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Catherine/Supports (Warriors: Three Hopes)

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C Support

Catherine: What a pain.
Shez: Everything all right, Catherine? Thought I saw Count Charon a second ago.
Catherine: Yes. I just had to talk to my father about something. He wanted to request some of the church's soldiers as reinforcements, but I don't have the authority to make that decision. For the life of me, I can't understand why he'd come to me for something that only Lady Rhea or Dimitri could help him with.
Shez: Whoa, wait, wait... Count Charon is...your dad?!
Catherine: Yes. Huh, I could've sworn you knew. Well, I guess you do now. I am, in fact, the daughter of Count Charon of Faerghus.
Shez: I had no idea. Though, now that you mention it, you do bear their Crest.
Catherine: Things are complicated with my family, to say the least. But basically, I'm keeping my distance from House Charon for the time being. Right now, I am Catherine, Knight of Seiros. No connection to any house or the Kingdom.
Shez: I see. So you intend to keep serving the church going forward? But what do you think you would do if the church and Kingdom broke their alliance?
Catherine: Ha! A foolish question. Obviously, I would side with Lady Rhea. It's not a matter of Kingdom or church. My allegiance—and my sword—lies with Lady Rhea, and her alone. Though of course, I would prefer not to fight my friends and family from back home. So it would be ideal for me if the Kingdom and church could play nice forever.
Shez: The archbishop's personal sword, huh? You've got one heavy blade.
Catherine: What about you? What are you fighting for here? Or is it one of those "I just tripped and fell into it" kind of stories?

I fight for my friends. I need the money.

Shez: I'm doing this for my friends and comrades. I want to make things better for everyone in the Kingdom.
Catherine: Huh, that wasn't what I was expecting. You're pretty loyal for someone who came up as a mercenary.

Shez: Aside from that, you might be right. Maybe my coming to Faerghus was pure chance. A civil war broke out in the capital right after I joined the Officers Academy. By the time things died down... Rhea decided to close the school. That's when Dimitri put me in my current role.
Catherine: Sounds like you've had a rough go of things too. But you're commanding Kingdom troops now, right? That's a pretty good step up. I say that as long as you're living life in a way that would make your past self proud, that's enough.
Shez: Make my past self proud, huh?
Catherine: Easier said than done, I know. But it can't hurt to try, right? Just keep challenging yourself. You'll get there eventually.

A Support

Catherine: Oh, hey. On your way back from training? It's admirable of you to keep at it so late.
Shez: Yeah, well, I like to get in a little bit of practice whenever I can. Can't afford to fall behind with everyone else getting so strong on the battlefield.
Catherine: It's a little late for me today, but I could join you tomorrow. If that's OK, of course.
Shez: Really? That'd be great.
Catherine: A desire to get stronger's not a bad thing in my book. While we're on the subject, can I ask you something? Why do you want to get stronger? No, wait... Let me start with a different question. What made you originally decide to become a mercenary?

Give her an answer. Evade the question.

Shez: It's not really much of a story. This is kinda just where I ended up.

Shez: After my mom died, I left the village we'd been living in, but I had no idea what I was gonna do. I eventually ran out of money and fell in with a mercenary group. Then I worked my way up from doing their laundry to fighting.
Catherine: You don't say. Well, I guess your story's a pretty common one, actually. How'd mercenary life treat you?
Shez: Awful at first. But once I met some folks that I got along with it wasn't so bad. Anyway, the plan was to keep fighting alongside my friends, make a name for myself as a merc, and eventually run out of luck and die. But somehow, I've suddenly found myself in charge of the king's private army, leading soldiers into battle. Not really what I expected, I'll tell you that much.
Catherine: That's how life is. You never know what tomorrow will bring. When I was a kid, I never imagined I'd be wielding some holy relic as a Knight of Seiros. I thought my destiny was to follow in my father's footsteps and become the next Count Charon.

If Love and Hate in Wartime was completed If Love and Hate in Wartime was not completed

Shez: But then the incident with Lord Lonato happened...

Catherine: But despite all that pain and sadness, I have no regrets about the choices I've made in my life.
Shez: Not many can say that. So you've succeeded in making your past self proud, huh?
Catherine: That's right. My past has made me who I am today. I'm going to keep moving forward, no matter what hardships lie ahead.
Shez: You're a strong person, Catherine. I think I could learn a lot from you. Hearing your story and what you said about making yourself proud gives me so much to think about. No matter how hard we try, there'll always be times when we have to make tough choices, right? My past self fought hard to get me here. Am I gonna make the choice that past me would've approved of?
Catherine: The tough part isn't making the right choice, though. It's what you do after. You must try your best to make whatever decision you land on into the right one in the end.
Shez: You make it sound so easy, but the more I think about it, the harder it seems.
Catherine: Then don't think about it. Just keep trying your best, day after day. Put one foot in front of the other, and eventually, you'll look back and realize how far you've come.
Shez: That's all I've gotta do, huh?
Catherine: That's all. You could even start right now. If anything I said struck a chord, that is. I, for one, look forward to seeing you carve your own path, wherever it may lead.


