up for YOUR benefit!

Avatar: No, of course not. It's just that... Well, I'm flabbergasted, truth be told.

Basilio: Pah, it wasn't any momentous event. I often went roamin' by myself, in fact.

Avatar: Alone?! Without even the kingsguard?! What fools allowed you to take such risks?! If I'd been on your council, I would never have permitted you to wander off like that!

Basilio: That's exactly what my counselors said. ...So I never told 'em I was going! Ha!

Avatar: You left without an escort AND without telling the council where you were going?!

Basilio: It wasn't easy, mind. I had to pull a few tricks.

Avatar: Tricks?

Basilio: Yep. Come here, lean in close... *whisper, whisper*

Avatar: No! Really?! With THAT? You're pulling my leg!

Basilio: Keep your voice down, fool!

Avatar: Oh, right. Sorry. But...

Basilio: A man can solve most any problem, so long as he's willing to think around corners. Remember that, Avatar, when you get lost in your maps and dusty old books! BWAAA HA HA!

Avatar: ...Was that a joke? I don't get it?

B Support

Avatar: Basilio?

Basilio: Oh-ho! Avatar strikes again! What can I do for you?

Avatar: I was thinking about your clandestine adventures when something struck me... How did you pay for all the costs? You'd have inns, provisions, horses...

Basilio: Easy! I'd hire myself out as a sellsword or join a traveling theater troupe.

Avatar: ...The reigning khan was consorting onstage with ACTORS?!

Basilio: Would've been hell to pay if I were caught, but looking back now, it just seems funny! Remind me to tell you about a little mishap with a cat and a sandbag! Bwaaa ha ha!

Avatar: Yes, I'm sure it was a laugh riot.

Basilio: Gods, but I miss my travelin' days. I grew so bored sitting in that drafty castle... Sometimes, a man needs spice in his life! A mug in his hand, a lady on his arm... Sure wouldn't kill you to let your hair down occasionally, Avatar!

Avatar: I am the tactician for an entire army. I don't have time for solo adventures.

Basilio: No, I suppose not. Especially with this blasted war dragging on.

Avatar: Exactly. I'm glad you appreciate–

Basilio: So what about a woman? You've got time for that, surely?

Avatar: Good heavens!

Basilio: Heh heh. Come now, boy! Don't tell me it hasn't crossed your mind. There're some fine ladies in this army, no? Surely one or two of them tickle your fancy.

Avatar: Well, I... That is to say... We are not having this conversation! I have vital matters of strategy to ponder.

Basilio: Don't get testy with me now, boy! Especially not when I'm about to share my fail-proof tip for meeting ladies...

Avatar: ...I really should get back.

Basilio: Hush now, and lean in close! It's all about... *whisper, whisper*

Avatar: N-no! Really?! That actually works?!

Basilio: Ha ha ha! Well, I'll leave the rest to you and your imagination. Good luck!

Avatar: It truly frightens me to think that man once led an entire nation.

A Support

Basilio: Ahoy there, Avatar!

Avatar: Ah, Basilio.

Basilio: I bet you haven't pulled your nose out of those tactical plans since we last spoke.

Avatar: Yes, Well, I'm afraid I haven't had much time for jollying around.

Basilio: Pah. You're wound up so tight it's a wonder your arse doesn't explode! Still, you're in good company, I suppose. Chrom and his gang are busy just the same.

Avatar: Indeed. When this war is over, I think We're all going to take time to unwind.

Basilio: You might be an old man by then! Nay, boy, you need to have fun while you're still YOUNG! It isn't about amusing yourself. It's about making friends! Forging ties!

Avatar: Yes, I...I suppose you have a point.

Basilio: If you don't take time to chat with friends, you forget how to be persuasive. Now you tell me–what use is a tactician who can't convince soldiers to obey him?

Avatar: ...You certainly make a strong case. Very well. I will try to be more...sociable.

Basilio: You're missing my point, you thick-skulled ninny! It's not about TRYING anything! You just need to make time for your friends and have some fun! that's all.

Avatar: Er, do you have any suggestions? Specifics would be useful...

Basilio: One or two, one or two. Here, lean in close... *whisper, whisper*

Avatar: WHAT?! You must be joking, sir! I... I couldn't do THAT! NEVER!

Basilio: Sure you could! you just need to lay the groundwork properly.

Avatar: How so?

Basilio: Come on, you're the master tactician! What do you do before a fight? Marshal your men, prepare your weapons, match strengths to weaknesses, and strike!

Avatar: I don't quite see the connection...

Basilio: BWA HA HA! By the gods, youth is wasted on the young! Just think about it, fool!

Avatar: But, I still don't understand how I'm supposed to have fun if... He is a baffling man. A bold warrior, but a baffling man... *Sigh* In any case, where's my map for the next battle? Ah... So, if we deploy here...

Avatar (F)

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Morgan (M)

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