Small portrait catherine fewa2.png
Support information: Small portrait dedue fewa2.png
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C Support

Dedue: ...
Catherine: Oh, Dedue. Must be my lucky day if I'm running into you here! Hey, what's with the scowl? Do we have a problem?
Dedue: All the residents in this town are people of Duscur. It may be within the Kingdom, but it holds neither monastery nor church. What is your reason for coming here?
Catherine: Wait, Dimitri and Lady Rhea didn't tell you?
Dedue: They did not.
Catherine: Ugh. I know everyone's been busy, but that's unacceptable. Well, there was a major fire here, right? Lady Rhea asked us to come help rebuild. We brought rations, too. Never hurts to have a little more food in your stores. So, relax. Please. I swear on the goddess herself that we don't intend to harm any of you.
Dedue: I did ask His Majesty to spare some aid in rebuilding the town. But I did not expect the task to fall to you.
Catherine: What kind of church are we if we don't help those in need? Besides, we owe Faerghus quite the debt. You guys took us in, even going as far as to start a war with the Empire in the process. This is the least we can do to return the favor.
Dedue: Surely the Knights of Seiros have long since repaid their debts on the battlefield.
Catherine: Maybe the knights have, but the monks and scholars won't let us hear the end of it if we don't let them pitch in, too. So when Lady Rhea heard about the fire, she apparently jumped at the chance to help.
Dedue: Is that so?
Catherine: I know the people of Duscur will have their concerns, since they're not followers of Seiros. But it'll all be fine. And we can't just sit around twiddling our thumbs while people out there desperately need help, can we? At least, that's how all of us who follow the teachings of Lady Rhea view it.
Dedue: Hm.
Catherine: You're free to supervise if you still don't trust us.
Dedue: No. You seem to be speaking the truth. His Majesty has expressed similar sentiments in the past. I believe your desire to help is sincere.
Catherine: Thanks, Dedue. I was starting to think you were about to tell us to pack up and go home. Well! Now that we're all square on that front, point us toward what needs the most help. We'll do manual labor, planning, you name it.
Dedue: In that case, I'd ask that you clear away the burnt wood and help distribute food to the townsfolk. I will explain to everyone what you're doing here.
Catherine: Yes, that's probably for the best. I'm sure they'll be much more willing to listen to you. Anyway, we'd better get to work!

B Support

Catherine: Hey, Dedue, I've been thinking. Faerghus has really changed lately.
Dedue: How do you mean?
Catherine: I don't know, that's just the feeling I get when I see what goes on in this town. Don't you agree? It's like everyone here trusts you unconditionally, even though you serve the king of Faerghus, someone they should hate with all their hearts. It must have taken a lot of hard work to rebuild that trust. I'm honestly impressed.
Dedue: The achievement is not my own. His Majesty has been striving towards this for some time now.
Catherine: Huh. When you put it that way, makes me think he must've been planning it all along. I mean, people used to say he wasn't right in the head when he first chose you as his retainer. But he clearly had reason for doing so.
Dedue: Yes, I can still hear the echoes of their gossip in my ears. The castle was full of it. It led me to ask His Majesty why he saved my life. He replied that neither faith nor birth are of import when a person's life is in danger.
Catherine: Ha! Lady Rhea has told me the same thing. She saved me once a long time ago, just like Dimitri did for you. Twice, actually. Even though I don't have a religious bone in my body. It's got to be in their blood to never abandon someone in need.
Dedue: Perhaps His Majesty and the archbishop aren't as dissimilar as I thought.
Catherine: True. Neither of them seem to let their lofty positions go to their head. They have that in common too.
Dedue: I'm not sure I follow.
Catherine: Well, despite her role as archbishop, it's not too uncommon to find Lady Rhea at an orphanage, playing with the children. And Dimitri's the same way, right? I heard he was off teaching some village kids how to fight just the other day.
Dedue: Heh. Yes, that is true. Though I'd prefer he spend his free time at rest instead.
Catherine: Hey, helping people is calming in its own way, right? So if making sure he's well-rested is part of your job, I say you let him do that however he sees fit.
Dedue: Hm, that's one way of viewing things. I'll think on it.
Catherine: I suppose we probably understand each other better than most, serving such similar leaders.
Dedue: You're suggesting that you and I have much in common as well?
Catherine: Maybe. Either way, it's been a real joy talking to you. We've probably been through a lot of the same ups and downs in life, if I had to guess. In time, I bet we could even become friends. So long as our bosses stay in each other's good graces.
Dedue: Agreed. Though if they were to part ways...
Catherine: Whoa, no need to go there. I think we both know what would happen if they ever chose to cross swords. We'd kill each other without hesitation. I'm sure we have that in common, too.


Small portrait catherine fewa2.png
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C Support

Jeritza: ...
Catherine: Looks like someone beat me here. Hey, Jeritza.
Jeritza: ...
Catherine: You do know we're allies now, right? You could at least say hello.
Jeritza: I suppose.
Catherine: Talkative as ever, I see. I take it you're here to train?
Jeritza: Yes.
Catherine: You don't say. Well, this is as good an opportunity as any. What say you and I have ourselves a little duel? I've been itching to cross swords with you since we were at Garreg Mach. We never had a chance to cut loose and really fight, did we? They say the way someone wields their blade can tell you who they really are. So come on, show me.
Jeritza: Very well. Draw your sword.
Catherine: Hyah!
Jeritza: Hmph!
Catherine: Ha! You're not half bad!
Jeritza: ...
Catherine: What, done already? Things were just getting interesting.
Jeritza: This will not end until one of us dies. I have no reason to fight you. I care not when my life ends. But you... You do not wish to kill an ally.
Catherine: That's right.

If Mercedes is alive If Mercedes has died

Catherine: If I cut you down now, I'd never be able to face your sister.

Catherine: We'll have to save the real fight for another time. Let's call this one a draw. Heh.
Jeritza: Hm?
Catherine: Sorry. I'm just glad you were even tougher than I expected. Now I know why you were the weapons instructor. You'll have to teach me something new next time, "Professor."
Jeritza: I care not for jokes.
Catherine: Bad habit, what can I say. It's not every day I get to go up against someone as good as you. I look forward to our next bout— just, not to the death. Anyway, I'm going to call it a day. Thanks, Jeritza.
Jeritza: ...

B Support

Catherine: Phew. Your form's great today. Thanks for sparring with me, Jeritza.
Jeritza: ...
Catherine: Though, I have to say... We've faced off a few times now, but I still can't figure you out. Your skill is undeniable, but there's no emotion behind it. Your swordsmanship says nothing about you. If it's because you can't take it seriously, then you're welcome to come at me with everything you've got.
Jeritza: ...
Catherine: Why are you staring at me like that? Don't tell me I offended you.
Jeritza: Very well. Entertain me with your blade.
Catherine: Heh... OK then. Let's do this. I knew there was another side of you!
Jeritza: More... I need more! Satisfy my thirst for blood!
Catherine: Give me a break. Stop, stop. I've had enough.
Jeritza: What?
Catherine: Unlike Jeritza, the way you fight reveals a lot about you. I'm sure you're content just fighting worthy opponents to the death... But I have people I need to protect. People I'm fighting for. Life's too precious to waste on a fleeting moment of fun, Death Knight.
Jeritza: ...
Catherine: That's why I can't be the one to kill you, like you so desperately desire. But hey, Fódlan's a big place. There's got to be someone out there who will give you what you want. They might even be closer than you think. You just have to look, right? Why don't you make finding that person your reason to keep fighting?
Jeritza: ...
Catherine: All that said, I'm still a warrior. Nothing gets my blood pumping like facing a tough opponent. So while I can't help you put an end to your life, I'd be more than happy to help you live it. Until our next duel, "Professor." See you around.
Jeritza: Hmph. I thought she of all people would slay the darkness that dwells within me. What a merciless woman...


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Support information: Small portrait shamir fewa2.png
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A Support

Catherine: Never thought we'd get the chance to fight side-by-side again.
Shamir: Heh.
Catherine: It was a total surprise, to be honest. But I'm actually pretty happy with how things shook out.
Shamir: I know.
Catherine: Haha! You're still as cold as ice, you know that? Would it kill you to say you're happy to see me or something?
Shamir: Sorry to disappoint.
Catherine: Nah, I actually kind of missed it. Besides, that's just how you are. So, what've you been up to since you left the knights?
Shamir: I spent some time in Leicester as a mercenary. Not many people know me there. But you already knew that. You sent for me, didn't you?
Catherine: You mean back at the battle at Arianrhod, right? Actually, the knights were just throwing my name around to recruit all the mercenaries they could. I had no idea you'd be one of them.
Shamir: Huh. So it really was just a coincidence. What about you? Still serving as Rhea's sword?
Catherine: Lady Rhea. I'll let that slide since you're not a Knight of Seiros anymore. But to answer your question, yes. No matter who I'm swinging it at, my sword will always belong to her.
Shamir: Hm.
Catherine: Honestly, I was surprised to hear you'd slipped away after repaying your debt to Lady Rhea. You didn't even say goodbye. I was furious.
Shamir: I guess sneaking out was the right call, then.
Catherine: I was running around, shouting that I'd drag you back to Garreg Mach and kill you myself. But then Lady Rhea took me to task. She said it wasn't fair for me to impose the church's values on someone who wasn't from Fódlan.
Shamir: Sounds like I owe her another one.
Catherine: For what? I wasn't really going to kill you.
Shamir: I'll take your word for it. You know, I've fought alongside a lot of people since I left. But you're still the only one I trust to have my back.
Catherine: Hmm... So what you're really saying is that you missed me and wish you never left?
Shamir: You basically said the same yourself, didn't you? But yes. I did miss you. I didn't think I'd ever see you again. For once, I'm glad I was wrong.
Catherine: Heh... Would you look at that! You have changed! And I feel the same. Really. I couldn't ask for a better partner than you. But if you disappear on me again, so help me, I really will hunt you down!
Shamir: Heh. Then the next time I go somewhere, I'll just have to drag you with me.